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#114 : Secrets de famille

Le père de Tru arrive en ville avec sa nouvelle épouse, qui tente une réconciliation avec les enfants sous la forme d'une invitation à la fête d'anniversaire de leur père. Tru refuse, mais seulement jusqu'à ce que sa belle-mère arrive à la morgue ... et lui demande son aide. Pendant ce temps, un nouvel expert médico-légal, Jack Harper, rejoint la morgue et va travailler aux côtés de Tru... 


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Daddy's girl

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Secrets de famille

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Réalisé par Jesus Salvano Trevino
Ecrit par Chris Levinson, Zack Estrin et Jon Harmon Feldman


Flash-back: depuis le fond d'un placard sombre, la jeune Tru observe ce qui se passe dans la pièce : sa mère est abattue par un homme qu'elle semble connaître.

Tru se réveilledans le présent et explique son cauchemar à Harrison qui pense que c'est normal que ses mauvais rêves surviennent parce que leur père revient en ville. Tru n'est pas d'accord mais Harrison lui rappelle tout ce que ce dernier leur a fait subir : il a disparu de la circulation depuis qu'elle est entrée au lycée, il s'est marié avec la femme qui était sa maîtresse quand lui et leur mère étaient encore mariés, et a abandonné ses 3 enfants livrés à eux-mêmes.


Tru et Harrison rejoignent Meredith au resto pour le petit-déjeuner. Pourquoi reste t'il une place de libre ? Ils aperçoivent alors Jordan Davies, leur belle-mère, faisant son entrée dans le resto. Ce n'est pas un petit-déj, c'est un guet-apens. Jordan prépare une fête d'anniversaire pour les 50 ans de Richard et que pourrait-il y avoir de plus original que tous ses enfants réunis pour fêter ça avec lui ? Humm peut-être avoir été présent quand ils grandissaient... Tru y fait référence et décline l'offre : elle ne veut pas y être présente une seule seconde.

Retour à la morgue. Davis fait passer des entretiens pour remplacer Gardez. Premier questionné, Jack Harper, 29 ans, propre sur lui et un peu effronté mais il a de bonnes références. Davis est immédiatement séduit. Il lui montre les lieux. Tru surgit comme à son habitude à un moment imprévu et est présentée à Jack. Ils ont un échange rapide et un peu hostile puis Jack s'en va. Davis veut savoir ce qui la tracasse vraiment.

Les mots de Davis ont du résonner dans la tête de Tru puisqu'elle fait un détour imprévu à la chambre d'hôtel de son père et de Jordan. Une de ses demi-soeurs ouvre la porte. Malheureusement Jordan est sortie mais ce n'est pas le cas de Richard. Il indique à Tru que Jordan appréciera qu'elle soit venue s'excuser pour son comportement du matin. Tru conteste. Son père l'invite alors à venir à la soirée puis lui rappelle à quel point elle ressemble à sa mère.

Le soir-même, dans un restaurant huppé, la fête d'anniversaire de Richard est en train de se dérouler. Tru fait une apparition mais où est passée Jordan ? Richard n'en a aucune idée. En retard comme d'habitude ! Harrison arrive avec Lindsay et la présente à son père. Ce dernier n'est pas très sympa : "Elle semble gentille, mais pourquoi te limites tu ? Tu es jeune, garde les yeux ouverts" ! Harrison essaye de protester mais finit par descendre Lindsay à son tour. Ce n'est pas grave. Hé bien, apparemment, c'est assez grave pour Lindsay qui décide de partir.

Tru arrive à la morgue pour sa garde de nuit et découvre que le nouvel engagé Jack n'est pas venu travailler du tout. Davis a vérifié ses références et il semble que celui-ci à la mauvaise habitude de ne pas se montrer au boulot. Ce sera donc Tru, Davis et un corps qui vient à peine d'arriver. Il s'agit à priori d'une victime d'agression. Plusieurs coups de couteau. Tru soulève le drap et découvre stupéfaite qu'il s'agit de Jordan !

Tru et Richard attendent dans le couloir afin d'identifier le corps. Cette scène a un air de déjà vu pour Tru, car c'est également ici qu'ils ont emmené sa mère après qu'elle soit morte. Elle renvoie Richard dans sa chambre d'hôtel pour qu'il puisse être avec ses enfants là où on a besoin de lui. Peut-être arrivera t'il a bien gérer la situation cette fois. Davis essaye de renvoyer Tru chez elle mais le corps de Jordan l'appelle.

- Retour dans le temps -

Tru se réveille en sursaut et renverse du café très chaud sur Davis et son beau costume de recruteur. Elle s'excuse puis lui explique qu'elle ne peut pas rester parce qu'elle doit retrouver Jordan au diner. Cette dernière va se faire assassiner aujourd'hui. Tru offre donc son aide à Jordan pour organiser la soirée. En fait, elle lui propose même de passer la journée entière ensemble. Harrison se demande ce qui arrive à sa soeur. Jordan demande quelques conseils pour le gâteau mais Tru lui explique qu'elle n'est pas celle à qui on peut demander conseil en ce qui concerne Richard Davies. Jordan lui répond qu'elles ont beaucoup plus en commun qu'elle ne peut l'imaginer. Elle lui confie que la seule femme que son père ait jamais vraiment aimé était sa mère. Les autres doivent se partager ce qu'ils peuvent.

Pendant ce temps, Davis interroge Jack, mais cette fois, grâce à l'info de Tru, il a déjà vérifié ses références et a été prévenu des disparitions soudaines de ce dernier. Quel est le problème de Jack ? Apparemment, il y a quelques années, il est mort. Il travaillait en tant que technicien médical d'urgence. Il essayait de ramener à la vie un jeune gamin victime d'un coup de feu mais quelqu'un souhaitait vraiment que ce gamin meure parce qu'il a fait irruption et a tiré à nouveau. Jack a pris la balle. Son coeur s'est arrêté pendant 3 minutes et 28 secondes puis il est revenu. Il a alors quitté son job, ne se sentant plus capable d'assurer.

Jack :  3 minutes et 28 secondes, c'est le temps pendant lequel mon coeur s'est arrêté. Et je suis revenu. Vous savez, on dit qu'une telle expérience vous change. Que ça vous donne envie de vivre chaque jour pleinement, mais pour moi, j'ai perdu cette envie. Je savais que quelque chose devait être donné. ça ne semblait pas juste. ça ne semblait pas juste que l'on confie des vies dans mes mains mal assurées. J'ai pensé que changer d'endroit m'aiderait, ça ne m'a pas aidé. J'espère que changer de vocation m'aidera.
Davis : "Hé bien, certains diraient que quand on survit à une telle expérience, c'est que l'on a été ramené à la vie pour une raison...
Jack : On verra bien

Un peu plus tard, Jordan et Tru coupent à travers le parc pour se rendre sur le lieu de leurs prochaines courses. Tru scrute les alentours déserts et demande à nouveau à Jordan si elle ne préfèrerait pas plutôt prendre un taxi. Celle-ci essaye de la convaincre que son père a changé et qu'il veut que tout rentre dans l'ordre. Soudain, Tru aperçoit un homme venant vers elles, une main dans la poche de son sweat, tout en fixant Jordan. L'homme ne fait que passer mais Tru a toujours cette mauvaise impression. Elle pivote sur elle-même juste à temps pour l'empêcher de s'attaquer à Jordan. Elle arrive à retirer le couteau de sa main. Soudain l'homme observe Tru et se rend compte de quelque chose, alors qu'un rictus apparaît sur son visage. Puis il s'enfuit dans les broussailles.

De retour à l'hôtel, Tru et Jordan semblent plus proches depuis leur terrible expérience de la journée. Richard espère que cela signifie que Tru a arrêté d'en vouloir à Jordan pour être la cause de leur séparation. Tru est contente d'avoir sauvé Jordan mais n'est pas prête à tout pardonner pour autant. Son père décide alors qu'il est temps d'être franc. Oui, lui et sa mère étaient mariés quand il a rencontré Jordan, mais le divorce était déjà en cours. Il aimait sa femme mais elle était devenue distante, imprévisible, à partir n'importe quand et à donner des excuses peu convaincantes.

Tru, Harrison et Lindsay arrivent à la grande soirée. Harrison présente Lindsay à son père mais cette fois, grâce à de bonnes infos, il la défend. Lindsay entend la conversation et vient l'embrasser. Depuis son point d'observation au bar, Tru surveille les invités et remarque soudain l'Homme du parc caché dans un coin sombre. Elle se dirige droit vers son père et le force désespérément à la suivre. Ils partent chacun dans une direction et Tru trébuche pratiquement devant l'Homme. Pourquoi en a t'il après Jordan ? L'Homme suggère qu'elle pose cette question à son père. Soudain Tru a un flash-back de son enfance et réalise où elle a déjà entendu cette voix auparavant. Depuis l'intérieur du placard, juste avant que sa mère soit tuée. Tru voudrait savoir ce qu'il veut à sa famille mais l'Homme a disparu.

Elle sort dehors dans une allée et y découvre son père dans un échange assez violent avec l'Homme. Richard se retourne vers Tru et l'homme s'enfuit à nouveau. Est ce qu'il connaît vraiment cet homme ? Richard supplie Tru pour qu'elle ne parte pas. Il avoue qu'il connaît ce homme. C'est un ex-taulard qui s'appelle Carl Neesan. Richard l'a désigné coupable d'un meurtre. Carl a clamé son innocence. Les preuves étaient plutôt faibles mais Richard voulait impressionner et s'est donc démené. Après la sentence, Carl a juré qu'il aurait sa revanche. Tru veut savoir pourquoi aujourd'hui ? C'est au tour de son père de se montrer incrédule.

En effet, ce n'est pas la première fois que cela arrive, c'est comme cela depuis plusieurs années. Il refait surface, demande de l'argent et s'en va... jusqu'à la fois d'après. Cependant, aujourd'hui, Richard lui a dit que tout devait s'arrêter et n'a jamais pensé que Carl mettrait ses menaces à exécution. "Quoi ?, mais il a tué maman ! Ce n'était pas suffisant pour te convaincre ?" rétorque Tru. "Non Tru, ce n'est pas lui. La police a enquêté, un détective privé a enquêté. Il avait un alibi en béton" lui répond son père. Cela importe peu à Tru, elle a entendu sa voix.

Retour à la morgue, Davis essaye de convaincre Tru de donner une chance au nouvel embauché. Tru entre dans la crypte et aperçoit Jack sortant un corps de son compartiment. Elle cherche à s'assurer qu'il ne prendra pas mal le fait de voir toutes ces personnes prises trop tôt par la mort. Jack affirme qu'il n'y a jamais vraiment pensé. Il lui explique qu'il trouve injuste de prolonger la vie au delà de son utilité par des tuyaux et des machines.

Plus tard, Tru arrive à son appartement et est instantanément projetée au sol par Carl. Elle se débat comme elle peut mais il continue à la poursuivre, visiblement satisfait de ce jeu du chat et de la souris. "ça te rappelle des souvenirs, n'est ce pas ?" Tru ouvre désespérément un tiroir de la cuisine et en sort un grand couteau, qu'elle réussit à planter dans le pied de Carl. Elle court ensuite jusqu'à sa chambre et cherche un endroit pour se cacher. Carl entre dans la pièce sombre et sourit alors qu'il observe la porte du placard. Il tient son arme et ouvre rapidement la porte du placard, révélant Tru, recroquevillée dans un coin. Mais avant que l'un des 2 puisse faire le moindre geste, Carl est attrapé par une autre personne, Richard. il court au secours de Tru alors que Carl s'échappe. Rassuré sur la sécurité de sa fille, Richard part à la recherche de Carl.

Dans une allée, Richard rattrape un Carl blessé et le plaque au sol par derrière. Il le pousse contre un mur. "Qui crois tu être Carl ?". Un discussion mouvementée s'engage et révèle que Carl est l'homme que Richard avait payé pour tuer sa première femme. Richard lui rappelle qu'il l'a bien payé pour faire ce boulot. Ils avaient un deal, il l'a payé. Maintenant il est temps que cela cesse. Richard colle l'arme sous le menton de Carl et fixe la détente quand Carl lui rappelle la lettre détaillant tout le passé qui sera envoyée directement à Tru s'il meurt. En parlant de Tru, celle-ci arrive et observe la scène depuis le bout de l'allée. Richard lui crie de partir ce qu'elle fait de façon surprenante. Elle entend alors un coup de feu. On voit alors l'arme pointée vers le ciel. Richard dit à Carl qu'il n'y aura pas d'avertissement la prochaine fois.

Richard retrouve Tru au coin de la rue. Cette dernière est soulagée de le voir en vie. "Est ce que tu as... ?" "chhuuuut, c'est fini chérie. Papa a réglé la situation". Tru fond en larmes dans les bras de son père.

[The following scene takes place with Tru aged 10]

1. INT. Tru’s house. NIGHT.
(Tru, 10, wearing a nightdress, is clutching her mother’s hand. Her mother is running up the stairs, pulling Tru up with her)

Hurry…come on

What’s wrong, mommy?

(Elise looks behind them)

Come on, sweetie

(They go into the bedroom)

Is everything okay?


(Elise goes over to the closet, and opens it. She places Tru inside and kneels down in front of her)

Stay quiet now, Tru

(Her eyes linger on her daughter’s face for several seconds, before she stands and closes the closet)

(She gasps; footsteps sound outside in the hall. Camera follows black boots as they walk into the room where Elise and Tru are.)

(Camera close up of Tru through the closet doors, looking terrified)

MAN (off-screen)
Are you alone?

(Elise looks down at his hand, he is holding a gun)


MAN (in darkness)
Where’s your daughter?

She’s not here

MAN (in darkness)

(He raises the gun, aiming it at Elise. Tru’s eyes widen in fear. The man fires the gun. Young Tru gasps in the closet)

2. INT. Tru’s bedroom. NIGHT.
(Tru wakes up, gasping, after her nightmare)

3. INT. Tru’s apartment. DAY.
(Harrison is fixing coffee. Tru sits on the couch.)

I see Mom’s face…and then I hear it…a man’s voice and…

It’s because Daddy’s coming to town

(He sits opposite her, raising his coffee in a “cheers”)

The dream has nothing to do with Dad

Mmm. Right

Besides, Meredith says he’s only in town for a conference so odds are we won’t even hear from him. But there’s something else

And that is?

What I do…going back, trying to save these people from dying…I think Mom could do it too

Where you getting this from?

Davis. He was an assistant the night they brought Mom in

How does this freak-fest from a morgue become such an expert on our mother?

He talked to people, did research. Besides, the question isn’t how he knows, but if he’s right. And if he is, what am I gonna find out next?


4. INT. Morgue. DAY.
(Tru is asleep on a chair in the office. Davis enters, she awakens)

There’s this new technology, everybody’s talking about it. It’s called a bed

Sorry. I haven’t been sleeping very well lately

Your shift’s over, why don’t you go home and get some real rest?

Over? How over?

(She grabs his watch and takes a look)

Oh, I’m meeting Harrison and Meredith at the diner in three minutes. Rumour has it our father’s in town. This is Meredith’s way of dealing

Your father?

Yeah. Just because none of us have seen him in five years doesn’t mean he still can’t make us crazy

5. INT. Standard Diner. DAY.
(Harrison, Tru and Meredith are sitting in a booth)

So you wanna talk about our father, right?

Actually I was gonna see who wants to split the French toast

(The waitress comes over with the coffee pot and pours it into the cups on the table. Tru looks down: there are four cups)

Expecting someone?

Ah…right. About that. Well, you asked if I had anything to say about Dad, and so I brought someone who I thought could say it better. His wife

Jordan (he clears his throat) It ain’t breakfast, it’s an ambush

(Jordan walks over and sits beside Harrison)

Don’t blame Mer. This was my idea. Anyway, I’m sure you all remember this weekend is your father’s birthday, and um, since he’s in town for a conference, I convinced him to let me throw him a party…

HARRISON (mockingly)

…here in his hometown, and I thought what could be more special for Richard than to spend his birthday with his kids

From which marriage?

Harry, she’s trying, why can’t you?

It’s just a small get-together

I work nights

Well they let you out to eat, don’t they?

(Tru stares at her mutinously)

Just come tonight. Isn’t showing up the least you can do?

(Harrison looks at Tru, knowing she’s about to explode)

Funny, I thought the same thing about my Dad my last ten birthdays

Tru, I’m sorry…that’s not…

For what? For breaking up my parents marriage or pretending it never happened?

(Jordan looks uncomfortable)

You know what? I just remembered I gotta be somewhere

(She gets up and walks away)


(She doesn’t turn around. Harrison looks at Meredith as if to say “well what did you expect?”)

6. INT. Morgue. DAY.

You wouldn’t believe it, but we get some pretty questionable job applicants. But you, on the other hand…

(Shot of the resume he is holding: Jack Harper, followed by previous EMT positions and certificates in medical exams)

Good schools. Six years of EMT experience is pretty good. Some would say you’re overqualified

(He moves the resume down and we see Jack Harper, sitting by the desk, for the first time)

Some might say I’m late paying my rent


Look, the reason I’m here is because they say this is a decent place to work. Reasonable on-call hours, steady turn-over

Well, you have done your homework. I do have some other candidates coming in but…I’ll show you around the place


7. INT. Morgue. DAY.

So this is the sign-in room, hub of most of the activity. Not today obviously, but…


(They go into the office; Jack sits down in front of the computer)

You guys use LFD as your primary filing system?


Slow week. Probably a good thing in our business, huh?

(They chuckle)

Hey, you mind if I take something to drink before I hit the road?

No, not at all. It’s right there (he points to the refrigerator)


(He goes over to it. Tru comes walking in)

Oh, perfect timing. Odd and completely off schedule but perfect

I forgot these when I took off this morning

(She picks up her keys from the side)

This is Mr. Harper. He was be replaci…uh, interviewing to replace Gardez

Hey. Jack

Hey. Tru

(She points to the soda can he is holding)

You had to write it down?

(He raises the can to show her name is clearly marked in black marker on the side of the can)

Just so the functional illiterate wouldn’t drink my soda


(He pops open the can)

Can’t be too careful, what with the big soda shortage I’ve been reading so much about

Oh. And here I was thinking you didn’t read

Okay…you know what; I’ll probably make my decision by this afternoon


(He puts the soda down and shakes Davis’s hand)

Well, you know where to find me

(to Tru) Excuse me


(She moves and allows Jack to pick up his jacket from the desk)


(He leaves)

DAVIS (sitting down)
That guy’s going places

Yeah. Let’s just hope somewhere far, far away from here

Are you all right?

I’m fine. I just don’t get why you wanna hire someone like that

Tru, look, I know you have a lot on your mind but are you sure it’s Jack that’s bothering you?

8. EXT. Hotel Room. DAY.
(Tru knocks at the door. It’s opened by Claire, a little blonde girl 7-8)

Hey Claire. It’s Tru

I know who you are

It’s been a while. I wasn’t sure. Anyway, I’m looking for Jordan, your…your mom

She’s not here. You wanna talk to my Daddy?

No, no, no, that’s okay

CLAIRE (calling)

RICHARD (off-screen)

(He appears at the doorway, and smiles at Tru)


Hi, Dad

It’s…it’s good to…

I was sure you’d be at your conference, I was actually just looking for Jordan

(to Claire) Hey Claire, do me a favour, go keep an eye on your brother
(to Tru) Come in, or are you in a hurry?

(Tru enters, somewhat reluctantly)

Jordan’s actually running errands. But she’ll be at the party tonight, if it can wait until then

Yeah, I don’t know if I’ll be able to make it. Um, you know, work

Right… Jordan told me about your breakfast this morning. And it will mean a lot to her that you came here to apologize

Apologize? No. I might have been a little out of line, I was upset

With Jordan? Or with me?

I should go

Come tonight, okay?

If I can

(She turns to leave)

Look at you

(Tru turns at the doorway)

You are so much like your mother

[Flashback: DAVIS: “It was your mother. What you can do, she could do it too”]

Cut to: Flashes of the city buildings – night

9. INT. Party. NIGHT.
(People are milling around everywhere, soft music plays)

RICHARD (on the phone)
Jordan, it’s me again. I don’t know if you’re still out, or if you don’t have your cellphone with you. Should I worry? Call me, thanks

(He hangs up and turns to see Tru walking towards him)

Thought I’d make an appearance

I’m glad you did

I can only stay for a minute. But where’s Jordan? I’d like to have that conversation

Running late, as usual. She was supposed to meet me here after her errands, but…typical Jordan

I’m sure she’s just out getting you a last minute gift

Cut to: Lindsay dragging Harrison into the room

Come on!

(Richard notices them across the room)

Ah…well, look who’s here

(Lindsay leads Harrison over to where Richard and Tru are standing)

Come on


Hi…I wanna introduce you to my lovely girl, Lindsay

Hi, Mr Davies

You’re Tru’s friend from school, right?


I don’t think Harrison has ever formally introduced me to anyone he’s been seeing

Well it wasn’t really necessary before

(Lindsay laughs nervously)

Lindsay, lets go get drinks

Yeah, well it was good to see you again


(Tru and Lindsay walk away)

Seems like a nice girl, Lindsay

And here it comes

Don’t get defensive. I look at you, and you’ve got so many options. Why limit yourself?

Usually you save the advice for the occasional Christmas card, so don’t waste all your good material tonight

What I’m trying to say, if you’ll let me finish, is that you’re doing fine. Just don’t let this thing with Lindsay confine you. You’re young, keep your eyes open…for what might otherwise pass you by

Well, so you know, it’s er…it’s just kind of a “now” thing. It’s not a big deal

(Richard pats him on the arm, and moves away. As he moves, Harrison sees Lindsay standing there, holding two drinks, looking hurt and annoyed. Tru is shaking her head at him)

(Lindsay walks slowly over and puts both drinks in his hands)

Good to know where we stand

10. INT. Morgue. NIGHT.
(Tru enters. Davis is sitting, reading something)


Oh, hi

How was the party?

A bust. Only reason I went was to apologize to Jordan, who never even showed up

Tru, um, listen, I er…about your mother…I just wanted to say that…

It’s okay. I think I’ve had enough big conversations for one day


So how about the new guy? When’s he start? Mr Mooch

He doesn’t. I checked his references and…

He didn’t check out?

No. Turns out that Mr Harper has a nasty habit of not turning up for work. Permanently. Until I called, his last three employers had no idea where he was

You’re kidding

(They walk into the crypt)

So it looks like it’s just you and me

TRU (referring to the body bag on the trolley)
Who brought this one in?

Copeland from County. He’s helping me out until I find a replacement. Must have dropped it off while I was on a break. It looks like a mugging, multiple stab wounds

(Davis unzips the bag and pulls it open, revealing Jordan lying on the trolley, her chest bloody)

Oh, God! Jordan…

[Fade to Black]
[Images of the day so far flash in sequence]

11. INT. Morgue. NIGHT.
(Claire and Oliver Davies are sitting with colouring books. Camera pans over to Tru, sitting next to Richard. It’s silent)

Dad, I’m…

I know. You…you probably don’t remember this, but when your mother…this is where we, uh…

We could have her moved somewhere else if it would make it easier

(Richard shakes his head. Tru moves her hand onto his and he squeezes it tightly. Then he lets go)

It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have let her go

There’s nothing you could have done

Mugged…God, if I could just have it to do over again

(Tru looks over towards the two children)

You should talk to them

I will

You know, there are pieces I remember from the night mom died. Things I wish I didn’t. And they don’t have to be here

(Davis comes round the corner)

We’re ready for you. I’ll keep an eye on the little ones

(Richard gets up, Tru follows. Richard stops at the doors)

It’s all right. I’ll do this

[Flashback: 10-year-old Tru, in her night things, stands in the Morgue. RICHARD: You can wait out here. Let Daddy handle it”]

(Flash back to the present. Tru nods slightly, Richard enters the crypt. Tru moves closer to the door. She watches her father walk over to Jordan. He kisses her on the forehead)

[Flashback: 10-year-old Tru watches her father lean down and kiss her mother’s body on the forehead]

(Flash back to the present. Richard walks back outside and joins Tru)

All right. Now what?

I’ll take it from here

You sure you can…?

It’s my job. Yours is to be with your children. They’re gonna need their father

(Richard touches Tru’s cheek gently, then walks away towards Claire and Oliver)

[Flashback: 10-year-old Tru watches her father walk away from her, down the corridor]

10. INT. Morgue. NIGHT.
(Tru stands beside Jordan’s body. She puts on a pair of surgical gloves)

DAVIS (walking over)
What are you doing? Go home. I’ll cover this. I’m serious. No-one’s giving out extra credit for the bravest girl in the room. Come on, go home

(Tru looks down at Jordan.)

DAVIS (cont’d)
You cannot save everyone. Go home

(Tru begins to take off the gloves, walking away slightly)

DAVIS (into the autopsy microphone)
Victim suffered multiple stab wounds to the upper torso

JORDAN (whispering)

TRU (turning round)

I didn’t say anything to you

(into microphone) Sex – female

(Tru turns to go again)

JORDAN (whispering)

(Tru stops, turns around. Jordan’s eyes open and her head raises off the trolley)

Stop him

[Flashes of the days images as it rewinds]

13. INT. Morgue office. DAY.
(Tru awakens, leaps up off the chair, colliding with Davis who spills hot coffee over himself)


Oh my God! Davis, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry

It’s okay, the coffee’s just really hot, ow…

(He moves over to get tissues from the box)

You know this is the third time this week you’ve crashed out during your shift, why don’t you just…?

I can’t. I’ve told you about my father’s wife, Jordan, right? Well she’s in town and sometime today, she’s gonna be murdered

Oh, one of those days again

Oh, and about the Jack guy…check his references before the interview so you don’t get your hopes up

Okay, well, where are you going now?

Believe it or not, to spend the day with my stepmother

14. INT. Standard Diner. DAY.
(Meredith and Jordan walk to the booth, laughing together. Tru is already sitting there)


Jordan. Hi. This is unexpected

Uh, yeah, well, she wanted to see us to talk about some things…and, um…

That’s funny, because I was just telling someone that I thought it was about time you and I got to know each other better

MEREDITH (incredulous)
You were?

(Tru nods)

I would like that, Tru. Which makes what I came to ask you much easier. Um, your father’s birthday is this weekend, and I’m throwing a party for him…

I’ll be there

(Meredith and Jordan look at each other)

JORDAN (to Meredith)
You said she’d probably walk out on me (she laughs) I’m thrilled, Tru. Thank you. Excuse me, I’m gonna wash up

(She walks to the bathroom)

Okay, what’s going on? Those are the first polite words you’ve ever said to her

I guess we’re all full of surprises today, huh?

Hey kids. What’s cracking?

(He sits down beside Tru)

Well, Jordan came by and told us she’s having a party for Dad tonight, and Tru…

Told her off?

Actually, Tru said she’d be there

(Harrison looks at Tru, open-mouthed)

15. EXT. Standard Diner. DAY.
(Harrison and Tru have come out of the Diner last)

She was killed? Oh come on, get out of here

Why else do you think I’d hang out with her? I don’t have a choice. She was killed, she asked for my help, the day rewound and I’m stuck with her for the entire day

(They come up beside Meredith and Jordan)

So we’re gonna go pick up Dad’s cake, I guess we’ll see you guys later?

Uh, you mind if I come along? You know, help with the party planning?

Of course, Tru. That’d be nice

(Sarcastically) Wouldn’t it, though? (He takes Tru aside) Could you excuse us for one sec?

(They move aside)

You can’t tell me something like that and then just run off to some bakery…you need me to do something?

I don’t think so, not yet. But hey, when Dad asks you about Lindsay tonight, just tell him what you really feel, not what he wants to hear. You’ll be glad you did. Okay?

16. INT. Bakery. DAY.
(Meredith’s cellphone rings, as the three of them stand in the bakery)

My office. I’ll be right back

So, Jordan, where to after this? Back to the hotel or, you maybe meeting someone else?

Well, it depends on how much time I have. What kind of cake do you think he’s gonna want this year?

Honestly, you’ve got the wrong girl if you’re looking for intimate knowledge of Richard Davies

Hmm. Well, then we have something in common

What do you mean by that?

Tru…I love your father. And I might even understand him. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that I know him. I think that he only ever let one person in completely, and that was your mother. So the rest of us, we just, um, take what we can get

WOMAN (off-screen)
Can I help you?

Um, we’ll take the chocolate one, the big one

WOMAN (off-screen)
Sure thing

Cut to: Shot of the street outside the Morgue

Cut to: Shot of the City Morgue building and front door

17. INT. Morgue. DAY.
(Davis is interviewing Jack Harper)

I see the bulk of your Work Experience has been as an EMT. Why the sudden desire to change teams?

Well, the truth is, I think I’d accomplished everything I wanted to in that line of work

Well, I contacted all your previous employers, and they all said the same thing: that you were good at the job but one day you didn’t show up. Just disappeared. Is there anything you wanna say about that?

A couple of years ago, I, um…I died

Excuse me?

I was at a scene, working on a kid about 9 years old. He had a gunshot to the back. We’d just gotten a pulse, and I guess someone didn’t want the kid to make it…he started firing…I caught the bullets instead. I remember it…it felt like a bee sting on the back of my neck, right here…Three minutes and 28 seconds. That’s how long my heart stopped. And then…I came back

And what was that like?

You know, they say an experience like that changes you. It should make you wanna live every day to the fullest, but for me it just…I lost it. I knew something had to give. It just didn’t feel right. It just didn’t feel right entrusting lives to my unsteady hands. I thought a change of location would help – it didn’t. I’m hoping a change of vocation will

Well, some would say once you’ve survived something like that, that you were brought back for a reason

I guess we’ll see

Cut to: Shot of the park – DAY

18. EXT. Park. DAY.
(Jordan and Tru are walking together)

I love cutting through the park. It’s days like this that make me miss living here

Are you sure you don’t just wanna take a cab? I mean I know you have a lot to do today

A cab? No, we’re just going a few blocks. Hey, I just wanna let you know I really appreciate you giving me a chance today. I’m not a hundred per cent sure where it came from, but I’ll definitely take it. You know, your father and I don’t fight very often, but when we do, it’s usually…about his relationship with the three of you


For what it’s worth…I think his distance comes from guilt. About how he dealt with what happened. But he’s different now…he wants to make things right

(Tru isn’t listening, she has noticed a lone male 45-50 walking towards them, hands in his pockets)

JORDAN (cont’d)
He’s changed. He’s a different man, Tru

(The man passes them, then turns back. He draws a knife out of his pocket)

Jordan, go!

(She knocks the man’s arm, the knife flies out of his hands. Jordan gasps. The man shoves Tru, knocking her over near the knife. Tru grabs it, gets up and holds it out in front of her. The man smirks at her, then runs)

[Fade to Black]
[Flashes of the days images so far as it rewinds]

19. INT. Hotel Room. DAY.

Now we know why we left the city. They can talk all they want about the shrinking crime rate

You know, I think I’m gonna lie down a bit, before the party. Close my eyes


(to Tru) Hey (she hugs her) Thank you. Who knows what could’ve happened if you hadn’t been there

I’m just glad you’re okay


(She walks out of the room)

Boy, never a dull moment


If not the little ones, it’s Jordan

Luckily, she’s fine

Luckily, you were with her

She’s sweet, Dad. I probably should’ve noticed that sooner. Anyway, I’d probably better get going…

It’s nice that you stopped blaming her

Blame her? For what?

Me and your mother

Look, Dad, I’m glad that I could help Jordan, but now is not the time…

Now is not the time. It’s long overdue. Sit down

(They both sit, opposite each other)

When I met Jordan, yes, your mother and I were still married

I’m pretty clear on that part, Dad

But we had already decided to get a divorce

(Tru looks at him, shocked)

What? Why didn’t I know this before?

Because you didn’t want to. I loved your mother, Tru. But the fact is, we…grew apart. She became distant, unreliable. She’d run off at a moment’s notice. At very odd hours, flimsy excuses. It was like she was living some…

Secret life

Truth is, when I met Jordan, I’d been alone for years. But I’ve said enough. Too much, probably. Today is not a day for living in the past, so I’ll see you tonight, won’t I?

(Tru doesn’t reply)

It would mean the world to Jordan if you would make an appearance. And it would to me, as well

Cut to: The chocolate birthday cake in the party room, iced with “Happy Birthday Richard”

20. INT. Party. NIGHT.
(Tru enters the room. She sees Jordan and Richard standing together, sharing a joke with another couple)

Hey! You made it

I did

Hey, you look beautiful

So do you

Oh please. I stopped looking beautiful two children ago
(to the couple) This is Tru, Richard’s daughter


The one I told you about

Jordan’s been singing your praises all night

So if you’ll excuse us, I have a lot of people I want you to meet. Come here

(She takes Tru away)

(Richard sees Harrison and Lindsay over by the birthday cake. He walks over to them)


Dad. I wanna introduce you to my girl, Lindsay

Mr Davies

Aren’t you Tru’s friend from school?


(She looks over and sees Tru across the room)

Oh, there’s Tru. It was nice to see you again


(Lindsay leaves them to it)

Seems like a nice girl

She is. One of the nicest ones I’ve met in a long time

That’s good to hear. But at your age, Harrison…

Yeah, at my age, you met Mom. Now you wouldn’t consider that a mistake, would you?

Nope. Absolutely not

Think about it. You had three wonderful kids. If you hadn’t noticed

Yeah. I see your point

(He moves away. Lindsay walks up to Harrison with two drinks and hands them to him)

God, you are so unexpected sometimes!

(She kisses him)

Cut to: Tru standing by the bar, watching Harrison and Lindsay with a smile. She looks over at Jordan who is standing with Meredith. Jordan waves at her, smiling. Tru waves back.

The camera pans in on Tru’s face as she begins to look panicked. Then it turns to show what she is seeing: the man from the Park who tried to stab Jordan. Tru watches him as he moves through the crowd. She hurries over to her Dad


What? What’s wrong?

He’s here


The man from the park. The man who attacked Jordan. He’s here, or at least he was

He’s here now?

Yeah, that means it wasn’t random, that means he’s looking for her

I’m gonna call the police. Don’t let Jordan out of your sight

(Tru looks around the room for the man. She notices Jordan is still with Meredith. Camera pans around the room, he is nowhere to be seen. Then Tru notices him standing by the door. He looks straight at her, then walks away towards the kitchens)

21. INT. Kitchens. NIGHT.
(Tru walks around the kitchens, the man isn’t there. She turns back to go the way she had come and bumps into someone)

Excuse me…

(She stares at the man, it’s the man from the park)

You…what do you want with her?

The daughter’s always the last to know

[Flashback: 10-year-old Tru hides in the closet. MAN: “Where’s your daughter?” A figure in black raises a gun and fires it]

It was you…you killed my mother

(The man turns to leave. Tru grabs hold of him)

What do you want from us?

(He stares at her, then turns and walks down the corridor. Tru is about to follow when Harrison comes in)

Hey, what’s up? Dad said something was going down with Jordan or something?

He was here

The man who mugged Jordan is here?

The man who killed Mom


It’s the same person

(Harrison looks ready to bolt down the corridor after the man, but Tru pulls him back)

No! Go find Jordan, make sure she’s okay, Harrison, go! Hurry up! Go!

(Tru runs down the corridor, and Harrison runs back through the kitchens)

22. EXT. Alley. NIGHT.
(Tru exits the kitchens into an alley, and looks around. She runs a little way down the alley and stops)

RICHARD (off-screen)
You’ve gone way too far this time

(Camera pans around to show Richard talking to the man)

I told you the last time, this is over. You understand? I never wanna see you again

(The man looks over at Tru, Richard looks too. He takes advantage of Richard’s distraction, and runs away. Richard and Tru stare at each other, Tru is looking shocked and scared)

[Fade to Black]
[Flashes of the days images so far in sequence]

23. EXT. Alley. NIGHT.
(Tru turns around and starts walking slowly away)


(He comes after her)

Tru, wait!

(Tru stops, turns around)

Will you give me a chance to explain?

You knew him

Tru, this is not what you think

You don’t wanna know what I think right now

Yeah, I know him. He’s an ex-con and his name is Carl Neesan

And you know that because?

I was the one who convicted him. I was an ADA fifteen years ago. He was a kid up on a murder rap. Said he was innocent, which they all do. The evidence was flimsy, but I was out to impress so I went after him

And was he guilty?

Jury said he was. That was good enough for me. At the sentencing, he swore revenge and he said if he ever got out, he would make me pay

Why today? Huh? Why today of all days does he show up?

You think this is the first time? This has been going on for years. He shows up, he demands money, he threatens retribution, so I pay him. Then he goes away. Until the next time

And today?

Today I told him it had to stop, I wasn’t gonna pay. I never thought that he would follow through with his threat. And I never wanted to get you involved in all this, not you, not Jordan

And what about Mom?

What does your mother have to do with this?

He killed her. He killed Mom!

Why would you say that?

I was there

No, sweetheart…

I heard his voice. I heard his voice. I will never forget that voice. He killed Mom because he was angry with you, he wanted revenge

Tru, no

Don’t tell me No! I saw him, I was there! I saw him pull the trigger!

That’s not what happened

How can you tell me that it’s…

It’s not! You don’t think his was the first name I thought of? The police investigated this thoroughly and they told me this was not the man. Airtight alibi

(Tru shakes her head)

“Not your man, Mr Davies”

But I heard his voice

And did you see his face?


(She turns away from him, crying now)

Tru, we live with a question long enough, we want an answer. So our mind plays tricks on us, and makes us think we’ve got one. But we don’t. Come on, it’s cold, let’s go inside

No I can’t, I’ve gotta go to work


They’re expecting me, I should go

(She walks forward slowly, then turns)

Happy Birthday Daddy

24. INT. Morgue. NIGHT.
(Tru is in front of the computer. She types in NEESAN, CARL and pulls up a record. Davis enters)

Tru, gosh, don’t you think you’ve been through enough? Why don’t you go home and get some sleep?

Sleep. That’s a novel concept

(She stares at the screen)

If Neesan didn’t kill my mother, then is it true?


That her death had something to do with her calling?

Tru, despite what you might think, I don’t have all the answers. But I’ll promise you this: I’ll help you find them

Thanks, Davis. But for now, I’m gonna take you up on your first offer. I’m gonna go home, draw a bath, and try and get some sleep (she opens the refrigerator) Oh, I guess you didn’t hire Jack after all

Actually I did. Decided to go with my gut

That’s weird

What’s that?

Well yesterday, he took my soda, this one with my name on it. And today its still here

Well Tru you know how many ways you can alter fate. Yesterday you met him, today you didn’t. It’s impossible to predict how that might alter things

Yeah, I guess

Hey just give him a chance, I think you’ll be happy that you did. He’s next door

25. INT. Morgue. NIGHT.
(Jack closes a drawer slowly, and closes the door on the body. He turns to see Tru standing there)

It’ll get easier

What’s that?

This. Doing what we do…all these people…taken before their time. Sometimes it just doesn’t seem fair

Never really thought about it

That’s one way to deal, I guess. But if you ever wanna talk…sometimes it helps

You know what I think is unfair? When tubes and machines keep people alive when life is prolonged beyond its usefulness. That’s whats unfair

Yeah, I guess

I’ll be honest with you, for my money, I think that death was one of the fairest things that ever happened to some of these people

You said you hadn’t thought about it

You caught me

Anyway, I just wanted to say welcome. I’m Tru

Like the name on the soda can

Yeah, that’s right


(They shake hands)

And, uh, thanks for making me feel so welcome. It’s never easy being the new guy

Cut to: Shot of Tru’s apartment block

26. INT. Tru’s apartment block corridor/Apartment. NIGHT.
(Tru walks along the corridor and enters her apartment. She is about to close the door when it is kicked open, knocking her to the floor)

(Tru scrambles up to see Carl Neesan in the doorway. He shuts the door. Tru runs round the table and grabs a knife, he runs after her. She runs back the other way, he changes direction. She stops)

It feels familiar, doesn’t it?

(Tru makes a run for it, and trips over. Carl comes for her. Tru raises the knife and plunges it into his foot)

Ahh! God!

(Tru runs into her bedroom)

27. INT. Tru’s bedroom. NIGHT.
(Tru is hiding in the closet. Carl walks into the room and looks around. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a gun)

[Flashback: 10-year-old Tru is hiding in the closet, terrified]

(Flash back to the present, Tru watches Carl as he walks to the closet and pulls open the doors. He points the gun at her. She closes her eyes and raises her hands to her face)

(Carl is pulled backwards and thrown to the ground. Tru looks up in surprise to see her father standing there)

You okay?


Okay don’t move, stay here

No no no, he’ll kill you! He killed Mom! I don’t care what the cops say, I swear its him!

I believe you, Tru. (He pulls out his own gun) And that’s why this has to end

No, Dad, no!

(Richard is already running after Carl, who has run out of the apartment)

Lock the door, wait here for me

28. EXT. Alley next to Tru’s apartment block. NIGHT.
(Carl is staggering away as fast as he can. Richard sees him, and easily catches him up, throwing him to the floor. He keeps hold of him, punching him three times to the head. Then he drags him up and slams him against the wall)

Growing a conscience in your old age, huh Richard?

Who the hell do you think you are?

The man you paid to kill your first wife! Elise, if I remember correctly

We had a deal! I pay you, you go away. You didn’t honour it, so now it ends

(He pulls out his gun and points it at Carl’s head)

Now, I mentioned the letter, right? The letter detailing everything…that’s sent to your daughter, if I meet an untimely death?

(Richard grips him even more tightly, keeping the gun where it is)

(Tru comes running round the corner, stopping when she sees them)

Tru, go! Go!

(She doesn’t move, standing there, crying)

RICHARD (cont’d)

(Tru whimpers, turns and runs the other way. A gunshot is fired. She stops)

29. EXT. Alley. NIGHT.
(Richard is still holding Carl, he’s alive. The gun is smoking, having just been fired)

Next time we meet, there won’t be any warning shot, there won’t be any chase down an alley, it’s gonna be a bullet through your heart. Goodbye, Carl

(He gives him a shove down the alley, and he staggers away)

30. EXT. Street. NIGHT.
(Tru is still standing there. Richard approaches, she turns around)

Did you…? Is he…?

Shh…it’s over sweetheart

(He hugs her tightly)

It’s over. Daddy’s taken care of it

[Fade to Black]

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Aujourd'hui à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !