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#105 : L'expérience interdite


Quand le corps d'une jeune étudiante en médecine arrive à la morgue, Tru doit se faire passer pour une étudiante afin d'empêcher ce qui semble être une simple overdose de drogue.

En essayant de s'intégrer au goupe d'amie de la jeune femme, elle comprend que ces étudiants pratiquent d'étranges expériences entre eux...


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L'expérience interdite

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Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Photo de l'épisode #1.05

Plus de détails

Réalisé par Michael Katleman
Ecrit par Douglas Petrie

Dans une banlieue du voisinage, une jeune fille de 22 ans s'appelant Paige Sanders sort en colère de sa maison familiale. Elle est suivie par son père qui lui dit qu'elle est en colère pour quelque chose qui est une création de son esprit. Paige lui promet qu'un jour la vérité éclatera et part en voiture.

A la morgue, Davis aide Tru à réviser pour son MCAT (examen d'entrée en école de médecine). Elle semble très prête car elle a su répondre à toutes ses questions. Tru est satisfaite et Davis comprend que la réussite à l'examen lui permettra de quitter la morgue. Il lui dit que çà ne sera pas le cas et que certaines personnes appartiennent à ce lieu. GENERIQUE

Le matin suivant, Tru est réveillée par un appel de Lindsay, qui lui dit qu'elle a trouvé la personne parfaite pour elle, un gars s'appelant Jeremy. Le seul problème est que Lindsay n'a pas encore rencontré ce Jeremy. Elle lui arrange quand même le rdv dans la soirée et lui souhaite bonne chance pour l'examen.

Plus tard, au resto, Harrison dit à Tru qu'il veut une vraie preuve qu'elle peut revivre la journée, et lui tend un journal avec les annonces de courses de chevaux afin qu'il puisse prouver ce qu'elle affirme quand le jour se répétera. Tru n'est pas très d'accord avec cette méthode qui pourrait faire gagner de l'argent à son frère.

Elle se rend ensuite à son examen MCAT qui dure presque toute la journée. A part un gars qui lui éternue dessus, tout se passe bien et Tru pense avoir réussit le test. Cette nuit, après le MCAT, Tru retrouve Lindsay au bar. Elles fêtent sa réussite à l'examen. Un court instant plus tard, Jeremy arrive et Lindsay les laisse seuls. Jeremy s'avère être quelqu'un de très lourd ;) et il ne faut pas longtemps à Tru pour l'abandonner seul à la table. 

A la morgue, Tru tombe sur Luc encore, mais il ne se souvient pas d'elle, puisqu'elle a revécu la journée où ils s'étaient rencontrés... L'alchimie entre eux est toujours indéniable. Les 2 semblent s'entendre à la perfection.

Le téléphone sonne. C'est Harrison qui indique à Tru le nom des 3 chevaux gagnants. Il insiste pour qu'elle les mémorise. Une fois la conversation terminée, Davis lui apprend qu'il a refusé un colis dans la journée. Tru est déçue car il s'agissait du dossier de sa mère qu'elle avait demandé. Il faudra maintenant patienter 3 semaines pour l'obtenir.

Pas le temps d'enfiler une blouse pour notre héroïne. Gardez amène un nouveau corps. Il s'agit de Paige Sanders, la fille du début d'épisode. Tru apprend que cette dernière est étudiante à Hudson, la meilleure école médicale de l'état. Davis trouve des traces de piqures sur son bras, lui faisant penser qu'elle a eu une overdose. Les yeux de la victime présentent également une particularité (petechia) qui est généralement associée à un traumatisme.

Alors que Tru regarde Paige en lui disant qu'elle ne sait pas à quel point elle avait de la chance. Soudain celle-ci se tourne vers elle et lui dit : sauve-moi !

La journée recommence.

Tru se réveille dans son lit alors que le téléphone sonne. Elle décroche et comprend qu'elle revit la journée quand elle entend les premiers mots de Lindsay.

A la morgue, Elle s'assure que c'est bien la même journée. Alors qu'elle demande si une élève en médecine est arrivée ici, Davis lui répond que la seule élève, c'est elle, une fois qu'elle aura passé son examen. Tru est un peu dégoûtée car la journée avait été excellente pour elle la veille. Elle n'oublie pas de rappeler à Davis d'accepter le colis contenant le dossier de sa mère. Elle sort de la crypte en courant et tombe encore sur Luc - littérallement cette fois - lui faisant lâcher et casser un objectif d'appareil photo. Luc n'apprécie pas que son matériel soit cassé et ne lui prête pas vraiment attention.

10h. Tru arrive à l'école de médecine d'Hudson. Harrison l'appelle alors qu'elle attend dans la queue du bureau d'enregistrement. Il lui demande le nom des chevaux gagnants, mais elle lui avoue qu'elle ne s'en rappelle pas. Il lui répond qu'il savait que toute son histoire de retour dans le temps était fausse.

Pendant ce temps, une jeune fille, Jessica Hanson, s'énerve au bureau d'enregistrement et se montre prétentieuse. Quand c'est à son tour de parler à la responsable d'admission, Tru arrive à obtenir d'elle le lieu où se trouve Paige dans l'école.

Elle arrive donc dans l'ampithéâtre où Paige est en train d'assister à un cours. Elle entre discètement et observe. 2 élèves sont devant le tableau et le professeur leur pose des questions. Paige semble un peu dans la lune et le professeur lui pose une question. Elle n'arrive pas à y répondre et il se moque d'elle.

Se faisant passer pour une étudiante venant de Harvard, Tru approche Paige et ses amis, Dan et steven(ceux qui étaient au tableau) à la sortie du cours. Elle prétend être Jessica Hanson et leur parle d'une rumeur sur eux. Intrigués, ils la laissent développer et Paige finit par accepter de lui faire visiter le campus.

Plus tard, alors que Paige et Tru mangent un morceau, Tru lui dit que la compétition ne nécessite pas de se faire du mal. Paige ne comprend pas. Son téléphone sonne et elle doit partir. Tru lui dit qu'elle sait pour la drogue et lui attrape le bras. Il n'y a aucune trace de piqûres ce qui ne manque pas de l'étonner. Paige lui demande de rester loin d'elle et part. Bien sûr, Tru ne l'écoute pas et préfère suivre cette dernière jusqu'à un hangar désaffecté. Elle pénètre à l'intérieur.

Elle aperçoit alors Dan qui vient de causer l'arrêt du coeur de Steven par injection. Au bout de quelques instants, Dan et Paige réaniment leur ami en lui administrant plusieurs chocs. Dan aperçoit alors Tru cachée dans l'ombre. Elle menace de prévenir les autorités à moins qu'ils ne lui expliquent ce qu'il se passe.

A l'extérieur, Steven, Dan et Paige expliquent à Tru leurs expériences : ils déclenchent la mort afin de libèrer des souvenirs refoulés. Maintenant Paige veut réaliser l'expérience afin d'affronter son propre passé et découvrir ce qui est arrivé entre elle et son père. Tru essaye de l'en dissuader mais il s'agit du dernier recours pour Paige. Les 3 amis s'en vont et Paige lui dit que si elle veut en savoir plus, elle n'a qu'à aller parler à son père.

Il est 13h maintenant. Tru retourne au bureau d'accueil pour obtenir l'adresse de Paige puis s'y rend pour interroger M. Sanders . Elle lui affirme que Paige va faire quelque chose qui pourrait lui causer beaucoup de mal. Elle lui explique que seul lui peut arrêter çà. Son père nie avoir jamais maltraité sa fille, et insiste sur le fait qu'elle ne peut même pas se rappeler de détails spécifiques sauf quelque chose impliquant "la lune et les étoiles". Pendant ce temps, le test de MCAT commence et le surveillant appelle Tru. Aucune réponse.

Plus tard, Tru retrouve Paige et finit par la convaincre de ne pas réaliser l'expérience car elle pourrait en mourir. Elle lui parle de sa propre expérience avec sa mère et des autres méthodes qui pourraient lui permettre de retrouver ses souvenirs refoulés.

Malheureusement, Dan approche les deux filles accompagné d'une fille, Jessica Hanson, la même personne pour laquelle Tru s'est faite passer. Hanson accuse Tru d'avoir mis en place une escroquerie d'identité. Paige s'énerve vraiment et lui dit qu'elle ne peut pas croire à tout ce qu'elle a dit alors qu'elle mentait sur sa véritable identité. Ils partent tous la laissant désemparée.

Encore plus tard, elle fait appel à Steven à la sortie d'un cours, espérant qu'il sera capable de convaincre Paige que l'expérience est une mauvaise idée. Steven lui dit qu'il est trop tard : Paige est déjà en train de faire l'expérience au moment où ils se parlent.

Alors que Dan réalise l'injection sur Paige, Tru court jusqu'à l'entrepôt. Quand elle arrive, elle découvre que Dan n'a pas été capable de réanimer Paige malgré plusieurs chocs. Elle attrape des palettes et la choque à nouveau, la faisant finalement revenir à elle. 

Avec Paige hors de danger, Tru court jusqu'à la salle d'examen où elle doit passer le MCAT. Le surveillant lui fait remarquer qu'elle a 3 heures de retard. Tru répond rapidement aux questions, ayant déjà passé l'examen le jour d'avant. Quand elle rencontre une question particulière se rapportant à l'oeil humain, elle réalise que Paige n'est pas morte en faisant l'expérience; Elle est morte d'une tout autre façon. Elle se lève et s'apprête à quitter la salle L'examinateur lui dit que si elle quitte la salle, elle n'aura plus le droit d'y revenir, ce qui signifie qu'elle devra attendre un an avant de pouvoir le repasser à nouveau. Mais Tru n'a pas le choix, la vie de Paige est en jeu.

Elle retourne à l'entrepôt, où Dan lui parle des souvenirs refoulés de Paige (toujours cette lune et ces étoiles). Elle retourne ensuite chez les Sanders, où M. Sanders la menace d'appeler la police. Alors qu'elle quitte la maison, Tru regarde de l'autre côté de la rue ... et voit une fenêtre vitrail sur la maison du voisin d'en face. Elle est composée d'une lune et de plusieurs étoiles.

A l'intérieur, Paige est en train d'accuser le voisin de l'avoir maltraité quand elle avait 9 ans. Celui-ci l'attrape par la gorge et la serre. Paige commence à manquer d'air et regarde son agresseur d'un air terrifié. Tru apparaît et celui-ci lâche Paige. Cette dernière se jette dans les bras de son père et s'excuse auprès de lui pour avoir pensé qu'il l'avait maltraité. Le voisin hurle qu'elle ne peut plus rien faire car la date de prescription est dépassée et que personne ne va la croire de toute façon.

Plus tard, Paige discute avec Tru sur un banc et lui demande pourquoi elle l'a aidé. Tru répond que c'est son job en quelque sorte. Avant de partir, Paige lui dit qu'elle fera un très bon docteur un jour.

De retour à la morgue, Tru reçoit un appel de Lindsay qui a été au rendez-vous à sa place. Elle lui dit qu'elle n'a vraiment rien manqué. Tru lui apprend qu'elle n'a pas réussit son examen. Lindsay termine en lui disant que l'homme parfait est quelque part en train de l'attendre. A cet instant, Tru croise de nouveau Luc. Il lui dit que si elle ne lui ne s'étaient pas rentré dedans et cassé son objectif d'appareil photo, alors ils ne se seraient peut être jamais rencontrés... et il est content de l'avoir rencontré.

Puis c'est au tour d'Harrison d'appeller. Il explique à Tru qu'il n'est pas allé au champ de courses et a passé une journée magnifique sans l'aide de sa soeur. Après avoir raccroché, Tru sort un papier sur lequel elle avait inscrit les noms des chevaux gagnants. Satisfaite d'avoir fait le bon choix, elle froisse le papier et le jette.

Elle retrouve enfin Davis qui lui tend le dossier de sa mère. Puis, à sa grande surprise, il lui apprend qu'il en sait bien plus sur elle qu'elle ne le pense. Il lui parle de cette vocation et est enfin décidé à tout lui révèler ...

1. EXT. Neighbourhood Street. DAY.
 (A teenage boy skateboards across the street, straight into a blue bin sitting by the road. One of the neighbours walks over)
Hey, hey
 (He picks up the bin; the boy picks up his skateboard and skates off. The neighbour looks up, hearing voices coming from the house across the street)
PAIGE SANDERS (off-screen)
Daddy, I’m leaving
MIKE SANDERS (off-screen)
But you won’t even let me finish!
 (Paige comes out of the house, followed by her dad)
Sweetheart, please don’t go. Not like this. Paige, I promise you there’s nothing wrong with my baby girl
I’m not a baby. And I’m not your girl
 (Shot of the Neighbour watching them)
MIKE (trying to put an arm round her)
Don’t touch me!
 (She walks over to her car and gets inside)
God, have you ever considered that nothing happened? That this is all just a figment of your imagination?
PAIGE (out of her car window)
I give myself more credit than that. Because pretty soon, the truth is gonna come out and when it does, I can promise you one thing, I’m not the only person who’s gonna have to deal with it. You are, Daddy
 (She starts the engine)
 (Paige roars off down the street in the car. Mike doesn’t watch her go)
2. INT. Morgue Office. DAY.
Okay hotshot. Bonus question, you ready?
Hit me
Riddle me this…the odontoid ligaments serve to limit the extent to which?
The cranium’s rotation can be carried. Which is why they’re also known as check ligaments. You gonna eat that?
It’s all yours smarty-pants. I am finished with cramming for your MCATS
Oh come on, we haven’t even started on the sympathetic nervous system!
 (Davis walks through into his office, and takes off his lab coat)
You know the secret for acing the MCATS? Quit cramming. Get some sleep, Tru. Go home
 (He sits down to change his shoes)
I’m just so excited! If I ace the MCATS tomorrow I get into Medical School. I do that, I become a doctor. I become a doctor and I can finally say goodbye –
DAVIS (looks up)
To working here?
 (Tru says nothing. Davis gets up, picks up his jacket and walks past her)
Come on, I didn’t mean it like that
I got a feeling it’s not gonna happen
You think I won’t pass? I nailed every question you asked, plus the ones you made up
No, no, that’s not what I meant. I’m sure you’ll ace them. It’s just meant that, sometimes I get the feeling that some people don’t belong here. And some people do
So which am I? I belong here or not?
DAVIS (stopping at the double doors)
What do you think?
 (Tru stares at him. Davis walks through the doors. Shot of Tru looking thoughtful, the camera pans further and further out until the whole room is in shot)
[Fade to black]
3. INT. Tru’s bedroom. DAY
 (Camera on an MCATS study guide open on a page, pans around the room to show several more study Aids, and then across to Tru who is asleep in bed, with yet another study book propped open on her chest. The telephone rings; Tru sits up and reaches out for it)
Bitch-cakes! Hi, its Lindsay
I guessed
Cut to: LINDSAY (walking in the street)
Uh, so listen – I found a guy
Cut to: TRU (getting out of bed)
I’m shocked
Not for me, for you – his name’s Jeremy. I haven’t met him myself but he’s totally your type!
Cut to: TRU (in the kitchen, picking up a coffee cup and filter paper)
If you haven’t met him yourself, how do you know he’s my type?
Tru, it’s my gift. So stop asking questions, and start looking for that little black Dolce and Gabbana dress I got you last Christmas
Cut to: TRU
Lindsay, we’ve been through this. I’m not on the market, and I’m taking my MCATS this afternoon
Perfect! You can meet him after. And don’t worry; I’ll be there to Chaperone, so now you’re all out of excuses. Say you’ll be there
Cut to: TRU
I’ll be there
Smart girl. Oh, good luck on your test
Cut to: TRU
 (They both hang up. Tru picks up the coffee bag to pour into the filter, but its empty. She sighs)
4. INT. Café. DAY
Don’t take this the wrong way, but you look like crap
Thanks, Harrison! That’s very sweet. I told you, I’ve been up studying all night. Because in 45 minutes, I’m gonna take the biggest test of my life
Right. The Top Cats
I just wanna make sure you’re okay
Outside the big test jitters, I’m fine, thanks
Is everything else copacetic? Feeling good? Having fun?
 (Tru narrows her eyebrows at him)
 Look, you know me, always looking out for you, because I know you’d do the same thing for me
All right, what do you want?
Nothing, man! What, a guy can’t worry about his own sister without being accused of working an angle? Jeez, I’m offended…how could you actually say that to me?
It’s about what I told you, isn’t it? About me, you know – what I can do
Okay, A – I don’t even believe you, and B – even if I did, I would still need some cold, hard…(he pushes a newspaper over to Tru)…proof
TRU (picking it up)
“The Racing Forum”?
You want me to believe you, right? Well here’s a way!
 (Tru rolls her eyes)
 I go to the track, I see who wins. I call you up on the phone, give you the horses names. And tomorrow, should you – you know, do that voodoo you do so well…
You make money
HARRISON (with a grin)
Harrison, I don’t think that’s how it works
I’m not even sure it works at all! But I’ve heard of weirder systems so what the hell? Give it a shot
 (Tru smiles. Harrison leans over the table towards her)
Are you down with this? Or do I have to go work for a living?
I’ll see what I can do. But now I gotta go
I love my sister! Go. Go take your MCATS. Kick much academic ass!
5. INT. Examination Room. DAY.
 (The invigilator stands behind his desk, looking at the rows upon rows of students in front of him who are writing hastily onto their exam papers. The room is silent.)
 (Camera pans in on Tru. The boy behind her sneezes – he looks at her apologetically)
 (The invigilator looks at the large digital clock on his desk counting down to the end of the exam. It’s reading 8 seconds…7 seconds…6 seconds…)
 INVIGILATOR (as the clock beeps)
Time. Time’s up people, pencils down
 (Tru looks at her paper, and suddenly laughs triumphantly. The invigilator looks at her sternly, her laughter subsides into a smile)
6. INT. Bar. NIGHT.
 (Tru and Lindsay are sitting at a table in a bar, raising their glasses in a toast)
To my best friend, Tru, who just aced her MCATS and who will make a wonderful doctor someday
I’m not done yet. Who will always squeeze me in on short notice and accept whatever health insurance I carry
Of course
Okay. Cheers!
 (They clink glasses and drink, each murmuring “mmm”. Then Lindsay points over to the doorway. A guy is standing there, looking around)
Is that him?
LINDSAY (impressed)
Gotta be. God, can I pick ‘em or can I pick ‘em?
 (She walks over to him)
Hey, Jeremy?
Yes. Hi
 (They walk back over to the table)
That’s me. But you can’t be Tru…you’re too good to be true
Yeah…my name does lend itself to more obvious puns
I spent all day thinking that up. Do you mind?
 (Without waiting for an answer, he picks up Tru’s drink and starts drinking)
Cut to: Later on in the “date”
 (The table is full of food but only Jeremy is eating. Tru stares blankly ahead)
Yeah, I never usually go on blind dates ‘cause who knows what you’re gonna get? So at first I was all like, “wait, she works in a morgue?” Because, come on, you’re too hot to work in a morgue, you ought to switch jobs. You ought to be in like, videos or something
I have to go
Oh right, right, night shift. Creepy
 (Tru gets up to go)
So, I’ll call you! Oh wait, you forgot to give me your number
 (Tru turns around, shrugs and smiles, and walks away)
7. INT. Morgue corridor. NIGHT.
 (Tru sees Luc coming in the opposite direction)
Luc, hi
Hi…have we met?
Yeah…(remembers the day they met was a re-run day and the meeting never took place)…in the “we’ve never actually met” kinda way…I heard there might be a new guy
That would be me…Luc (he holds out his hand)
Tru (she shakes it)
Dress code?
Blind date.
Bad one
Ooh, well is there any other kind?
(Tru laughs)
My friend Lindsay thinks it’s her life’s work to fix me up
She worried you can’t meet a nice guy?
Worried I can’t meet a living one
She shouldn’t. Worry, I mean
Why? Know someone for me?
Give me some time
 (They smile at each other)
Anyway, I gotta run. My folks are in town. But its nice to meet you
LUC (backing into the lift)
 (The doors close. Close up on Tru; Her cellphone rings)
Cut to: HARRISON (in the café)
Hey, hey, its me. And I hold in my hands the key to financial freedom
Cut to: TRU
A job interview?
Ha ha, that’s very funny. But no. What I have are the winning horses from the last race at Del Mar
Cut to: TRU
It’s a 40-1 trifecta Tru. So write this down. Today’s lucky ponies are: Cherry Top, Sky Marker and Whirligig.
Cut to: TRU
You know, I have no idea why I can do what I do, but I’m pretty sure it’s not so I can pick up the ponies
HARRISON (voice-over)
Just tell me you got them
I got them okay, you happy?
No, but I will be tomorrow, if my big sister’s as lucky as she claims to be
Cut to: TRU
Uh-huh, I gotta go, love you
DAVIS (off-screen)
Oh Davis, I didn’t hear you come in
Yeah, hi, I meant to tell you I got a call from County Records today, something about an autopsy report you requested?
Yeah, my, umm, my mother’s
Oh…stupid (he bangs his own head against the door)
Is there a problem?
I’m sorry. Had I known, I would have authorized delivery. Since I didn’t know, I just…
Its okay, I’ll just get them tomorrow
Oh no, not likely. The clerk went on holiday tonight for a couple of weeks. With all the red tape downtown you’re probably gonna have to wait until he gets back
TRU (obviously disappointed)
It’s okay. I waited ten years; another few weeks won’t kill me right?
Still…I can’t help but wonder if those are the answers you’re really looking for
Why, what are you…
 (Gardez wheels a trolley past the doorway)
We’ve got a cold one
8. INT. Post-Mortem Room, Morgue. NIGHT.
(Davis takes the sheet off the dead body. Gardez is holding a clipboard)
Name’s Paige Sanders, medical student at Hudson. Well, until 4:31 today
Hudson, that’s the top medical school in the state
Didn’t do her any good
How’d she die?
Here’s a guess. Knowing the high-pressure world of most Med students, I would posit this one worked hard. But probably played a little bit harder
 (Close up on Paige’s arm, there is a bruise and a needle mark)
Overdose. God, that makes no sense. Hudson get their pick of the best and the brightest. She had it all
What can I tell you, Tru? Some med students can hack the pressure
Yeah, and some can’t
No, but why would she –
Never met a newbie as curious as you, Tru, relax. You can’t help her now
Come on, Davis, what more can you tell me?
Well it looks like we have a little petechial imaging in the eye
 (Close-up of Paige’s eye which has small red marks around the eyeball)
Usually associated with some sort of trauma
Could be associated with the drug intake. Coughing, vomiting, internal pressure of some kind?
Wow. Someone’s gonna do well on their MCATS. That’s good. Just to be sure, we should prepare the body for a toxicology report. I wanna know exactly what chemicals were in this student’s body when she died (he leaves the room)
Hey wait up Davis (he follows)
TRU (to Paige)
You have no idea how lucky you were
 (She stares at the body for a few more seconds. There is a silence. Then, Paige’s head twists to look at Tru)
Save me
 [Flashbacks of the day’s images as the day re-winds]
9. INT. Tru’s bedroom. DAY.
 (Shot of the MCATS study guides, camera pans round the room and shows Tru asleep in bed. The telephone rings)
Bitch-cakes! Hey, its Lindsay
 (Tru sits up straighter, remembering)
Too tired to talk? Okay, fine, because I found a guy, his name’s Jeremy and he’s totally your type
[Fade to black]
[Flashbacks of the day’s images]
 (Shot of the City Morgue building)
10. INT. Morgue. DAY.
 (Tru bursts in through the doors, over to the post-mortem trolley, which is empty. She stares at it, and Davis walks into the room)
You ever have one of the greatest days of your life, I mean a really, truly great day, and then just feel like the whole thing got erased?
You’re assuming I’ve ever had a great day? What are you doing?
I’m just checking for something. Hey, did we get any medical students last night?
The only medical student here is you, in a couple of hours. Aren’t you taking the MCATS today?
I did (looks at Davis and backtracks) I will. I just have to do one thing first
(She turns to leave)
You have quite the life don’t you?
(He goes into his office)
Unfortunately, yeah. Oh, and Davis!
 (He leans back out from his office)
 …if County Records just happens to call, go ahead and authorize delivery. I want those files
 (Davis raises his eyebrows, and enters his office. Tru turns and goes through the doors, hitting Luc on the other side. His camera clatters to the floor and breaks)
Oh my God, Luc, I’m sorry. Here, let me help you
No, thanks, really, I got it
Tell me it’s fixable…
Well I would, but then I’d probably be lying
(Tru sighs)
How’d you know my name?
You called me Luc, just now, but we’ve never met before
I’m a lucky guesser
Yeah, well… (he starts to walk away) Nice running into you
TRU (turning round)
Tell me this day gets better
 (Ext. Shot of Hudson University)
 (Int. Shot of Hudson’s reception area and the clock which reads 10am)
11. INT. Hudson reception. DAY.
 (Tru hurries down some stairs and across to the desk. Another girl is leaning against the desk, looking bored and frustrated.)
Check again. My records have to be here
 (The admissions officer sighs and types something into her computer)
Are you sure you’re using that thing right?
 (Tru cellphone rings)
HARRISON (voice-over)
Tru, where are ya?
TRU (turning her back on the reception desk)
Oh God, Harrison, breakfast
Cut to: HARRISON (in the café)
Why’d you blow me off? I’ve been waiting, like, half an hour
Cut to: TRU
It’s not my fault. I’m having…I’m having one of those mornings
So you’re telling me what? We already had this conversation?
(He takes out “The Racing Forum” from his back pocket)
Cut to: TRU
Do you have “the Racing Forum” in front of you?
Proves nothing, except that if you’re having one of your so-called lucky days, you should be telling me today’s winning horses
I don’t remember
They were horse names, Harrison. How am I supposed to remember them?
You know, you talk a good game, but I knew you couldn’t do it Tru. I knew it! See you
 (Tru sighs and hangs up. She turns back to the desk)
JESSICA (exasperated)
It’s Hansen. Jessica Hansen. The transfer should have come in hours ago from Harvard Medical
I’ll be sure to let you know the moment they come in
You do that
 (She gives the Admissions officer a dirty look and walks away)
Hi. Just a thought but when her files come in, you should bounce them back to Harvard just for laughs
Don’t give me any ideas. What can I do for you?
My friend, Paige Sanders, is a student. I wanna surprise her. Do you know where I could find her now?
I’m not allowed to say
I get that. Too bad, though. She just got a residency at the Mayo Clinic. And I’d love to see the look on Harvard’s face when she learns my friend got in and she didn’t
 (The Admissions officer smiles and types onto the computer)
Got her. Building theater C. But you didn’t hear it from me
Didn’t hear what from you?
 (Ext. Shot of Hudson University)
12. INT. Theater C. DAY.
 (Two students are at the front of the class; on a trolley in front of them is a body and surgical implements)
Mr Taggert, would you tell your fellow surgeons-in-training what exactly you’re doing to this poor dead man’s heart
Like you taught, Sir, I’m just making a cut between the inferior vena cava
And the, what? Anyone? And the?
Eustachian Valve, sir
Good. Taking particular care not to sever?
 (He looks up into the students)
Miss Sanders?
[Flashback of Paige Sanders lying dead in the Morgue. Gardez: “Name’s Paige Sanders”.)
[Flashback of the moment Paige asked for help. Paige: “Save me”]
Miss Sanders?
Uh, the uh…
TRU (whispering)
Anterior margin
The uh, uh…
The answer I’m looking for is anterior margin
Right, no, and I knew that, I just…
We all knew the answer, Miss Sanders. The question is time. Time matters. To us, time is the difference between life and death
 (Tru glances up at the clock. It reads 10:30am)
Time has value, Miss Sanders. And please do not waste our time. For those of you who will actually become doctors, our minds are the most valuable tools we possess. And we must keep them sharp at all times. Thank you. See you next week. Take your notes
 (He walks out of the room)
 (Tru looks up at Paige, who is looking humiliated)
13. EXT. Hudson University, outside the entrance. DAY.
 (Tru is waiting for Paige. She sees her walking away from the building. Dan Taggert and Steven follow her)
“The mind is the most valuable tool”. We guys should know, he’s the biggest tool on campus
He acts like he’s Zeus or something, I hate that
Well the least he can do is realise he’s not God. I am!
 (They laugh)
Hey, Sanders! Nice work in there. Very impressive
Give me a break, both you guys okay? I’m not in the mood
Relax, Sanders, it’s us
Excuse me!
 (Dan, Paige and Steven turn round. Dan is putting on his jacket – Tru notices track marks on his arm)
Hi! You guys are second years, right?
Yeah, that’s right. Who’s asking
Name’s Hansen. Jessica Hansen. I just got in from Harvard today
 [Flashback of the girl by Reception. Jessica: “Jessica Hansen”]
Yeah, I saw you inside
Yeah, you were observing us
Yeah what can I say, I’m just naturally curious
Good for you. Welcome to Hudson. But as you’ve, er, observed, we are second years, which means we’re busy
 (They all turn round to go)
Hey, is it true what they say about you guys?
I don’t know, what is it exactly they say about us?
That you’re good
They’d be right about that
What else do they say?
That you throw the best parties, well-connected, got some heavy-hitting careers lined up for yourselves. But that’s not the whole story, is it?
 (They all look at each other)
Look, I’m cool with it. I came here to hook up with some color-outside-the-lines types
Maybe we are. Maybe we aren’t. My question would be what’s it to you?
Like I said, I’m just trying to make some new friends. Oh, and by the way, that professor had no right to talk to you that way
The name’s Paige and I can take care of myself
I believe it. Listen, I just got out of one alpha boys club. I’m new in town. Come on, help a sister out. Just welcome me to campus. I’ll buy you a meal?
Yeah, I can’t, we –
We’re busy
Doing what?
Nothing that concerns you (Turns to Paige) But go ahead. Enjoy your meal. We’re not doing anything with you
14. INT. Cafe. DAY.
 (Tru and Paige are sitting at a table opposite each other, eating)
To be honest, I can’t remember the last time I sat down and ate a solid meal
Thought you might need a break. You got that whole overachiever thing going for you
PAIGE (laughs)
Yeah, right, I’m doing everything I can just to keep up
You seem to push yourself pretty hard
Yeah but I mean who doesn’t? You, me, I mean it’s the whole med school thing, right? You pass your MCATS, always busting your ass trying to max out your potential
It must be nice
I just, you know, have to stop and appreciate it sometimes. Not everyone’s so lucky, we got in. So let me ask you, is everyone here as uptight as your friends?
PAIGE (laughs)
Those guys, they’re all right. I mean you know what the competition can do you
Sure, but that doesn’t mean we have to hurt ourselves just to keep up with them
What are you talking about?
 (Paige’s cellphone rings)
 (She answers it)
Hello? Now? Yeah, no, I’ll be right there. All right
 (She hangs up)
Listen, thanks for lunch but I um, I gotta run
 (She grabs her bag and stands up to go. Tru jumps up too)
Paige, I know
You know what?
About the drugs. I don’t know if you do it to keep up, or to wind down but
Drugs? What are you talking about?
 (Tru grabs Paige’s arm and rolls her sleeve up)
 (Her arm is clean)
[Flashback to Davis showing Tru Paige’s arm in the Morgue, clearly needle-marked]
 (Shot of Paige’s clean arm)
PAIGE (pulling her arm away)
What kind of freak are you?
Okay, now I’m confused
Don’t touch me. Don’t come near me. Look, I don’t know what your psycho agenda is, but screw you. Stay away from me
 (She walks out.)
Cut to: Shot of Paige walking across Campus
(Camera pans across to show Tru is following her)
Cut to: Paige walking past a chain-link fence into a disused factory yard
Cut to: Tru walking across the same yard
Cut to: Paige crossing over to a door in the building and entering it
Cut to: Tru crossing to the door, entering and closing it behind her
15. INT. Factory. DAY.
 (Tru peers around the corner. There is a rhythmic beeping sound, like a hospital heartbeat monitor.)
Cut to: Dan Taggert, staring down at Steven, who is lying on a trolley, with various wires attached to him. He is unconscious, the machine next to him monitoring his heartbeat. Paige is standing next to them.
 (The beeping slows down. The machine shows “HR: 17” then “HR: 9”. Shot of Dan, looking at the monitor.)
 (Close-up of the monitor flashing red “HR: 0”)
Yeah, we are up and running
Congratulations doctor, we did it
 (Shot of Paige, who is looking up at Dan)
 (Shot of Dan, close-up)
He’s dead
 (Shot of Tru looking horrified)
[Fade to black]
[Flashback of the day’s images as they rewind]
16. INT. Factory. DAY.
 (The machine continues to flatline, showing “HR:0”. Tru is still watching them)
Looking good, keep him steady. Time?
Eight seconds
Death looks good on you, Steven
 (Shot of the timer counting seconds)
Twelve seconds, we’re getting close
 (Shot of Tru watching. Electricity charges through the Defibrillator Paddles)
Okay, twenty seconds, time to do your thing
 (He shocks Steven with the Paddles. The alarm continues to sound)
No change
 (Close up of the timer, counting 31 seconds, 32 seconds…)
 (Dan and Paige both stare at Steven, looking slightly worried)
 (Close up of the monitor still flatlining…then it starts rhythmic beeping as the heartbeat returns. Dan smiles)
 (Shot of the monitor saying “HR:27”. Shot of Tru still watching them)
(Dan and Paige stare at Steven. He opens his eyes and gasps)
Now that…was a trip
Did it work for you Steven?
I’ve got a better question (he points directly at Tru) What the hell is she doing here?
I could ask you the same thing. I bet your answer’s a lot more interesting than mine
Guess again
I’m guessing what I just saw could get you all kicked out of med school by lunchtime. Or, we could talk
17. EXT. Campus grounds. DAY.
 (Tru is walking with Dan)
So let me get this straight, you’ve got this little hobby, you kill yourselves?
For starters
 (They reach a bench where Paige and Steven are sitting)
And then you resuscitate
That’s the plan
But what’s the point?
The point, Jessica, is that when you come back, you’re not the same (he smiles) You know the urban myth about the moment you die your whole life flashes before your eyes? It’s true
TRU (nodding)
Memories. You’re unlocking repressed memories
And what are they anyway, memories? Just chemicals locked in the brain between your occipital fissure and the temporal lobe
And the best part is they’re just lying there, waiting to be tapped into
You guys are good. Too bad your little experiment kills you
Uh-uh. Almost kills you
 (Tru stares at him)
I saw my father’s face the day he left me. I was 2 and a half when it happened and now it’s as clear as… (He laughs) Let’s just say high-def video can kiss my ass cause I have clarity. Crystal clear memory of that day and so much more
I’m next
No, Paige, you can’t. You wanna dig into your past, I get it, but there’s gotta be a better way. You can deal with this. All you have to do is go to the source. Find out whoever it is you have unresolved issues with
And what? Have a good long talk with them? See their point of view? Reach closure? You think I haven’t already tried that? You think this isn’t my last resort? Fine, you know so much? You go talk to my father. Because nothing is gonna stop me
 (She gets up and walks away, followed by Dan and Steve)
18. INT. Reception area at Hudson. DAY.
 (Shot of the clock which reads 1pm. The admissions officer sits at her desk, holding a cup and stirring a spoon around her coffee)
Hi. I need just one more thing
19. EXT. Paige’s house. DAY.
 (Tru gets out of a taxi and sees the Neighbour, who is carrying a reel of hosepipe)
Mr Sanders?
Right block, wrong house. Mike Sanders lives right there
 (He points across the street)
My pleasure
 (Tru walks up to the house)
20. EXT. Paige’s house. DAY.
 (Tru is on the doorstep, talking to Mike Sanders)
Who’d you say you were?
A friend of Paige’s. We go to school together. Mr Sanders, I’m really worried about her. I think she’s gonna hurt herself
No. My daughter would never do anything like that
I wish you were right, but I don’t think you are, and you’re the only one who can stop her
Why am I the only one?
You’re her father. You have a history with Paige that …
Look. Whatever she told you about me isn’t true. Touch my own daughter? It’s sickening even thinking about it. And the craziest part is, Paige doesn’t remember anything. Just some nonsense about the moon and the stars
The moon and the stars, what’s that mean?
You’re her friend. You tell me
21. INT. Examination Hall. DAY.
(The invigilator paces in front of his desk, looking up at the rows of students ready to take the MCATS)
INVIGILATOR (looking at his list)
Tru Davies. Is Tru Davies here?
 (The other students look around. Camera pans to show Tru’s empty desk)
22. EXT. Campus grounds. DAY.
 (Tru is on her cellphone)
HARRISON (voice-over)
I thought you were taking your test
I am. I’m just going a little late. I have to find someone first
Then I’m glad I caught you
 (Cut to show Harrison in the Café, “The Racing Forum” in front of him)
Look, I need you to concentrate. And the names of the horses are?
Cut to: TRU
Harrison, I told you I can’t remember them, look I’m really sorry…
PAIGE (off-screen)
Hey, Hansen!
TRU (to Harrison)
I gotta go
 (He slams the phone down in frustration)
Were you just talking to my father? What’s wrong with you? First you force your way into my life, then my group, now my home? How Single White Female are you?
I know I’m butting in. Just give me one minute to explain
Okay, one minute
23. EXT. Campus grounds. DAY.
 (Tru and Paige are walking along together)
I was 12 when my mom died
You were just a kid. Wow…
I watched it happen. Right in front of me. I have questions about my mother’s murder that I may never be able to answer. As much as I’d like to know the truth, it’s not worth dying over
Yeah, but why do you think I would die?
Because I’ve done the research. The heart can’t withstand it, and if the heart does, the brain can’t. Sure, some people get lucky and come out okay, but not everyone. Not you. Look, do yourself a favour. Call it off. Its suicide
I mean, it’s not like I’ve never had doubts, I mean, I just…I have these feelings about my past and…I don’t know what else to do
Talk to your father again, or a therapist, anyone. Just don’t go through with the experiment
 (There is a few seconds silence)
Fine. I’ll call it off. I don’t know why I trust you, but I do. I’ll tell the guys
That’s great. You have no idea how relieved I am…
DAN (off-screen)
Harvard, how’s it going?
Hey Dan, actually I’m glad you’re here because I wanted to talk to you about something
Sure, great, love to hear it. There’s just someone I met at the sign-ups for molecular bio. I really think you should meet her
 (He turns round and beckons a girl forward. Tru recognises her at once as Jessica Hansen)
Hi, Jessica Hansen?
(to Dan) Is this the one you told me about?
And will the real Jessica Hansen please stand up?
I don’t understand…
Paige, I can explain
Allow me. I’m Jessica Hansen. I transferred from Harvard yesterday. And this woman here is trying some lame-ass identity scam. Which, sorry honey, it won’t work
And now that’s over with… how about you tell us who the hell you really are?
Paige, I…
Don’t. Because as far as I’m concerned, everything you’ve told me is a lie. I bet you’re not even a real medical student, are you?
 (She walks away, followed by Dan and Jessica)
Paige, just wait
 (She stares after them)
 Cut to: Shot of the Hudson University building
24. EXT. Entrance of Hudson University. DAY.
 (Tru outside the entrance. She looks at her watch. It reads 2:30pm)
Two hours and counting
 (She sees Steven coming)
Steven. Steven, wait up
What do you want from me?
You’ve gotta talk her out of it
No way
It’s going to kill her
No it’s won’t. Look at me, I’ve never been better
Look, we all have questions we need answered. But Steven, Paige is gonna make the biggest mistake of her life in just a few hours unless you talk her out of it.
Little late for that
She’s doing it right now
 (He walks away. Camera shot of Tru, looking panicked)
 [Fade to black]
[Flashback of the days images so far]
25. INT. Factory. DAY.
 (Dan is preparing a syringe. Paige is lying on the trolley, with various wires attached to her chest. Dan inserts the syringe into Paige’s arm. She raises her head to look at it for a second, and then lies back down)
26. EXT. Campus grounds. DAY.
 (Tru runs across the grounds)
27. INT. Factory. DAY.
 (Paige is lying motionless, eyes closed. Dan looks at her, then over at the monitor. It is steady rhythmic beeping, showing “HR:37” then it begins to flatline, the heartbeat gradually dropping, flashing red on the screen)
28. EXT. Factory grounds. DAY.
 (Tru runs across the disused factory yard)
29. INT. Factory. DAY.
 (The machine shows “HR:0” The Defibrillator Paddles charge electricity)
Okay, ready to come back
 (He shocks her; her body jerks. The machine still shows “HR:0”)
Come on
 (Shot of the timer showing 23 seconds, 24 seconds)
30. EXT. Factory grounds. DAY.
 (Tru reaches the factory door, pulls it open and runs inside)
31. INT. Factory. DAY.
 (Dan shocks Paige again. The machine still shows “HR:0”. Dan looks worried now)
 (Shot of the timer which reads 37 seconds, 38 seconds)
 (Dan looks up as Tru comes running towards him)
Can’t get her back, she’s not responding
Got any dobutamine?
No, none of that either
 (The Defibrillator Paddles charge electricity. Tru shocks Paige again, the machine is still flatlining)
She’s been under too long. She should have been out by now
 (Tru rubs the pads together, electric charging through them, and shocks Paige for a fourth time. Nothing happens. Anxiously, she rubs the pads together again, getting ready for a fifth when the monitor  finds a heartbeat and begins its rhythmic beeping. Paige stirs)
It’s amazing, isn’t it? How thin the line between life and death can be? The instant recovery time, see that’s why I designed all this the way that I did…
That’s great, Dan. What would you have done if I couldn’t revive her?
(She looks down at Paige)
Hey, are you okay?
You saved my life
So, you feel like telling us who you really are?
Sure. I just gotta do one thing first
 (She runs out of the room)
32. INT. Examination Room. DAY.
 (Tru hands over her I.D.)
You’re over three hours late
Better get started then?
 (The invigilator frowns, but hands Tru her papers)
Thank you
 (Shot of the clock in the Examination room, it reads 5:10pm. The invigilator drinks coffee, looking round at the students)
 (Camera pans around the students, all writing in silence, until it finds Tru. The boy behind her starts to sneeze, Tru quickly reaches into her pocket for a tissue and hands it to him. He sneezes into it)
 (Tru smiles)
 (Cameras pans along students again, then closing in on Tru, and close-up on her question paper)
 (Tru narrows her eyes as a question catches her attention. It starts: “The common cause of petechiae includes all of the following except” and lists the answers as “A. Autoimmune diseases, B. thrombocythemia C. local injury and trauma, D. Cardiac standstill.)
[Flashback of Davis looking at Paige’s eye in the Morgue. DAVIS: “Well it looks like we have a little petechial imaging in the eye…usually associated with some sort of trauma”]
Oh my God…
[Flashback of Paige’s head twisting to face Tru just before she asked for help]
She didn’t die from the experiment
 (Tru gets up from her desk and hurries down the room. The invigilator gets up from his desk and steps into her path)
I’ll be right back
No, no, no, once you leave, you’re done. You understand? You, your test, your future
I’m sorry, I have to go, but I can reschedule, right?
Oh sure, sure. Just be back here bright and early first thing…(he checks his watch)…Next year
 (Tru stares at him for several seconds)
Guess I’ll see you next year
 (She runs from the room)
33. INT. Factory. DAY.
 (Dan Taggert is clearing away equipment)
She unlocked a memory didn’t she?
Yeah, but it’s none of your business. Besides, Paige is fine, and you’re not even a medical student
Well pretty soon you won’t be either unless you tell me where she is
 (Dan remains silent)
You wanna play chicken? Because you’re right, I’m not a med student. I have nothing to lose. But you do, especially with those track marks on your arm
 (Dan turns to look at her)
Where is she?
I don’t know. All she remembered was a man. He hurt her, touched her. She wasn’t that specific. And then some crap about the moon and the stars. I don’t know what it means
I do
Cut to: Shot of Paige’s neighbourhood street, and then Paige’s house
34. INT. Paige’s house. NIGHT.
 (Tru runs into Paige’s house)
Paige! Where is she?
 (Tru walks into another room, checking for Paige)
I told you, she’s not here
Paige! I really have to find her
All right, I’ve warned you once. I don’t know who you are, or what you think you’re doing, but this is harassment (He picks up the telephone)
She’s in trouble, Mr Sanders (She takes the handset off Mike and replaces it) You don’t understand…Paige did something tonight
What did she do?
A really stupid and dangerous experiment but now she remembers everything
You think this would bring her back to me?
Her car’s parked out front, you said something about the moon and the stars, that has to mean something
Go. Just get out of here!
 (Tru shakes her head, turns around and leaves)
35. EXT. Outside Paige’s house. NIGHT.
That doesn’t make sense
 (Her cellphone rings)
Cut to: LINDSAY at the bar
Did someone forget her blind date?
Cut to: TRU
Oh, Lindsay, no I didn’t forget I just, I couldn’t make it this time
This time? What, there was a time when you could make it?
Cut to: TRU
I’m sorry
Okay, look, I’ll cover
TRU (voice-over)
You’re the best
Bye (she hangs up and spots Jeremy near the doorway. He smiles and comes over)
Hi. I’m so sorry, I don’t think my friend’s gonna be able to make it tonight
Oh, oh, you not Tru? Of course not. You’re too good to be Tru
LINDSAY (laughs)
Oh my God, did you just make that up right now? That’s hilarious (she laughs again)
36. EXT. Paige’s house. NIGHT.
 (Tru pockets her phone and looks around. She catches sight of the neighbour’s house)
 (Camera close-up on Tru, who is looking shocked)
 (Camera on the neighbour’s doorway. The window above the door is patterned blue, with a crescent moon and some stars.)
 (Camera pans closer up on the image)
The moon and the stars…It’s the neighbour!
37. INT. Neighbour’s house
NEIGHBOUR (coming down the stairs)
You don’t know what you’re saying
PAIGE (following him)
For the first time in years, I know exactly what I am saying
NEIGHBOUR (backing away)
Paige, Paige, you’ve always been a smart girl, be smart now
I was a child, you son of a bitch. I was 9
All right, this is ridiculous. I’m calling your father
Good! Call my father. Call the police. Call the district attorney. I’m pressing charges. You are gonna pay for what you did to me
NEIGHBOUR (turning round and grabbing Paige’s wrists)
Just hush. Just be quiet
Don’t touch me!
Quiet, please!
PAIGE (screams)
Don’t touch me!
NEIGHBOUR (trying to cover Paige’s mouth with his hand)
Sh! Quiet! Sh!
 (Paige continues to scream, the neighbour puts his hands around Paige’s throat)
Hush! Quiet! Sh!
 (Paige whimpers and gasps for breath)
No-one’s gonna believe you anyway!
 (The door opens and slams)
I’ll believe her
NEIGHBOUR (letting Paige go)
Get out! Get out!
 (Paige runs past Tru, out the door, still crying and choking)
There’s a statute of limitations you know, it’s been years. Go ahead, go tell the whole world, who’s gonna believe you?
 (Paige turns around to see her father coming up behind her. They embrace tightly)
PAIGE (crying)
Oh God, I’m so sorry Daddy
 (Mike Sanders glares at the Neighbour over Paige’s shoulder)
38. EXT. Paige’s neighbourhood. NIGHT.
 (Tru and Paige are sitting together)
So, how you feeling?
I thought remembering would be the end. But it isn’t. Just the first step
Lot to be said for a good first step
So who are you anyway? And please don’t say Jessica Hansen
I had to take on her name so I could talk to you. If I told you I was just some med school wanabee who works in a Morgue would you have listened?
Probably not. So why’d you help me?
Still trying to figure that out for myself. I guess you could say it’s sort of my job
Well if you ever figure it out, you know where to find me. I’d like that. Med school gets a little cold sometimes
I’ll take your word for it
 (They hug)
Good luck
 (Paige gets up to go)
Oh, hey, Tru…you’ll make one hell of a doctor someday
Someday, yeah
39. INT. Morgue. NIGHT.
 (Tru is walking to the drawers holding a clipboard in one hand and her cellphone in the other)
LINDSAY (voice-over)
So, how’d the MCATS go?
They didn’t. How’d my date go?
Not bad. Until he used the same line on the Waitress that he used on me
 (Tru laughs)
Honestly, you didn’t miss much
Cut to: TRU
I had a feeling
But still, Tru, I’m telling you the perfect guy is out there somewhere, you just haven’t met him yet
Cut to: Morgue. The elevator opens and Luc steps out
That, or I’ve met him too many times
Exactly! Wait…how does that work?
Cut to: TRU
See you, Linds.
Hello again
Hi. I’m gonna try and get past you here without any hard contact. I don’t wanna break anything
Yeah I was thinking…about our little accident earlier, maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing. Because otherwise, we never would have met. And I’m glad we did
Yeah, me too. At least this time you won’t forget me
I don’t think I could ever forget you
 (They both laugh)
Anyway, I gotta go. Um, to be continued?
Absolutely. Oh, say hi to your folks
 (Luc looks confused)
Like I said, lucky guesser
 (They both walk away in opposite directions. Tru’s cellphone rings)
HARRISON (voice-over)
Harrison, please, for the last time, I can’t remember…
Cut to: HARRISON (in the café, with a girl sitting next to him, fussing over him)
No, no, no, listen. I didn’t go to the track today after all. And you know what? I had a great day
Cut to: TRU
Yeah. I had some fun. I read a book. I can’t remember the last time I did that. And plus, you know, other stuff…(he removes the girl’s hand from his shirt front) The point is, I had a great day. And I didn’t need a boost from my big sister to do it this time
Cut to: TRU
Hey, I’m not surprised. You just gotta believe in yourself a little
Kinda like you, huh?
Cut to: TRU
Just like me. Goodnight, Harrison
 (She hangs up, and takes a slip of paper out of her pocket. Under the light, we can see it reads: Harrison’s Trificta: Cherry Top, Sky Marker, Whirligig)
I knew you didn’t need this
 (She screws it up and puts it in the trashcan)
DAVIS (coming in)
Hey, you were right. County Records called. It’s your mom’s file. Whenever you’re ready (he places it down on the side)
 (Tru picks it up gingerly)
Thanks Davis
You gonna open them?
Later. I was kinda hoping to live in the present for a little bit
Sorry about the MCATS. Guess that means you’ll be sticking around here a little bit longer
Maybe that’s not such a bad thing. It’s funny, I met a girl today. All she really wanted to do was understand, why she feels the things she does. Maybe that’s all any of us want. Just to understand
And you don’t?
Not lately, no
 (Davis sighs)
It’s not easy, is it? Carrying the burden you do
Excuse me?
Some would call it a blessing. Others a curse. I see it more as a, uh, a calling
I know more than you think I know, Tru. About what you can do. About how you help the dead get another chance at life. Have a seat, Tru. It’s time I told you what I know
[Fade to Black]

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choup37, 15.04.2024 à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, Avant-hier à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Aujourd'hui à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Aujourd'hui à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

Viens chatter !