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#102 : Tout feu, tout flamme

Lorsque le corps d'un charmant jeune homme demande de l'aide à Tru, elle apprend rapidement qu'il est un pompier déterminé qui est mort en sauvant deux enfants pris au piège d'un immeuble en feu.

Tru décide de le sauver coûte que coûte, mais la tâche ne sera pas simple: une relation plus qu'amicale naîtra entre elle et le jeune homme...


4.6 - 5 votes

Titre VO
Putting Out Fire

Titre VF
Tout feu, tout flamme

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Première diffusion en France

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Photo de l'épisode #1.02

Photo de l'épisode #1.02

Photo de l'épisode #1.02

Photo de l'épisode #1.02

Photo de l'épisode #1.02

Photo de l'épisode #1.02

Photo de l'épisode #1.02

Photo de l'épisode #1.02

Photo de l'épisode #1.02

Photo de l'épisode #1.02

Plus de détails

Réalisé par Thomas J. Wright
Ecrit par Chris Brancato et Albert J. Salke


Mark Evans......Kristoffer Polaha
Gardez..............Benjamin Benitez
Diane........................Jillian Fargey
Nick Kelly.............Michael Trucco
Neil Ford.....................Reg Tupper
Kevin..................Reece Thompson
Samantha..................Halie Zastre
Gina.....................Missy Peregrym



C'est le début de la soirée et Tru est en train de faire visiter la morgue à Lindsay.
Cette dernière se montre un peu dégoutée et demande à nouveau à Tru ce qui la pousse à travailler dans cet endroit.Tru répond qu'elle pense pouvoir y faire de bonnes actions ce qui ne manque pas d'étonner son amie. Davis entre dans la pièce et Tru fait les présentations. 

La scène suivante change complètement de lieu. On se retrouve devant un appartement en feu et les pompiers qui s'affairent autour. Une femme arrive et hurle que son fils est dans l'immeuble. Effectivement, il est entouré par les flammes dans une pièce. Un homme arrive, l'attrape et court dans le couloir vers les escaliers. Tout en courant, il rassure le jeune garçon. Soudain, le plancher cède, ils tombent et l'homme se coince la jambe.  Il demande au garçon de vite sortir et lui affirme que tout va bien. Alors que la fumée envahit le couloir, l'homme pousse un cri de désespoir...

9 heures plus tôt.
Tru se réveille et trouve Mark en train de s'habiller. Il a rendez-vous pour prendre le petit-déjeuner avec le doyen et il ne voulait pas la réveiller. Il lui demande si sa tenue est bien, l'embrasse et quitte l'appartement.

Plus tard dans la journée, on retrouve Tru et Harrison attendant qu'une table se libère dans un restaurant. Harrison se pose encore des questions sur l'état de Tru et le fait qu'elle lui ai dit que les morts lui parlaient. Face à toutes ces questions, Tru décide de lui raconter toute la vérité. Quelques instants plus tard, Harrison ne croit pas tout ce que sa soeur vient de lui raconter et se montre sarcastique. Il attrape alors la sucrière dont le couvercle est mal fermé et tout le sucre se renverse dans sa tasse. Tru lui affirme qu'elle lui dit la vérité et Harrison lui demande qui va gagner au match des Tigers. Ils quittent ensuite le restaurant. Dehors, une borne à incendie a explosé et toute la rue est bloquée par la foule et les pompiers. Harrison part. 

Tru marche seule quelques instants et elle aperçoit soudain Mark et une belle jeune fille s'embrassant. Elle semble choquée.  Quelques moments plus tard, Tru est dans un magasin de vêtements avec Lindsay. Elle vient de lui raconter ce qu'il s'est passé avec Mark. Lindsay est un peu vexée que Tru lui ait caché qu'elle sortait avec un professeur. Elle explique à Tru qu'elle aurait dû l'humilier en public et que c'est ce qu'elle aurait fait. Tru hésite à prendre un vêtement mais une femme s'en empare sous ses yeux. 

On retrouve ensuite Tru chez sa soeur Meredith en train de défaire des cartons dans ce qui doit être le nouvel appartement de Meredith. Cette dernière est inquiète à propos de son travail à la morgue. Elle apprend à Tru que c'est dans cette même morgue que leur mère a été amenée après avoir été tuée. 

Le soir, Tru est à la morgue et elle consulte des fichiers sur un ordinateur. Elle tape le nom de sa mère "Davies, Elise L" puis l'année "1993". Alors qu'une liste de noms apparaît, Davis entre dans la pièce et Tru ferme toutes les fenêtres. Davis, qui a remarqué l'année 1993, lui apprend que c'était une très mauvaise année (car le taux de mortalité a subitement augmenté cette année-là). 

Gardez arrive avec 2 brancards et fait "les présentations". Il s'agit d'une petite fille, Samantha, qui est morte par inhalation de fumée dans un immeuble en feu. Elle était cachée derrière son lit. Il précise que c'est une explosion de gaz qui a déclenché l'incendie. Le 2ème brancard contient le corps d'un homme, Nick Kelly, qui a sauvé un jeune garçon dans l'immeuble. On reconnaît alors l'homme qui était coincé dans le couloir en feu. 

Davis commence l'étude des corps et note que l'homme a la cheville cassée ainsi qu'une décoloration des joues qui a pu être provoquée par l'inhalation d'un composant chimique comme le dimethyl de benzène. Quant à la fillette, elle a des fibres de coton rouges collées sur les doigts. Tru est un peu choquée. C'est la première fois qu'elle voit un enfant décédé. Elle se confie à Gardez alors qu'il place les corps dans la crypte et lui dit qu'elle ne sait pas si elle arrivera à supporter cela.

Plus tard dans la nuit, Tru est en train de lire un livre tibétain sur la mort. Davis et Gardez entrent et discutent des rdv amoureux désastreux de Davis. Alors qu'ils demandent l'avis de Tru, celle-ci entend soudain un souffle qui dit "aide-moi".  Elle pénètre lentement dans la crypte, ouvre le compartiment de Nick Kelly et sort le corps. Soudain celui-ci ouvre les yeux et se tourne vers elle en criant "Aide-moi". 

Retour dans le temps.

Tru se réveille en sursaut et aperçoit Mark en train de s'habiller. Elle réalise qu'elle est en train de recommencer la journée. Alors que Mark lui parle, elle a des flashbacks de lui embrassant la jeune fille. Elle continue de l'écouter en sachant qu'il lui ment. Une fois levée, elle se rend à la morgue pour obtenir des informations sur Nick Kelly. 

Elle y retrouve Davis qui commence sérieusement à se poser des questions sur elle et le fait qu'elle vienne à la morgue même quand elle n'est pas censée travailler. Tru interroge la base de données municipale et apprend que Nick est pompier. Elle se rend donc à sa caserne en taxi et demande à parler à Nick Kelly. Alors qu'elle l'aperçoit, des images de son corps à la morgue lui reviennent en mémoire. Elle se fait passer pour une étudiante en architecture et lui demande d'aller vérifier les conduites de gaz au 84 Hastings St., adresse de l'immeuble qui a pris feu. Il accepte de s'y rendre immédiatement avec elle mais s'interroge sur la raison qui a poussé Tru à demander à voir lui en particulier. Cette dernière aperçoit un calendrier où Nick apparaît sur la page de septembre et lui dit qu'elle a le calendrier .Nick sourit ... 

Quelques instants plus tard, on retrouve Nick et Tru dans le couloir de l'immeuble en train de discuter avec le propriétaire. Ils se rendent au sous-sol pour vérifier les conduites. Dans ce lieu plutôt étroit, une certaine complicité apparaît entre Tru et le pompier. Il sort un appareil et vérifie les tuyaux. Il découvre alors une fuite de gaz, la montre à Tru puis la répare en plaçant de l'adhésif. 

Tru est soulagée et pense qu'il n'y aura pas d'incendie dans l'immeuble. Nick l'invite à boire un café. Tru commence à refuser puis se rappelant de la trahison de Mark, elle finit par accepter et lui dit qu'elle le rejoindra à la caserne. Elle se rend ensuite au restaurant où Mark est censé prendre son petit-déjeuner. 

Alors que la jeune femme qui accompagne ce dernier se rend aux toilettes, Tru prend sa place et fait face à un Mark déboussolé. La jeune fille revient et Mark essaie maladroitement de faire les présentations. Tru se lève et lui dit au-revoir. 

Un instant plus tard, Tru raconte ce qu'elle vient de faire à une Lindsay ébahie. Cette fois-ci, le discours de Lindsay change complètement et elle affirme qu'elle n'aurait jamais eu le cran de faire cela. Alors que la même femme que la veille cherche à attraper le vêtement devant Tru, celle-ci arrive à le conserver. Elle confie ensuite à Lindsay qu'elle a peut être déjà rencontré quelqu'un. 

Tru déjeune ensuite avec Harrison. Cette fois-ci elle décide de ne rien lui avouer. Lorsque son frère attrape la sucrière, elle retient le couvercle à la dernière minute ce qui ne manque pas de provoquer l'étonnement d'Harrison. Elle lui explique qu'elle ne peut rien lui dire mais qu'elle a pu empêcher le renversement de la sucrière de la même façon qu'elle sait que les Tigers vont gagner.

Plus tard, Tru se promène avec Nick au bord de l'eau. Celui-ci a compris qu'elle n'était pas une étudiante et la questionne. Alors que Tru est contente d'avoir empêché un incendie, Nick lui affirme que la fuite de gaz n'était pas assez importante pour provoquer une explosion. Tru s'interroge.

Retour à la morgue. Tru est venue questionner Davis sur les produits qui auraient pu déclencher un incendie et sur la méthode utilisée et elle en conclut que l'incendie était intentionnel. 

Elle rejoint ensuite Nick qui l'attend en feuilletant un magazine et lui dit qu'elle suspecte le propriétaire, Neil Ford d'avoir déclencher l'incendie. 
Nick ne manque pas de s'étonner du fait qu'elle parle au passé d'un feu qui n'a pas encore eu lieu. Tru consulte les fichiers et découvre que Neil Ford a déjà été inculpé pour fraude aux assurances. Elle demande ensuite à Nick de rentrer chez lui et d'attendre son retour. Il accepte et elle lui promet de tout lui raconter dans la soirée.

Elle se rend ensuite sur le lieu de l'incendie et alors qu'elle cherche des preuves au sous-sol, le propriétaire la surprend.  Tru lui dit que la police surveille les lieux et lui pose des questions sur son implication dans cette histoire. Neil s'offusque et Tru quitte l'immeuble. Alors qu'elle surveille de loin l'immeuble, son téléphone sonne. C'est Harrison qui lui dit que les Tigers ont gagné comme elle l'avait prévu. Alors qu'il planifie leurs futurs paris ensemble, Tru doit raccrocher car Neil ford vient de quitter l'immeuble.

Elle entre par effraction dans le bureau du propriétaire en brisant une vitre. Après quelques recherches, elle entre dans le local attenant au bureau et y trouve un bidon contenant du dyméthyl de benzène. Soudain quelqu'un s'approche du bureau. Tru se cache dans le local. La porte s'ouvre... C'est Kevin, le garçon que Nick a sauvé. Tru l'invite à prendre un soda à l'extérieur. Alors qu'ils se promènent, Kevin lui explique qu'il déteste cet immeuble et que son père est parti vivre ailleurs.  Tru lui demande de s'assurer que lui, sa soeur et sa mère ne soient pas dans l'immeuble à 17h. Son téléphone sonne. C'est Nick. 

On retrouve Nick et Tru dans le parc. Nick n'a pas pu s'empêcher de quitter son appartement et il se pose de plus de en plus de questions sur Tru. Cette dernière continue à penser que le propriétaire va mettre le feu. Alors que Nick essaye de comprendre, il lui prend la main et cherche à l'embrasser.  Tru se détourne au dernier moment et lui dit qu'elle ne doit pas tomber amoureuse de lui, pas maintenant. Nick cherche des réponses et Tru aperçoit une jeune femme qui secoue une serviette blanche et rouge. Les motifs lui rappellent la chemise de Kevin, le jeune garçon, et des flashbacks de tous les instants où elle a croisé Kevin lui reviennent en mémoire. Elle sait maintenant que c'est lui qui va provoquer l'explosion afin d'attirer l'attention. 

Il reste quelques minutes avant 17h. Elle demande à Nick de rentrer chez lui et court pour rejoindre l'immeuble. Alors que Tru pénètre dans l'immeuble, Kevin est en train de craquer une alumette et de mettre feu à sa chemise qui est reliée au produit inflammable. Tru fait évacuer l'immeuble et déclenche l'alarme incendie. 

Soudain, Nick la rejoint. Il l'a suivi car il était inquiet à son sujet. Une explosion retentit. Malgré les protestations de Tru, Nick décide d'aller sauver Kevin. Il l'attrape et court dans le couloir. Alors qu'il s'apprête à poser le pied sur les lames fragiles du plancher, Tru l'arrête et lui indique le danger. 

Une fois dehors Kevin rejoint sa mère et Tru et Nick s'embrassent fougueusement, heureux d'avoir survécus. Soudain, la mère pousse un cri. Sa petite fille est toujours à l'intérieur. Nick décide d'y retourner. Il ne prend pas le temps de prendre du matériel de protection et pénètre à nouveau dans le brasier sous les cris de Tru en pleurs. Un peu plus tard, Tru se dirige vers la crypte en courant. Mark apparaît soudainement et cherche à s'excuser. Tru, en larmes, lui répond qu'il a eu sa chance et qu'il ne peut pas en avoir une autre.

Dans la crypte, Tru observe le corps inanimé de Nick. Elle comprend qu'il l'a appelé à l'aide pour Samantha et non pour lui. Elle aurait aimé les sauver tous les deux. En larmes, Tru lui demande plusieurs fois de lui demander de l'aide à nouveau mais cette fois-ci elle n'obtient aucune réponse ... 

Résumé traduit provenant du site officiel de Tru Calling

Scene: At the morgue

(Tru is showing Lindsay around the morgue.)

Tru: So Lindsay, this is the sign in room. And uh, this is what we call the
Standards room.

Lindsay: Nice.. very Goth. So uh, what happens in here?

Tru: Well, this is where we measure and weight the.. um, dead bodies.

(Lindsay takes her hand off the material)

Lindsay: Okay, Tru.. Let's be honest here. You're cute, you're 22 years old, there are better career opportunities out there for you.

Tru: I told you. Working here will help me get into med school.

Lindsay: Then at least get off the grave yard shift. I mean, all the parties start after midnight and who am I gonna go with now?

Tru: You'll survive. Besides, I think I can do some good by working here.

Lindsay: How? Your friends are already dead.

(Davies walk into the room)

Tru: Well, not everyone.

Davies: Tru, I don't believe this. I just fish a tennis ball out of a lung intestine.

(Davies looks at Lindsay)

Davis: Oh hello.

Lindsay: Remind me to cancel my tennis club membership.

Tru: Uh, Lindsay, Davis, this is my boss. Davis, Lindsay, my best friend.

Davis: Hi, its nice to meet you.

(Davis puts his hand out to shake Lindsay's but she sees his hand full of blood )

Lindsay: I'm good.. really. Um.. I was a, just leaving so um, Tru, thank you for the-the tour. And we're still for shopping tomorrow?

Tru: Absolutely.

Lindsay: okay, great.

(Lindsay walks out.)

Tru: See you tomorrow.

Davis: Look Tru, I know that the morgue is not exactly party central, but I know things will pick up.

(Davis leaves..)

Tru: Actually, that's what I'm afraid of.

Scene: Fire are flaming from the building. The fire trucks just arrived. People are leaving the building and the firefighters are going into the building. A woman drops her bag and tells the firefighter:)

Woman: My kids in that building! Someone's gotta get em'! Please go!

(She cries)

(the fires are everywhere and we see a kid hiding. He's afraid. A man comes in and tells him "Come here, I got you." He picks him up and tries to run out but then there's an explosion in the back. He falls. They hurry get up and he's trying to talk to the kid then suddenly his foot gets stuck in the wood and he tells the kid to leave. )

Man: Go downstairs!

Kid: You're stuck!

Man: I'm fine! I'm fine! Go!

Kid: No, come on!

Man: Listen to me, I'll be down in the a minute okay? Don't worry about me. Okay, go on. Go! Go!

(Kid leaves.. the fire are building in the back.)

Man: Argg..

[Introduces Tru Calling Song]

Scene: Tru's Apartment.

(Tru wakes up from her bed. Her radio is playing. Mark is sitting by her bed)

Mark: Hey gorgeous. I didn't wanna wake ya.

Tru: Where are you going?

Mark: I have breakfast with Dean Hailson.

Tru: Oh, yeah?

Mark: Yeah, looks like a post opened up in the site department. And if I kiss up
to the old wind bag, you will be dating a fully ten year professor.

(He gets up)

Mark: Um, let me ask you. What do you think of this?

(He holds up the suit for Tru to see.)

Tru: Very suave.

(Mark starts to wear the suit)

Mark: How was work last night?

Tru: Pretty dead.

Mark: Funny. It's clever. Hm.. why don't you get back to sleep beautiful?

(He leans in to kiss her.)

Scene: Breakfast Shop

(Tru and Harrison enters the shop)

Harrison: You said 5 minutes for a table. It's been like 10 minutes already.

(Looks at Tru) Hey. You okay?

Tru: Yeah. What could be wrong?

Harrison: Oh well, Um..let's see, the last time we met you told me that dead
people were talking to you. So, I thought I might be remiss if I don't follow up.

Tru: I'm fine, Harrison. Everything's fine.

Waiter: Two? You're tables already.

(Tru and Harrison walk towards the table and keeps on talking.)

Harrison: Finally, See you're a lousy liar Tru. I want to know what's going on.

Tru: Trust me, you don't.

Harrison: All of a sudden, you can't come by me? You're brother?

Tru: You really want to know?

Scene: Still in the Shop

(Seems like Tru finishes telling Harrison the story.)

Harrison: So, let me get this straight. You know, to recap. The dead people, ask for your help, in the morgue.

Tru: Just once. It happened once. Hopefully, only once.

Harrison: And then you got, propel.

(Tru nods)

Harrison: That's what you use right? Propel. Propelled back to yesterday?

Tru: I relieve the day. Yes, (she nods)..

Harrison: So, you're able to save the lady's life because she wasn't dead yet. Tru, I uh, what can I say.. Um.. you're my sister, you know, I'll always love you.

(Harrison reaches to get the sugar)

Tru: I know it sounds a little crazy.

(Harrison spills the sugar all over, apparently, the cap was loose)

Tru: Smooth move.

Harrison: A little crazy? No, the one with the Bulls is a little crazy, skydiving, being an actress is a little crazy. This? This is certified insane.

Tru: Harrison? I'm not lying. And I don't think I'm nuts either.

Harrison: You really relive the day. So, you tell me this. Who's gonna win the Tiger's game tonight?

Scene: Street, Outside of Shop

Tru and Harrison are walking on the sidewalk.

Tru: What?

(There are a bunch of people crowding around. The police and firefighters are there.)

Harrison: Great, traffics gonna be cleared all around town. Catch you later.

(Harrison jogs away.. Tru starts to walk and then she sees Mark and Dean together. They kiss.)

Tru: You dog.

Scene: Store

(Tru and Lindsay are shopping at the store)

Lindsay: So you were dating a professor, and telling me just slip your mind?

Tru: I knew you wouldn't approve.

Lindsay: Hah, I'm stunned.

Tru: Me too. I thought things were good with him.

Lindsay: No, I'm talking about us. We're friends. Best friends. Okay now I get why you're acting so strangely.

(Tru sees a pink blouse. She picks it up and puts it back.)

Lindsay: Okay, you can't keep secrets from your friends, especially me.

Tru: I just feel so stupid. I mean, you know me. I don't even fall for guys often.

Lindsay: When you do fall, you fall hard.

(A woman comes by and takes the pink blouse right in front of Tru.)

Tru: Well, excuse me.

Lindsay: (calls over) Very nice. Yeah. Heh. So anyway, what did you do when you
caught him with the bim.

Tru: Nothing.

Lindsay: Nothing.

Tru: I froze.

Lindsay: Okay. Um.. You caught your boyfriend in the act and you froze. God, you know what I would done to him? I would humiliated him. I would've made him make sure he wish he never ever met me. Hey Tru, you just miss the perfect opportunity to put that jerk in his place.

Tru: Hm, I gotta go.

Lindsay: Where?

Tru: More abuse.

(Tru and Lindsay side kiss)

Scene: Apartment.

Tru and Meredith are packing things in an apartment.

Meredith: I'm worried about you.

Tru: Me?

Meredith: Yeah, what's with this morgue thing?

Tru: It's my job. It's a good thing to have on my resume for med school.

Meredith: Well, its a little odd don't you think?

(Tru shrugs her shoulders)

Meredith: To work in the same morgue where they brought mom after she was killed?

(Tru froze)

Tru: What? What are you talking about?

Meredith: My god, you really don't remember do you? (silence) So, working there's kinda goo-ish don't you think? Tru whatever you're trying to accomplish,
Mom's gone. Nothing can bring her back.

Scene: Morgue.

(Tru types in "Davies, Elise L" and "1993" on the computer. She gets flashbacks
from the funeral scene)

Davis: What's so interesting?

Tru: Nothing.

Davis: Isn't that the date files from 1993?

Tru: It's nothing Davis.

(Tru closes all the window and stars to get up.)

Davis: 1993 is a very bad year.

Tru: Why's that?

Davis: Well, dead rate in the city was low, maybe lowest in the country and after
93', it just went up like a high rocket.

Man: Incoming!

(A man pushes the bodies forward.. Tru and Davies goes out of the office and
takes a look. The man opens the bag)

Man: This is Samantha Blanc.

Tru: Oh my god.

Man: Died of smoke insulation. Fire started on the 4 or around 5 o'clock. The
firemen thought they cleared out the building, she was hiding under the bed.

Davis: What started the fire?

Man: Gas explosion.

(Man and Davies walk over to the next body. Man uncover the body.)

Man: This one here is Nick Kelly, civilian. Saved a 12 year old boy, smoke got into him.

(Davis observe the Nick's body.)

Davis: The victim has a broken ankle.

Man: Probably trying to get out the building of death traps.

Davis: Discoloration of the cheeks.

Tru: From what?

Davis: Might indicate an insulation of a chemical compound. I'm guessing,
Dimethyl Benzene.

Man: Guy's genius or what? Hey Genius, you owe me 20 bucks, Patterson should of mount tonight. Tigers shown a 2 hitters.

Tru: What's Dimethyl Benzene?

Davis: Um.. industrial use mainly.

(Davis observe Samantha)

Davis: Poor kid must have been insufflated from the smoke. Cotton fibers plastered on the epidemic layer. It's red and something else, hard to tell.

Tru: So young.

Man: Damn tragedy, that's what it is.

Scene: Morgue

(Tru watches the Man store the bodies away.)

Man: Hey

Tru: I don't know if I could take this.

Man: Well, believe it or not, it actually gets easier. Besides, I like to think they go to a better place.

Tru: You believe that?

Man: Well, if you're going to work here, you gotta believe it. Course the dead gets off easy, its the one left beside that got to deal with all the pain.

Scene: Morgue

(Tru's reading a book and the Man comes in the office)

Man: Renee said she ain't gonna hook you up. No more of her friends.

Davis: Why not?

Man: Cuz you're scaring them off man. Look, you're a nice guy but you come on too strong.

Davis: It's only been like 8 emails.

(background voice: Helllp mee..)

Man: You just gotta play cool.

Tru: Um, did you guys hear that?

Man: Hear what?

Tru: Nothing, never mind.

Man: Tru, let me ask you. You have a guy, you want him to lay back a little right? And make your earning.

(background voice: Helllp mee..)

Tru freezes.

Tru: I'll be right back.

(Tru leaves)

Man: She's hot. Weird, but hot.

(Tru walks into the crypt room.. There's whispers.. She opens one of the crypt and there lays the body of Nick. Suddenly, he turns and says "Help me")

Scene: Tru's Apartment.

(Tru wakes up suddenly. )

Mark: Hey gorgeous.

Tru: Where you going?

Mark: I got breakfast with Dean Hailson.

Mark: Tru? Tru?

Tru: Sorry, um.. What?

Mark: I asked what you thought of this. How does this look?

(He holds up the suit)

Tru: Yeah, it looks fine.

Mark: heh,

(Tru gets a flashback of the kiss she saw with Mark and the Dean)

Tru: So, breakfast with the Dean huh? This is a surprise.

Mark: Yeah, there's a post that's suppose to open up at the site department and if I kiss up to the old win bag, then you will be dating a fully ten year professor.

Tru: That's a good one.

Mark: What?

Tru: Opportunity. It's a good opportunity.

Mark: Yeah. So huh, you're sure?

Tru: Yeah, very suave. So suave, I think you should stick around for awhile.

Mark: Huh, I can't. I gotta go meet the Dean, but I will see you tonight.

Scene: Morgue.

(Tru rushes to open the crypt but Nick isn't in there.)

Davis: Um.. you realize you were hired for the night shift, don't you?

Tru: Do you ever actually, go home?

Davis: I-I could ask you the same question.

Tru: Well, I just thought if I'm gonna do a good job, I better get to know the

Davis: Hm.. diligent.

Tru: Enough with the crypt.. let's check out the database yeah?

Scene: Office (Morgue)

(Tru is typing Nick Kelly to the Municipal database.)

Davis: Municipal database. What are you doing with that?

Tru: Just a little research.

Davis: Who's Nick Kelly?

Tru: Oh, what do you know? He's a fireman.

Scene: Firefighter Station

(Tru takes the taxi to the Firefighter station.)

Firefighter: Can I help you Miss?

Tru: Yes, I'm looking for Nick Kelly.

Firefighter: Hey Nick.

Nick: Yeah?

Firefighter: Somebody, to see.

(Nick walks out)

Nick: Hi I'm Nick.

Tru: Um..Hi. Can we talk?

Scene: Inside the Station

Nick: 84 Hastings?

Tru: Yeah, that's the one.

Nick: That's right down the block from here. What makes you think that building
is a fire hazard?

Tru: No reason in particular. I'm doing a fire assessment in pre-war buildings. Look, for my architecture class.

Nick: So weird assignment.

Tru: Weird professor.

Nick: Yeah, I'll be happy to go down there to take a look for you. Let's just say about 5 o'clock.

(Flash: Tru sees Man from the morgue.. he says "the fire started around 5 o'clock)

Tru: Five? Five's too late. I'm suppose to be in my professors office by 2 o'clock.

Nick: And this really can't wait?

Tru: Not if I want to pass.

Nick: Yeah, okay, what the hell. It's kinda slow around here anyways. Ah, let me ask you something, why me?

Tru: Sorry?

Nick: You could of ask anyone of these guys for help, but you ask for me.

(Tru looks over his shoulder and sees the calendar. He is the September Firefighter)

Tru: I have the calendar.

Nick: Oh.. gee. (laughs) Uh, that's for charity. It's the widows and orphan fund.

Tru: Okay. Mr. September.

Nick: (laughs)

Scene: At the front of the building

(Tru and Nick arrives at the front of the building)

Owner: I wasn't here for the last inspection. I spent the night at the ER. A wedding ring drop down at the garbage disposal.. I put my hand in, and I almost lost 2 fingers. I said to my wife, that doesn't scream commitment, what does?

Nick: I just want to check the furnace.

Owner: Yeah, no problem. It's in the basement.

(The neighbors pass by. Mom tells her kid)

Mom: Now, that shirt was a gift from your father.

Kid: Ah, I hate it, it makes me look like a geek. It's something a loser would wear.

Mom: You're wearing it and that's final. What's gotten in to you? Take your sister outside to play.

(A ball rows to Tru. She picks it up and recognize the girl. She's Samantha)

Tru: Hi.

(Tru hands her the ball)

Mom: What do you say say Samantha?

Samantha: Thank you.

Tru: You're welcome. She's a sweetheart.

Mom: She is, isn't she? She turns 7 next week.

Tru: Yeah, yeah I hope so.

(The Mom turns around)

Scene: Basement

Tru: Creepy.

Nick: Tru, come on.

Tru: What are we doing?

Nick: Well, first rule of fire assessment, you want to check all veins and all pip lines for gas leaks. No one takes some notes?

Tru: Hmm?

Nick: For your report..?

Tru: It's okay. Photographic memory.

(Tru sees Nick hold a long stick and he's pointing it around)

Tru: Hm, what's that?

Nick: It's what called a gas sniffer. Its a, use to detect a source of a leak.

Tru: Won't we smell it?

Nick: The concentration's high enough, we will.

Tru: Hold that a sec.

Nick: What?

Tru: What is that right here?

(Tru wipes a smudge from Nick's face)

Nick: Thank you. I should take you on all my inspections. Here, come on down.

(Nick helps Tru down the lower level of the basement.)

Nick: Careful. You never know what you might find down here.

Tru: Careful.

(The sniff detector turns red.)

Nick: Here we go. You see that? Right there.

(Nick points to the tube)

Tru: What? It's a leak.

Nick: Yeah. Tru, could you hold that for me?

Tru: Yeah.

(Nick hands her the flashlight and Tru holds it. Nick pours some liquid over the tube and wraps tape around it. )

Nick: Here you go.

Tru: *sigh*

Nick: It's a good thing you contacted us. We wouldn't have found this without you.

Tru: You're sure its patched?

Nick: Yeah, its fine.

Tru: Positive. I mean, there's no chance this thing is gonna explode or something.

Nick: It's fine.

Tru: Ah, good. No fire here today.

Nick: Well, not in this building anyway. Listen, I'm off duty in 10 minutes, you wanna get some coffee? I could give you the whole history of fire pre-war buildings?

Tru: Actually, I like to, but-

Nick: boyfriend?

(Flash: Tru sees Mark with the Dean)

Tru: You know? Let me get back to you on that one.

Scene: Restaurant

(The Dean and Mark is there)

Dean: You know, my roommate really wants to meet you. Maybe we can double this weekend.


Mark: Genna, I'm an associate professor, I don't double... Alright, alright, I love to meet your friends, just don't drive me to the pet rally alright?


(The Dean smiles)


Dean: I'll be right back. I just have to use the lady's room.


(Mark looks at the menu and then Tru appears in front of him. She's smiling.)


Mark: Tru


Tru: Hi!


Mark: Hi.. This is a .. what are you doing here?


Tru: Thought I surprise you. You haven't have much quality time with my job and

all. What, you're not glad to see me?


Mark: Yeah, of course I am. I'm-I'm surprise. Heh..Heh..


Tru: Where's the Dean?


Mark: Um.. canceled.


(The Dean appears)


Dean: Mark?


Tru: I'm sorry, I just want to say Hi to my favorite professor.


Mark: Yeah, this is a, this is Tru. She's is, a, one of my star pupils.


Tru: Are you in his class now?


(Dean nods)


Tru: You'll learn a lot from him. The things you might not expect, the things you might not want to learn, but he has a way of making things very clear.


Dean: You must really miss his class.

Tru: I thought I would, but it's gonna miss me much more. Anyway, I taken enough of the Professors time.

Mark: Tru

Tru: Goodbye Mark. He's all yours.

Mark: Tru. Wait, Tru!

(The Dean looks and him and Mark smiles. )

Scene: Shop

(Tru and Lindsay are shopping)

Lindsay: You did that?

Tru: It was amazing, to have the chance to say everything you want at the

Lindsay: God, I could never do something like that.

(Tru was surprised but smiles back)

Lindsay: *sigh* You're so strong, Tru. I really admire that about you. And I'm sorry about Evans, not surprised, but sorry.

(A woman comes by and tries to take the pink blouse but Tru takes it first)

Woman: Oh.

Lindsay: Ah, cute. From now on, no more secrets okay?

Tru: Okay, so there's something I have to tell you Lindsay. I think I met someone new.

Lindsay: Already?

(Lindsay walks by Tru and says)

Lindsay: You little slut

(They both giggle.)

Scene: Breakfast Restaurant.

(Tru and Harrison are sitting at the table)

Tru: Can I ask you something?

Harrison: Sure.

Tru: You know mom's body was sent to the morgue where I work?

Harrison: No, but I was 10 when she died. Come on Tru, you gotta forget about those stuff, you were a kid. You gotta cut yourself some slack.

(Harrison begins to pour the sugar into the cup but Tru hurry hold the cap.)

Harrison: How did you know that?

Tru: Know what?

Harrison: You know that top was loose before it even came off. Seriously, last week you know about my cards, and now, this. So are you gonna tell me what's going on?

Tru: I can't.

Harrison: Why not?

Tru: Cuz you won't understand.

Harrison: Me? Come on Tru. How do you know that?

Tru: I just do. For the same reason, I know its gonna rain at 3 o'clock, or that
Patterson gonna throw a 2 hitters for the Tigers.

Harrison: Talk about answering a question, for a question. You know honest, I don't get you sometimes Tru. (He stops) Is Patterson gonna throw a 2 hitter?

Scene: Park

(Tru and Nick are walking by the Park)

Nick: I love that shirt.

Tru: Love this? I just pull it out of the closet. Hm..

Nick: What?

Tru: Nothing.

Nick: Come on, what?

Tru: It's just nice to meet someone who's not a jerk.

Nick: Well, we're not all jerks.

Tru: No, you're not.

Nick: So maybe you don't mind me asking. How come you lied to me, about being a student?

Tru: Well, what makes you think I lied?

Nick: You're suppose to be in your professors office by 2 o'clock with a report and now its 2:15.

Tru: We did a good thing right, stopping that leak?

Nick: Yeah we did.

Tru: So, lets just leave it at that.

Nick: Okay. Strange, but okay.

Tru: You like being a firefighter?

Nick: Yeah, I like helping people.

Tru: You don't worry about how dangerous it is? You see it on the news all the
time, a firefighter goes into the building.

Nick: I don't really think about it. Sometimes a job just chooses you, you know I mean?

Tru: Yeah I do. I mean, you're good at it. If we couldn't find that leak, who knows what could've happened this afternoon.

Nick: This afternoon?

Tru: Yeah, you don't know who could've been killed.

Nick: Actually, I do. (He shakes his head) No one.

Tru: What do you mean?

Nick: I wasn't any where near the accumulation necessary to cause an explosion.

Tru: The leak wasn't dangerous?

Nick: At the time, yeah. 2 weeks, down the line, maybe, but that leak wasn't gonna cause a fire today, not a chance.

Scene: Morgue

(Davis is talking to Tru.)

Davis: The type of fire you're hypothetically speaking would be caused by dipping a cotton rage in some sort of accelerant.

Tru: Like Dimethyl Benzene?

Davis: Why are you so interested in discussing particular scenario?

Tru: I'm here to learn.

Davis: Dimethyl Benzene is found in cleaning cloth, soak a rag with the stuff mixed with fuel source and boom! The fibers you described would be tear into the skin with any approximately of the blast.

Tru: So its just Arson. hypothetically.

Davis: hypothetically, yes. It's quick to ignite and hard to trace. You get it in your
hands, watch out its a nasty burn.

(Flash.. Tru thinks of the owner of the building.)

Tru: Thanks for your help Davis.

Davis: You know, if you ever need help with other hypothetically research, um..
I'm always here. And uh, if I'm not here, you can call my cell phone, a maybe,
discuss it over drinks.

(Davis looks to the side)

Davis: You have company?

(Tru looks to the side also.. Nick is sitting in the room with a magazine.)

Tru: Someone who's meeting me. A friend. His name is Nick Kelly.

Davis: Mr. September. It's for a good cause.

(Tru smiles and Davis walk away. Tru enters the room and sees Nick.)

Nick: So you work here huh?

Tru: Sometimes a job chooses you. Anyway, I'm thinking Arson.

Nick: Arson?

Tru: You said the gas leak couldn't start a fire today, that means it happens another way.

Nick: What are you talking about? There's no fire at 84 Hastings Street.

Tru: No, not yet.

(Tru is searching the files on Arson.)

Nick: Tru, I don't understand why you suspect this guy for starting a fire that
hasn't even happened.

Tru: He was in debt for insurance fraud.

Nick: What is this about Tru, what did you bring me here?

Tru: I believe 84 Hastings maybe a target for Arson today.

Nick: If you have information related to Arson you need to report it to the police
and not run around like Nancy Drew.

Tru: But its just a hunch.

Nick: What kind of hunch?

Tru: Listen, I'll make you a deal.

Nick: I'm listening.

Tru: Wait til tonight then I'll tell you anything you want to know and a whole lot

Nick: You're very lucky I have a soft spot for strange woman.

Tru: It's 3:30, I'll meet you back here as soon as I can. Grab a couple of beers,
order some Chinese, and do not leave until I get there. You promise?

(Nick nods a little)

Tru: Okay..

(Tru leaves)

Nick: Very very strange.

Scene: Building Basement

(Tru walks around the basement)

Tru: Hello? Is anybody down here? Hello?

(The owner appears suddenly)

Tru: Mr.Ford.

Owner: Let me guess, you lost an earring.

Tru: No, I'm here to tell you something.

Owner: Uh, what's that?

Tru: This building is being watched by the police and fire department. They suspect a potential Arson may occur.

Owner: Okay. I'll bite. Why?

Tru: You tell me.

Owner: Who the hell are you?

Tru: You're in debt for insurance fraud 2 years ago.

Owner: So what?

Tru: How about taking that bandage off your hand.

Owner: What the hell is this?

Tru: I'm just giving you a warning.

Scene: Outside the Building

(Tru is reading a magazine by the news stand)

Mom to boy: Don't talk to me like that okay?

Mom to Samantha: How was school honey? Was it good?

Samantha: Fine.

(Flash: Tru remembers the Man at the morgue say "Samantha Blanc" died of smoke insultation.")

(Tru puts back the magazine and approaches the family but when the Mom see

Tru, she hurry tell her kids to go inside.)

Mom: Come on Samantha, we don't talk to strangers.

(They disappear behind the door.)

(Tru cell phone rings)

Tru: Harrison, I can't talk right now, I'm kinda putting out fires.

Harrison: Tigers won today, just like you said.

Tru: Oh glad I could help.

Harrison: I want some answers Tru. How did you know?

Tru: I don't have time.. How much did you win?

Harrison: A little problem there, when around and I bet the bucks. So, here's the
way I see it, prevent future mishave, every morning, you and I, we get together,
we go over the game scores. First, we start with football, then -

Tru: Har, I gotta go. (closes the cell)

Harrison: I don't know - (cutoff)

(Tru sees the Owner leave the building and she approaches the door and breaks the glass. Tru looks around.)

(The Owner touches his pockets and heads back towards the building)

(Tru goes into the office room. She sees a chemical bottle and have flashbacks of Davis words about "chemical compound." The bottle read: Dimethyl Benzene. Tru starts to head out the door but she sees a shadow outside the glass door. Tru hurry hides back into the office and then suddenly the kid opened the office door.)

Tru: Oh, hi.

Kid: I a, heard a noise.

Tru: uh, I'm Tru. I think we met earlier.

Kid: Yeah, I remember.

Tru: Uh, what do you say we get out of here? Come on, I'll buy you a soda.

(Tru looks at the time: 4:01 pm)

Tru: Saw the girl was with you upstairs, that your sister?

Kid: Yeah.

Tru: You don't sound too thrilled.

Kid: She's okay. This place sucks. My dad blew us off. He was in Washington with some new wife. So, why'd you break into Mr.Ford's office?

Tru: It was an accident. I knocked too hard.

Kid: You know you could've just picked the lock, it was like a hundred years old.

Tru: Kevin, I need you to do me a favor, but I need you to not ask any questions, okay?

Kid: What?

Tru: When 5 o'clock rolls around, make sure you, your sister, and your mom are
out of the building and anyone else you could tell.

Kid: Why?

Tru: You said no questions right?

Kid: Okay, done.

(Tru cell phone rings.)

Tru: Cool, just a sec.

(Phone conversation)

Tru: Hello? You're where?

Scene: Park

(Nick is with Tru)

Tru: Nick, I asked you to wait for me at your apartment.

Nick: And I asked you for an explanation for why you are trying to put out non-
existence fires? I mean its a beautiful day and I'm sitting in my apartment cuz some girl who works in the morgue asked me to.

Tru: I think its the super.

Nick: I told you. Prior convictions aren't proof.

Tru: His office was full of accelerant.

Nick: Yeah, for equipment cleaning. The guy's a building super.

Tru: There's something going on with him.

Nick: Alright, even if there is, there's still no fire. You can't arrest the guy for thinking about doing something. Luckily, we can't be arrested for our thoughts.

(Nick holds Tru's hand)

Tru: You think I'm insane don't you?

Nick: Honestly? It's touching though.

Tru: Look, maybe I'm doing this wrong but I just want to stop the fire.

Nick: The fire that hasn't even happened.

Tru: That could.

Nick: How do you know?

Tru: I just do.

Nick: Intuition again?

Tru: I was right about the gas leak. Look, you have to trust me.

(Tru takes his hand. He lets her hold it)

Nick: That's the weird thing, I do.

(Tru sees the time on her watch, it read 4:43 PM)

Tru: It's almost 5.

Nick: She's beautiful and she tells time too.

(Nick leans in for a kiss but Tru turns her head.)

Tru: No.

Nick: What's wrong?

Tru: I can't right now..

Nick: (overlap) Sure you can.

Tru: No, I can't.

Nick: We're here.

(Tru walks away)

Tru: If I kiss you, I'll fall for you, and I can't do that. That would be bad.

Nick: Why? Why would that be so bad?

(Nick walks right in front of her and she overlooks his shoulder. There's a woman hanging her red/white cloth on the clothe line.)

(Flash: Davis is speaking, "Cotton fiber is plastered on the neackerpic layer. It's red and its something else. Flash again: The mom tells the kid, "It's a gift from your father." Kid replies," I hate it!")

Tru: I was wrong.

Nick: What?

Tru: How it started. It's the kid!

Nick: What kid?

(Flash: The kid opens the office door)

Tru: Kevin. The kid from the building. He's gonna start the fire.

Nick: The fire? A minute ago, you said it was a super.

Tru: He was angry. Lonely, feels invisible, he could pick the lock to the super's office, what better way to get attention? It makes sense.

Nick: To you maybe.

Tru: Look, I have to get to that building. That kid's sister is gonna get in trouble.

Nick: Tru, I-

Tru: Promise me you'll go home.

Nick: But if there's a fire-

Tru: No! You're right. There's no fire. I'm wrong, crazy even. So then go home,
wait for me there, promise me Nick.

Nick: I'm tired of this game.

Tru: Nick! Please..

Nick: I like you, I really do and I think you feel the same way. I'm not imagining this am I?

Tru: No.

Nick: And I need to know-

Tru: I told you, you'll get all the answers tonight. And before this day ends, you'll have that kiss, but just go home.

(Overview: Someone is lighting a match)

Scene: Building

(Tru is going to each door and knocking on it.)

Tru: Everybody out of the building! Hello! Hello! There's a fire! Everybody out!

Tru: You gotta get out please! Go! Go! Get out of the building, come on!

(Overview: The match is burning..)

(The people start going on and Tru breaks the glass and turns on the fire alarm.

The alarm is ringing.)

(Overview: The match is lit and we see the clothe that the kid wore earlier.)

(Tru sees Nick)

Tru: What are you doing here?!

Nick: I followed you here-

Tru: You promised!-

Nick: I was worried about you.

Tru: You gotta get out of here right now! Come on!

(The room above burns and then explodes!)

Nick: Intuition again?

Tru: Let's go.

Nick: No, I can't leave.

Tru: Why not?

Nick: I'm a fireman.

Tru: You don't have your gear on. I rang the alarm, they will be here any minute.

(Flash: Harrison says, "Oh great, traffics gonna be cleared all around town)

Tru: They're gonna be delayed by traffic. That's why you went in, you live down the block.

Nick: Listen to me, I want you to get out. I mean it, I'm gonna check upstairs..

(Nick leaves and goes upstairs)

Tru: No! No Nick wait!

(The fires are burning upstairs and Kevin is hiding. There's a lot of smoke everywhere. Nick appears and carries Kevin into the smokey hall. )

Nick: I got you. I got you.

(There's an explosion in the back and they fall, but hurry gets back up. Tru is at the end of the hall and she's watching.)

Tru: Nick!

Nick: Yeah! Call in I got a rescue!

(Tru looks at the floor and she sees the fire underneath)

(Flash: Davies is examine Nick's leg. "The victim have a broken ankle.")

Tru: Nick stop!

Nick: What?

Tru: The floors weak, watch out!

(Nick slowly climbs over the fragile floor)

Nick: How'd you? Never Mind.

(They all get out safely.. Kevin returns to his mother and Tru and Nick kiss)

Nick: See, I knew I'll have my kiss before the day's over.

(Tru laughs and they kiss again.)

Mom: Where's Samantha? She's suppose to be at the park! Oh my god! My daughter's still inside! She's still in the building.

(Nick starts to go back in the building but Tru drags his hand)

Tru: What are you doing?

Nick: I'm going after her.

(Flash!: Man from the morgue says "She was hiding underneath the bed.)

Tru: She's hiding underneath the bed, but send someone else.

Nick: It's my job Tru. I'm as stubborn as you are.

Tru: Nick, No!

Nick: Hey, I'll be down in the minute okay?

(They kiss again.)

Firefighter: Nick, get your gear.

Nick: No time, there's a little girl upstairs, I know where she is.

Tru: No, Nick!

(Tru tries to go after Nick, but the firemen hold her away. Tru starts to cry)

Scene: Morgue.

(Tru is running towards the crypt.)

(Mark suddenly appears and calls after Tru. She turns around.)

Mark: Tru!

Tru: I can't talk right now.

Mark: You're crying.

Tru: Yes.

Mark: It's been rough on both of us, I get it.

Tru: No, you don't.

Mark: Tru, I wish I could rewind the day and have it back. I would do everything differently. I will show you how much you mean to me.

Tru: You had your day. You only get one.

(Tru runs away.. and Mark is standing there with the flowers.)

Scene: Crypt

(Tru is looking at Nick)

Tru: I thought when you asked me for help, it was for you. Now I know its for Samantha. You saved her. Everyone's calling you a hero. And I don't want to sound selfish but.. I wanted both of you. You said your job was to help people, you always have to do that. So is mine, so ask me, please... I'm not leaving until you...

Kikavu ?

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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Aujourd'hui à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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