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#104 : Soirée macabre

Lorsque les cadavres de cinq jeunes hommes arrivent à la morgue et lui demandent à l'aide, la mission de Tru se complique...

Dans ses investigations, elle découvre que les jeunes gens sont morts après avoir participé à un enterrement de vie de garçon. Tru décide de se faire passer pour la barmaid de la soirée et découvre qu'un sombre secret lie les 5 hommes. Elle tente de déterminer qui d'entre d'eux est le meurtrier, mais son intérêt pour cette histoire dérange, ce qui la met inévitablement en danger...


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Soirée macabre

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Photo de l'épisode #1.04

Photo de l'épisode #1.04

Plus de détails

Réalisé par Jeff Woolnough
Ecrit par Zack Estrin et Chris Levinson


A une fête de remise des diplômes dans une université , un gars s'appelant John et plusieurs de ses amis - dont Blake et Ethan - fêtent la fin de leurs 4 ans d'études. Alors que la fête bat son plein, la scène se déplace dans une autre partie de la maison où une fille est étendue morte dans la bibliothèque.

Harrison et Tru discutent de la capacité de Tru à revivre une journée. Harrison trouve cela encore dur à avaler et il conseille vivement à sa soeur de laisser le passé derrière elle.

Le matin suivant, Tru se réveille quand on tape à sa porte. Lindsay entre avec de la nourriture, et le sujet de la conversation passe aux garçons. Lindsay demande alors à sa meilleure amie si elle n'a pas autre chose à lui dire. Tru la remercie pour le petit-déjeuner et se lève. Lindsay semble déçue.

Toute la journée se passe et on retrouve Tru à la morgue en début de soirée. Alors qu'elle ouvre le sac que Lindsay lui a amené dans la matinée, elle entend une voix souffler son prénom : "Tru". Elle se dirige dans la crypte et alors qu'elle passe à côté d'un corps, celui-ci lui attrape le bras. Tru pousse en hurlement mais il ne s'agit que de Gardez cherchant à lui faire une bonne blague. Davis arrive en courant. Alors que Tru paraît encore choquée, Gardez est appelé pour aller récupérer un corps.

Pendant ce temps, Meredith est informée par un de ses supérieurs qu'un test de drogue obligatoire va être effectué pour tous les employés. Elle semble très préoccupée.

Plus tard, alors qu'il dîne avec sa soeur, Harrison lui apprend que Meredith n'a pas passé le test et a été renvoyée. Tru est surprise et inquiète mais elle sait qu'elle ne peut rien y faire. Harrison lui dit que çà serait la bonne journée à recommencer afin d'aider Meredith. Tru lui répond qu'elle ne peut pas contrôler quand cela arrive.

Retour à  la morgue : Davis apprend à Tru que 5 hommes ont été amenés. Ils n'ont pas de portefeuille ce qui rend l'identification difficile. 4 d'entre eux ont beaucoup d'alcool dans leur sang. Le 5ème n'en a pas mais son sang contient des traces d'un produit appelé avlocardyl. Les objets personnels récupérés comprennent une alliance et une carte de visite d'un bar strip-tease appelé Foreplay avec le nom de Turquoise au dos.

Plus tard, Tru est en train de taper à l'ordinateur. Soudain, elle se rend compte que c'est aujourd'hui l'anniversaire de Lindsay. Elle s'en veut de l'avoir oublié et comprend le comportement de cette dernière dans la matinée.

Mais elle n'a pas le temps d'avoir plus de remords : un charmant jeune homme, Luc, entre dans le bureau à la recherche de Gardez. Il lui explique qu'il est l'un de ses amis et que celui-ci lui a permit de passer un entretien pour un job de photographe de scènes du crime. L'entretien s'est moyennement passé. Alors que chacun se présente, on sent une certaine alchimie entre Tru et Luc. Davis entre et on apprend qu'il a aidé Luc à trouver le bureau de l'entretien plus tôt dans la soirée. Alors qu'ils discutent, Tru entend soudain une voix venant de la crypte disant "Aide moi". Elle s'excuse et se dirige vers la crypte.

Dans la crypte, les 5 corps voilés sont disposés sur des brancards, prêts à être mis dans les compartiments. Tru avance au milieu des corps et s'apprète à retirer l'un des draps quand le corps se tourne vers elle et dit "Aide moi". Puis un à un, chaque corps sollicite l'aide de la jeune fille.

Retour dans le temps

Tru se réveille en sursaut dans son lit et réalise très vite que la journée se répète quand Lindsay entre dans la pièce avec de la nourriture. Seulement cette fois Tru se souvient de lui souhaiter un joyeux anniversaire ce qui redonne le sourire à Lindsay car personne ne lui avait encore souhaité.

Quand elle rejoint Harrison, Tru lui dit qu'elle est en train de revivre la journée et qu'elle va avoir besoin d'aide pour identifier les 5 hommes de la morgue. Elle le conduit au bar de strip-tease Foreplay et l'intérêt de son frère augmente. Après une petite enquête rapide auprès d'une stripteaseuse, il apprend à Tru que la stripteaseuse qui se fait appeler Turquoise s'appelle en réalité Tara et travaille dans le télémarketing dans la journée. Tru quitte le club, laissant Harrison en bonne compagnie.

Au bureau de Tara, Tru lui explique qu'elle cherche quelqu'un pour animer une fête. Tara est génée car personne ne connait son autre job. Elle lui apprend qu'elle a un engagement pour un enterrement de vie de garçon à un hôtel dans la soirée. Elle ne connaît pas la personne qui l'a engagé.

A l'hôtel, Tru se fait passer pour la stripteaseuse (sans trop de mal :) et convaint le gars de l'accueil de lui donner le nom du futur marié.

Elle se rend ensuite dans le bureau de ce dernier, John Brockett, et après l'avoir convaincu qu'elle travaille à l'hôtel, elle lui explique que la fête ne peut pas avoir lieu car toutes les chambres sont prises. John refuse d'annuler la fête et Tru lui dit qu'ils vont trouver une solution. Quelques instants plus tard, à la morgue, Tru interroge Davis au sujet de l'avlocardyl en lui disant qu'elle révise pour son examen d'entrée en école de médecine. Malgré son étonnement, Davis lui explique que c'est un produit difficile à détecter qui peut être facilement mis dans un liquide et peut tuer en quelques heures.

A la sortie de la morgue, elle appelle Harrison (qui est toujours au bar de striptease) et lui explique qu'elle suspecte quelqu'un d'avoir mis le poison dans les alcools servis à la fête. Elle prévoit donc de changer toutes les bouteilles. Elle demande à Harrison de trouver la future mariée, Robyn Wilson.

Tru rend ensuite rend visite à Meredith et lui demande si tout va bien. Devant l'énervement de Meredith, elle lui dit juste qu'il pourrait y avoir un test de drogue puis quitte son bureau.

Tru arrive dans la chambre d'hôtel où la fête va avoir lieu avec un carton de bouteilles d'alcool. Elle a à peine le temps d'échanger les bouteilles que les 5 hommes pénètrent dans la pièce. John est surpris, elle lui explique que l'hôtel l'envoie pour qu'elle s'occupe du bar afin de s'excuser. La fête commence. Soudain un sixième homme, Blake, arrive. Sur le balcon, Tru appelle Harrison et lui explique que 6 hommes participent à la fête et que n'importe lequel d'entre eux peut être le meurtrier.

De retour derrière le bar, Tru observe les 6 hommes et note sur une serviette des mots désignant chacun : TIE (cravate pour Ethan), GLASSES (lunettes), CURLY (frisé), BEST MAN (le meilleur pour Blake), GROOM (marié pour John) et HAT (casquette). Les gars regardent une cassette vidéo d'eux jouant au football. Quand la caméra s'attarde sur Catherine, la fille tuée dans la bibliothèque, Blake éteint la télévision. Quelques instants plus tard, Tara arrive et commence le striptease. Pendant ce temps, Ethan demande un verre sans alcool à Tru et lui explique qu'il est sobre depuis plusieurs mois. Tru en déduit que Ethan est la victime dont le sang ne contenait pas d'alcool et le raye de la liste.

Elle contacte ensuite Davis et lui demande comment l'alcool réagit avec le produit. Il lui apprend que l'alcool agirait comme un agent masquant, ne laissant aucune trace de la cause de la mort. A ce moment, Luc entre à la recherche de la salle d'entretien. Tru demande à Davis de communiquer au jeune homme certains informations. Ce dernier est surpris.

La soirée bat son plein. Tru identifie un autre des corps en se basant sur son alliance. Elle l'élimine donc de son enquête sur l'identité du tueur. Elle discute ensuite sur le balcon avec Ethan et comprend que quelque chose s'est passé avec la fille de la vidéo il y a 5 ans. Alors qu'il s'apprète à tout lui raconter, Blake les interrompt. Pendant ce temps, à son bureau, Meredith est mise au courant du dépistage de drogue.

Un peu plus tard, Blake disparaît. Tru sort de la suite pour le retrouver. Soudain, Blake attrape la serviette avec tous les noms dans sa poche arrière et il la confronte en disant qu'il a vérifié à l'accueil et que personne n'a envoyé de barmaid. Mais Tru n'a pas le temps de s'expliquer.

Un cri retentit depuis la chambre. Tru et Blake arrivent en courant et trouvent Tara en train de repousser l'un des gars qui essayait de l'attraper. Tara prend une pause pour se calmer. Tru la suit et découvre qu'elle a volé les portefeuilles des hommes comme châtiment. Elle découvre aussi qu'elle a bu toute la soirée l'une des bouteilles d'alcool qu'elle avait retiré du bar. Tara ne faisant pas partie des 5 victimes, Tru réalise que l'alcool n'a pas été empoisonné. En observant le bar, elle aperçoit le seau à glaçons et comprend c'est la glace qui contient le poison. Elle appelle alors la morgue pour savoir s'il existe un antidote. Davis lui dit qu'il en existe un appelé glucagon, et il peut se trouver dans un des kits de soin de la morgue. Blake interrompt la conversation et amène la sécurité qui escorte Tru hors de l'hôtel.

Tru se rend rapidement à la morgue et trouve l'antidote dans l'un des kits. Alors qu'elle est sur le point de repartir, Davis la surprend. Il ne veut pas d'explications mais lui dit qu'il a compris que quelque chose se passait et qu'il espère qu'elle pourra être honnête avec lui un jour. Tru part en courant et aperçoit Luc devant l'ascenseur. Elle réalise qu'elle a perdu l'occasion de le rencontrer.

De retour à l'hôtel, elle tombe immédiatement sur Blake qui lui rappelle qu'elle n'est pas la bienvenue. Elle l'interroge concernant la fille qui est morte. Elle aperçoit alors la glace dans son verre. Il n'est donc pas le meurtrier. Alors que Blake cherche à la faire partir, la sonnerie du téléphone de Tru retentit. Il s'agit d'Harrison qui lui apprend que la fiancée de John a annulé le mariage il y a plusieurs mois. Tru se rend compte que John est le tueur et explique tout à Blake. De retour dans la suite, elle dit aux gars ce qu'elle a découvert, et confronte John en expliquant avec détails son plan pour tuer ses amis. Pour le faire avouer, elle lui dit que de la glace pilée a été mise dans chaque verre pour les garder frais, incluant son verre. Si elle a tort et qu'il n'a pas empoisonné la glace, il n'aura pas besoin de l'antidote. John devient pâle.

Plus tard, la police l'emmène. Blake raconte alors comment John a été violent avec Catherine lors de la fête de fin d'études, la jettant à travers la vitre d'une table. Ils n'ont jamais rien dit à la police. 3 semaines plus tôt, il a eu des remords et il a écrit à John une lettre anonyme, le menaçant de le dénoncer. Ne connaissant pas l'auteur de la lettre, John avait donc prévu de tuer ses 5 "amis".

Lindsay entre chez elle et constate déprimée que son répondeur ne contient aucun message. Elle allume la lumière et tout ses amis surgissent pour lui souhaiter un bon anniversaire. Tru arrive avec le gâteau. Lindsay est heureuse.

De retour à la morgue, Tru entend à nouveau une voix qui l'appelle. Cette fois, elle sait qu'il s'agit d'une blague de Gardez et soulève d'un grand coup le drap sous lequel il s'était caché. Gardez est dégouté.

Tru reçoit ensuite un coup de fil de Meredith qui lui parle du dépistage de drogue et lui dit qu'elle l'a passé sans problème. Une fois la communication terminée, Meredith remercie un de ses collègues et lui tend un billet pour lui avoir fourni un échantillon pour le test. Une fois sa garde terminée, Tru rejoint Harrison et ils discutent tous les deux tout en marchant dans la rue. Elle est contente que tout se soit bien terminé mais est déçue que les 6 hommes soient en prison. Elle aperçoit soudain Luc marchant dans l'autre sens et ne peut s'empêcher de l'observer.

Résumé traduit provenant du site officiel de Tru Calling


Shot of the outside of a house party,people are standing outside, drinking. Loud music plays inside. A couple walkarm-in-arm into the house and the camera follows them in, and pans over to aguy who is talking to two girls
Technically it’s a summer internship, butsky’s the limit! Depends on who you meet…
A man in a baseball cap walks over tohim, throwing a friendly arm around his shoulders and moving him away from them
Excuse me
What’s going on?
Come on, it’s time!
CURLY (tothe girls)
Call me!
They walk away, holding drinks
She’s not gonna call
Not gonna call
(They laugh)
Camera pans over to show another guyrunning into the house from the back door. He bumps into a young, black manspilling his drink
Move, move…Watch it!
(He sees the guy in the baseball cap)
I didn’t miss it did I?
(The guy in the baseball cap shrugs andsmiles knowingly.)
(Ethan moves away from the guy inthe cap into another room, he speaks to another man who is filling glasses ofdrink behind a small bar. The room and the bar are draped with lights)
Did I miss it?
No you did not
Hey where the hell is Blake?
Late. Why should tonight be any different?
Because it’s our last night together boys
 (Another tall, black man enters)
Sorry I’m late. I ran into my Ex.
Which one?
To be honest, I can’t even tell ‘em apartno more
 (They all laugh)
Gentlemen, it took us four years…excuse me,Ethan – five
 (Ethan smirks and raises his fist in a“yeah!” gesture)
But as of tonight…we are free men
 (They all nod, listening)
The scenery may change, but our friendshipwon’t
 (He raises his glass high, they followsuit)
To the best night of our lives!
ALL (inunison)
 (Camera pans out of the room throughthe window and up the outside of the house, and into the top window, where awoman lays on her front on the floor, apparently dead. There is blood on herhead and the floor. The glass coffee table next to her is broken)
Cut to:
2. EXT. Park. DAY.
 (Tru and Harrison are sitting on thegrass looking out at the river)
Pretty out here. I should get outside moreoften
Harrison, I camehere to talk
Okay, someone dies, asks for help and yourepeat a day. There, we talked
Not quite what I meant by talking
We all have our things…Meredith’s got herdrugs, and I have…well, I have everything else. And you have this! You have astrange belief that you can go back a day and save innocent lives. I know whereit comes from…no-one expected you to save her, Tru
This is not about our mother
Hey, I took a semester of psych back inhigh school. It’s always about someone’s mother. Maybe you should just try toleave the past alone
I can’t
 (Harrison looks at herexasperated)
Because it won’t leave me alone
[Fade to black]
3. INT. Tru’s bedroom. Morning.
 (Tru stirs in bed, lying on her front.There is the sound of someone turning a key in the lock and then footsteps overto the bedroom. Tru turns over and looks over to the doorway)
LINDSAY (holdingthe key to Tru’s apartment)
Now, who would’ve thought of hiding thespare under the doormat? You might want to consider a lighting fixture. Bothunique and efficient.
 (She walks over and sits on the end ofthe bed)
Please tell me you brought coffee
LINDSAY (gesturingto the bag)
Blueberry Danish. Tuna, dry on whole-wheat.And a veggie burrito from that place you like on Larkin
 (She smiles)
 With your bizarre hours I couldn’t decidewhat meal you’d be on by now
You are a good woman
So how are you?
Pick a subject
I’ll take Boys for 200
 (Tru rolls her eyes)
Okay, I know Evans didn’t end out well butyou have to get back out there! I just read in a very legitimate publicationthat one out of every seven guys is a keeper
More like one in a million
(They both laugh)
Look, I gotta shower
LINDSAY (sittingup straight and smiling)
Is there anything you wanna say to me?
TRU (thinkingfor a moment)
Yes! Thank you for my breakfast goodies
You’re welcome
 (Tru gets out of bed and heads over tothe shower)
That’s what friends are for…
 (she sighs)
4. INT. Morgue office. Night.
 (Tru puts the sandwich bag on the deskand opens it. She takes out the tuna burrito, unwraps it and sniffs it)
 (Camera looks at her through the blindsat the window. A man’s voice whispers: “Tru!”)
 (Tru puts the sandwich down and walksout of the office. The Morgue post-mortem area is dark. On the table in themiddle of the room is a body, with a white sheet draped over it)
TRU (lookingaround)
 (She walks over near the table, lookingaround the Morgue. Then a hand reaches out from under the sheet, grabbing Tru’sarm)
(Tru screams)
Oh my God!
(Gardez emerges from under thesheet, laughing)
(Davis comes running from hisoffice)
Is everything all right here?
Yeah, Gardez is an ass. Everything’snormal!
You should’ve seen the look on her face
Ah Tru, come on, lighten up (his pagerbleeps)
Looks like I’ve got a pickup. (he smirksat Tru) A real one!
(he disappears. Davis turns to Tru)
You okay?
Yeah. Whatever
 (She goes to walk away but then turnsaround)
Davis, do you thinkhe’s right? Do you think I take everything too seriously?
Gardez sees dead bodies. You see the peoplethey used to be. He doesn’t understand that
But you do?
Just don’t let him get to you
Cut to: shot of downtown
Cut to: shot of Meredith’s office block
5. INT. Meredith’s Office. NIGHT.
 (She sips from a cup, looking down atsome paperwork. Someone knocks on her office door. Its open, and a man isstanding in the doorway)
Hi, come on in
I know we’re all working late these daysMeredith but uh, the board’s firm is insisting we implement a randomdrugs-testing program for our employees
 (He nods)
Unbelievable. Can I have my assistant backwhen he’s done?
Well actually we’re all being tested.Liability issue.
 [Flashback of Meredith’s bag ofcocaine; flashback of Meredith taking it in the restroom]
Just check in at the table in front of therestrooms
(She nods nervously)
Yeah, sure
Cut to: shot of Café doors
6. INT. Café. Night.
 (Harrison is sitting with Tru, eatingfries. He picks up a handful, tries to eat them and drops some onto his lap)
Nice. (He looks up at Tru)
Did I do that yesterday?
It’s a perfectly reasonable question, forsomeone like you. You gotta admit its fricking weird, Tru
I told you, not every day repeats. In fact,most of them don’t
That’s too bad. Because if your littlefantasy was real, today would be a hell of a day to do over
What do you mean?
You know, the whole Meredith thing
 (Tru looks bewildered)
She didn’t tell you? Drug test at heroffice today. She failed it and they fired her
Oh my God
So you see my point? You could actually goback, you could go back to today, bail Meredith out, we wouldn’t be having thisconversation
Harrison, I can’tcontrol when it happens
So what do we do?
Nothing, tonight. We’ll check in with hertomorrow, you know, see how she’s doing
HARRISON (leansover table, urgently)
What if tomorrow is just today, all overagain
Bite me, Harrison
 (She smiles at him sarcastically, andhe grins back)
7. INT. Morgue. NIGHT.
 (Davis and Tru are walking down thecorridor)
Can I ask you a question?
Sure, Davis, anything
Does this lab coat make me look portly?
No, you look fine
I just overheard you mention that black wasmore, uh; I think you called it “slimming”. I was gonna see if they came in adifferent colour maybe
 (They enter the Morgue. There are fivetrolleys, each with a body on it covered by a sheet)
Whoa. Gardez must have been driving allover the city
Actually they all came in on the samepick-up. It’s five males, mid to late twenties. Time of death is between10:30pm and 11pm. I lifted the personals if you wanna start bagging
 (Tru looks over to the metal trays.There is a mobile phone, some coins, a pair of sunglasses, some keys, a comb,some cigarettes and a watch)
Any I.D’s?
Wallets were missing. The prelim toxreports shows four of them had pretty high levels of alcohol
Enough to kill them?
Probably not. There is something strangeabout this fifth guy – he had no alcohol in his system but he did have a traceof a chemical called Avlocardyl
 (Shot of the prelim report, showingNegative against 6-MAM, Methanol, Acetone, Isopropanol, and Positive againstAvlocardyl)
TRU (pickingup a wedding ring off the metal tray)
One of them was married
That’s a shame. What else can you tell me?
(Tru picks up a blue card withthe outline of a woman in blue and the word “FOREPLAY” down the side. She turnsit over; it says “Turquoise” on it)
One of them was making friends
8. INT. Tru on the computer in theMorgue Office. Night.
 (She looks up from typing at thecalendar, marked with today’s date “20”. Underneath is written “Consult withfamily – case#47-A12”, “consult w/ attending examiner” and, at the top in boldletters next to a star – “Lindsay’s Birthday!!”)
 [Flashback to Tru’s apartmentearlier in the day. LINDSAY: “Is there anything you wanna say to me?”]
Oh, I suck
(Someone knocks on the door. Lucenters, looking surprised to see Tru there)
Hello. I’m looking for Gardez…is he…
Out on a pick up. Can I take a message? (shepicks up a pad and a pen)
Sure, yeah. I’m a friend of a friend  Hehooked me up with a job interview and in case I didn’t get the gig I justthought I’d thank him while I was still in town
Job interview. Those are always fun. Whatwas it for?
Crime scene. Upstairs – Sheriff’s office
Oh right of course. How’d it go?
I don’t know, uh, I was meeting with thesheriff for half an hour and then when I walked out I realised I had somethingstuck in my teeth
Yeah…I’m not sure the sheriff thought so
 (They laugh)
I should get your name – for the message
It’s Luc, with a C
 (Tru stands up and shakes his hand)
Tru, with a U
 (Davis enters the Office)
Is this guy bothering you?
 (Tru is still holding Luc’s hand)
Yes, Davis. Please have him escorted fromthe building
No. Davis, this is Luc (she lets go ofhis hand)
Yeah, we met earlier. I got lost on the wayto the interview. Thanks for the directions
Well, I’m sure Gardez will be back prettysoon if you just wanna hang out till…
 (A man whispers “HELP ME”.Tru stops, she looks across through the blinded window out into the Morgue)
Are you okay?
Yeah, I...I’m fine, I just have to…
 (Man whispers “HELP ME”)
 (Close up on Tru’s face as she againlook towards the darkened Morgue. All is quiet, nothing is moving.)
Would you mind waiting here for one second?
I just need to…I’m sorry…Excuse me Davis
(She runs round Davis and out the doorinto the Morgue)
She does that a lot
9. INT. Morgue. Night.
 (Tru walks into the Morgue through thedouble doors and walks slowly over to the trolleys. They are all still,unmoving. She walks over to one of them and reaches out a hand to pull back thesheet. Before she can make contact, the face twists towards her)
Save us!
We need you
(Silence for a second. Tru looks aroundat all of them)
Help me!
[Flashbacks from the day as itrewinds]
10. INT. Tru’s bedroom. Morning.
 (Tru sits up in bed, panting forbreath. The door to her apartment closes. Camera pans over to show Lindsay walkingin)
Who would have thought of putting the sparekey under the doormat? (she waves the key in the air) Very clever. Okayso…(she sits on the bed) I brought you…
A blueberry Danish, tuna on whole-wheat anda veggie burrito?
Okay, how’d you know that?
The same way I know it’s your birthday
Oh my God, you remembered! The sad thing isno-one else did…Oh, thank you! (she hugs Tru)
Of course, how could I forget?
[Fade to black]
[Flashbacks of the day rewinding]
11. EXT. Street. Day.
 (Tru and Harrison are walking together)
Look Harrison I don’t need you to believeme. I just need your help. This is the first time it wasn’t just one bodyasking for help, it was five. I didn’t see their faces, they came in with noI.Ds which means it’s gonna be five times harder for me to save them
Gotta be honest…it’s a bit early in the dayto be having this conversation
I think one of them was poisoned but I haveabsolutely no idea what happened to the other four
And you’re telling me this because…?
Because I need info! And you’re much morefamiliar with this world than I am
Listen, Starsky, if you’re asking me to beyour Hutch I’m gonna have to say “Thanks, but no thanks!”
 (Tru turns around and walks up to thedoor of the building in front of her. The sign next to her reads “FOREPLAY” –the same one as the calling card from one of the dead men)
TRU (pointingto the sign)
Strippers, Harr?
Okay. I’m in
12. INT. Club. Day.
 (Harrison is holding out notesas a stripper dances in front of him. Transfixed, he puts another note in hergold-coloured panties)
Cut to: blackbarman serving drinks at the bar. Tru is sitting opposite him
So I was wondering if you could tell mewhere I could find a girl that goes by the name of Turquoise?
[Flashback to Tru holding the callingcard in the Morgue, with the name “Turquoise” on the back]
We don’t give out that kind of informationto customers
Well, I’m not really a customer
Oh, you’re here to audition?
Do I look like a stripper to you?
A little bit
 (Tru looks offended, turns and walksaway from the bar over to Harrison)
I thought you said the bartenders kneweverything. I got nowhere with that guy
Well, did you “work it”?
What do you mean “work it”?
You gotta have an angle to gettinginformation Tru. Oh by the way, that “Turquoise” girl you’re looking for? Herreal name’s Tara. She’s got a day-job doing Telemarketing in the Hancock Building.
TRU (smiling)
No way!
Come on, Tru. You know I got a way with theladies! My friend here told me everything
Harrison thank you,seriously, I’ll call you later okay? (she runs off towards the exit)
Oh, right, yeah, I’m right behind you, I…(hemakes as if he’s going to get up but can’t take his eyes off the stripper. Thestripper lies down in front of him) I’m just gonna stay… check it out here.(He hands her more money) What’s up?
Cut to: Shot of high-rise office blocks
13. INT. Hancock Building. Day.
 (Tru is standing next to a desk,talking to a woman)
She’s right over there
 (Camera pans over through the windowinto the next room, which is full of computers, telephones ringing and womentalking through headsets)
Yes, yeah, please call
I’ll need to take down your information
 (Tru walks down past the women untilshe reaches Tara)
Hi. I’m putting together a little party andwas wondering if you were booked for the night
I’m sorry?
Or are you working at the club?
 (Some of Tara’s co-workers are lookinground at her. Tara takes off her headset and moves Tru to one side)
What are you doing, coming in here andasking questions like that?
Yeah, I’m sorry, my bad. I just didn’t knowhow to…
It’s okay. It’s just that no-one herereally knows what my other job is
I can relate
And anyway, I am booked for the night. Gotan outcall gig. Some bachelor party at the Pierpont
A bachelor party. Would you happen to knowwho hired you?
Everything’s handled by a booking service
Look, I gotta get back to work. Good luckwith whatever it is you’re planning
Cut to: Shot of outside a large officeblock
14. INT. Foyer of Office Block. Day.
 (Tru is standing beside the receptiondesk)
Can I help you?
Yeah, I’m here about the bachelor party
Right, room 1712, it’s called for 7.00 butthe entertainment doesn’t usually get here until after dark
Why does everyone think I look like a stripper?
It’s a bachelor party. Who else would yoube?
Right. Good point. So, help me out, to knowwhat to expect. Is there anyone else working the party? A waiter, bartender?
They’ve declined those options
So no-one but the guests will be in theroom tonight
And you
TRU (laughs)
And me. Oh, and one more thing, I had aquestion for the groom but I can’t seem to find his number
It’s not our practise to give out guest’spersonal information
Too bad, he hadn’t decided whether he wantsme naughty or nice
(The concierge looks up at her. Shesmiles)
15. INT. Office. Day
 (The groom, John, is sitting behind hisdesk. Tru stands in front of him)
No way I’m gonna cancel my bachelor party.It’s my last night of freedom
No, you don’t understand
No, I think I do. Robin sent you didn’tshe?
No, that’s not what this…
She hates the idea of me having this partyalmost as much as she hates the guys I invited
Robin’s not a fan of your friends?
Okay now this is starting to freak me out.If Robin didn’t send you then who the hell are you?
I’m with the hotel, and there’s a problemwith your room, sir, so they sent me personally to explain the situation
What’s wrong with the room?
We’re overbooked
It has been way too long since these guyshave gotten together. There’s nothing that’s gonna get me to call this off, youunderstand?
Right, but –
You know what, I’m just gonna call themanager and straighten this out (he picks up the telephone)
TRU (comingacross and pressing down on the disconnect button)
No need. I’m sure we can figure somethingout
16. INT. Morgue corridor. DAY.
 (Tru and Davis are walking together)
Avlocardyl. This new found fascination withan obscure drug stems from?
Homework. I’m studying for the MCATS
I can save you a lot of time. This is nevergonna be on the test
I like to be really prepared
Okay. Avlocardyl is a white, odourless,crystalline powder that’s soluble in water. Is that better?
Much. So it can be ingested without thevictim’s knowledge?
In a liquid, yes. But what victim?
Is there any way to tell if someone hasAvlocardyl in their system?
Not right away but after two or threehours, sure
They’d be dead
17. EXT. Street. DAY.
 (Tru is talking on her cell phone)
I think there’s something in the drinks,it’s the only thing that makes any sense. So I have to replace all the alcoholin the suite before the boys get there and then I have to find out who put itthere
Cut to: the Bar
Yeah and this involves me how?
Cut to: TRU
I need you to find a girl. Her name’s RobinWilson
Oh, a chick? Well that I can do
TRU (voiceover)
I got her name off a bridal registry. She’sgonna get married in a week, and –
Rewind. Married?
 (Camera pans out to reveal Harrison is still at the stripper club, with the stripper dancing in front of him)
Look, Tru, I got my hands full you know
Cut to: TRU
You’ve been having fun all day. And I’vegot five guys who are gonna be dead by ten thirty if I don’t stop it. Do Ireally have to list the number of times I’ve bailed you out? I’m running out oftime here Harry
Fine. But playing the guilt card is reallynot like you Tru. You’re starting to sound like somebody else
Cut to: TRU
HARRISON (voiceover)
Cut to: Shot of Meredith’s office towerblock
18. INT. Meredith’s office. DAY.
 (Meredith is sitting at her desk. Truwalks into the room)
To what do I owe the pleasure?
Can’t a girl hang out with her sister?
Yeah, as long as her sister’s not in themiddle of a huge case which she is
Mere, I just… (she sits down oppositeher) Is everything okay?
Yeah, like I said, just busy
With you, I mean, is everything okay withyou?
I love you, you know that, right?
 (Tru nods)
So please don’t take it to hard when I tellyou to kiss my –
Tru, you have three looks – 1 is “Have youheard from Harrison?”, 2 is “I miss mom” and 3 is “Are you clean Meredith?”.And judging by the downcast eyes I’m gonna go with number 3
 (Tru raises her eyebrows at her)
I’m clean, Tru. My last slip-up was over amonth ago, it’s in the past, God leave it there
What is, I don’t know, there were a randomdrug test today – it could happen. Would you pass?
This is ridiculous. I’d pass, Tru
That’s good to hear. Sorry for doubting you
 (Tru gets up and leaves)
 (Shot of Meredith looking uncomfortable)
Cut to: Shot of the Hancock Building
19. INT. Corridor. DAY.
(Tru walking down one of the corridorsin the building, carrying a box, talking on the phone)
Oh, she’s not with you? I just figuredsince its Lindsay’s birthday she might be with her sister. All right, thanksanyway. Bye
 (She closes the cell phone, looks at apassing Cleaner who is swiping a Pass Card to open a door to a room; she putsthe Pass Card onto the cleaning trolley next to her. The Cleaner opens the doorand enters, leaving the trolley unattended. Tru looks up and down the corridor– a man is coming the other way, but he turns left and heads off in anotherdirection.)
 (Close up of the cleaning trolley, andTru’s hand as it moves across to pick up the Pass Card and a key)
20. INT. Party Room. DAY.
 (Tru enters the room, it is in darkness)
Hello? Housekeeping
 (Tru moves over to the bar with the boxshe is carrying)
[Flashback to earlier that day: TRU:“I have to replace all the alcohol in the suite”]
 (Tru hurries over to the bar, placesthe box down. She puts all the bottles of alcohol on top of the bar on theshelf underneath, out of sight. Then she opens the cardboard box and lifts outthe new bottles of alcohol, placing them on top of the bar. As she is doing it,JOHN’s voice can be heard outside. Then men start entering the room)
Here she is!
Oh, sweet!
Yeah, nice
JOHN (seeingTru)
Oh, hey…what are you doing?
 (she picks up one of the bottles)
I’m the bartender!
(They all laugh)
This room is sick!
JOHN (takinghis tie off)
It’s nice to see you again. Didn’t know youwere the bartender. It’s funny; I could have sworn I didn’t ask for one
You didn’t. Hotel threw me in, gratis. Tomake up for the problem with the room
Anyway…what would you like?
Scotch. Straight
 Shot of Tru pouring the scotch
 Cut to: shot of all the glasses beingraised
Gentlemen, a toast!
To the best night of our lives
[Flashback of the scene at thebeginning of the episode, where the men raise their glasses in the collegeafter-graduation party and JOHN says: “To the best night of our lives”]
 (Tru watches them drink, a couple ofthem muttering “Cheers” and “Salut”. A voice at the door makes her look over)
Sorry I’m late
Hey Blake
You know, as a rule the best man shouldnever be late
Well no one ever said I was the best…justbetter than the rest of you idiots!
Look at this guy
Come here!
 (Tru walks across to the balcony, goesout and closes the door behind her, keeping her eyes on the guys. She takes outher mobile phone and dials)
Cut to: Harrison walking on a street
Yeah, what’s up?
Cut to: TRU
A sixth guy just showed up
Cut to: TRU
Only five bodies came into the Morgue!
 [Flashback of Tru looking at thebodies on the trollies in the Morgue)
 (Shot of the guys in the room, talkingand laughing)
Someone here doesn’t die
Okay, let’s say you’re not crazy. The sixthguy did it?
No, I never saw any of their faces. Itmeans any one of them could have done it. Whoever didn’t come in dead, that’sthe killer
 [Fade to black]
 [Flashbacks of the day’s rewind images]
21. INT. Party Room. Night.
 (Tru walks over to the table where themen are sitting, with a tray of drinks)
Hold up fellas, that would go right there
JOHN (laughingat someone’s joke)
That’s funny
BLAKE (takinga drink Tru sets down in front of him and sipping it)
That’s one hell of a pour girl! You do knowthat 7 and 7 isn’t seven shots of alcohol right?
TRU (walkingaway with the tray)
Of course! You think this is my first day?
 (Glasses is over by thewall, talking to Ethan. Tru walks past them, listening)
What’s going on? You’re looking kindarough, things okay?
Just been going through some stuff
A night out with the boys is probably justwhat you need! (slaps Ethan on the back in a friendly gesture. Tru hands hima drink) Thank you
ETHAN (wavingTru’s tray away)
You don’t think its wrong, all of us beinghere together?
I think what’s wrong is you bringing thatup. Why don’t you just relax, have another drink and just chill out. All thatstuff is in the past
 (During Glasses’ last words, Tru walksover to the bar and replaces the tray. She picks up a napkin and a pen.)
You’re right, you’re right
 (Tru writes down on the napkin….TIE (Ethan),GLASSES, CURLY, BEST MAN (Blake), GROOM (John). She looks over to see who sheis missing, notices the last man, a guy in a baseball cap. Behind her, Blakeclears his throat)
TRU (turninground)
Hey. Can I get you something?
No, no, I can hook myself up (he looksat the bottles underneath the bar)
You don’t want any of that, trust me. Thehotel always supplies the cheap stuff. (She picks up a bottle of the scotchshe brought with her, and a glass) We need to teach you to appreciate asmooth, well-aged scotch. Yeah? (She smiles, pouring his drink)
So John says you’re a gift from the hotel,huh? Be sure to tell your manager thanks
No problem –
Better yet, why don’t you give me his name?I’d like to do it myself
Actually he’s probably at home with thewife and kids by now. But if I do my job right, I’ll make sure he finds youfirst thing in the morning (she hands him his drink)
 (The sound of men chanting makes themboth turn round – the other guys have put on a home video recording on thetelevision. On the home video the guys are drinking and encouraging each otherto drink faster)
Hey, who brought this? Ethan? Cordoza?
 (Ethan (Tie) and Cordoza (Glasses)shake their heads and shrug)
 (The video shows the guys playing witha football; the camera then shows three girls walking past, one girl with longwavy brown hair looks over to them and smiles)
 Cut to: Blake looking uncomfortable
 Cut to: Tru staring the screen
 Cut to: The Video, the camera is nowtrained on the girl. Blake walks over to the screen and switches it off
 (The guys all look at each other)
 (There is a knock at the door. Theyall look over, TARA enters)
Hello boys. Entertainment’s here. I’m gonnago get a little more comfortable. Why don’t you all do the same thing?
22. INT. Party Room. NIGHT.
 (Tara is dancing on the table, the guysstand around drinking and laughing, watching her. One of them is by the bar,opposite Tru, instead of watching the dancing)
Everything okay? Can I get you a cocktail?
How about a club soda made to look like avodka and soda?
Okay. You driving or something?
No, I’m just sober. Eighteen months.
I used to drink pretty hardcore back in theday. That’s how I dealt with…things. But I don’t wanna bring everybody down, youknow. I’d rather keep it quiet
[Flashback of DAVIS in the Morgue, DAVIS: “No traces of alcohol in his system”]
Don’t worry. It’ll be our little secret
Thanks. (He takes the drink she handshim) Cheers
 (He walks away and rejoins the group.Tru turns around and takes out the napkin she wrote the names on. She takes apen and crosses out TIE. Her eyes fall on the bottle of Club Soda. She takesout her cell phone and dials)
TRU (onthe cellphone)
Would carbonation speed up the events ofAvlocardyl?
Cut to: DAVIS in the Morgue, dressed inapron, rubber gloves, face mask and hair net, working on a dead body
I’m doing great, thanks. Did you know ifyou squeeze all the bacterial out of the intestines you have enough to fill acoffee mug?
Hello Davis. Now about my question?
Carbonation. Not that I know of. I don’tthink. What, are you at a party?
 (Luc enters the Morgue, Davis looks up)
TRU (voiceover)
So I’m guessing this isn’t the sheriff’soffice is it?
(To Tru) Hold on a second
(To Luc) It’s down the hall, up thestairs
Is that Luc? Wish him luck on his interview
(To Luc) Good luck on your interview
Oh, and tell him to check his teeth
Is he a friend of yours?
Could be. Just tell him!
DAVIS (callingafter Luc)
Hey, hey, excuse me! (Luc appears in thedoorway) You may wanna check your teeth
(Davis shrugs, pointing to the phone byhis ear)
Thanks… (he disappears, checking histeeth)
So, what about alcohol? How does it reactwith Avlocardyl?
Well it wouldn’t. Alcohol acts as a maskingagent, covering all signs of the drug in the body
So say I was to take a swig and then havethree, four martinis?
Should I be concerned with…?

It’s a simple question
Avlocardyl plus liqueur equals a dead bodywith no traceable cause of death
They were all poisoned. The alcohol coveredit up. Hey, thanks for the assist. (She hangs up, and turns to look at thegroup)
 (Tara is now wearing just herundergarments and is dancing near Glasses. She picks up his hand and looks athis fingers)
Looks like somebody’s married
Yeah, he’s got a kid on the way too
 [Flashback of Tru picking up thewedding ring in the Morgue]
 (Tru takes out the napkin and crossesout GLASSES)
[Flashback of Tru saying “That meansany one of them could have done it”]
 (Tru continues to watch the group. Shecatches Ethan’s eye – then he crosses over the room and goes out onto thebalcony. Tru follows)
You don’t look so hot. If I didn’t know youweren’t drinking, I’d cut you off
Needed some air. It’s a tough room
You guys haven’t seen each other sincecollege right? I mean, shouldn’t this be one big happy reunion?
Right. Everyone says they’re the best yearsof your life. It doesn’t always work out that way
Are you okay?
Just some things I wish I could go back andundo, you know? Make right. Do you ever feel that way?
All the time
I mean, maybe some of these guys can dealwith what happened but –
What? Did something happen back in college?
We didn’t even know her name
Who? (Short pause) The girl from thevideo?
 (BLAKE (off screen): HeyBuddy)
Hey. Blake
Where you been?
 (Ethan gestures to Tru, nervously)
Bought you a lap dance. She’s waiting onyou, get in there
 (Ethan smiles at Tru and goes back intothe room. Tru looks up at Blake)
I think your break is over
 Cut to: Shot of Meredith’s Office Block
23. INT. Meredith’s Office. NIGHT.
 (One of Meredith’s colleagues appearsat her office door)
Hi, come on in
I know we’re all working late these daysMeredith, but the board is insisting we implement a random drug-testing programfor our employees
Anyway, shouldn’t take more than a fewminutes if you want to check in at the table in front of the restrooms
Yeah, sure
 (She looks nervous)
Cut to: Shot of the Hancock Building
24. INT. Party Room. NIGHT.
 (Tru is on her cellphone)
No that’s fine. Her name’s not Lenny. Don’tworry you’ve got two hours to scrape the frosting off and start over
 (She turns around to see Glassesstanding in front of the bar)
Hey. We’re starting up a collection to keepthe party moving (he waves some dollar bills at her) Hey you seen Blake?
 (She looks around the roomsuspiciously. Blake is nowhere to be seen. Tru crosses to the door and goes outinto the corridor. It’s empty)
 (Shot of Blake’s arm reaching towardsher and pulling the napkin out of Tru’s pocket)
Hey, what are you…
Wanna tell me what this is?
 (He opens it, and sees six names, Tie,Glasses, Curly, Best Man, Groom and Hat, with the first two crossed out)
I was just trying to keep track of yourorders. I was forgetting –
I checked with the hotel. There’s no recordof them sending a bartender, more importantly, no record of you
All right, nice work, I’m busted …
I’m calling security, and having your assthrown out
 (Tara’s voice comesfrom inside the room: “Hey! Knock it off! I said Stop!”)
 (Tru and Blake re-enter the room)
TARA (pushingHat away)
Get your hands off me!
Come on, it’s a party
You think that’s funny? You’re sick!
Everything’s fine. He didn’t mean anything
Settle down, I think you’re blowing thisout of proportion
You know what? I’m just gonna take a coupleof minutes. Cool down
(She gathers her clothes and walks overto the room she got changed in)
 (Tru follows Tara into the room. Tara is taking something out of a bag)
Tara, are you…wait,what are you doing?
You ask too many questions. Get out.
Listen, don’t do this!
 (Shot of Tara’s hands, she is holdingsome wallets)
How did you know?
 [Flashback of Davis in the Morgue. DAVIS: “Wallets were missing”]
You’re just ripping them off?
Well what did you think I was doing? Look,I have never done this before. I swear. Are you gonna call the cops?
 (Tara drinks a shot from a glasson the side. The bottle is next to it)
What’s that?
I didn’t bring tequila
I found it behind the bar. I’ve beendrinking it since I got here
 (Tru looks out of the room towards thebar. Shot of the bottles of alcohol on top of the bar…)
Wait a second, if it’s not in the alcohol,what’s it in?
 (…camera pans across to the Ice Bucket)
Oh my God…
 [Flashback of Tru saying: “I thinkthere’s something in the drinks”]
 [Flashback of Davis in the corridor:“Avlocardyl is soluble in water”]
The ice…
 (Close up shot of the Ice Bucket, withwater dripping down its sides)
TRU (off-screen)
It’s in the Ice
[Fade to Black]
[Flashbacks of the day’s rewind images]
25. INT. Corridor. Night.
(Tru is on her cellphone)
Davis, it’s me
For information, please dial 411
Just one more question, I promise. Is thereany way to save a person once Avlocardyl’s in their system?
That must be some party. Let me check
Cut to: Davis looking at his computerscreen
Yeah. Looks like glucagon is the only knownantidote
Is there any chance we have it at theMorgue?
Cut to: DAVIS
Glucagon is substitute for Insulin indiabetic emergencies so we might have it in the Med Kit
 (A hand claps over Tru’s cellphone andpulls it away. Camera pans out to reveal it’s Blake)
I think its time for you to leave
Cut to: DAVIS
Cut to: TRU
Wait, you can’t. You don’t understand.Something is gonna happen
BLAKE (standingwith two security guards)
That’s right. You’re gonna be escorted fromthe building
 (He hands one of the guards Tru’scellphone. The other guard takes Tru by the arm and leads her down the corridor)
You’re making a mistake
 (Blake watches her go)
Cut to: Shot of the Morgue building
Cut to: Shot of the Morgue’s front door
26. INT. Morgue Corridor. Night.
 (Tru runs down the corridor and intothe office. She pulls out red and yellow med kits, discards them, picks up asmaller red med kit and looks at it. The label reads “Glucagon Emergency Kit”.Tru opens it and removes the contents)
I’m impressed
 (Tru turns to see Davis standing a fewfeet behind her)
You scared the hell out of me!
Took me four months before I stole anythingfrom the office
Davis, I’m sorry I…
Tru, Don’t. I’ve been listening to yourmildly entertaining stories all day. Obviously something’s going on in yourlife. I don’t know if you’re in trouble or what but I just hope that one dayyou’ll realize you can be honest with me
 (Tru remains silent, looking guilty. Davis slowly turns around and walks away. Tru runs out of the Morgue and into thecorridor. As she runs past, Luc comes in through another door and walks to theElevator. Tru hears him, turns around and watches him go into the elevator. Thedoors close.)
Cut to: Shot of the Hancock building
Cut to: Tru running down the corridor,back to the room.
27. INT. Corridor. Night.
 (Tru knocks on the door, there is noanswer. Then Blake opens it. He sees her, frowns and comes out into thecorridor, pulling the door to)
Maybe I didn’t make myself clear
Maybe I wasn’t listening. I know somethinghappened back in college and I know what you’re willing to do to cover it up
No-one knows anything except for the fiveguys in that room
What happened to the girl? Who was she? Youcan’t hide from the past…
Don’t you think I know that? Was it Ethan?What did he say?
No, nothing. He just…
 (She looks down at the drink Blake isholding. It has ice in it)
Ice… I thought it was you, but you didn’tplan tonight, did you?
No, what does that have to do withanything?
 (Cell phone rings. Tru answers it)
I don’t know what you’re up to, but Ifinally found Robin Wilson. Only she isn’t any bride
Who’s that?
TRU (to Harrison)
Get off the phone, now!
Yeah, she caught the guy cheating on her.Called the wedding off. That was three months ago
Right (she hangs up)
You’ve got ten seconds to explain yourself
This isn’t a bachelor party, Blake. Thewedding was called off months ago
That’s crazy. Why else would John want usall here?
Because you share a secret he doesn’t wantyou to tell. Whatever happened back in college, whatever happened to thatgirl…It was John. John did it. Let me help you
28. INT. Party room. Night.
 (Blake and Tru re-enter the room. Blakeputs his glass down on the side. The other guys are sitting round the tableplaying cards)
What’s she doing here? I thought I told youto get rid of her?
She’s got an interesting story I thoughtyou might all wanna hear
Not to be a pain in the ass but, we had herthrown out. Now you want us to listen to her?
I think we’ve all been silent long enough
This isn’t a bachelor party
 (Glasses and Curly look up in surprise)
Not anymore. You scared off the stripper,we’re running out of booze
John and his fiancée broke up. Months ago.Any of you guys know that?
 (Ethan and Hat look over at John)
Is that true John?
Look, I can explain everything
Come on, guys, best night of our lives,remember?
 (Everyone continues to stare at him)
Thanks guys
 (He walks away into the room Tara used to change in. Tru hands Blake the bag of antidote)
No, don’t
Just give me a minute
29. INT. Changing room. Night.
(John is rummaging in a bag. Tru entersthe room)
Going somewhere?
JOHN (pickingup his drink)
What’s the point in hanging around? Youembarrassed me in front of my friends
They can’t be that good friends John. Theystill thought you were getting married
Look, it’s not exactly an easy thing. Toadmit that your relationship failed, you know? I was gonna tell them alltonight…I just…I thought everyone could use a good party
With plenty of drinks. On the rocks right?God that’s a long way to go to cover up a murder
I don’t know what you’re talking about
Let me fill you in on a few things. Thefirst is, one of your friends wasn’t drinking alcohol tonight. So sure he’s gotthe Avlocardyl in his system, but without the alcohol to hide it? At somepoint, someone’s gonna figure out what you did. The second, is a littlebartending trick I picked up. Even if you’re drinking it straight, like you? Ifyou wanna keep the drink cool, you shake a little crushed ice in the bottom ofthe glass.
 (John looks down at his glass)
Yes, every glass John. Of course, if youdidn’t mess with the ice, then you won’t need the anti-dote your best man hasin the next room
 (John puts the glass down, lookingsick. He moves quickly over to the doors and opens them, only to be confrontedby Blake, Ethan, Glasses, Hat and Curly, standing staring at him.)
30. INT. Corridor. Night.
 (John is being led away in handcuffs bypolice. Tru follows them, and stops by the entrance. Some of the guys are beingquestioned by police. Blake comes up to Tru)
Five years late
That’s what I don’t get. Why now, after allthis time?
Three weeks ago I sent him a letter sayingI was going to the police
I couldn’t take it anymore. And I tried tomake it right, instead I almost got us all killed
What happened?
Catherine Hill
 [Flashback of the girl on the homevideo footage]
We didn’t even know her name until we readit in the papers. She was a freshman, made the mistake of coming to agraduation party
 [Flashback of Catherine at the graduationparty, John kissing her)
John got her alone in a room
 Catherine: “That’s alittle close isn’t it?”
 (John continues kissing her, trying toundress her.)
 Catherine: “That hurts! Stop it!I told you no”
 (She pushes John away, and makes forthe door. John catches her arm)
 John: Who said it was up to you?
 Catherine: Let go of me!
 (John yanks her backwards back into theroom hard. She falls into the glass coffee table, her head making contact withthe glass. It smashes everywhere) ]
A girlfriend once said he slapped her. Hedenied it and we believed him. And then when he told us what happened thatnight was an accident, we didn’t believe him.
 [Flashback of Catherine lying deadon the floor, the guys all staring down at her]
But we didn’t say anything…to anybody
You sent a letter. That’s something
I didn’t have the guts to sign it. Hedidn’t know which one of us was turning him in
So he had to kill all of you
I’m sorry for not trusting you. But witheverything, I barely trust myself
You did the right thing
 (A policeman comes up behind Blake)
Five years too late
 (Tru nods. The policeman leads Blakeout)
Cut to: Shot of Lindsay’s House
31. INT. Living Room. Night.
 (Lindsay enters, it is dark. She placesher keys on the side and looks at the answer machine: it displays 0 messages.She sighs. She reaches out and switches on the light)
PARTY GUESTS(in unison)
 (Lindsay gasps and then laughs. Truwalks through the guests, holding a cake with lighted candles on it. She smiles)
 (They smile at each other)
Cut to: Shot of Morgue building
32. INT. Morgue Office. Night.
 (Tru is typing into a computer.Suddenly a man’s voice whispers, “Tru!”. Tru looks up. She stands, walks to theoffice door and opens it. Briskly, she walks over to the trolley and whips thesheet off. Gardez stares up at her)
You need something?
How’d you know? Ah, Tru… (He sits up,gathering the sheet together) Tru, you take the fun out of everything!
TRU (smiling)
It was fun for me!
 (Gardez walks off, Tru’s cell phonerings)
Cut to: MEREDITH (in her office)
I’m sure you won’t be surprised to hearthere was a drugs test at my office
Obviously you knew something and opted notto tell me so I just called specifically to not say thank you
Cut to: TRU
Meredith, I…
But in case you’re curious, I passed thetest. Maybe now you’ll get off my back and let my past stay in the past
Cut to: TRU
Meredith I wasn’t trying to prove a point,I was just trying to help…And I did, didn’t I?
Goodnight, Tru
 (Cut to: Tru hangs up lookingworried. Cut back to Meredith, who hangs up too; there is a knock on her door)
You wanted to see me?
Close the door
 (She reaches into her bag and hands himsome money)
Thanks for covering that for me
No problem. Never been paid to provide asample before. But I gotta ask, how did you know there was gonna be a drug testtoday?
I just had a feeling
33. EXT. Street. Night
 (Tru and Harrison are walking alongtogether)
I just don’t get it. I went through allthis to save these five guys and now there’s a chance they’ll go to jail.What’s the point?
Look, Tru, this thing you’re dealing with?Maybe for you it’s about more than just saving people. See, these guys had asecret and they put it to rest. Maybe, I don’t know, maybe you can try and dothe same
TRU (smilesat him and takes his arm)
So, Lindsay has this theory…
That one out of every seven guys is a goodone. I just spent an entire evening with six guys that were bad, so does thatmake you number seven?
HARRISON (laughs)
Wouldn’t bet on it. Don’t worry, Tru. He’sout there
 (Tru suddenly sees Luc walking acrossthe street. She watches him walk past, longingly)
You know him?
No. Not yet.
[Fade to black]

Kikavu ?

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29.06.2018 vers 11h

07.05.2018 vers 15h

14.05.2017 vers 13h

22.12.2016 vers 21h

24.10.2016 vers 21h

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !