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#109 : Le coupable idéal

Après qu'une future mariée ait été tuée par balle le jour de son mariage, son mari Justin Burke, supplie Tru pour qu'elle le laisse seul un moment dans la morgue afin de faire ses derniers adieux. Lorsque Tru et Davis s’apprêtent à enlever le corps afin de pratiquer une autopsie, ils aperçoivent Justin en train d’essayer d’enlever les balles du cadavre. Le marié sort un revolver et tire sur Davis. Quand le jour se répète, Tru doit maintenant sauver deux personnes à la fois: la mariée et Davis. Sa mission devient encore plus compliquée quand elle apprend que le marié n'est pas celui qu'il prétend être...


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Murder in the morgue

Titre VF
Le coupable idéal

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Première diffusion en France

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Réalisé par David Solomon
Ecrit par Zack Estrin et Chris Levinson


Dans le dressing-room d'une chapelle, une jeune future mariée dans sa robe de mariage se regarde dans un miror et s'entraîne à dire "Je le veux". Soudain elle aperçoit quelqu'un arriver derrière elle. Elle se retourne rapidement mais tout ce que nous voyons est son sang giclant sur la glace du miroir.

Tru rend visite à Davis à la morgue avec une proposition inabituelle : passer une partie de la journée ensemble. Il est la seule personne qui la comprend vraiment. Avant qu'il puisse répondre, elle reçoit un coup de téléphone de Meredith qui vient d'avoir un accident de voiture.

Sur les lieux de l'accident, une Meredith couverte de bleus revendique : elle était en retard pour un rendez-vous professionnel quand un taxi a pilé juste devant elle. Tru récupère son sac et remarque qu'aucun rendez-vous n'est prévu sur son Palm Pilot pour aujourd'hui mais il y a une enveloppe remplie de billets. Elle remarque également que le quartier semble un peu miteux pour un rendez-vous professionnel. Meredith répond rapidement avec son indignation habituelle due au fait que sa soeur ose insinuer que l'accident avait un rapport avec la drogue.

Tru et Davis entrent ensemble dans la morgue et y retrouvent le corps de la future mariée - Nicole Simms- allongé sur la table dans sa robe de mariage tâchée de sang. Davis lit le rapport - "tuée par un agresseur inconnu le jour de son mariage". Il demande ensuite à Tru de commencer les relevés pendant qu'il prépare l'examen radioscopique. Tru se tient au dessus du corps quand un homme affolé - Justin Burke - entre dans le bureau et demande s'il peut avoir un instant pour dire adieu à sa fiancée. Tru compatit à sa douleur et fait une entorse au règlement.

Davis revient dans le bureau et lui demande pourquoi elle n'est pas en train de faire les relevés. Tru essaye de faire appel à son son sens de l'humanité mais la loyauté de Davis va à la jeune fille décédée plutôt qu'au fiancé en vie. Il entre dans la pièce et y découvre le fiancé tenant une pince chirurgicale et essayant d'extraire la balle de revolver. Davis fait face à Justin, qui panique, sort une arme et tire sur lui. Quand Tru refuse de l'aider, il fait feu dans sa direction. Une balle se dirige lentement vers elle quand Nicole se tourne vers elle et l'appelle à l'aide...

Tru : Tu ferais mieux de prier pour qu'il ne meurt pas !

Retour dans le temps...

Tru se réveille brutalement et est soulagée de voir Harrison assis au bout de son lit. Il aimerait savoir, une bonne fois pour toute, ce qui se passe avec elle. Elle décide qu'il est temps de lui prouver ce qu'elle peut faire. Elle écrit une liste de choses qui vont lui arriver au cours de la journée... et les heures exactes où cela va arriver.

Après avoir récupéré l'adresse de Nicole Simms, Tru rend visite à Meredith à son bureau et lui demande d'emprunter sa voiture. Meredith refuse, prétextant un rendez-vous de l'autre côté de la ville, mais accepte de lui prêter sa voiture un autre jour. Après que sa soeur ait quitté son bureau, Tru sort les clés de son sac et s'en va, marmonnant "Demain sera trop tard. Pour nous 2".

Se faisant passer pour une ancienne amie, elle tape à la porte de chez Nicole et est accueillie par un homme attirant qui se trouve être le futur marié. Humm, qui était donc l'homme à la morgue ? Le futur marié explique à Tru qu'elle pourra trouver Nicole dans un salon de beauté du centre ville.

Au salon, Tru démarre une conversation avec Nicole et ses demoiselles d'honneur et découvre qu'elle a reçu un cadeau de mariage de la part de son ex petit-ami - Justin Burke - alors qu'il n'était même pas invité au mariage.

Pendant ce temps, Harrison passe la journée, non impressionné et sceptique en ce qui concerne les "coincidences" qui arrivent sans cesse.

De retour à son bureau, Meredith découvre que ses clés ont disparu et arrête rapidement les recherches quand elle se souvient... Tru ! Elle hurle après son assistant pour qu'il lui appelle un taxi.

Tru retrouve la maison de Justin et, se faisant passer pour une voisine qui a reçu par erreur un colis, découvre sa petite-amie - Alyssa - en train de couper du lys. Alyssa propose à Tru d'attendre Justin qui devrait être de retour pour le déjeuner d'une minute à l'autre. Tru entend une voiture s'arrêter et cherche rapidement un moyen de s'enfuir quand elle aperçoit l'homme de la morgue sortant d'une voiture de police et portant un uniforme de policier.

Tru parle à Davis, qui pense qu'elle lui cache quelque chose. Elle craque finalement et lui révèle que Justin lui a tiré dessus après qu'il l'ait découvert en train d'extraire la balle. Elle lui dit ensuite qu'elle a besoin qu'il reste à l'écart d'elle et lui demande de l'attendre dans son appartement.

De retour à la chapelle, Tru essaye de prévenir une Nicole déjà très stressée des intentions de Justin, mais elle est reçue avec méfiance.
Davis propose une solution temporaire à Tru : un composé chimique qui obligera Justin à rester dans la salle de bains plutôt que dans la chapelle. Se faisant passer pour Nicole, Tru laisse un message pour Justin à son travail lui expliquant qu'elle aimerait le rencontrer.

Un taxi s'arrête dans un quartier miteux et Meredith en sort. Elle descend une ruelle déserte et approche un homme assez louche se tenant contre le mur d'un immeuble. Elle lui donne de l'argent qu'il récupère avant de s'en aller tranquilement. Elle proteste et termine alors dans le même état qu'elle était après l'accident de voiture.

Au resto, Tru explique à Justin que Nicole est en chemin. Un instant seule, elle place la pilule dans son eau. A ce moment, Justin retire sa veste et elle remarque qu'il ne porte pas d'arme. Elle le questionne et découvre qu'il ne porte jamais son arme quand il n'est pas en service. Elle réalise alors qu'il n'est pas le meurtrier. Elle se lève rapidement et renverse accidentellement le verre d'eau.

Tru se rend rapidement à la chapelle mais elle arrive quelques instants trop tard. Elle entend l'echo du coup de feu et accélère l'allure. Elle retrouve Nicole blessée dans les bras d'une des demoiselles d'honneur hystérique. La panique augmente quand le marié et d'autres personnes arrivent sur les lieux. Tru essaye de convaincre le marié que l'ambulance ne sera pas là à temps à cause de travaux.

Elle conduit ensuite à travers la circulation avec une Nicole à demi-consciente sur le siège passager. Se souvenant de l'heure de la mort, elle réalise qu'elle n'arrivera pas à l'hôpital à temps. Elle appelle Davis et lui dit qu'elle amène Nicole à la morgue.

Contre les ordres de Tru de rester à l'écart, Davis l'attend à la morgue quand elle arrive. Alors qu'ils déplacent Nicole à travers le couloir, Davis remarque des traces rougeatre sur la robe de la mariée qui ne sont pas du sang séché. Tru regarde de plus près - "pollen de lys". Elle a un flash-back de la copine de Justin en train de jardiner. Tru réalise qu'elle avait trouvé le bon motif, mais la bonne personne.

Justin arrive chez lui et retrouve Alyssa en train de l'attendre. Il devine qu'elle veut lui parler de leur dernière conversation - celle où il a rompu avec elle. Tout ce qu'elle répond c'est "J'ai trouvé cela tellement intéressant que tu rompes avec moi le jour où Nicole se marie." Justin lui assure que cela n'a rien à voir avec Nicole. "Hé bien... Plus maintenant." Justin essaye de comprendre quand il remarque son arme posée sur les genoux de la jeune femme. "Tu ne l'as pas..." "Tuée ?" demande Alyssa. "Je ne l'ai pas fait, Justin, c'est toi". Il comprend alors que tout prouve qu'il est le meurtrier.

De retour à la morgue, le médecin réalise l'opération. Non, pas Davis. Il a convaincu Tru que les patients vivants lui font peur donc il lui explique et elle réalise. Soudain, Ils entendent du verre se briser et Justin apparaît et prétend qu'il est venu dire adieu. "Vous êtes venu pour la balle". Tru lui explique qu'ils savent qu'il n'a pas tiré sur Nicole mais il panique quand même, sort son arme et la braque sur eux. Tru remarque que les doigts de Justin tremblent et lâche une dernière tentative : "Il y a un témoin et elle est allongée sur cette table". Elle arrive à le convaincre que le seul moyen de s'innocenter est de la laisser sauver Nicole.

Plus tard, Tru rejoint un Harrison toujours dubitatif au resto. Il la congratule pour ses efforts mais arrête le jeu car "Il ne va neiger nulle part". Tru lui fait signe de regarder la fenêtre. Soudain, venant de nulle part, des flocons tombent... et Harrison se fait une raison sur les capacités de sa soeur.

Tru retrouve Davis et apprend que Nicole a été transférée au County et est dans un état stable. La famille tient à montrer toute leur gratitude au "médecin".

Une Meredith meurtrie et humiliée appelle alors Tru depuis une cabine téléphonique et lui demande son aide...

Meredith : Tru, aide moi...

1. EXT. Street. DAY.
And then they called to this frat guy, and I was like, “No, baby. Pay me.”
TRU (distracted, looking around)
And it’s a good thing too, because I was into my boy Chaz for like, four bills… hey, you know, I’ve been thinking about getting my nipples pierced
TRU (still distracted)
That’s great, Harrison
Earth to sis! Are you even listening to me? What’s going on?
TRU (looking around)
Trust me, you don’t wanna know
Of course I wanna know! I am all about wanting to know
 (Tru looks across the road)
Tru? Tru!
 (A middle-aged black lady is about to cross the road, Tru sets off at a run)
Tru, what are you doing?
 (Tru runs in front of a car, its horn blares. Tru barrels the lady to the ground before the truck hits her)
What the hell do you think you’re doing?!
I was just…didn’t you see that car coming right at you?
All day with the questions and the sneaking around! Are you stalking me?
Ma’am, I swear, I was just trying to help
Well help me write down your name and number. I’m sure my attorney will wanna talk to you
Mrs Johnson, obviously you’re gonna believe what you want, but I just helped you more than you know
I don’t need your help
2. INT. Chapel. DAY.
 (The bride, Nicole, sits in front of a dresser, smiling and practising her vow)
I do…I do. (she pauses, smiles) I do. (She blinks back tears) I do
 (Someone knocks on the door)
Come in
 (Someone enters. Nicole looks worried, turns around)
What are you…?
 (A gunshot fires. She falls to the ground, blood sprayed on the mirror she was looking in)
 [Fade to Black]
3. INT. Tru’s bedroom. DAY.
 (Tru stirs in bed, opens her eyes. Camera pans around the room, and suddenly shows Harrison sitting on the bed. Tru screams, and jumps out of bed)
God! What are you doing?!
We need to talk
4. INT. Diner. DAY.
We’re not really gonna have this conversation again, are we?
Oh, I think we have to. You should have seen yourself the other day. And the way people were looking at you?
I saved someone’s life. I don’t really care what people think
Well, it’s getting out of hand. And I need a real explanation, okay? Not this crap…about do-over days and damsels in distress
 (Tru sighs)
What you’re claiming? It’s not possible. It’s not. And now you’re putting yourself in danger, risking your life over people who don’t care, over something that’s not even real
Oh, come on! Did you guys see where the guy who was sitting here went?
What kind of a person skips out on a bill of $7,32? It comes out of my pay…
Look, Harrison, we’ve been over this before, and you know what? I’m done talking about it. Obviously nothing I say is gonna convince you, so I’m gonna have to find a way to show you, one and for all, this is real
4. EXT. Street. DAY.
 (Meredith is driving along fast)
Come on…
 (She tries to overtake a green car in front, but a truck comes the other way and she pulls back)
Come on! Don’t you people have jobs?
 (She reaches down to pick something up from her passenger seat. When she looks up, she is behind a yellow taxi. She gasps and tries to slam on the brakes)
5. INT. Morgue.
 (Davis clatters surgical tools on a tray. Tru enters)
Oh, hi. You’re here early
Actually, I came by to see if you wanna grab a bite to eat, or maybe just hang out?
Hang out, as in…as in me and you?
Yeah. It’s just, sometimes I feel like you’re the only one who gets me, you know? Who understands what’s going on in my life. I mean, my brother…
Still doesn’t buy it?
No. He believes boxing’s legit and Tupac’s alive, but he can’t seem to wrap his head around this one. So, what do you say? Just a half-hour?
 (Tru’s cellphone rings)
Oh, hold on… hello? What? Oh my God…I’ll be right there
 (She turns to Davis)
It’s my sister
6. EXT. Street. DAY.
 (A mechanic walks by the yellow taxi cab to the back, where we see Meredith’s car has smashed into it)
Oh, man! The ball!
 (A boy 8-10 wearing a baseball glove runs past Tru, his baseball rolls down a drain. He kneels down, trying to retrieve it)
BOY 2 (off-screen)
Get it! Come on!
 (Tru walks past the ambulance, sees Meredith sitting in the back of it, holding a cold compress to her head)
Oh, Meredith, are you all right?
Yeah, I’ll get better. My car, not so much
Forget about your car. Let me see
 (Meredith removes the compress, revealing a gash on her cheek)
 (A Medic climbs out of the ambulance)
Excuse me
MEREDITH (to the Medic)
Are we done yet?
Just ten minutes
Relax, Mer. Just tell me what happened
MEREDITH (explaining frustratedly)
Well, I had this appointment, running late of course, because of the construction on the highway, then this guy (gesturing to the taxi cab) just pulls out of nowhere…
Is there anything I can do? Do you need me to call someone?
No, I just...I missed my appointment already. It doesn’t matter
Ma’am, can I just… (he lifts the compress, looking at the wound)
I’m sure your office will understand…
MEREDITH (disbelievingly)
MEREDITH (cont’d)
I gotta get my stuff out of my car before they take…
 (She tries to stand, the Medic eases her down again)
You just finish getting patched up, I’ll take care of it
 (Meredith sits back down. Tru walks over to Meredith’s car. She kneels, and places some things into a bag. Then she picks up Meredith’s organiser. The calendar view of the week is blank)
Appointments. Right
 (She looks inside the bag, looking in an envelope. Inside is several $100 bills. Tru sighs, picks up the bag and walks back over to Meredith, who is now sitting alone)
Odd part of town for you to have an appointment. Didn’t you used to come down here to make a different kind of deal?
Yes. Used to. And I really don’t appreciate the implication that this had anything to do with drugs
Look, I’m sorry Mer, it’s just…don’t be afraid to ask for help
I’m not afraid to ask for help. I called you after the accident, didn’t I?
 (Tru looks unconvinced)
Cut to: Flashes of the Morgue’s entrance, different angles
7. INT. Morgue. NIGHT.
 (Davis and Tru are walking down the corridor towards the crypt)
Oh, hey, is everything okay with your sister?
Yeah maybe, honestly I don’t know anymore
 (They push through the double doors into the crypt)
Oh my God!
Yeah, I know
 (Camera pans over to show the Bride lying on the trolley, blood and a bullet wound in her chest)
Nicole Simms. Shot by an unknown assailant
On her wedding day
Time of death between 7 and 7:30. Actually might have made it, but she bled to death in the Chapel. Ambulance was held up by construction on the Highway
Who would do this?
Don’t know. Maybe it was random, or maybe it was someone who didn’t want her to get married. Get started on the standards, I’m gonna go grab the X-rays, I’ll be right back
 (Tru picks up a pair of surgical gloves and walks around the trolley, looking at Nicole. Background music gradually builds until you’re sure she’s about to ask for help – then someone knocks on the office door)
 (Tru walks over to the office, a man is standing in there brushing something from his hair with one hand)
Can I help you?
It’s funny, that snow just came out of nowhere
Snow? Here, let me get you something to dry off with
No, it’s okay, I, um, my er…I…I think my, um…
 (He sighs, takes a breath, struggling to speak)
We were supposed to get married today. And I think they brought her here
TRU (sympathetically)
Could I get a couple of minutes?
 (Tru looks out of the office window at Nicole’s body)
I never, uh, I never got a chance to say goodbye
For what it’s worth, I know what you’re going through. I’m sorry for your loss
Thanks. Um, can I, um…can I see her?
 (She walks over to the door and Justin follows her. He walks over to Nicole’s body)
I’ll just be right through here
 (She watches through the office window. Justin moves closer to Nicole)
JUSTIN (softly)
 (He looks over to the office window. Tru closes the blinds, respectfully)
8. INT. Morgue Office. NIGHT.
 (Davis enters)
Good news, finally got the Cheesy Chomps that I ordered, so that…
 (He stops, looks at Tru)
Why aren’t you running standards? I’ve gotta start the Autopsy soon, and the sheriff’s department needs the bullet for their investigation
The victim’s fiancé came in. He…he just wanted to say goodbye
Well, where’s he waiting? I’ll talk to him
Actually, he’s in standards…with her
Tru, you know that’s against the rules
Yeah but can’t the rules be broken a little? I mean what’s the harm in…
Tru, until a case is closed, the dead are our responsibility
Davis, there’s also a live person in there. You take great care of the dead, what about the living?
 (Davis goes out of the office, Tru follows)
10. INT. Morgue. NIGHT.
Excuse me…
 (Justin is leaning over the body. Camera pans to show he has surgical pliers in his hands, trying to remove the bullet from the wound)
DAVIS (cont’d)
What are you doing?
JUSTIN (putting the tool down and holding up his hands)
All right, I can explain
Tru, call security please?
 (Tru nods slightly, and goes to move away)
JUSTIN (pulling a gun from his pocket)
No, you stay, stay where you are
Oh my God, oh my God…
Listen, listen…whatever it is you want, you don’t have to hurt anybody to get it
You don’t understand
Then help me understand. Look, you’re in a lot of pain right now, but we can deal with it. Just…
 (Davis looks towards the office phone)
…relax, and…Davis, don’t!
 (Justin points the gun directly at Davis)
Don’t! Don’t!
 (Justin fires the gun, it hits Davis in the chest, Tru jumps and Davis collapses)
No! Davis!
 (She kneels down beside him)
Davis! Oh my God…
 (Davis convulses)
Talk to me, Davis! You are not leaving me, you understand? Davis!
JUSTIN (to Tru)
Get up!
 (Tru looks over at him, he is pointing the gun at her)
Get up! Now!
You’d better pray he doesn’t die
I did not wanna shoot. Look, you have to help me. Now!
I will never do anything to help you
(Davis gasps for breath, Tru looks down at him)
That’s too bad
 (He fires the gun. Scene slows to slow motion, following the bullet as it leaves the gun and travels towards Tru. She watches it come closer, closer. She looks towards Nicole)
 (Nicole’s head turns to face Tru)
NICOLE (in slow motion)
Help me
[The bullet reverses direction and moves back towards the gun]
[Flashes of the day’s images as it rewinds]
11. INT. Tru’s bedroom. DAY.
 (Tru sits up in bed, gasping for breath. She sees Harrison sitting there, and flings her arms around his neck)
Whoa, we just saw each other yesterday. Come on, we need to talk
 (He eases her away, gently)
Whoa…are you all right?
I don’t know yet
 [Fade to Black]
 [Flashes of the days images as they rewind]
12. INT. Tru’s bedroom. DAY.
 (Harrison sits on the bed as Tru is getting ready)
Look, I know you don’t believe half the things I tell you, but let’s just say yesterday was a real bad day
 (She takes out a pad and a pen and starts writing)
Yeah. Tell me something I don’t know. Watching your sister dive-tackle a total stranger…yeah, that was…
Not your yesterday. My yesterday
Look, this is getting out of hand. And I want a real explanation, okay? Not this crap about do-over days and damsels in distress. Tru?
 (Tru rips the piece of paper from the pad and hands it to Harrison)
And what is this?
Your to-do list
“Diner. 11:20. Bring $7.32”. What the hell is this?
If something were to happen to me, I need to know that you understood why. The only way for you to finally accept what I do is for you to do it yourself
What do I get out of this?
Be where I tell you, when I tell you, and by the end of the day you’ll have your answer
 (She picks up her jacket and exits the apartment. Harrison stares at the paper)
13. INT. Morgue office. DAY.
 (Tru sits in front of the computer)
So I’m guessing this is one of those days. I mean, since it’s not your shift and you’re here
 [Flashback of the gun firing, hitting Davis in the chest. Tru leaning over Davis’s body shouting “Davis!]
It’s a do-over day
What do we got?
 (He comes over next to her, leaning his chin on his hand, elbow on the desk. Tru looks at him, fondly)
It’s good to see you, Davis
It’s nice to see you, too
I’m just really glad you’re here
DAVIS (confused)
Okay. You do realise I work here, don’t you?
 (He gestures to the screen)
Who’s Nicole Simms?
She’s getting married today. Or trying to. Gets shot in the chest and bleeds out before the ambulance can get to her
So all you gotta do now is find out who did it?
That’s the thing. I think I know this time. It’s her fiancé
How do you know that?
I saw him. He…he came here
What, to the morgue? What for?
He was tampering with the body. Must have been trying to conceal evidence, nab the body before the cops could
So, he was here when she asked for help? Was I here? Of course I was here, I’m always here
TRU (getting up to go)
You were here
Wait, what aren’t you telling me?
 (Tru looks at him, Davis raises his eyebrows at her)
Davis, I’m sorry, I really gotta…
 (She exits the room)
DAVIS (waving it off)
Right, somebody out there needs to be saved
TRU (outside the room; to nobody in particular)
Something like that
Cut to: Shot of Meredith’s office block
14. INT. Meredith’s office. DAY.
 (Meredith is sitting at her desk, Tru standing in front of her)
What do you want me to say?
“Yes” will work. I’d be willing to take “Fine”
You seriously thought I would just give you my car?
In some remote cultures, siblings are known to help one another
What if you got in an accident? My insurance premiums would go through the roof
I’ll have it back by tonight, in one piece. I promise
Look, I’d love to help you out. I really would, but I have an appointment across town with a client…this afternoon, I need my car
 [Flashback of the car smashed into the back of the taxi cab. TRU: “Didn’t you used to come down here to make an different kind of deal?” Image of Tru looking through the envelope at the $100 bills]
This appointment wouldn’t be for something else besides work, right?
MEREDITH (sighing)
Tru, look, no more games today, okay? I have a staff meeting
 (She gets up and starts to leave, then turns around)
How about this, you can have the car tomorrow, okay? Call me and we’ll set it up
Tomorrow’s too late
 (She walks over to Meredith’s desk and takes out her bag)
For both of us
 (She takes Meredith’s car keys out of the bag)
15. EXT. Street. DAY.
 (Tru gets out of Meredith’s car. She walks up a garden path and knocks on a door. A man comes to the door on a cellphone)
(To the phone) Yes you did, you said you wanted him at your table. Can …hold…hold on a minute…
(To Tru) Hi
Hi. I’m looking for Nicole
And if you found her, you would be?
Tru Davies. Old friends.
(To the phone) Ma? I’m gonna call you back
I just have a quick question about tonight. Are you here for the wedding too?
Oh, yeah I hope so, I’m in it
Oh, a groomsman?
Actually, I’m the groom
Wait, you’re marrying Nicole Simms? Tonight?
Yeah, that’s the plan
 [Flashback of Justin in the morgue office. JUSTIN: “We were supposed to get married today”]
Right, of course
So, you’re here for the wedding? Funny, I don’t remember your name from the guest list
Yeah, I’m not on it. I’m just here from out of town. I wanted to wish her luck
Nicole and the troops are all downtown at some nail shop
Do you know which one? It might be fun to surprise her
It’s on Fifth, um…Hands On (he smiles)
Um, could you just tell her that I miss her? I mean, this whole tradition of me not seeing her all day, it…just tell her it’s killing me, okay?
 (His phone rings again, and he heads inside)
Yeah, hello?
16. INT. Nail bar. DAY.
She can’t sing
Well I can’t stop her, she’s gonna be my mother-in-law
No, I mean she can’t sing. She might get up there and open her mouth, but what comes out is gonna be like something from “Wild Kingdom”
 (They all laugh)
(Tru comes and sits down next to Nicole)
(Her bridesmaid holds two bottles of nail polish in front of Nicole)
Another decision
Oh God, I’m gonna explode
Go with Sheer. French tips are played out
Thank you. That may have seemed like nothing, but I’m grateful
Big day?
Long day. It’s exciting, but exhausting. I just can’t wait to get my life back
Yeah, good luck with that. I’ve got three words for you: thank you notes
Oh, I should’ve eloped!
 [Flashback of Davis in the Morgue: “Maybe someone didn’t want her to get married”]
A friend of mine once said the hardest part about getting married is telling the guy she dated in college
Oh, the guy I dated in college beat me to it. He got married last year
So you’re telling me there’s not one boy out there in a particularly bad mood today?
Justin. Justin Burke
Oh, stop it. He hasn’t thought twice about me
Only a guy who’s still hooked would buy you something off your Perry and White registry when he’s not even invited to the wedding
Okay. Point taken. Luckily, after tonight, I’ll only have one guy to worry about
 (Tru looks at her watch)
17. Diner. DAY.
 (Harrison looks at his watch. It reads 11:20am. He looks around, bored. He gets up, and starts to walk towards the door)
Oh, come on! What kind of person skips out on a bill of $7.32? That comes out of my pay
 (Harrison turns around, walks up to the waitress)
Did she put you up to this?
Excuse me?
My sister (he laughs) Tell her she’s gonna have to do better than that, okay? Oh, nice work though (he hands her some money) Keep the change
18. EXT. Street. DAY.
 (Tru is on her cellphone)
Hi, I’m hoping you can help me out. My boss had me purchase a wedding gift, and I think I blew it. I gave you guys the wrong return address. If something goes wrong, it’s my ass. Would it be too much to ask for you to check the files? Yeah, thanks. His name’s Justin Burke
19. INT. Meredith’s Office. DAY.
 (Meredith is looking through her bag)
Where the hell are …? (calling into the next room) Steve, have you seen my keys?
STEVE (off-screen)
No, I haven’t
Tru, tell me you didn’t
 (She searches her pockets and sighs)
Could you just call me a cab?!
20. EXT. Street. DAY.
 (Tru locks Meredith’s car and sets the alarm. She walks up to Justin’s house. She rings the doorbell)
ALYSSA (off-screen)
If it’s important, I’m out back!
Cut to: Alyssa tending to some lilies in the garden
Cut to: Tru walking into the garden
Hey. Sorry to bother you
It’s fine (she brushes her hands on her trousers) Oh, this stuff gets everywhere. Can I help you?
Oh, well I was hoping I could help you. I’m a new neighbour and I actually have the same house number as you a few blocks over, anyway a couple days ago I got a package with a “return to sender”, I think it was supposed to come here to a Justin Burke
That’s my boyfriend. This is his place. I just try to make it liveable
Well, is he around, or…?
He’s still at work, but he usually comes home for lunch. Actually, he should be here any minute. Do you mind me asking you where the package is from?
I think it was Perry and White
That figures. His ex-girlfriend is getting married
Oh. Is that weird, or…?
Like you’d expect. Since he heard about the wedding, he’s been a little bit off. I’m sure it’s nothing
 (A car engine can be heard nearby)
ALYSSA (cont’d)
Speaking of. Right on schedule
 (Tru and Alyssa look round the corner. A cop car draws up alongside the house. Justin Burke gets out, dressed in full uniform)
ALYSSA (cont’d)
Now you can tell him yourself
 (Camera pans down to show Justin’s gun in his belt)
 [Flashback of Davis lying on the Morgue floor, shot.]
 [Flashback: Justin fires the gun, the bullet flies towards Tru, inches from her]
Actually, you know what, I’m late, I really gotta…uh, thanks for your help
 (She walks quickly around the bushes, towards the road. Justin notices her as she walks past)
What was that about?
I don’t know, a delivery or something. Everything okay?
Yeah, I just, uh…do me a favour, when you’re done here, come inside for a minute? There’s something I wanna talk about
21. INT. Morgue office. DAY.
So, I took off. I didn’t know what else to do. I mean, he lied. He’s not the fiancé, he’s a bitter ex. Not to mention a cop
Well at least you found the bride, now all you have to do is convince her to call off the wedding
Stopping the wedding isn’t the issue. Stopping the guy is. I don’t know if I can do that
Well, you’ve done it before
I’ve failed before. I can’t fail this time
Tru, what is going on? What happened yesterday?
I already told you
No you didn’t, ‘cause you’re working harder at avoiding my questions than saving this girl
What do you want me to say, Davis?
The truth!
 (Tru looks shifty)
This guy…I told you he came here to cover his tracks
By trying to extract the bullet
But what I didn’t tell you is… we walked in on him. And, uh…he pulled a gun
In here? Oh my God, what happened?
He shot at me. But the day rewound before I could…Look, I’ll be fine, but you, you need to get out of here
You’re telling me a guy came in here, shot at you, and you want me to leave? Tru, what are you not telling me?
He shot you, Davis
He shot me?
 (He thinks for a few seconds)
Did I die?
I don’t know
 [Fade to black]
 [Flashes of the days images as they rewind]
22. INT. Morgue office. DAY.
So you’re telling me, that in a couple of hours for now I could…I could be dead
Davis, we don’t have time for this. The longer you stay here, the better the chance it’ll happen again. I want you to go to my apartment
Tru, I’m…
Look, if I can’t change what happens, at least I can rearrange the players. Just take these please and go there
 (She hands him the keys)
But what about you?
I have to warn the bride. You know that
I also know she’s the reason a guy came in here with a gun
I’ll be fine, okay? I’ll meet you back at my place, I promise
 (Tru stops at the doorway)
Thank you
For what?
For telling me the truth
22. INT. Chapel. DAY.
 (Nicole sits in front of the mirror, getting her hair and make-up fixed)
Those are Gerber daisies. I didn’t order Gerber daisies. Are you telling me it’s too late to change them?
So she’s in the hall and can’t decide between “Some Enchanted Evening” or “Time Of My Life”. She wants to sing you the first verse of each
That’s just…perfect. Could this day get any worse?
Nicole, hi. Do you have a minute?
No, not really, hey aren’t you the girl from…?
The nail place, yeah. I wasn’t completely honest. Look, I know your ex Justin
 (Nicole and her bridesmaid look round)
I know how he still feels about you, and what he’s willing to do to keep this wedding from happening
What is she talking about?
I have no idea. Look, you say you know Justin? So do I. And I know he would never do anything to hurt me like that
And I also know I’m not gonna let some stranger come in here and screw up my day
 (Nicole’s future-mother-in-law can be heard in the corridor screeching “So-La-Ti-Do”)
I have family for that!
 (Nicole leaves the room)
Can you find your own way out or do you need a hand?
I got it. But if you want her to make it to the “I-Do’s”, you’d better keep Justin away from her
23. EXT. Street. DAY.
 (Harrison walks along holding Tru’s note)
HARRISON (disbelievingly)
Someone is gonna need my help. Yeah
 (An elderly lady walks up beside Harrison, looking to cross the road. Harrison notices her and smiles)
Hi. You probably need some help, don’t you?
Come on. Just give me your arm, let’s get this over with
Don’t touch me!
 (She swings her handbag at him)
Hey, whoa, whoa, well what about this, lady?
 (He waves the baseball at her)
BOY (off-screen)
Oh, man!
 (Camera shows the boy’s baseball rolling down the road towards the drain in the kerb)
The ball!
 (He kneels down, looking to see where it’s gone)
 (Harrison kneels down next to the boy)
 (The boy looks up)
You need this?
BOY (taking the ball)
 (He runs off back to his friends)
HARRISON (slightly amazed)
You’re welcome…
24. INT. Tru’s apartment. DAY.
 (Tru enters. Davis is pacing up and down)
Where have you been? I’ve been waiting here for hours, and this guy…
Hey, Davis, I’m fine. Look at me, one piece
 (Davis sighs, frustrated)
How about you?
DAVIS (tightly)
I’m okay
When you say you’re okay…
I’m lying
 (Tru takes off her jacket)
So you really don’t know what happened after he shot me, if I…
No. But that’s just it. It hasn’t happened yet, so we’re gonna make sure it doesn’t happen again. Look, I’ve warned the necessary parties, now all I have to do is make sure I get to Justin before he gets to the Chapel
Any idea how?
Well that’s the thing. He’s a cop. Not to mention armed, so short of knocking him out and stashing him in a locked closet, I’m running low on ideas
Well I have one. Scientific knowledge always bests physical strength. How do you think I got through High School?
This helps me how?
Well, knock him out, yes. But pharmaceutically. You want him incapacitated? Two words: zinc sulphate
Zinc sulphate. Well, that’s just gonna make him puke
 (Davis nods, Tru gets it)
For hours. Good idea
Not that I’m crazy about you being alone with him in a room, but it will buy you some time, and if he’s…
…busy, he can’t shoot Nicole or you. Where do I find some?
I have a friend down at County, who probably wouldn’t mind if…
Give me a name and a number. I’ll go get the pills
 (Davis gets a pad and a pen)
And listen, this isn’t just about me and Nicole. He shot three people yesterday, so Tru…
Don’t worry. I will
 (Davis hands the paper to Tru. She smiles and leaves)
25. EXT. Street. DAY.
 (Meredith gets out of a cab and walks over to the sidewalk)
Cut to: dodgy looking man 30-35 with long hair and a beard waiting by a wall down an alley
Cut to: Meredith walking over to him
I hear you’re the man to see
Well, that depends. Gonna make it worth my while?
 (He holds out his hand)
 (Meredith reaches into her bag and hands him an envelope full of money. He pockets it, and then walks past her)
What are you…? Hey, are you ripping me off? Hey, I’m talking to you!
 (She grabs his arm. He turns around, slams her against the wall and slaps her round the face)
Stupid girl! You want something from me?
I want what I paid for
Well you’ll get it when you get it
26. EXT. Street. DAY.
 (Justin comes out of a coffee shop with two coffees. He gets into the patrol car)
Dispatch called, said Nicole was looking for you. She wants to meet you here before the wedding
Something you wanna tell me?
 (Justin smiles, shakes his head and shuts the door)
Cut to: Shot of the Standard Diner Cafe
27. INT. Café. EVENING.
 (Justin walks in, looks around. Tru looks up from where she’s sitting, two glasses of water on her table)
Justin. Hey. Nicole’s just running late so she sent me to give you a heads up
Who are you?
Just a bridesmaid fulfilling her duty
You look familiar
Well, I am one of Nicole’s friends and you did date Nicole. So the chances are our paths have crossed
Yeah, right. Probably. I guess
 (He sits opposite her)
 [Flashback of Justin firing the gun at Tru]
JUSTIN (cont’d)
I’m still a little thrown by her call. Did she…do you know why she wanted to see me?
Honestly, I think she’s a little worried that you’re still bent about the whole break-up. And that you might do something about it. Tonight
Are you serious? The only thing I’d do is say thanks, I mean hearing she was getting married turned out to be a pretty serious wake-up call
What do you mean?
I mean, just that if she’s willing to stop playing games and commit, she must really love this guy. And I just hope I feel that strong someday
It’s getting warm…do you mind? (She takes off her jacket)
 (He stands, takes her jacket and hangs it up)
 (While he’s stood up, Tru slips two pills into his glass)
 (Close up of the pills dissolving in the water)
TRU (as Justin returns)
You’re not wearing your gun. But you’re a cop, right?
A cop off duty, I only carry it when I’m on the job
You’re telling me you never carry your gun when you’re not working?
Nope. Some guys do, but not me. When I’m off duty, I’m off duty
 (Tru looks at the café clock, it reads 6:40pm)
It wasn’t you…
Um, you know what? I’ve gotta go…
 (She stands, picks up her bag and accidentally-on-purpose knocks over Justin’s glass with it)
Oh God, my bad
That’s okay
I’m sorry
No, no, that’s okay, it’s okay
 (Tru grabs her jacket)
Are you sure that Nicole’s gonna come?
Yeah. And I’m sure that she would want you to wait right here
 (Tru runs out of the diner)
28. INT. Chapel. NIGHT.
 (Tru is on her cellphone)
When I left Justin, it was 20 to 7
Cut to: Davis, sitting in Tru’s apartment
Cut to: Tru
TRU (cont’d)
Not only was he looking forward to seeing Nicole, he didn’t have his gun on him
Cut to: DAVIS
So he couldn’t have been the one that shot her yesterday, but…
Cut to: TRU
Someone else must have pulled the trigger, I just don’t know who
Cut to: DAVIS
Then does he show up at the Morgue to cover it up?
Cut to: TRU
I don’t know. But there won’t be anything to cover up if I get to Nicole…
 (A gunshot fires)
Cut to: DAVIS
Cut to: TRU
Oh my God…Nicole
 [Fade to Black]
 [Flashes of the days images as they rewind]
29. INT. Chapel. NIGHT.
ANDREA (crying)
Somebody help! Oh God…
What happened?
 (Other guests start coming into the room)
I don’t know, I just found her like this. What are you doing here?
Look, I’m here to help
 (She feels for a pulse)
TRU (cont’d)
Alive. Barely
ANDREA (to the guests)
Call 911!
Did you see anyone come in here?
No, I mean, it’s early, most of the guests aren’t even here yet
Oh my God! Nicole!
 (He kneels over her)
The ambulance will be here any minute
 [Flashback to Davis in the morgue: “Ambulance was held up by construction. She bled to death in the Chapel”]
The ambulance isn’t gonna make it in time. We need to…
No! You’re not touching her! Nobody moves her! What about the police? Hasn’t anybody called the police? Give me a phone!
Listen to me! There’s construction on the highway, the EMT’s will never make it! And if we don’t get her to a doctor, neither will Nicole
 (Silence. Jen is still sobbing, the Groom is on the cellphone)
Please, we can’t afford to wait! Help me get her to a car
JEN (crying)
But the cars are all blocked by the catering trucks
Not mine
What about her parents?
Look, if the family has a problem, tell them they can find me at the county hospital, I’ll be the one saving their daughter
30. EXT. Street. NIGHT.
 (Tru’s car screeches along the street round a corner. Nicole is in an unconscious state in the passenger seat)
Hold on! You’re gonna make it, come on, Nicole?
 (The car in front of her slows)
Come on!
 (Tru feels Nicole’s pulse in her neck. She dials on her cellphone)
Cut to: DAVIS
Cut to: TRU
I couldn’t stop it! Someone shot Nicole and she looks bad, Davis. I don’t know if she’s gonna make it
Cut to: DAVIS
How close are you to the hospital?
Cut to: TRU
Not close enough! Wait a second, who’s on duty at the morgue right now?
Cut to: DAVIS
Tru, I don’t think that that’s…
Cut to: TRU
Someone there has got to know what to do. I’m only two blocks away, it might be her only chance!
Cut to: DAVIS
Okay, I’ll meet you there
Cut to: TRU
No! I spent the whole day keeping you safe, I will not let you go back to where you got shot
Cut to: DAVIS
That was yesterday!
Cut to: TRU
Today IS yesterday, Davis
Cut to: DAVIS
Bye Tru
Cut to: TRU
Davis! Damn it…
Cut to: Shot of the City Morgue building and front door
31. EXT. Morgue. NIGHT.
 (Tru gets out of the car)
Help! Gardez? Anyone?
 (Davis appears)
I told you not to come here!
You say how much you appreciate having someone help you. Let me help you
 (Tru looks at Nicole)
If not, let me at least help her
32. INT. Morgue corridor. NIGHT.
 (Nicole is on a trolley, they wheel her into the crypt)
I locked all the doors
We gotta do this quick and get out of here
DAVIS (pointing to Nicole’s dress)
What’s this?
Dried blood?
I don’t think so. I can’t tell what that is
 (Close up of yellow/orange stains on Nicole’s wedding dress)
Lily pollen
From her bouquet?
No, those were Gerber daisies
Then how did it get on her dress?
 [Flashback of Justin’s garden; Alyssa tending to the Lilies in the garden. ALYSSA: “This stuff gets everywhere. Can I help you?”]
Justin left his gun at home. The only person who would have had access to it is his girlfriend. I had the right motive, just the wrong person
33. EXT. Justin’s house. NIGHT.
 (Justin sets his car alarm in the garage and walks to the front of the house. Alyssa is sitting on a seat)
I find it so interesting that you break up with me on the day Nicole gets married
This is about you and me. It doesn’t have anything to do with her
 (Camera pans down to show Justin’s gun on Alyssa’s lap)
Well not any more
What are you doing with that?
I shot her
ALYSSA (laughs, gently)
Amazing how she’s always the first woman on your mind
Why would you do that?
It was so easy for you…just to end things
Aly, you didn’t have to…
Kill her? I didn’t, Justin. You did
Oh my God…
She’s at the morgue by now
But I didn’t do it. It’s my word against yours
It’s your gun. Your bullet. Your motive. The evidence is all there. Somebody just has to find it
 (Justin takes his gun and walks away)
34. INT. Morgue. NIGHT.
 (Davis takes out a tray of surgical tools)
How we doing?
Still with us
Okay, I think we’re ready
Okay, I’ll assist you....
No, no. I’m not doing this. You’re doing this
What?! You’re the doctor
I know. I can’t work on live people. They freak me out
Are you kidding?
Why do you think I work here? Nobody chooses this job. It’s gonna be fine. I know what to do; I just can’t do it without dry heaving. You can do this, I know you can. I’ll be right here
 (Beat. He steps further away)
 Actually I’ll be right here
Okay, what’s first?
You need to isolate the entry wound. You think you can do that?
I think so
 (She takes a pair of scissors and begins cutting the wedding dress)
Careful. Given the sub-atmospheric pressure in the cavity, debris might have caused infection
 (Tru continues to work)
DAVIS (cont’d)
How’s the internal bleeding?
Pretty bad
Okay, you need to seal off any gushers, and decrease the level of blood loss
 (Tru goes to pick up a tool)
Not that one. The one next to the hydrogen needle
 (Tru picks up another tool)
Whoa. Okay, that worked. Now what?
 (Sound of glass breaking in the corridor)
 (Tru looks over to the doors, then at Davis)
Davis, I want you to get out of here right now!
If I leave, Nicole dies
 (Tru looks down at Nicole, then at Davis again)
 (Justin appears in front of them, from the darkness)
Who are you? I thought you said you were a friend of Nicole’s
I lied
 (She looks at Justin, then at Davis, then continues to work on Nicole)
Look, um, I came to say goodbye
You came here for the bullet
 (Nobody says anything. Tru continues to work)
Is she still alive?
Look, we both know that you didn’t shoot her, Justin
Yeah, but can you prove it? Because the bullet came from my gun! Everybody knows I still love Nicole, and there were no witnesses. Now, I need the evidence
 (He pulls the gun out of his pocket and points it at them. Davis gulps silently)
And the evidence is inside of her
 (Davis goes to move to the office)
Davis, don’t! If you move, he’ll shoot you!
 (Justin points the gun at Tru. She turns to him)
Justin, there is a witness. And she’s lying here on this table. She’s the only one that can testify that Alyssa shot her, not you. Look, we can save her and you, but you’ve got to give us the time. Right now you’ve got a choice. Your life goes one of two ways. Which is it gonna be?
 (Silence. Justin and Tru stare at each other. Then slowly, Justin lowers and uncocks the gun. Davis breaths again)
TRU (to Davis)
All right. Where do I go from here?
DAVIS (glancing at Justin)
Okay. You might have to bag her. How’s her breathing?
It’s okay
Good. Looks like her lungs didn’t collapse, that’s a good sign
 (Camera pans further away until it fades into the next scene)
35. EXT. Street. NIGHT.
 (Harrison walks outside the Standard Diner Café. He looks at his watch, looks up at the sky and shakes his head. He walks inside)
36. INT. Cafe. NIGHT.
So, how was your day?
Well, I’ll be honest. Nice effort. You know, the waitress and the little kid with the ball. Very clever. But I’m sorry, game over. Because it ain’t gonna snow out of nowhere
Let me see your watch
 (Harrison shows her)
Yeah. It’s two minutes fast
TRU (smiling)
Look outside
 (Harrison turns around. Outside the window, snow is falling wildly)
Unbelievable…I have…I thought that you were messing with me, you know, with the card and the…but there’s no getting around this
  (He laughs)
I don’t understand. I can’t comprehend, but…but I do believe you now
That’s all I wanted. You have no idea what this means to me. Thank you
No…thank you
 (Tru laughs)
Do you know what this does for me? You’re omniscient!
You’re like the ultimate bodyguard
Harr…that’s not…
I mean, it’s like a free pass, if anybody steps to me, you can…
 (His cellphone rings)
No, Harr, that’s not what this is
Hold on a sec. Hello? Chaz! Oh, yeah yeah, I got your money, I’ll be honest I don’t think I’m gonna make it tonight
 (He walks out of the café, Tru follows him)
37. EXT. Street. NIGHT
No, no, no. Look, I’ll call you
 (He hangs up, looking up at the snow)
You owe him money
Yeah. But what’s the rush. I’ll get it to him
Harrison, you can’t just do that. I mean, if you don’t pay him…I won’t always be there to help you
But of course you will, Tru. You’re my sister
38. INT. Morgue office. NIGHT.
 (Davis hears Tru enter, walks out to meet her)
Hey. Justin turned himself in, and they arrested his girlfriend based on what he told the cops
And Nicole?
I sent her to County. She’s stable. Her parents just called and they wanted to thank the doctor
Oh, that’s nice
They meant you. She wouldn’t have made it without you. And neither would I. It’s kinda funny, uh, this is the second time that someone’s saved my life
Really, what happened?
Um… (He clears his throat)
 (Tru’s cellphone rings)
Oh. Sorry. Hello?
39. EXT. Street Payphone. NIGHT.
Hey, Tru. It’s me…
TRU (voice-over)
Meredith, are you all right?
Cut to: Tru hearing Meredith crying over the phone
Help me
Cut to: TRU
Hold tight, Sweetie, I’ll be right there
 (She hangs up)
TRU (to Davis)
It’s my sister
It’s okay, go ahead. It’s been a long day, or two. We’ll discuss it another time
 (She runs out of the room. Davis stares after her)
[Fade to Black]

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Aujourd'hui à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !