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#106 : Les amants maudits

Les cadavres d'un couple de jeunes gens arrivent à la morgue après avoir été victimes d'un tragique accident.

Ils appellent à l'aide, Tru dispose donc de 12h pour tenter de empêcher la catastrophe. Sauf que tout ne passe pas comme prévu...


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Les amants maudits

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Réalisé par Sanford Bookstaven
Ecrit par Chad Hodge

L'épisode reprend quelques instants après la fin du précédent. A la morgue, Davis dit à Tru qu'il est arrivé à la conclusion qu'elle peut faire des choses que d'autres ne peuvent pas. Tru lui parle de son don si spécial. Davis pense avoir une théorie qui pourrait expliquer les capacités de Tru, mais il ne souhaite pas entrer dans les détails tout de suite. Scène suivante : une fille est au téléphone et répète à son correspondant qu'elle l'aime et que tout se passera bien.

Tru se réveille en entendant la musique d'un film romantique en noir et blanc à la télévision. Elle sourit.

Plus tard, elle et Lindsay apprécient un thé glacé dans l'appartement. Lindsay lui dit que l'amour ne se passe jamais comme dans les films. Tru lui parle de Luc, mais elle a déjà écarté toute chance d'une relation avec lui à cause de ses heures de travail chargées. Lindsay, quant à elle, va déjeuner avec son patron dans la journée afin qu'elle puisse lui exposer le travail qu'elle a effectué. Elle espère ainsi monter en grade là où elle travaille.

On retrouve donc Lindsay en train de discuter avec son patron, Gregory, qui se révèle soudain plus intéressé à poser ses mains sur sa cuisse que tout ce qu'elle a à dire au sujet du boulot. Lindsay est stupéfaite.

Pendant ce temps, Tru prépare un des fourgons de la morgue avec Gardez. Alors que celui s'absente un instant, Luc surgit et entame une discussion avec elle. Il remarque qu'ils se sont beaucoup croisés à la morgue et il aimerait la rencontrer en dehors de la morgue. Tru accepte l'invitation. Gardez revient, et ayant compris la situation, il libère Tru de ses activités pour qu'elle puisse sortir avec Luc immédiatement.

Au restaurant, la soirée débute assez bien mais tourne vite au cauchemar. Tru et Luc ont été placés près des cuisines et le bruit est tellement intense qu'ils ont du mal à se parler.

Alors que tout va de plus en plus mal, Tru reçoit un coup de fil de Lindsay, qui lui raconte le comportement de Grégory. Elle lui dit que quand elle a repoussé ses avances, Gregory a décidé de la rétrograder. Elle est maintenant réceptionniste. Tru reprend ensuite la conversation avec Luc mais un bébé se met à hurler puis un serveur renverse un verre sur Luc. Le téléphone de Tru sonne encore. Il s'agit de Davis cette fois-ci qui lui demande de revenir à la morgue pour aller récupérer 2 corps sur place avec Gardez. Tru quitte le restaurant.

Arrivés sur les lieux de l'accident, Gardez et Tru découvrent une voiture de sport en morceaux en bas d'une falaise escarpée à Lakewood Cliff. 2 adolescents, Adam Whitman et Jen DeLuca, sont étendus tout près. Le sol est jonché de roses rouges. Tru observe les 2 corps et Gardez lui fait remarquer le tatouage d'Adam, signifiant "ambition", et le collier de Jen. Il pense que les 2 étaient amoureux. Alors qu'il retourne récupérer du matériel, Adam se tourne vers Tru et lui dit "Aide-nous".

La journée recommence.

Tru se réveille alors en sursaut alors que le film se termine à la télévision. Elle se rend immédiatement à la morgue et apprend à Davis qu'elle est en train de revivre la journée. Utilisant les informations qu'elle a mémorisé de la scène de l'accident comme la plaque d'immatriculation de la voiture, elle commence son enquête. Elle apprend que la voiture appartient à Adam et décide donc de le retrouver en premier.

Alors qu'elle s'apprête à quitter la morgue, elle croise Luc qui l'invite à sortir. Se remémorant les évènements du restaurant, elle décline l'invitation en lui affirmant qu'elle n'a vraiment pas le temps mais elle lui assure qu'elle sera ok pour une prochaine fois.

Elle retrouve ensuite Harrison au diner afin de lui emprunter ses clés de voiture. Harrison ne la croit toujours pas sur le fait qu'elle revit certaines journées. Tru reçoit un appel de Lindsay qui lui rappelle son rdv avec son patron, et elle s'arrange alors avec Harrison pour qu'il sabote le rendez-vous de Lindsay. Elle espère ainsi qu'elle évitera à Lindsay d'être rétrogradée.

Elle conduit ensuite jusqu'au lycée d'Adam, où elle se fait passer pour une étudiante dont la famille pense à déménager dans la région. Elle entame une conversation avec Adam en parlant de son tatouage. Elle est alors surprise d'apprendre qu'il sort avec une fille s'appelant Amy (Tru pensait qu'il sortait avec Jen). Adam l'invite à déjeuner à la cafétaria.

Un instant plus tard, dans la file d'attente, Amy lui explique que l'école est divisée en 2 groupes qui ne se mélangent pas : les jeunes aisés et ceux qui sont là grâce à une bourse scolaire. A la caisse de la cafétaria, Tru aperçoit Jen. Quand elle questionne Adam au sujet de Jen, il dit qu'il la connait à peine et qu'elle fait partie de l'autre groupe.

Plus tard, Tru retrouve Jen assise sur un banc devant l'école et entame une conversation avec elle. Jen réagit de la même façon d'Adam en affirmant qu'elle ne le connait pas vraiment. Une voiture arrive. Il s'agit de Derek, le frère de Jen, qui vient la récupérer. Celui ci est ouvertement hostile envers Adam. Une fois Jen et Derek partis, Tru appelle Gardez et lui demande l'adresse où habitent les DeLuca.

Elle se rend ainsi à leur maison et retrouve Derek en train de réparer sa voiture. Il lui explique que le père d'Adam dirige une usine du verre. 300 personnes ont été renvoyées, dont son père. C'est pour cette raison qu'il lui en veut. Il lui apprend également qu'il doit faire une course contre Adam à Lakewood Cliff dans 2 heures.

Pendant ce temps, alors que Grégory et Lindsay entrent dans le restaurant, Harrison surgit "comme par hasard" et détruit leur RDV en s'installant à table avec eux. Lindsay réalise ce qu'il fait et insiste sur le fait qu'elle et Grégory ont un RDV uniquement professionnel.

Tru se rend à Lakewood Cliff et supplie Adam pour qu'il ne fasse pas la course, mais il refuse de faire marche arrière. Pour s'assurer que chacun respecte les mêmes règles, Adam et Derek choisissent chacun quelqu'un qui sera avec lui lors de la course, quelqu'un qui est ami avec l'autre personne. Derek choisit l'ami d'Adam, Cole. Adam choisit la soeur de Derek, Jen. Tru comprend comment Jen a pu se retrouver dans la voiture d'Adam lors de l'accident.

La course démarre : les 2 voitures accélèrent côte à côte. Pendant ce temps, Tru attend un peu plus loin, en haut de la falaise. Alors qu'Adam arrive à cet endroit, elle se place sur sa trajectoire, ce qui l'oblige à s'éloigner de la falaise. Malgré tout, il gagne quand même la course devant un Derek très énervé. Tru est soulagée que l'accident n'ait pas eu lieu et appelle Luc pour l'inviter à sortir.

On la retrouve donc avec Luc au restaurant, et cette fois-ci, tout se passe parfaitement bien. Ils entament un questions/réponses pour apprendre à mieux se connaître. Quand Luc parle d'un collier, Tru réalise soudain que Jen ne portait pas le collier lors de la course, ce qui signifie qu'elle est morte plus tard dans la soirée. Elle quitte précipitamment Luc et retourne à Lakewood Cliff.

Alors que la fête d'après course bat son plein, Tru commence à chercher Jen. Elle entre dans les bois et découvre Amy et Jen un peu plus loin. Amy offre un collier à Jen et l'embrasse. Adam arrive derrière Tru et voit sa copine embrasser une autre fille. Le coeur brisé, il est choqué et déçu. Il se met en colère. Pendant ce temps, Amy et Jen réalisent que leur amour secret ne va pas rester secret plus longtemps. Elles décident toutes les 2 de faire leur valise et de quitter la ville.

Tru appelle Davis et lui dit que c'est un cas de "Juliette et Juliette", mais elle est n'est pas sure de la manière dont Jen a terminé dans la voiture d'Adam.

Pendant ce temps, quand Harrison laisse Lindsay et Grégory seuls, Ce dernier profite de l'opportunité pour mettre ses mains sur la cuisse de Lindsay. Lindsay est choquée. Harrison revient et la sauve de cette situation génante. Grégory décide de partir, et Lindsay remercie Harrison en l'invitant à prendre un verre.

On retrouve ensuite Jen au téléphone avec Amy, comme au début de l'épisode. Son frère Derek surprend la conversation et imagine alors que Jen sort avec Adam. Il est furieux.

Jen entend un coup de klaxon devant chez elle et pense qu'il s'agit d'Amy qui vient la chercher. Elle attrape plusieurs roses et, sa valise en main, sort dehors. Il s'agit en fait de la voiture d'Adam. Il veut qu'ils aillent faire un tour afin de parler. Jen, hésitante, accepte de monter dans sa voiture.

Derek observe la scène depuis l'entrée de la maison. Alors qu'il sort en courant pour se rendre dans sa voiture, Tru arrive et lui dit qu'ils doivent arrêter Adam et Jen. Derek lui demande de monter avec lui. Pendant ce temps, Adam accélère dangereusement afin d'effrayer Jen. Il finit par s'arrêter près de la falaise. Derek rejoint également Lakewood Cliff. Arrivé sur les lieux, il commence à emboutir la voiture d'Adam. Tru lui demande d'arrêter mais Derek lui répond qu'il veut juste faire peur à Adam. Il continue à heurter l'autre voiture, ce qui les pousse petit à petit vers le ravin. Tru dit alors la vérité à Derek : Jen n'est pas amoureuse de Adam mais de Amy. Derek écrase le frein. Une autre voiture arrive, Amy en sort et court enlacer Jen sous le regard d'un Derek médusé.

Elle appelle ensuite Harrison tout en se rendant à son appartement. Alors qu'elle ouvre la porte, elle découvre Harrison et Lindsay à moitié dénudés sur le canapé et comprend la situation.

Plus tard dans la soirée, Luc et Tru se promènent et le cadre est très romantique . Ils partagent alors un baiser, et la musique est comme dans un vieux film ...

1. INT. Morgue. NIGHT.
 (Tru walks through the double doors into the Post-Mortem area, Davis follows)
You can’t avoid me forever
Really? I thought I was doing a pretty good job
I know what you can do, Tru
Yeah, I heard you the first time Davis, that doesn’t make it any funnier
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that there have been fewer deaths since you started working here
 (They stare at each other for several seconds)
I have no idea what you’re talking about
Tru, I’ve watched you. I’ve seen how you behave. You can do things. Things that others can’t
I don’t even know how to… (She sits down on a chair)
Tru, it’s okay. You can talk to me
They… ask me to help them. I wake up … the same day starts over and …
You save them
Try to. Sometimes I can’t
 (Davis sighs, taking it all in)
You don’t think I’m crazy?
No, do you?
You’re not
Why isn’t this just completely freaking you out?
I’ve seen a lot of strange things here. Very little shocks me
TRU (standing up and pacing the room)
I can’t … I can’t live like this! I keep secrets from the people that I love, I can’t have a normal relationship
You’re saving lives, it’s a… it’s a gift
Candles are gifts, boots, bath salts maybe, but this is … I don’t know what this is, do you?
I don’t, not yet. But tell me Tru… how does it feel to know that somewhere out there, someone is about to die, and they’re gonna ask you for your help?
Cut to: Shot of a neighbourhood house
2. INT. Bedroom. NIGHT.
 (Jen DeLuca is packing some things into a case. She places a photograph of herself with a guy into it. Her telephone rings)
JEN (upset)
Hello? Yeah, I’m ready. I know we have to do this. I love you too
 [Fade to black]
3. INT. Tru’s bedroom. DAY.
 (The television is on, showing an old black and white movie. A woman on TV is saying: “Who do you think I am?” A man replies, “Baby I think you’re my girl. Anything wrong with that?”. Woman: “You shouldn’t be so certain”, Man: “Can’t help it if I’m certain. Come on, let’s take a walk, huh?”, Woman: “No, I’m not falling for that”, Man: “Oh, you’re falling for somebody”. They kiss. Tru is awake in bed now, watching them)
4. INT. Tru’s apartment. DAY.
 (Tru and Lindsey are sitting in the living area, painting their nails)
Tru, love is never like it is in the movies. I mean when was the last time you kissed and music swelled? You’re lucky if you can just find a guy that can tell time
I’m not asking for much Linds, just a solid guy, some decent conversation. Maybe when he smiles he’ll have this little crease right above his lip
Oh God, who is he?
His name is Luc, and he’s a crime scene photographer
But what’s the point, Linds? I mean, with the hours I keep, we’ll never have time together, and that’ll lead to issues
You’re already planning the break-up and you haven’t even gone out with the guy yet. Look, I’m just saying, know what you want and act accordingly. For example, what I want is out of my cube at the office. So, tonight over drinks, I am gonna show the big boss-man my take on a new account
I don’t want a promotion; I just want a first date
Fine. But, if its romantic settings and movie moments that you’re after, My advice: keep him a mystery. Because real life is not like the movies, sorry.
Cut to: Shot of city at night
Cut to: shot of high tower blocks in the city, night
5. INT. Bar/Restaurant. NIGHT.
 (Lindsay is showing her boss her portfolio of ideas)
Okay, I really hope you like my take on this
Well, let’s take a look
 (He flips through the folder)
Hmm. Well you’ve put a lot of work into this, Lindsay. Oh, nice job.
Oh, thank you
You know it’s exactly this kind of motivation that moves you forward. Knowing what you want, and going for it
That is so funny. You know, I just said that exact thing to my friend today. The…
 (She breaks off and looks down at the Boss’s hand, which is rubbing her leg)
Cut to: Shot of City Morgue building and front door
6. EXT. Morgue. NIGHT.
 (Gardez and Tru are standing at the back of the Coroner pick-up van)
I just got back for a pick-up so just make sure there’s nothing left in the truck, okay?
 (He hands Tru some cleaning fluid and a cloth)
No problem
 (He goes into the Morgue. Tru turns to the truck, just as Luc walks up by the side of it)
Hey. What are you doing here?
Well, one, I work here (he smiles)
TRU (smiling back)
Right. And two?
I was thinking how we’ve been seeing a lot of each other, here – in the morgue. And then I was thinking how maybe it would be nice to see each other outside of the morgue. Look I know this isn’t the most appropriate place to ask but…would you be interested in going out sometime?
Um, I know this isn’t the most appropriate place to say yes, but yeah, I-I’d really like that
How...how’s tomorrow?
Tomorrow…might be risky. I never really know how my days are gonna go, so…
GARDEZ (walking back outside)
Look, you got an hour, okay Tru? Take it
 (Tru waves the cloth at him)
I got it covered, don’t worry about it. You guys have been doing the mating dance for weeks now. Get it over with.
You got an hour?
 (Tru hands the cleaning fluid and cloth to Gardez and whispers “Thanks!”)
7. INT. Restaurant. NIGHT.
 (Opera music plays in the background. Tru and Luc are sitting at a table. Behind them, a waiter clatters dirty plates onto the side)
So, you grew up wanting to take pictures of dead people?
Well, I grew up wanting to take pictures. The dead people…
 (A loud clattering of plates interrupts them)
…came later
TRU (as plates clatter)
I know the feeling
What’d you say?
TRU (plates clattering loudly)
Oh, I said I know the feeling
TRU (plates still clattering, she raises her voice)
I said I …
 (she stops, plates are still clattering)
Never mind
So, how’s it possible that you’re still single?
Well, my friend Lindsay always says, if the wrong guy’s in the room, I’ll find him
 (Luc thinks about that one)
I mean, not now. I mean, not you…I…
 (Her cellphone rings)
I didn’t mean…
 (It continues to ring)
Oh, just...
 (She picks up the cellphone and looks at it)
 (To Luc) Sorry
No, go ahead
(On cellphone)
What’s up?
Cut to: LINDSAY in the bar
Total disaster
Cut to: TRU
Tell me about it
Okay, I will. I just got busted down to receptionist
Cut to: TRU
You’re kidding, what for?
My boss made a move, I said No, and he said, “Huh, maybe you’d enjoy answering phones”
Cut to: TRU (a baby crying adds to her background noise)
Okay, don’t worry, we’ll fix this. I’ll call you later okay?
Okay. Bye
Cut to: (Tru hangs up and looks over to the next table where a couple are sitting holding a screaming baby)
Are we having fun yet?
Oh, yeah
 (Tru’s cellphone rings again. A waiter walks past, knocking Luc’s glass of wine all over him)
Oh, my God…
 (She picks up a cloth)
Its okay, I got it
 (Tru answers her cellphone)
Cut to: DAVIS in the Morgue Office
Yeah, you’ve got a pickup. On site, it’s two bodies, and Gardez needs help
Cut to: TRU
No, a pickup? I didn’t know that was part of the job description
LUC (picking his glass up and replacing it on the table)
Cut to: DAVIS
 (Tru hangs up, looking frustrated)
LUC (sarcastically)
This was going so well
TRU (standing up to leave)
8. EXT. Cliffside. NIGHT.
So how’d it go with the Photo Boy?
You know those nights when things just click and you never want it to end?
That bad, huh? Surprised I didn’t get called out to Lakewood Cliff sooner. Looks like the guardrail finally gave way
 (He shines his flashlight up onto it, showing its broken away. Camera pans down to show a smashed up car a few metres away from Tru and Gardez)
Hey, you got any advice for a first timer?
GARDEZ (handing a clipboard to a police officer)
Thanks. Yeah, don’t think so much
Any theories?
Ah, young love. How many times have you seen a death that doesn’t have anything to do with love?
 (Tru and Gardez stare at the two bodies, one male, one female, lying side by side on the cliff path, a sheet half covering them)
You see that necklace there?
 (Camera close-up on the girl’s gold necklace)
Not something a high school girl would buy for herself. Probably came from him
Do we know who they are?
Guy’s name is Adam Whitman, a student at Highland Prep. Girl’s name’s Jen DeLuca, just a learner’s permit
 (Tru kneels down beside the girl)
See that tattoo?
 (He shines a flashlight on the guy’s arm)
 It means ambition. Looks like his was cut a little short though, huh?
Damn, bodies are all jacked up. We need a couple of stokes. I’ll be right back
 (He walks away, leaving Tru alone with the bodies)
TRU (to Jen’s dead body)
You were in love, weren’t you?
 (Camera pans across to Adam’s face, which twists to face Tru. Tru jumps back, startled)
ADAM (reaching out his hand)
Help us!
 [Flashbacks of the day’s images as it rewinds]
 9. INT. Tru’s bedroom. DAY.
 (Tru sits up in bed to the dramatic music playing on television, and the couple kissing. She looks around, thinking)
 [Fade to Black]
 [Flashes of the day’s images rewinding]
10. INT. Morgue Office. DAY.
 (Tru is sitting at the computer, Davis is behind her)
So you’re saying yesterday a guy and a girl went over a cliff in a car accident?
Was I wearing this shirt?
Unfortunately, yes….license plate was…
  [Flashback of the battered license plate, separate from the car, lying on the ground at the crash scene]
689 TYH
You memorised the license plate?
I memorise everything I can. Once they ask for help, I lose the body. Any evidence. The only thing I can go on is what I remember
 (Close up shows the computer screen showing car’s owner as “Whitman”, address 12388 Elias Boulevard)
Okay, the car was Adam’s so I’ll find him first. Guess I’m going to Highland Prep
11. INT. Morgue Corridor. DAY.
 (Luc is walking down the corridor. Tru comes out of the Office, into Luc’s path)
Slow down there
Yeah, I’m kinda in a rush
That’s funny; I was just thinking how we’ve been seeing a lot of each other, here in the Morgue
Yeah, it’s funny
And I was thinking how maybe it’d be nice to see each other outside of the Morgue
Luc, I’m...I’m right in the middle of something
Come on, it’ll be fun

 [Flashback of the restaurant with the clattering plates, the wine spilt all over Luc, the baby screaming, Tru’s cellphone ringing, and Tru answering it with a “Yeah?”]

Uh, it could be…I would love to. I would. I just…not right now. It’s just…I can’t right now. Let me just get back to you, okay? But…
 (She gestures down the corridor)
 (She dashes away)
12. INT. Café. DAY.
 (Tru runs in through the Café door. She makes her way over to Harrison who is sitting on a stool)
You be careful with her
I know, you won her in the best poker game of your life. Come on, I’m in a hurry
Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up. This one of your crazy days?
Harrison, keys. Yes or no
I just want her back, that’s all
 Without a scratch
No, no, no. Not the car. My sister
 (She smiles at him, he hands the keys over. Tru’s cellphone rings)
Where are you?
Oh God, Linds, sorry I had to bolt. Something came up at work
HARRISON (imitating a radio call)
Incoming call from Planet Bitch, come back now
(To Lindsay) Harrison says hi
Oh, is it Visitation Day at the penitentiary?
(To Harrison) She sends big hugs
(To Lindsay) Can we hook up later?
I can’t; I gotta meet up with my boss for drinks. I’m showing him my take on a new account

 [Flashback of Lindsay telling Tru: “I just got busted down to receptionist”]

You know, Linds, I really think you should cancel. Maybe keep work meetings in the office instead of –
Thanks Tru, but I really think he’s gonna be impressed, trust me. I’ll call you after? Bye
 (Tru hangs up too, then looks at her brother)
Harrison… (She pats him on the shoulder) I’m gonna need one more favour
13. EXT. Highland Prep. DAY.
 (Tru pulls up outside in the car and checks her appearance in the car’s mirror)
So I’m a mature seventeen
 (She walks into the campus grounds, looking around at the students. Finally she walks up to a friendly-looking blonde girl)
Excuse me; do you know where I could find Adam Whitman?
 (The girl smiles and points to the steps. Tru looks over: Adam is standing there with some friends)

 [Flashback of Adam, lying dead, before he asked for help]

Thank you
Dude, I don’t get you. You’re dating the hottest girl in school and you’re still not happy
I don’t love her cause she’s hot, Cole
Come on
You know, you don’t…just forget it
What? You don’t think I understand the plight of star-crossed lovers? Hey, I got a C Plus on that paper!
 (Adam looks at her)
Nice ink
 (She touches it)
Hardly any bleed-off. Nice work, too
 (Adam holds his hand out)
TRU (shaking his hand)
Impressive. So what’s your deal? You new?
Checking it out for the day. My family’s thinking of moving here, so…
Run, don’t walk. We’re all stuck here, but you’ve still got an out
That bad, huh?
Not if you find the right person. This is my girlfriend, Amy
Your girlfriend?

 [Flashback of the dead girl, lying next to Adam. It is definitely not Amy, who is blonde, the dead girl was brunette]

And this is, uh, Tru
Prospective student
Amy. Nice to meet you. (To Adam) We hitting the caf or what?
Yeah, whatever you want
You know I could never give the okay to a school without checking out the grub first
A girl after my own heart. Tag if you want
14. INT. Cafeteria. DAY.
 (Adam and Tru are choosing their lunches , and going down the service line to the till)
So where are you from anyway?
Does it matter?
Not to me, but to some
AMY (warningly)
Most of us pay to go here, but some of these other kids are here on scholarships so they actually have to work their way through
What’s the big deal?
It’s stupid, really. It’s like this decades-old thing
Two sides of the town just don’t mix. So it seeps into school. We avoid them, they avoid us
It’s always fun to grow up in the middle of a cliché
Let me get this for you. First meal’s on me
AMY (to Tru)
I’m just gonna get us a table
(Amy walks away. Tru moves next to Adam, where he is handing over dollar bills to the girl on the till register. Tru stares at the girl – she recognises her as the dead girl from the night before. Adam barely seems to notice her. They move past, away from the till register)
Hey, do you know that girl?
The one at the register
Not really. She’s on a scholarship. Like I said, oil and water
15. INT. Morgue Office. DAY.
 (Davis is on the telephone to Tru)
TRU (voice-over)
It’s Romeo and Juliet. Kind of. Two world’s… he’s rich, she’s poor…
Cut to: Tru walking through the campus grounds
And let’s just say things wouldn’t be kosher if they were dating
Cut to: DAVIS
And are they?
TRU (voice-over)
Neither of them are fessing up
Cut to: Tru on campus grounds
And he’s got a very public girlfriend
This is kind of cool, we’re...we’re kind of like a team..
Cut to: TRU
A team?
Cut to: DAVIS
Yeah, like The Wonder Twins except, we’re not twins and, well, I don’t have any superpowers
Cut to: TRU
Yeah. I should get back, Romeo’s getting me nowhere, I might as well try my luck with Juliet
Cut to: DAVIS
Well listen, good luck because you know how well that turned out
Cut to: TRU
 (She hangs up her cellphone, and walks out of the school gates. To her left, sitting on a bench, is the girl from the cafeteria till register, reading a magazine. Tru walks up to her)
Hey, I was wondering if you could help me, I’m a little lost
Who isn’t?
TRU (sitting next to her)
Not a fan of this place?
JEN (without looking up)
Of high school?
I see your point
Saw you in line at the cafeteria
Jen (she holds her hand out)
TRU (shaking it)
DeLuca. I caught your nametag. Adam was showing me around. He seems to have a way with the ladies
Yeah, I wouldn’t know. He’s not really my type. Yeah, not my brother’s either…
 (A car draws up beside them; a rough-looking young man in the driver’s seat stares out at them)
That’s one headache I don’t need
Your brother doesn’t like Adam?
No, Derek hates everybody. You ask a lot of questions for a prospective. See you
 (She walks over and gets into the front passenger seat)
Who’s your new friend?
Shut up and drive
 (Derek moves the car away fast. A few metres away, Adam walks slowly and determinedly out into the road. Derek slams on the brakes, waiting until the very last minute. The tyres squeal, and the car stopped inches away from Adam. Derek revs the engine with a grin, Adam raises his eyebrows and smiles, then moves away. The car squeals away down the street)
16. INT. Morgue Office. DAY.
 (Gardez is sitting down, eating his lunch. The telephone rings)
TRU (voice-over)
Gardez, run a DMV check for me?
Cut to: TRU still standing by the bench
Someone just nicked my brother’s car and didn’t leave a note. Guy’s name is Derek DeLuca
Cut to: GARDEZ
Guy who nicked your car gave you his name?
Cut to: TRU
Look, not a lot of time here
GARDEZ (voice-over)
All right, hold on
Cut to: Gardez in the Morgue, typing into the computer
Bingo. Derek DeLuca. Looks like he’s got a couple of outstanding speeding tickets
You wouldn’t happen to have an address?
17. EXT. Neighbourhood. DAY.
 (Tru drives up outside Jen and Derek’s house. Derek is in the front yard, working under the bonnet of a car. Tru walks up to him)
Hey…aren’t you the girl from the school?
Yeah, I was giving myself a tour around town and I saw you in the driveway. What are you working on?
I’m just tweaking the air mixture
So, uh, how come you don’t go to Highland?
You’ve seen those trust-fund casualties. Why would I want to hang out with them all day?
What, you don’t like chilling with rich boys and their expensive rides?
Can’t say I’m a fan
Of expensive rides or the boys who drive them? Like, ah, Adam Whitman?
Don’t tell me you’re a friend of Whitman’s
I’m not a friend of anybody’s yet. But why, what’s your issue with him?
His dad runs the glass factory out on 22. Just fired about 300 people last month. My dad was one of them. You seen Adam’s new ride? Probably bought it with the savings from the layoffs
I think you and I both know it’s not about the car. It’s about the driver
DEREK (he gets into the car and shuts the door)
Guess we’ll see tonight
What do you mean?
I’m racing Adam. You should come and see for yourself
Car race

 [Flashback of Adam’s smashed up car at the bottom of the cliff]

Hey where?
Lakewood Cliff. Two hours
 [Fade to Black]
 [Flashes of the day’s images rewinding]
18. EXT. Adam’s yard. DAY.
 (Tru is talking on her cellphone)
I’ve got a where but not a how. I mean, if it happened at the race that would explain Adam’s death but not Jen’s . I just don’t know how they ended up in the car together
Cut to: DAVIS in his office
Well maybe they weren’t
Cut to: TRU (walking back to her car)
What do you mean?
Cut to: DAVIS
Just because it looks like an accident doesn’t mean that it is. You should know that, Tru, in our business things aren’t always what they appear to be
Cut to: TRU (she gets into the car and closes the door)
Thanks, Davis. I’ve never had anyone help me before
Cut to: DAVIS
I’ve never had anyone to help
19. INT. Restaurant. DAY.
 (Lindsay and her boss enter the restaurant)
GREGORY (to the seating waitress)
Hey, do you have a booth? Something quiet, we’ve have work to do
All right, right this way
 (Lindsay and her Boss follow the waitress through one part of the restaurant and round into another section. Then someone calls Lindsay’s name, camera moves round to reveal Harrison standing beside the bar)
Lindsay, is that you?
Harrison. What a surprise
Tru told me you were gonna be here. Come here! (He pulls her into a hug) It is so great to see you!
It is?
HARRISON (noticing the Boss)
Oh, what’s up my man?
(They shake hands)
Harrison Davies, I’m a…old friend of Lindsay’s (he winks at him)
You are?
Are you guys eating? Cause I’m starving, and they have this little…this little shrimp thing that is just to die for!
20. INT. Restaurant. DAY.
 (Harrison is sitting between Lindsay and her Boss, he is the only one eating)
So when I finally stopped, everyone behind me was just covered. I’m talking head to toe. And everyone was just glaring at me like…like I meant to do it.
(He looks around at Lindsay and her Boss to see what kind of reaction he is getting. They look bored and irritated, but he carries on regardless)
So anyway, that’s the most I ever puked
(He looks a Gregory)
What about you Greggers?
Excuse me
(He gets up from the table)
LINDSAY (slapping Harrison on the arm)
What the hell are you doing? You are deliberately sabotaging drinks with my boss
HARRISON (throwing his knife and fork down onto his plate)
Apparently, I’m doing this for your own good
What, giving him every reason to demote me to phones?
No, preventing it. At least that’s what I’m told. Not that I know what to believe anymore
LINDSAY (frustrated)
Harrison! I swear to God…
Let’s just say that I have this, uh, friend
LINDSAY (sarcastically)
Yeah, you got friends?
 (Harrison gives a mock laugh)
Okay, more like a friend of a friend. Anyway she used to work for Greg, until she found out that “after-hour drinks” were just a quick way for him to get into her…
Okay, stop, please. You’re the only one that would take it there. Gregory and I are here to work
Hmm. Whatever you say
21. EXT. Lakeside Cliff. Day.
 (Several cars are gathered, with people milling around to watch. Adam and Cole are sitting on the bonnet of his car, Amy standing nearby)
How much horsepower?
I’m getting 425, going for 12 seconds. Wanna wait?
AMY (rolling her eyes)
You know you don’t have to do this
It’ll be over before you know it. And then, we’ll have the rest of the night for us
 (Tru walks up behind the three of them)
(To Adam) You got a minute?
ADAM (getting up and walking away with Tru)
Hey, I didn’t know you would be here. How did you even know where we would be?
You can’t do this. This race
I’ll be fine
No, you won’t. Something’s gonna go very wrong. This thing Derek has against you –
Derek? Is that what this is about? Hey, don’t sweat it; I’m way ahead of you
 (He leans down to look through the windscreen of the car nearest them)
Yo, Derek
 (Derek climbs out of the car)
Ready to go?
Long as I’m riding with insurance
Yeah, He takes one of mine, I take one of his. Make sure, you know, no-one’s playing around here
Fine. I’ll take him (he points at Cole)
I’ll take her (he points at Jen)
 (Tru looks horrified. Adam kisses Amy on the cheek and everyone gets into the cars)
No. You can’t do this. I’m serious
Just watch, you’ll love it
(The cars screech into starting positions)
TRU (to Amy)
You look worried
How should I look when someone I love is doing something stupid? I’m sorry, I can’t watch this
 (She walks away)
22. EXT. Lakeside Cliff. DAY.
 (Shot of the cars in position, engines revving. A girl stands in front of the cars, in the middle, her arms raised, ready to set them off)
ADAM (To Jen)
Ready for the ride of your life?
COLE (singing)
Go Derek, it’s your birthday
 (The girl dropped her arms and the cars screech off, tyres screaming, engines revving. Jet’s “Are You Gonna Be My Girl” plays in the background throughout)
Cut to: Shot of Tru peering over the Cliffside where Adam’s car crashed the previous night
Cut to: the cars zooming along the road, Adam slightly in front
Cut to: Close up on the driver’s faces, first Derek, then Adam, both concentrating, both taking sneak glances at the other car
Cut to: Adam flicking the “N2O” turbo boost switch
Cut to: Tru, standing on the corner next to the barrier where Adam’s car smashed through
Cut to: the cars speeding round the corner
Cut to: Tru glancing down the Cliffside again, awaiting the arrival of the cars
Cut to: Adam pushing the “N2O” switch right to the top, the speedometer spins round
 (Shot of Jen’s face, she has her eyes closed, looking terrified)
Come on! Come on!
Cut to: Tru, noticing the cars, steps out slightly into the road
Watch out!
 (Adam swerves to avoid Tru, cutting in front of Derek)
What’s she doing?! Chick’s crazy! Come on, you just cut me off!
Cut to: Tru staring at the cars as they near the finish line, Adam in the lead, safely past the barrier that gave way the previous night
23. EXT. Lakeside Cliff. DAY.
 (The gathered people cheer as the cars come to a halt. Cole jumps out the window of Derek’s car as Adam climbs out his car, and they embrace, cheering. Derek gets out of his car and shoves one of his friends in his fury. Jen climbs out the passenger side of Adam’s car, looking relieved. Tru notices her, pleased)
24. EXT. Lakeside Cliff. EVENING.
 (People are still gathered around, drinking and talking)
You jumped out in the middle of the street. Are you insane? What were you thinking? There was no way I was gonna go over the cliff
Let it go. You’re alive, and you won. I’m happy, you’re happy
Fair enough. Look, have you seen Amy? I can’t believe she just took off like that
Here’s a tip. Girls in the movies like guys for their cars, girls in real life like guys for who they are
Thank you
 (Tru nods, and starts to walk away)
Hey, where are you going?
Back to real life
 (She turns around and takes her cellphone out of her pocket, dials a number)
 (Into cellphone) Hey. What are you doing right now?
25. INT. Restaurant. NIGHT.
(Classical music plays, Tru and Luc are sitting at a table)
So nice work, the table. I usually get stuck by the kitchen
Yeah, I do what I can
All right, well since our time always gets cut short, I wanna skip all the work talk and move to anything other than work
Good call. But first, no interruptions (she switches off her cellphone)
Okay. All right, I’ll start. What sport did you play growing up?
Track. You?
Baseball. Red vines or twizzlers?
Twizzlers of course.
LUC (sits back, shrugging)
I’m…I’m strictly a Red Vines guy…it’s...it’s hopeless
Tragic. I’m dating a Red Vines guy
 (They laugh)
My turn. First kiss?
Mandy Banks. Fifth grade
Worst gift you ever gave a girl?
To Adrienne O’Malley when I was fifteen. I didn’t realise a gold necklace should cost more than $3.95
 (Tru nods, then thinks)

 [Flashback of Gardez showing Tru the gold necklace around the dead Jen’s neck. Gardez: “Did you see that necklace?”]

She wasn’t wearing it
Not after it turned her entire neck green, no
 [Flashback of Jen getting out of Adam’s car after the race; she isn’t wearing the gold necklace]
This isn’t gonna make any sense at all, but I have to go
Are you okay?
No. Really, I’m insane, that’s why I’m about to walk out on a date that’s actually working, but it’s just there’s somewhere I have to be.
Right now?
There are times when I do this. Take off. I really wish I could explain why but I guess I’m just not your average 22 year old girl. Whether you believe me or not, I’m gonna call you later, and if you’re willing to give it another try, that’s great. If not, I’ll understand.
 (She starts to walk away, and then turns back)
No, I won’t. I’ll be completely crushed, but I’ll get it. Thanks. Really, I had a good time
26. EXT. Lakeside Cliff. NIGHT.
 (The party is still going on as Tru drives up. She gets out of the car and runs over to Cole)
Where’s Adam?
He’s around here somewhere
What about Jen?
I saw her over there a few minutes ago
 (Tru dashes off in the direction Cole pointed)
27. EXT. Lakeside Cliff. NIGHT.
 (Tru walks into the trees at the side of the road. Jen is there, and so is Amy. Amy puts the necklace around Jen’s neck, and then they kiss. Behind Tru, Adam walks up)
What the hell is going on?
 (Amy and Jen look over to him, shocked)
 [Fade to Black]
 [Flashes of the days images as they rewind]
28. EXT. Lakeside Cliff. NIGHT.
  (Adam slowly walks towards the girls)
Amy…what…what are you…
Adam, I’m so sorry
I knew things weren’t great between us, but how could you…
Adam, why don’t…
Okay, shut up
I wanted to tell you. I just…I didn’t know how
Looks like you figured it out, huh?
 (Adam walks way. Tru follows after him)
I’m so sorry
For what?
They’re all gonna know. Everyone’s gonna know
We’ll deal with it. Remember what we always said we’d do if people found out?
I don’t know…I’ve lived here my whole life. I mean, its messed up but its home
How they’ll look at us? It won’t work here. We won’t work here. We have to leave, Jen. Please
 (Silence for several seconds. Then Jen nods, smiling faintly)
AMY (relieved)
All right. Go home and pack. I’ll pick you up in half an hour. Everything is gonna be fine
29. EXT. Lakeside Cliff. NIGHT.
 (Tru is standing by her car, talking on her cellphone)
Davis, remember how I said this was Romeo and Juliet? I was wrong. It’s Juliet and Juliet.
Cut to: DAVIS in his office
Are…are you joking?
Cut to: TRU
No. Amy and Jen. They’re the ones in love. They didn’t die during the race. I don’t know what’s gonna happen but –
 (She sees Adam getting into his car)
Cut to: DAVIS
Cut to: TRU
I gotta go
Cut to: DAVIS
30. INT. Bar/Restaurant. NIGHT.
 (Harrison drinks back a shot. Lindsay and Gregory are still sitting either side of him)
Okay. My round. Lindsay?
 (She shakes her head)
Greggers? My man?
No thanks
(To Lindsay) Keep my seat warm
 (He gets out of his seat and moves over to the bar)
I am so sorry. This is not what I wanted for tonight
Neither did I
Well, we have a few minutes. I could at least go through some of the proposals that I –
 (She places her portfolio on the table. Gregory moves over into Harrison’s empty place)
Look, if we’ve only got a few minutes, then let’s not waste it on work
 (Lindsay looks at him, then down at his hand which is rubbing her leg. She gives a nervous laugh.)
He was right?
(angrily) You should –
You should probably call it a night. It’s getting late. You’re an important guy. You wanna be fresh for those morning meetings (he sits down next to Lindsay, putting an arm around her)
Probably right. See you tomorrow, Lindsay
Oh, Gregory? Don’t forget this (she hands him her portfolio) We can discuss it tomorrow at the office?
(To Harrison) Wow. This is a first. Thanks, Harrison
HARRISON (shrugging it off)
31. INT. Jen’s bedroom. NIGHT.
 (Jen is packing some things. Her telephone rings)
Cut to: AMY (in her car)
Are you ready?
Cut to: JEN
Yeah, I’m ready. I know we have to do this
Cut to: AMY
I love you
Cut to: JEN
I love you too
AMY (voice-over)
I’ll be there in a few, Meet me out front
 (Derek appears at her bedroom door)
What are you doing? Who were you talking to?
No? You said “I love you”
It’s none of your business
DEREK (coming into the room, picking up her case)
Where are you going?
Get out! Get out!
It’s Adam, isn’t it? I knew that when he picked you…
You have no idea what you’re talking about! He picked me because I’m your sister
Just tell me where you’re going
(Jen picks up her case and some flowers from the side)
Tell me where you’re…
Out of my way!
 (She pushes past him)
32. EXT. Jen’s house. NIGHT.
 (Jen hurries out of the house and down to the front yard. As she gets to the road, Adam gets out of his car)
What are you doing here?
Please, just…can you get in?
No way
Come on, Jen, just get in. I’ve chilled, seriously. I just wanna talk to you
About what?
Look, I can’t find Amy. The least you can do is give me a minute. You owe me that
One minute
 (Derek is looking out of Jen’s bedroom window; he sees her getting into Adam’s car)
DEREK (banging on the window with his fist)
33. EXT. Jen’s house. NIGHT
 (Tru drives up in her car, the engine sputters.)
Damn it, Harrison, change your oil once in a while!
 (She sees Derek come running out of the house. She gets out of the car and runs over)
Babe, I’m kind of busy
Listen, I know it’s none of my business, but your sister’s with Adam Whitman. We’ve got to stop them
You read my mind. Hop in
He’s really upset, and with the way he drives, I think something might happen
34. INT. Adam’s Car. NIGHT
 (Adam and Jen are racing along the road)
You said you just wanted to talk. You don’t have to drive so fast
How long has this been going on?
A few months
A few months?
I wanted her to tell you
 (He floors the gas pedal. Jen looks nervous)
35. INT. Derek’s Car. NIGHT
 (Derek is racing along the same road Adam and Jen just drove on)
I can’t believe he thinks he can just bag my sister
(Shot of Derek’s speedometer hovering at 100mph)
She’s not sleeping with him
What do you think they’re doing, playing Candy Land?
36. INT Adam’s Car. NIGHT
Adam, can you slow down?
I’d just like a few answers, that’s all
I got in the car because you need to know something
Talk fast
It’s not your fault. Really, Adam. She didn’t know how to tell you. She loves you
But she’s in love with you
 (Jen looks down. Adam stares ahead at the road, and then slams on the brakes, skidding the car to a halt just before the barrier)
The necklace. I was gonna get it for her. She was looking at it in the window of this jewellery store forever. Now I know why. She wanted to give it to you
You’re her best friend, Adam. That’s why it was so hard. She didn’t wanna hurt you
 (Bright lights flash into their rear windscreen. They look round. Derek’s car has caught up with them, moving slowly forward and ramming into the car, hard. Adam’s car shoots forward a few inches)
Thinking he’s all heart, huh?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you doing?
Trying to tap my sister in Daddy’s car?
Cut to: ADAM
Get out of the car!
I can’t! It won’t, the door’s jammed…
Cut to: TRU
Your sister’s in that car Derek, stop it!
Just shut up
 (He rams into the car again)
You’re going to kill her!
I’m not gonna hurt my sister. She needs a little scare
 (He rams the car, and it shunts forward. Jen screams)
Stop, you’ll push them over
There’s a rail, I’m just bumping them
It won’t hold!
 [Flashback of Gardez: “Looks like the guardrail finally broke way”]
Stop! It won’t hold!
 (Derek rams the car again, this time Adam’s car crashes into the barrier and it breaks)
Poor little rich boy
 (He gets ready to shunt the car again, revving the engine)
Derek, your sister’s not in love with Adam. She’s in love with Amy
 (Derek stops. Adam and Jen look around)
That’s what she’s running away with
 (Amy’s car rolls up behind Derek’s. Jen climbs out of the window. Tru gets out of Derek’s car, the boys get out of their cars. Amy runs over to Jen and hugs her)
I saw Derek’s car
 (The boys stare at each other, and then at the girls hugging. Camera pans over to Adam’s car’s headlight and the screen fades to white, coming out into the white of the overhead light at the Morgue corridor)
37. INT. Morgue Corridor. NIGHT.
 (Tru and Davis are walking along. Tru is holding the flowers that Jen took from her bedroom)
So you’re saying that at exactly this time you were with those two dead kids at the crash site?
That’s what I’m saying
So the girls aren’t running away?
No. But it’s not like it’s all wrapped up in a neat little bow. They’ve still got to deal with life now that their little secret is out
Well if it weren’t for you, they wouldn’t even have that
If it weren’t for us. Sometimes, just being able to talk to someone can make it a lot easier, you know?
DAVIS (touched, trying not to show it, looks at the flowers)
Who are those for?
Amy and Jen gave them to me, for helping them deal with their secret. And I’m giving them to you. For helping me deal with mine
38. INT. Tru’s apartment. NIGHT.
 (Harrison is talking on his cellphone)
TRU (voice-over)
Yo, bro
HARRISON (flustered)
Tru? Uh, how you doing?
Fine. Aren’t you gonna ask me about your baby?
HARRISON (a girl’s hand is stroking his hair)
What..? What baby?
Your car. Thought that’d be the first thing out of your mouth
HARRISON (voice-over)
Ohh, yeah, right right sorry I’m uh…
Cut to: TRU (she reaches the main door to her apartment)
Cut to HARRISON (trying to fend off the girl’s hands)
Just a little busy right now
Oh, all right, well just real quick, tell me how things went with Lindsay?
Great, no worries. Mission accomplished.
 (He gasps)
You okay?
Yeah, fine. Look, uh, where are you?
At my apartment. I just gotta change
HARRISON (still trying to fend off the girl while he talks)
At your apartment? I don’t know if that’s the best…
 (The door opens and Tru walks in. She sees Harrison and Lindsay, shirts unbuttoned, on the couch)
Whoa! … idea
Oh, my God…
Harrison!! (she slaps his arm, as if it was all his doing)
Cut to: Shot of the city tower blocks
 (Tru and Luc walk along outside)
You know when most girls run away during the first date it’s usually a bad sign
TRU (laughs)
I said I’d call
Yeah, I thought you meant, like, Tuesday
Yeah, my timing’s been a little off lately. Can you handle it?
I think I can. Because maybe I’m not looking for an average 22 year old. So you’re free all night? Not going anywhere?
I’m all yours. You know a friend of mine was saying that real life can’t be like the movies. That sometimes things are better left to mystery
Well what good is a mystery if you don’t try and figure it out?
 (They smile at each other, and then kiss. Movie music swells in the background)
[Fade to Black]

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !