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#112 : Mortelle St-Valentin

Les plans de Tru et Luc pour la Saint Valentin ne se déroulent pas comme prévu: Ils se retrouvent dans un camps de vacance miteux avec Lindsay, Harrison et... un serial killer. Lorsque Tru retourne dans le passé, elle doit protéger ses amis tout en cherchant le meurtrier qui s'avère entre le dernière personne qu'elle aurait pu imaginer...


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Mortelle St-Valentin

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Réalisé par Paul Shapiro
Ecrit par Robert Doherty



Une jeune femme est déposée d'une voiture par un homme. Alors que la voiture s'éloigne, un autre homme surgit et agresse violemment la jeune femme. Puis il abandonne le corps après y avoir déposé un cœur taillé dans du papier journal dessus.


A la morgue, Tru et Lindsay sont impatientes de voir chacune commencer leur voyage romantique organisé pour la St Valentin. Davis entre et se montre mécontent tel un célibataire face à une fête célébrant les couples.

Tru et Luc se rendent sur la côte mais quatre heures plus tard, ils s'arrêtent au niveau d'une patrouille de la route. Une inondation les empêche d'aller plus loin. Tru vérifie la carte et propose qu'ils retrouvent Harrison et Lindsay aux Pinetop Cabins. Ils font un arrêt rapide à la station essence et, pendant que Luc achète des chips à l'intérieur, Tru parle avec Davis et découvre qu'il ne passe pas le jour de la St Valentin seul après tout. Le corps d'une jeune femme vient d'arriver (la jeune femme de la première scène), trouvé dans un parc avec la gorge tranchée et avec un morceau de journal découpé en forme de cœur sur sa poitrine.

Tru est surprise par un coup sur la vitre. Un homme, Kevin Rafferty, lui demande si elle peut le prendre en stop. Sa voiture est tombée en panne et il essaye de rejoindre sa copine. Ils n'ont jamais passé le jour de la St Valentin à part. Tru lui dit qu'elle aimerait l'aider mais... Il comprend et lui souhaite une bonne Saint Valentin tout de même. A l'intérieur du magasin, Tru trouve un portefeuille et le rend immédiatement à sa propriétaire revenue sur les lieux.


Tru et Luc arrivent devant un groupe de cabanes délabrées entourées d'arbustes et de mauvaises herbes, bordant un vieux cimetière. Harrison et Lindsay sont surpris de les retrouver devant l'entrée de leur cabane, mais hé, "Plus on est de fous, plus on rit". Kevin, l'auto-stoppeur, arrive également aux cabines. Un gars un peu bizarre résidant dans une des cabanes, Hank, a accepté de le prendre en voiture. Il se trouve que la soeur de Kévin possède l'endroit. Dommage que Tru ait refusé de l'aider, il aurait pu leur obtenir une ristourne.

Les quatre dînent ensemble dans la cabine principale. La seule autre personne présente est un vieil homme au comportement bizarre, Carl. Lindsay a de la peine pour lui, tout seul à la St Valentin. Harrison intervient en souhaitant que Lindsay passe moins de temps à penser aux autres. Lindsay lui répond qu'elle deviendrait plus comme à lui alors, à penser uniquement à soi.

De retour à leur cabine, Lindsay annonce à Harrison qu'elle le largue. Son ego est légèrement touché mais il s'en remet vite, lui proposant de dormir sur le canapé. Le lit sent bizarre en plus. Lindsay sort pour une petite ballade nocturne, quand elle entend soudainement un bruissement dans les arbustes. Tout d'abord, elle pense qu'il s'agit d'Harrison qui lui joue un tour, mais elle décide rapidement de ne pas traîner dans le coin. Elle fait demi-tour et entre dans Tru, portant un seau à glace. Lindsay sursaute. Elle explique à Tru qu'elle a entendu quelque chose dans les bois puis elle se presse pour retourner à sa cabine.

Tru s'apprête à rentrer, quand elle entend la voix d'un homme "De l'aide, SVP". A travers la végétation touffue, Tru rejoint une petite clairière et s'arrête net à la vue de ... Kevin, allongé sur le sol, sa gorge tranchée et un cœur en papier posé sur son corps. Il se tourne soudain vers elle : "J'ai besoin de toi".


Retour en arrière...

Tru se réveille dans la voiture de Luc alors qu'ils arrivent au niveau de la patrouille de la route. Tru suggère qu'ils se rendent aux Pinetop Cabins, où Harrison et Lindsay se trouvent. C'est marrant, Luc allait justement lui proposer la même chose. Et si tu vois une station essence, tu peux t'arrêter, j'ai une envie de chips. C'est marrant, Luc allait encore lui proposer la même chose.

 A la station essence, Luc s'arrête et sort de la voiture. Tru appelle rapidement Davis et lui dit qu'elle a besoin de tout savoir au sujet du meurtre dont il ne lui a pas encore parlé. Il comprend rapidement. "Je comprends, la journée se répète". Elle lui décrit alors le meurtre de Pinetop Cabin, avec la même méthode. Davis a trouvé des résidus sur le cœur de papier. Il va réaliser des tests chimiques et la rappeler. Soudain, un coup familier à la vitre de la voiture. Tru se retourne et découvre Kevin. "Laissez moi deviner. Vous avez besoin que l'on vous dépose". Tru lui dit qu'elle est d'accord si son copain est d'accord.

Ils se rendent dans le mini magasin où tout est comme la veille... Luc fait la queue, un shérif est en train de remplir une grille de loto dans le fond, un portefeuille rouge est posé sur un meuble. Tru indique à Kevin où se trouve Luc, puis attrape rapidement le portefeuille et le glisse dans son sac à dos. Quand la femme revient pour récupérer son portefeuille, Tru pointe Kevin du doigt. Ce dernier proteste. Le shérif cherche dans son sac et en extrait le portefeuille. Kevin jure qu'il ne l'a pas pris puis demande à Tru pourquoi elle lui a fait ça. Tru essaye de le convaincre que c'est pour son propre bien mais Kevin ne peut que la regarder dans un état de confusion total.


De retour au Pinetop, Tru saute de la voiture et court vers la cabine d'Harrison, ce qui provoque l'étonnement de Luc qui se demande comment elle a deviné la bonne cabine. Lindsay, qui n'est pas du tout contente du choix d'Harrison pour la destination romantique, semble soulagée d'avoir de la compagnie. Tru tire Harrison en dehors de la cabine pour une discussion privée.

Elle lui explique la situation et lui demande de faire ses valises avec Lindsay et de s'en aller. Tru et Harrison retournent dans leurs cabines respectives afin d'organiser une stratégie pour leur départ. Luc retourne à la réception pour annuler leur séjour alors qu'un vieux pick-up arrive.

La portière s'ouvre et Tru découvre Kevin Rafferty, la future victime. Kevin lui apprend que sa petite farce a presque fonctionné jusqu'à ce qu'il ait aperçu la caméra de sécurité et a demandé au shérif de vérifier la cassette. Tru essaye de le convaincre une fois de plus que c'était pour son propre bien mais il ne la croit pas. Il la menace d'appeler la police si elle ne part pas mais se calme lorsque sa soeur arrive.

 Tru croise Harrison sortant de sa cabine avec ses sacs en main. Elle lui explique que le plan a changé. "La victime vient d'arriver. Je ne peux pas le laisser ici". Elle lui dit de ramener Lindsay à la maison mais Harrison refuse de la laisser avec un psychopathe en liberté. Tru et Harrison retournent voir leurs moitiés respectives, chacun avec une histoire concernant l'autre couple en pleine dispute et ayant besoin d'un peu de temps à part pour sortir de cette querelle.


Tru et Harrison se répartissent ensuite les tâches. Tru va suivre Kevin pendant qu'Harrison cherche des suspects. Pour le moment, à part Luc, Harrison et Kevin, le seul homme dans le coin est Hank, l'homme au pick-up et Carl, le solitaire du resto. Harrison réussit à ouvrir la serrure de la cabine de Carl et commence à fouiller. Il trouve un vase rempli d'une fin poudre grise. Après avoir reniflé puis goûté, il se rapproche d'un bureau rempli de coupures de journaux. Soudain Carl entre et le surprend. Il lui demande ce qu'il fait dans sa cabine. Harrison essaye de faire le stupide, apparemment ce n'est pas une très grande prestation car Carl ne le croit pas. Il découvre que la femme de Carl est morte récemment et comprend ce qu'était la poussière grise, et les articles découpés concernent la nécrologie de sa femme. Il se trouve que l'enterrement s'est déroulé la veille à Philadelphie ce qui exclut Carl de la liste des suspects.

Pendant ce temps, Luc s'ennuie et rend visite à une Lindsay qui s'ennuie également dans sa cabine. Après quelques échanges concernant leurs "disputes" respectives, ils réalisent tous les 2 qu'ils se sont fait duper.

 Tru reçoit un appel de Davis, qui lui apprend que le résidu sur le cœur de papier est en fait des paillettes de tabac. Du goudron et de la nicotine à un taux correspondant à une marque spécifique de cigarettes, des Bullseye Lights. Davis lui explique également la mauvaise nouvelle qu'au cours des 2 dernières années, il y a eu 5 meurtres avec la même méthode, tous autour du jour de la St Valentin.

Plus tard, Tru découvre un paquet de Bullseye Lights dans le camion de Hank. Quand elle se redresse, Luc se tient à ses côtés, et lui demande ce qu'elle est en train de faire. Elle continue à parler de l'histoire de rupture de Harrison et Lindsay mais Luc n'est plus dupe. "J'ai parlé à Lindsay. Nous savons que vous nous avez menti". Luc s'en va. De leur côté, Lindsay et Harrison ont à peu près une conversation identique.

De retour au pick-up, Hank confronte Tru au sujet de l'effraction dans son véhicule et Tru le prévient de rester à l'écart de Kevin. Hank paraît confus quand il remarque le paquet de cigarettes dans les mains de Tru. "Vous êtes la seconde personne que je croise aujourd'hui et qui fume cette marque". Il se trouve en fait que Hank est asthmatique. Le paquet appartient à Kevin. Tru appelle Davis. La nouvelle théorie est que Kevin est le serial killer et sa victime de la nuit dernière ne s'est pas laissée faire.


Pendant ce temps, Lindsay ferme sa cabine à clef alors que Kevin arrive à ses côtés. Il lui explique que sa sœur possède l'endroit et qu'il était en chemin pour aller la retrouver. Il invite Lindsay à l'accompagner. "Vous êtes mon sauveur". Ils partent.

Harrison avoue à Tru qu'il a perdu la trace de Kevin alors que Carl indique qu'il a vu Lindsay partir avec un autre gars. Tru et Harrison partent en courant.

Dans le cimetière, Kevin touche un pierre tombale indiquant "Amanda Walker - 1976 - 2001". "Nous n'avons jamais passé un jour de la St Valentin à part". Lindsay n'est tout à coup plus si contente d'être seule dans un cimetière avec un étranger. Kevin sort un couteau et le pointe dans sa direction. Il lui explique qu'il fait ce qu'il fait pour que les autres personnes comprennent ce que c'est d'être seul. Il s'apprête à la tuer quand, soudain, sorti de nulle part, Harrison surgit et le plaque au sol. Kevin se relève rapidement et s'enfuit dans les bois.

Dans une petite clairière, Kevin fait face à sa sœur. Il lui tend le couteau et la supplie de le tuer. Eileen s'y refuse. Tru arrive. Kevin s'apprête à se poignarder lui-même quand Eileen hurle qu'il est tout ce qu'il lui reste. Tru lui explique qu'il va tuer sa sœur autant que lui. Il baisse lentement le couteau.

Lindsay ne peut pas croire qu'elle a presque rompu avec son sauveur Harrison. Ils s'enlacent, plus proches que jamais. Les choses ne se passent pas si bien pour Tru et Luc. Il lui explique qu'il n'a pas besoin de sa protection; il a besoin qu'elle le laisse entrer dans sa vie. La séparation est proche.


Plus tard, Tru se plaint auprès de Davis que tout ce qu'elle voulait était deux jours de repos. "Tu as une vocation". "Ça ressemble plus à une malédiction".


1. EXT. Park. NIGHT.
 (A car drives up, its headlights the only light. Music plays inside the car on the stereo. A woman gets out of the passenger side of the car and shuts the door.)
Cut to: A man, smoking a cigarette, watching from the trees/bushes. Only the bottom half of his face can be seen
 (The car drives off. The woman who got out of the car begins to walk. The man in the bushes follows her)
 (The woman begins to think something is wrong, she turns around and comes face to face with the man. He clamps a hand over her mouth, and she screams but its muffled. He drags her into the bushes.)
 (Thunder claps in the sky, and lightning strikes)
 Cut to: Shot of the City Morgue building and the front door
2. INT. Morgue. NIGHT.
 (Lindsay and Tru walk through the double doors into the crypt)
Ah, Valentine’s Day. Somehow even the Morgue seems more romantic
So when do you guys leave for the big weekend?
Harrison’s picking me up first thing in the morning
He tell you where you’re going yet?
 (They walk through to the office)
Erm, someplace up in the mountains. Pinetop Cabins. He says it’s supposed to be beautiful. So what about you and Luc?
He found this little bed and breakfast up the coast, and he’s picking me up right after my shift
How sweet are our guys? I mean, Valentine’s Day rolls around and they both put together fabulous weekends for their respective hotties
Don’t you just love this time of year?
 (Davis enters)
Valentine’s Day is a sham, perpetuated by the floral and greeting card industries to move product
 (Lindsay raises her eyebrows at Tru)
You’ll have to excuse Davis. He’s very single
Shocker. So I’ll see you Monday. Have a great weekend
 (They hug)
You too!
I will
 (She exits the room)
So are you working tomorrow?
Yep. Filling in for one of the married guys
Gotta tell you Davis, this weekend can’t start soon enough. I so need a break from my job
This one or the secret one?
For a change, both
3. EXT. Park. NIGHT.
 (It is still thundery, lightning strikes, and its raining hard. The man, hood up and hidden, lays the woman on the ground, dead. He raises his knife up to the light – it is covered in blood. The killer reaches down, places a newspaper clipping in the shape of a heart, on the victim’s chest, and places her hand over it. Then he pockets the knife and moves away.)
 (Camera pans out from the body until its all in view.)
4. EXT. Road. DAY.
 (Luc and Tru are in Luc’s car, driving along. Tru is asleep in the passenger seat. She slowly opens her eyes and looks over at Luc)
You’re up. Thank God, I was about to check for a pulse
When I picked you up at the morgue, you said you were going to close your eyes for five minutes. That was four hours ago
 (Tru smiles at him, he smiles back)
Cut to: Police van at the side of the road
Cut to: Luc’s car
Oh, no. This can’t be good
 (The car drives past flashing red cones up to where the police patrol car is blocking the road)
There’s been some flash flooding up ahead, sir. Road’s closed for the next 24 hours
Oh but we need to get through today, sir, and this is the only road that goes through…
Sorry. If I were you, I’d go back the way I came
So we’ll spend Valentine’s Day at home. No big deal
 (Luc picks up the map from the dashboard and looks at it)
What are you looking for?
According to this, we’re just 50 miles from the place Harrison and Lindsay went to
Pinetop Cabins?
How did you know about that?
Harrison, he called me last week and said something about a package deal
My brother, the romantic
The point is, its supposed to be really beautiful
Harrison said it was beautiful?
I believe his exact words were, “rustic yet romantic”
Cut to: The car turning around
LUC (cont’d/off-screen)
Come on, let’s surprise him
5. EXT. Service Stop/Food Market. DAY.  (Luc stops the car)
I’ve been craving chips for the last 30 miles, you want anything?
TRU (smiling)
I’m good
 (Luc gets out of the car. Tru’s cellphone rings)
Cut to: DAVIS at the morgue, working on a body
Hey. I just heard on the radio they closed 14. I just wanted to give you guys a heads-up
Cut to: TRU
Thanks, but we sort of found out the hard way. How’s everything in Morgue-ville?
Cut to: DAVIS
Turns out I am not spending Valentine’s Day alone after all
Cut to: TRU
Cut to: DAVIS
No. I’m here with a Marissa Hatcher. Cops found her in McKinley Park with her throat slit
TRU (voice-over)
Yeah, the weird thing is, the killer left a newspaper clipping in the shape of a heart. Some kind of a calling card or something
Cut to: TRU
God, a lot of freaks out there, huh?
Cut to: DAVIS
Yeah. Poor girl. Anyway, try to relax. Have a good time
Cut to: TRU
Thanks, I will .I’ll see you Monday
 (She hangs up, someone knocks on the window and she jumps)
Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you
It’s okay
You’re not heading south by any chance, cause I could really use a lift?
TRU (rattled)
I know what you’re thinking. Mysterious stranger asks pretty girl for a ride. It’s like the first scene in some bad horror flick, right?
Sort of
Well, I’m Kevin Rafferty, and my car broke down just a few miles from here
Good thing you’re at a Gas Station
Yeah, well the mechanic took off for the holiday which kind of puts me in a bind because I’m supposed to be meeting my girlfriend. We’ve never spent a Valentine’s Day apart, and I’d hate to start now
I’d really like to help, but…
No hitchhikers
Well, have a nice Valentine’s Day
You too
6. INT. Store. DAY.
 (Luc is looking at the chips. Tru enters, she holds the door open for a woman in a blue coat. A cop is standing nearby)
 (Tru walks further in, and notices a red wallet on the side. She picks it up. The woman in blue re-enters)
Has anyone seen my wallet? It’s red, with a Velcro snap?
TRU (handing it over)
You must have just dropped it
 (She leaves again. Tru walks over to Luc)
Aren’t you my little Good Samaritan?
Any idea how close we are to the motel?
Yeah I just checked with the cashier. Fifteen miles, and we’re supposed to look for a painted sign. Apparently we can’t miss it
Cut to: Shot of a cemetery. Luc’s car drives up to it
7. INT. Luc’s car. DAY.
Er, is that what I think it is?
Leave it to Harrison
8. INT. Motel. DAY.
 (Harrison and Lindsay are having an argument)
All I tried to do was take you away for a nice weekend!
I know it’s a little creepy
They’ve got their own cemetery!
No, that cemetery’s not part of the property, I asked
I wanna go home, Harrison
Wait…whoa…Look, they’re supposed to have this amazing waterfall around here. I was thinking we could go for hike tomorrow, have a little picnic, maybe…watch birds or something? I don’t know…
You would go hiking?
For you? Absolutely!
Cut to: Luc’s car driving into the car park of the motel
9. EXT. Motel. DAY.
 (Tru and Luc get out of the car)
 Shot of two rows of dingy, dismal looking cabins, the words “Pinetop Cabins” on top of one of them
Rustic, yet romantic
10. INT. Motel. DAY.
 (Harrison and Lindsay are making out. There’s a knock on the door)
We’re all set with towels! Thanks
TRU (off-screen)
It’s me, Harry. The owner told me where to find you
 (Lindsay looks confused, Harrison slightly annoyed. He goes over to open the door)
HARRISON (less enthusiastic)
What the hell are you doing here?
Well, we couldn’t make it to the coast, the road was closed
I tried both your cells, but I couldn’t get through
Yeah, we heard on the radio that some relay tower got hit by lightning last night, there’s no reception for miles
We were thinking of getting a room
Great. The more the merrier. You two check in, once you’re settled, we’ll grab dinner in the main cabin. My treat!
I thought you said meals were included
Ixnay, baby. We’ll see you in thirty
11. EXT. Motel. DAY.
 (Tru and Luc open the back of his car and take out their things)
Look, I know this isn’t exactly what I promised
 (A blue truck drives in behind them, and parks)
Luc, really. It’s you and me, anywhere would be fine
You sure?
 (They turn around to see the person who has got out of the blue car is Kevin Rafferty, and a middle-aged white-haired man)
Hey, we meet again
Um, Tru?
Oh, I asked her for a ride a few miles back
At the Gas Station, you were inside
It’s okay, Hank here picked me up a few miles down the road
Look, I’m really sorry
Me too. If I’d known we were both going to the Pinetop Cabins, I could’ve caught you a discount on your room. My sister owns the place
(A dark-haired woman late-20s comes running over)
Hey, Kevin!
 (They hug)
Hi. You made it
This is Hank, he gave me a ride
Hey Hi, come on in
 (Tru and Luc look at each other, and follow them all towards the cabins)
12. INT. Main cabin. NIGHT.
 (Harrison, Lindsay, Tru and Luc are having dinner)
Well the way I see it, you just fix up some of these cabins, clear out some of those graves, and Pinetop Cabins Motel is Pinetop Cabins Resort and Spa
 (Nobody replies. Harrison looks at Lindsay)
Am I boring you, honey?
Hmm? Oh, no, it’s just that poor guy, all alone on Valentine’s Day
 (They all look over at an old man 50-55 eating alone)
Maybe he wants to be alone. Who cares?
I care. I think it’s sad
HARRISON (mockingly)
Some meal huh?
Oh yeah, it’s good stuff
LINDSAY (to Harrison)
Oh, nothing. Just wish you wouldn’t always worry about everyone else
So, what are you saying? What, you think I’m a busybody?
Only when it comes to everyone else
Who’s still got room for dessert?
You know what, you’re right. I should become more like you and think only about myself…all the time
You calling me selfish?
I’m not the one who used up all the hot water in the cabin
 (Tru and Luc look increasingly uncomfortable)
So I like long showers. Sue me
LINDSAY (to Tru)
Can I talk to you?
In private?
 (Tru and Lindsay stand up. The old man eating alone looks over at them briefly)
13. EXT. Motel. NIGHT.
I’m breaking up with him, Tru. Tonight
It’s Valentine’s Day!
Yeah, right. The most romantic day of the year and Harrison and I, we can’t stop fighting
 (They stop walking)
Wait...you’re not mad are you?
No, of course not. It’s just; you guys are my best friends
And we still will be. We just won’t make out as much
 (They laugh. Tru’s cellphone bleeps. She looks at it: the time on it is 6:03pm)
Well I guess they finally fixed the relay towers
Well at least something went right tonight, right?
 (They smile, walk away arm in arm)
14. INT. Tru and Luc’s cabin. NIGHT.
 (Luc hands Tru a wreath of flowers)
Happy Valentine’s Day
Luc, they’re beautiful, where did you…?
Someone just left them there on one of those graves at the cemetery, I figured they probably don’t need them anymore so… (off Tru’s shocked expression)… I’m kidding, they were stashed in my bag
Come here
 (they kiss)
15. INT. Harrison and Lindsay’s cabin. NIGHT.
You’re dumping me?
We fight all the time, Harrison, about everything
You know, I actually thought this weekend would make things better for us
Maybe it did
Look, I’m just gonna go for a walk, so if you want the bed…
No, no, no, I’ll take the cot. The bed smells funny
 (Lindsay exits the cabin)
HARRISON (under his breath)
16. EXT. Motel. NIGHT.
 (Lindsay steps out onto the grass.)
Cut to: Someone in the shadows lights a cigarette
 (Lindsay walks around the side of the cabin, near the trees. She hears a twig snap. She stops, more twigs snap, as if someone is walking on them. She walks slowly closer)
 (Leaves rustle, more twigs snapping)
Harrison, if that’s you…
 (she walks on a little further. Leaves still rustling)
 (she peers into the darkness, then turns around to go back, and bumps straight into Tru)
Oh jeez! God!
You scared me! What are you doing?
I was just getting ice, are you okay?
Yeah, sorry, I just…I thought I heard a noise in the woods (she laughs nervously) Sorry, this place is just sorta creepy
What, the motel with its own graveyard?
Go figure. See you
 (She walks off back to her cabin)
MAN’S VOICE (whispering/off-screen)
Help me
 (Tru turns around. She raises her flashlight in the direction of the voice)
Is anybody out there?
(She slowly walks over to the woods)
17. EXT. Woods. NIGHT.
 (Tru walks through the trees in the darkness, holding her flashlight. After a few seconds, her light picks out the body of a man. She focuses it on the face)
 (She moves closer. Her light picks out a newspaper clipping in the shape of a heart, on Kevin’s chest. Kevin’s face looks towards her)
I need you
 [Flashes of the day’s images as it rewinds]
18. INT. Luc’s car. DAY.
 (Tru sits up)
You’re up
Thank God, I was about to check for a pulse
 [Fade to Black]
 [Flashes of the day’s images as they rewind]
19. INT. Luc’s car. DAY.
 (Tru reaches for her cellphone)
Who are you calling?
Harrison, to warn him
About …?
Um… Lindsay’s allergies. He was gonna cook her dinner tonight, but if he makes anything with peanuts…
 (The cell beeps. She looks down at it: it reads 2:30pm and “No Signal”)
 [Flashback: LINDSAY: “Some relay tower got hit by lightning last night, there’s no reception for miles]
Oh, no. This can’t be good
 (He drives the car through flashing red lights on cones either side of the road, up to the police patrol car that’s blocking the road)
There’s been some flash flooding up ahead, sir. The road’s closed for the next 24 hours
We need to get through, sir, today, and this is the only road that goes through
Yeah sorry, if I were you, I’d go back the way I came
So here’s a crazy idea. We’re not too far from the place Harrison and Lindsay went to
Pinetop Cabins
I was thinking maybe we could go there too
That’s so weird; I was just thinking that same thing
And if you see a gas station, would you mind pulling over? I’ve got this weird craving for…
LUC&TRU (in unison)
 (Tru smiles, Luc chuckles)
Cut to: Shot of the gas station
20. EXT. Gas station. DAY.
 (Luc parks the car)
Bag of chips coming right up
 (He gets out of the car. Tru waits a couple of seconds then picks up her cellphone and dials)
DAVIS (voice-over)
Davis, it’s me
Cut to: DAVIS in the Morgue, next to the Valentine Victim
I was just getting ready to call you
TRU (voice-over)
Yeah I know
I get it. Do-over day. What have you got for me, victim-wise?
Cut to: TRU
His name’s Kevin Rafferty. He was killed at the motel we went to. Slit throat. When I found him, there was a newspaper heart next to the body. Sound familiar?
Cut to: DAVIS
Yeah, two victims, same M.O. Sounds like…
Cut to: TRU
A serial killer, I know. Serves me right for thinking I was gonna get a vacation
Cut to: DAVIS
Well these things do happen at the worst possible times don’t they?
Cut to: TRU
All the better to ruin my life. Look, I need you to tell me everything you know about the first murder, and tell me fast. I’m gonna be meeting victim number two any second now
Cut to: DAVIS (reading a report)
Well, according to the police report, a witness saw a man leave the scene of the crime
Cut to: TRU
Yeah, what else?
Cut to: DAVIS
Well, there’s some residue on the paper heart. Specks of something, I can’t quite tell what it is, but I’ll do a chemical analysis and get back to you
Cut to: TRU
Fine, but you won’t be able to reach me until 6:03 tonight
DAVIS (voice-over)
Why not?
Phone issues. Just find out everything you can by then
Cut to: DAVIS
Well, what are you gonna do in the meantime?
Cut to: TRU
Anything it takes to keep Kevin away from that motel tonight
 (Kevin knocks on the window)
I gotta go, Davis
(To Kevin) Let me guess, you need a lift?
Er, yeah. Up to the, uh…just up to the Pinetop Cabins Motel, it’s not very far
That’s fine by me, but we should check and see if its cool with my boyfriend
21. INT. Gas station store. DAY.
 (Luc is looking at chips. Tru and Kevin enter. The woman who left her red wallet passes Tru on the way out. The police officer is standing to one side with a lottery ticket. Tru stealthily picks up the red wallet)
That’s him right there, if you wanna ask him
 (Kevin walks past her)
(to Luc) Hey
 (Tru slips the red wallet into Kevin’s open pocket on his backpack)
Has anyone seen my wallet? It’s red, with a Velcro snap
Yeah, he’s got it (she points at Kevin) I just saw him snatch it right off the counter
Whoa, whoa, whoa, that’s not true
If you don’t believe me, you can just check in his bag
 (The woman in blue stares accusingly at Kevin. Luc stares at Tru)
All right, let’s take a look
 (He looks in Kevin’s bag and brings out the red wallet)
I did not take that, I swear!
Right, never heard of that one before
 (The woman in blue takes her wallet and leaves)
KEVIN (to Tru)
I don’t understand, why…why are you doing this to me?
It’s not what you think, it’s…look, I’m just trying to help
 (The officer is putting cuffs on Kevin)
TRU (to Luc)
Come on; let’s get out of here, now
22. EXT. Pinetop Cabins Motel. DAY.
 (Luc pulls up and parks)
I’m gonna go talk to Harrison, I’ll be right back
How do you know which cabin he’s in?
Four. It’s Harrison’s lucky number, he always stays in four
23. INT. Harrison and Lindsay’s cabin. DAY.
Fine. We’ll stay
 (They kiss. Tru knocks on the door)
We’re all set with…
Open up you guys, it’s me
 (Harrison opens the door)
Hey guys. The road was closed and we couldn’t make it to the coast, so we decided to come here instead. Luc’s out front
Oh, great
I need to talk to Harrison about something. In private
 (She pulls Harrison out of the cabin)
24. EXT. Pinetop Cabins Motel. DAY.
So you got the poor schnook arrested?
To save his life, yeah
Unbelievable. A serial killer, here
That’s right. I want you and Lindsay to pack your things, we’re all going home, and I won’t take no…
Relax. You had me at “serial killer”. I’m out of here
But wait, shouldn’t we call the cops? Tell them we got a whack job loose in the area?
I’d love to, but we don’t have any proof. And if we told them I was reliving a day, they’d think we were insane
HARRISON (snapping his fingers)
Let’s call the tabloids. Tell them you had like a psychic premonition of a killer
How would that help?
It wouldn’t. But we could make a mint!
 (Tru rolls her eyes and turns to go. Harrison grabs her arms)
Think about it!
 (Tru shoves him off and walks away)
25. INT. Harrison and Lindsay’s cabin. DAY.
Pack your stuff. We’re out of this dump
You were right about everything. I should’ve taken you someplace nicer. My bad
But you just talked me into staying
Here? Are you kidding? They’ve got their own cemetery
26. EXT. Motel. DAY.
 (Tru runs over to Luc, he is unpacking the car)
Bad news. Harrison says the cabins have rats. We can’t stay
But I just checked in
So check out, we’ll go someplace else
 (A blue truck pulls up behind her and parks)
Trust me, this is not the place we wanna be, okay?
All right. I’ll be right back
 (He walks away. Sound of Hank coughing, Tru turns around to see Hank and Kevin behind her)
We meet again
 (Tru looks shocked)
Surprised to see me?
You have no idea
 [Fade to Black]
 [Flashes of the days images as they rewind]
27. EXT. Motel. DAY.
Your little prank almost worked. Until I realised the mini mart had a security camera. I told the sheriff to check the tape. Guess what he saw?
I know it doesn’t seem like it right now, but it was for your own good
Framing me for petty larceny was for my own good? Look, I don’t know what you’re doing at my sister’s motel, all right? But I suggest that you leave before I call the cops
 (Tru nods. Kevin’s sister comes running over)
Kevin, hey. You made it
 (they hug)
Hi, Hank. I gave your brother a ride
 (they shake hands)
28. EXT. Harrison’s cabin. DAY.
 (Harrison is just coming out, carrying a bag)
Hey. So there’s been a change of plans. I’m staying
Look, the victim just showed up. I can’t leave him
Okay, so what do we do now?
We aren’t doing anything, you’re taking Lindsay back to the city, just like we agreed
Uh-uh. There’s no way I’m leaving you here with a psycho on the loose
So I’ll send Lindsay back with Luc
Right. And how you gonna explain that one? Besides, now that victim boy’s here, we’re all perfectly safe
We can’t be sure about that, we’ve already started making changes to the day, changes that could affect yesterday’s outcome, meaning tonight’s victim could be…
Honestly, there’s no way to know
All right. If I buy it, I’ll buy it. I’ll ask you for help, the day can restart and we’ll do this crazy dance all over again
If I let you stay, what are we gonna tell Luc and Lindsay?
The truth?
The first time I told you I relieved days, you thought I was insane
Well in that case, we lie our asses off
29. EXT. Motel. DAY.
 (By Luc’s car)
So now you wanna stay?
It’s not that I want to, it’s that I have to. Harrison and Lindsay are in a really nasty…
30. INT. Harrison and Lindsay’s cabin. DAY.
…Fight. And as much as I’d like to take you someplace nice…
Cut to: Luc and Tru
I just don’t feel right leaving them here alone
Well maybe they should be alone so they can work it out themselves
I don’t think that’s gonna happen. Harrison’s being…
Cut to: Harrison and Lindsay
…Totally unreasonable!
That doesn’t sound like Tru
That’s what I’m saying, she’s not being herself. So, I think I should spend some time alone with her so I can figure out what’s what because…
Cut to: Tru and Luc
…They’re gonna break up
All right, is there anything I can do?
Cut to: Harrison and Lindsay
…so just sit here (he kisses her hand) … don’t move. As soon as I talk some sense into my sister, I will be back
Cut to: Luc and Tru
I’ll go check in. Again
 (He walks off. Tru sighs)
31. EXT. Woods. DAY.
 (Tru walks up to meet Harrison)
How’d it go?
Piece of cake. You?
 (Tru nods)
Okay, so what’s next?
One of us should keep an eye on Kevin while the other looks for suspects
We got any?
Well Davis said there was a man seen leaving the scene of the first murder, the one at McKinley Park
Great. So how many dudes are staying here that aren’t me, Luc or the victim?
 [Flashback: Hank getting out of the blue pickup truck]
 [Flashback: The old guy eating alone in the restaurant at the main cabin]
Two suspects. One guy gave Kevin a ride today. The other guy was at dinner last night. Older guy, with glasses
Yeah, yeah, he checked in with me and Lindsay. His name’s…ah…Carl
Can you believe we’re in a motel with a cemetery next door, and a freaking psycho on the loose? Can it get any more Friday the 13th, huh?
No, this is Summer Camp
Oh, whatever
Harry, be careful
I’ve got Tru Davies as my sister. I don’t need to be careful
 (He walks off. Tru looks worried)
32. INT. Reception. DAY.
 (Tru walks up to the reception desk. Kevin walks up behind her)
I thought I told you to leave
You did. And I was going to
Then why are you still here?
Look, I feel really bad about what happened today, and I wanted to apologize
You tried to get me arrested, saying sorry is not gonna cut it
Yeah I know it’s hard to believe, but I was trying to protect you
From what?
EILEEN (off-screen)
 (She walks into the room towards them)
Is there a problem?
No. No. No problem Eileen, just a little misunderstanding
Good. I was hoping you’d get me some wood from out back
 (Kevin looks at Tru, then turns to go. Tru watches him)
33. EXT. Carl’s cabin. DAY.
 (Carl comes out of his cabin and shuts the door. He locks it, and walks away)
 (Harrison walks from round the corner over to the cabin. He takes a screwdriver out of his pocket and jiggles it in the lock. He checks over his shoulder: Carl is still walking away.)
 (The door opens. Harrison walks inside and shuts the door)
34. INT. Carl’s cabin. DAY.
 (Harrison looks around. There is a silver container on the table. Harrison picks it up. He unscrews the top and looks inside: its full of grey and black powdery residue. Harrison puts some on his thumb and forefinger, sniffs it and then tastes it)
35. INT. Reception. DAY.
Look, I hope you can forgive my brother. He always gets so worked up this time of year
It’s Valentine’s Day. I’m sure he’s got big plans tonight
  (Eileen looks at her)
He told me he was meeting his girlfriend
Oh. Well, he hadn’t mentioned it to me but big sister’s always the last to know
Keep an eye on him tonight, okay?
I always do. Since our parents died, he’s all I’ve got. I don’t know what I’d do without him
36. INT. Carl’s cabin. DAY.
 (Harrison walks over to the dresser: there are many newspapers piled up, pieces cut out of them. Harrison picks one up to look at it. In the dresser mirror, the camera moves slightly to show Carl is standing behind him)
What are you doing in my cabin?
HARRISON (turning round)
Your cabin? I thought this was…(he smacks himself on the head) Wake up, Harrison!
So you walked in here by mistake
Yeah, I got in here and I was all like, “Where’s my stuff? And my girl?” And, “Who cut up all these crazy newspapers?”
That would be me
Really? Putting together a little ransom note are we?
 (Carl stares at Harrison, then moves over to the dresser and picks up some of the papers)
My wife’s obituaries. She passed away last week
Oh, I’m sorry to hear that
CARL (looking at one of the clippings)
I know it seems morbid, but the papers said such lovely things about her
According to this, the funeral was yesterday in Philly
 (Carl nods)
And you were there
It was a beautiful ceremony
So you couldn’t have been in McKinley Park last night
Is that…?
 (He looks over at the silver-coloured container on the table)
My wife’s ashes. She asked that they be scattered here
 (Harrison makes spitting sounds in disgust)
Look, I’m sorry about the mix-up, but I gotta go
37. EXT. Motel. NIGHT.
 (Harrison and Tru are talking)
Carl’s not our guy. He was in Philly when the murder went down
You’re positive?
I’ve got his wife’s ashes to prove it – on my hand!
That leaves the guy with the pick-up truck
Well tell me what cabin he’s in, I’ll check him out
I think we should switch up. Kevin made it pretty clear he doesn’t want me around
Okay. I’ll take Kevin, you take the other guy
If you see anything suspicious…
I’ll scream like a little girl
 (off Tru’s look)
Or come find you. Whichever
38. INT. Lindsay’s cabin. NIGHT.
 (Lindsay is lying on the bed, watching the television. On the TV a woman screams; seeing another woman hung from the ceiling by her neck. Someone knocks on the door)
Come in
Hey, come on in. Have a seat
I was just wondering if you’d heard anything from Tru or Harrison?
Zilch. You?
Nothing. Some Valentine’s Day, huh?
It could be worse. We could be single. In which case I’d probably be moping around my apartment right now, watching dopey Meg Ryan movies and eating ice cream. Damn, I wish I was single
Hey, um, I hope you don’t mind me asking but, what set off the big fight?
The fight. Tru told me about it
 (Lindsay shrugs her shoulders at him, looking confused)
You and Harrison are fighting, right?
No. You and Tru are the ones fighting. Right?
39. EXT. Motel. NIGHT.
 (Tru’s cellphone rings. She flips it open; it reads “6:03pm” and “Incoming Call: Davis”)
Right on time Davis, tell me something good
Cut to: DAVIS at the Morgue flipping through the autopsy report
The lab guys just finished analyzing the residue on the paper heart
TRU (voice-over)
They identified the substance as tobacco flakes. Tar and nicotine levels are consistant with a certain brand of cigarettes
 (Shot of the report Davis is looking at)
 Bullseye Lights
Cut to: TRU
So keep an eye out for smokers, got it. Thanks
Cut to: DAVIS
Whoa, whoa, there’s more. I did a little research this afternoon on our serial killer. The cops are trying to keep this quiet, but turns out there were five murders over the last two years, all with the same M.O.
Cut to: TRU
DAVIS (voice-over)
All five occurred on or around Valentine’s Day
So he’s killed even more people than we thought. Wonderful
Cut to: DAVIS
Tru, just say the word and I’ll meet you there
Cut to: TRU
No, there’s no way you’d make it here in time. Just sit tight, I’ll call you if I need anything
40. EXT. Hank’s cabin. NIGHT.
 (Tru looks through the window. The blinds are slightly open, its dark inside and there’s no movement. She walks over to Hank’s truck, opens the front door and looks inside)
 (She reaches down into the compartment in the center of the truck, and picks up a half-empty packet of Bullseye Lights)
Wanna tell me what you think you’re doing?
Luc, what are you…?
You’re the one breaking into a pickup, so you answer my question first
I was…turning the lights off. He left them on, and I just didn’t want it to kill the battery
I guess you and Harrison worked everything out
Yeah, it wasn’t easy, but I think I finally got through to him
I talked to Lindsay
 (Tru slowly realises)
We know you guys lied to us
Luc, you don’t understand
No, I think I do. I mean, this is the part where you tell me your life’s really complicated, right? That you take off sometimes without explanation, and I just have to deal with it?
No, I just…
Here I am, thinking you’re the most amazing girl I’ve gotten to know in a long time, and the truth is, I don’t really know you at all
 (He walks away)
 (She sighs, shuts the door of the truck to find Hank standing there)
Next time you break into a man’s vehicle don’t get into a shouting match outside his cabin. Tends to wake a body up
Look I know what you’re up to and I’m warning you, stay away from Kevin Rafferty
You heard me
 (Hank coughs badly. He looks down at the cigarette packet in Tru’s hand)
You’re the second person I met today that smokes that brand
These aren’t yours?
Of course not. I got severe asthma, I can’t smoke
 (He takes out his inhaler, shakes it and drops it)
Damn it
 (Tru reaches down and picks it up. The label reads: TIMMONS, HANK. 600 Terbutaline. Shake well and inhale two puffs four times daily)
TRU (handing him his inhaler)
If these aren’t yours, then whose are they?
HANK (takes two puffs on his inhaler)
Kevin’s. He probably dropped them getting out the truck
41. INT. Reception. NIGHT.
 (Harrison watches Kevin put more wood by the fire. Lindsay walks in)
Hey, there you are. I was just gonna come look for you
Just save it, okay? I don’t know what you and Tru are up to, and I don’t even wanna know. But whatever it is, I’m sure its mostly your fault
Whoa, whoa. Calm down
 (Kevin looks over at them; wipes his hands on his sweater and walks off)
First thing in the morning, you’re taking me home
But, baby…
No, Harrison, really. No buts. And no more of your stories. This time, we’re through
 (Lindsay walks off. Harrison sighs, then looks over to where Kevin was standing)
Ah, Kevin?
 (He walks over to the desk and peers round the corner)
Oh, damn it
42. EXT. Motel. NIGHT.
(Tru is on her cellphone)
Terbutaline, Davis. That’s only prescribed for people with life-threatening asthma
Cut to: DAVIS
So the cigarettes belong to Kevin?
Cut to: TRU
DAVIS (voice-over)
Which makes him the serial killer
Right again
Cut to: DAVIS
Well if Kevin’s the serial killer, then who killed Kevin?
Cut to: TRU
Well, I’m thinking Kevin went looking for another victim last night
Cut to: DAVIS
And that victim turned the tables on him
Cut to: TRU
Right. The only question now is who
43. EXT. Lindsay’s cabin. NIGHT.
 (Lindsay tries the door, its locked)
Oh, come on. You gotta be kidding me
KEVIN (off-screen)
Locked out?
 (Lindsay turns around to see him standing behind her)
Uh, yeah, yeah…you work here?
Well my sister owns the place. She went for a walk but I was just about to go find her. If you wanna come with, I can get you another key
You are a lifesaver. Lead the way
 [Fade to Black]
 [Flashes of images as the day rewinds]
44. EXT. Motel. NIGHT.
 (Tru runs up to where Harrison is standing)
The guy with the pickup isn’t the serial killer. Kevin is
There are two killers. Kevin killed the girl in McKinley Park, and someone else killed him last night. Davis and I think it must be someone he attacked
Well, that doesn’t make what I have to tell you any easier. Kevin took off, I lost him
You what?
Lindsay stopped by to chew me out, I only took my eyes off him for like two seconds
Great, so that means he’s still in danger
So what if he’s in danger? The guy’s a serial killer! I say we knock off for the night and let nature take its course
No, you don’t get it. Everything you and I did today that we didn’t do yesterday, it changed fate
So things might play out differently this time. I mean, maybe the person Kevin attacks doesn’t fend him off tonight. Maybe that person dies instead of him
CARL (off-screen)
 (Tru and Harrison turn towards him)
Carl, buddy! What’s shaking?
I was about to ask you the same question. I just saw your lady friend walking off with another fellow
What? Who?
Eileen’s brother. She introduced me once, I forget his name
Which direction did they go?
 (Carl points, Tru and Harrison run off in that direction)
45. EXT. Motel. NIGHT.
 (Lindsay and Kevin are walking along together)
And then, as if things weren’t bad enough, he leaves me sitting in the room alone for like three hours, and I’m…
 (Kevin turns into the cemetery)
…um, are you sure this is the way your sister went?
I want you to meet someone
 (He stops by a grave)
My girlfriend, Amanda
 (Lindsay looks at the gravestone: it reads Amanda Walker 1976 – 2001)
(Kevin kneels by the grave)
Never spent a Valentine’s Day apart
LINDSAY (smiling)
This is a joke, right?
She died three years ago. Car crash. Have you ever lost someone close to you?
 (Lindsay shakes her head, no longer smiling)
It changes you. It separates you from other people. They say they’re sorry. They bring flowers. They send cards. But they don’t really understand what you’re going through. They don’t know what it meant to lose her
 (Lindsay looks around, uncomfortable)
That’s why I do this
 (He stands again)
So that other people will know what it feels like. I want them to understand, just like…
 (He pulls out a knife, and holds it towards Lindsay)
…the people who love you are going to understand
 (Lindsay backs away, he advances on her. He reaches out and grabs her jacket, she screams)
 (Harrison runs over, barrelling Kevin to the ground. Lindsay almost falls over a gravestone. She steadies herself and looks over at Harrison, who is rolling about with Kevin, Tru comes running up)
Are you all right?
 (Kevin pushes Harrison off and runs away into the woods)
Yeah, I think so
 (Harrison gets up, goes over to Lindsay)
LINDSAY (to Harrison, softly)
Are you okay?
 (Tru looks over to where Kevin ran off to. She looks back; Harrison puts his jacket around Lindsay’s shoulders and moves over to Tru)
So, I guess we finally figured out who iced the guy, huh?
Yeah, I guess. It’s just…
 [Flashback: Day 1, Tru bumps into Lindsay whilst going to get ice: TRU “Are you okay?” LINDSAY “Sorry, this place is just sorta creepy”]
No. It couldn’t have been Lindsay. I saw her yesterday, just before I found the body. She was fine
So who the hell killed this guy?
46. EXT. Woods. NIGHT.
 (Kevin hurries through the woods, suddenly a flashlight’s beam illuminates his face)
47. EXT. Cemetery. NIGHT.
Shot of Amanda’s grave
TRU (To Harrison)
The killer has to be someone who knew the truth
LINDSAY (shaken)
He said that was his girlfriend
What was that, sweetie?
LINDSAY (looking towards the grave)
He said that was his girlfriend
 (Tru looks down at the gravestone)
 [Flashback: TRU “He told me he was meeting his girlfriend” EILEEN “Oh, he hadn’t mentioned it to me”]
Eileen. She was covering for him
48. EXT. Woods. NIGHT.
 (Thunder and lightning in the sky, its pouring with rain. Kevin is kneeling, Eileen has the knife to his throat)
You always looked out for me, you always took care of me. Please, don’t stop now all right? Kill me. Kill me, before I hurt someone else. Please!
EILEEN (crying)
I can’t. I’m your sister. I love you
If that’s true, then you will put an end to all this. Once and for all, I’m begging you
TRU (off-screen)
Don’t do it, Eileen!
 (Eileen and Kevin look over to her)
I would never. He’s my brother
How long have you been protecting him?
I haven’t been. He confessed everything to me right before you came to the cabin, and I begged him to go to the police but he promised me that he wouldn’t kill again. I believed it. Until I saw him following your friend. And then I knew he couldn’t stop
Do it! Please, just do it, kill me, please, before I hurt someone else
No, I can’t! I’m sorry. But we’ll get you help, the best doctors
 (Kevin shoves her away, grabbing the knife)
I don’t want their help! I wanted yours…but if you can’t…
 (He puts the knife to his own throat)
EILEEN (screaming)
No, Kevin, don’t! Please! You’re all I have
I gotta be honest, I don’t even know if you deserve to live, but I do know this. If you go through with it, you’re not just killing yourself, you’re killing her too
 (Eileen nods, frantically. She gently lets go of his hands, he drops the knife to the ground and breaks down in tears. Eileen hugs him)
EILEEN (looking over at Tru)
Thank you
49. EXT. Motel. NIGHT.
 (A police car is in the parking lot. An officer leads Kevin over to it. Harrison and Lindsay are sitting close together)
So let me see if I’ve got this straight. Tru overheard this psycho confessing a murder to his sister this afternoon, and instead of going to the police…
Which she couldn’t do because the phones were down
Right. She went to you
So why didn’t you tell me and Luc?
We didn’t want you getting all freaked out
Yeah well maybe if I was a little more freaked out, I wouldn’t have gone for a walk with the guy. I can’t believe I almost broke up with you tonight. What you did for me? I didn’t think a man could be that brave
 (They kiss. The police car drives away)
50. INT. Luc’s car. NIGHT.
Look, I know I screwed up
No, lives were at stake. You did something good. But for reasons I may never understand, you felt like you couldn’t come to me
I was trying to protect you
I didn’t need you to protect me. I never did. What I needed was for you to let me in. To be a part of your life. But now, God, after this…
Luc, please, it won’t happen again
It will. Maybe not the same way, but it will. Because we’re going in circles here Tru, we’re running into the same problem over and over again, I just…I just don’t think one more chance is gonna change that
 (Luc gets out of the car and walks away, leaving Tru sitting alone)
Cut to: Shot of the Morgue and the street outside it
51. INT. Morgue. DAY.
I went through hell this weekend. And for what? To save the life of a serial killer
This way he’s in prison. Some people would say that’s worse than death
All I wanted was two days, Davis. Two lousy days, away from this job and this thing that I do. But I couldn’t get away, it followed me, and it cost me Luc because I couldn’t tell him the truth!
You have a calling
A calling is something you’re destined to do, something that gives your life meaning, something that makes you happy. What I do feels more like a curse
DAVIS (sighs)
Look, you were chosen for a reason. Whoever gave you this gift knew what they were doing. They saw the same things in you that I see in you, strength, compassion, conviction. Curse or calling, love it or hate it, you are the right person for the job
Shot of Luc outside the morgue, waiting for the elevator
DAVIS (cont’d)
There’s no doubt in my mind
 (The elevator dings)
(Tru watches Luc through the window, as he gets into the elevator and presses the button)
(Camera pans further and further away from Tru, a solitary figure standing alone in the middle of the Morgue)
 [Fade to Black]

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Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !