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#120 : À armes égales

Tru et Jack, son opposé, se retrouvent en conflit perpétuel. Mais lorsque les sentiments entrent en jeux , les choses sont encore plus difficiles... En effet, Harrison le frère de Tru a été tué . Il demande de l'aide à Tru. Le conflit entre Jack et Tru s'envenime. Malgré l'amitié que Jack éprouve pour Harrison, il émet le souhait d'assurer sa mort. La journée recommence, Tru doit protéger son frère , si elle y arrive, quelqu'un d'autre devra mourir ... et ce sera peut être un de ses proches. 


4.75 - 4 votes

Titre VO
Two weddings and a funeral

Titre VF
À armes égales

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France

Plus de détails

Réalisé par Michael Katleman
Ecrit par Jon Harmon Feldman


¤ L'épisode démarre par Tru courant aussi vite qu'elle le peut dans un couloir. Elle entre dans un appartement, celui de Jack en fait. L'appartement est quasiment vide et il ne reste qu'un badge de la morgue sur un fauteuil. Davis arrive également, essoufflé, mais c'est déjà trop tard, Jack est déjà parti. Mais Davis est persuadé qu'il se remettra sur le chemin de Tru dès le prochain retour en arrière.

3 jours plus tard. Comme bien souvent, Tru est réveillée par le téléphone. Elle laisse le répondeur se déclencher. Il s'agit de Lindsay qui n'en revient toujours pas qu'elle va se marier aujourd'hui. Tru se recouche.

Dans la matinée,Tru et Harrison prennent un café dans le parc. Harrison s'en veut d'avoir perdu Lindsay et a décidé de devenir un homme bien. Il a décidé de repartir de zéro. Tru lui demande s'il a retrouvé la trace de Jack mais la réponse est négative. Par contre, il a croisé Luc et celui-ci a l'impression que Tru l'évite.

Plus tard, à la morgue,Tru retrouve Luc alors qu'il est en train de développer des photos d'elle. Tru s'excuse de l'avoir un peu évité. Elle lui demande de l'accompagner au mariage de Lindsay et lui promet de discuter de la situation au cours de la soirée. Luc accepte l'invitation.

Au même moment,Harrison rentre chez lui et découvre Jack l'attendant dans son jardin. Jack se défend en expliquant qu'il voit les choses différemment de Tru. Harrison résumé la situation : "Elle sauve les gens et toi, tu les tues". Jack se défend de nouveau expliquant qu'il n'est jamais le meurtrier et que de toute façon, la mort est inéluctable. Jack espère qu'Harrison pourra faire changer Tru d'avis afin qu'elle arrête de sauver des vies. Mais Harrison est bien décidé à rester du côté de Tru et ordonne à Jack de garder ses distances avec eux.

Plus tard,dans une église, nous assistons au mariage de Lindsay et Randall. Tru et Luc sont au premier rang et semblent heureux. C'est au tour de Tru de lire une poésie qu'elle a choisi avec Lindsay. Tru se rend au pupitre et démarre la lecture d'un très beau texte.

Soudain, Davis fait son apparition dans le fond de l'église. Tru perd un peu ses repères alors qu'il lui fait signe de le rejoindre sur le côté de l'église. Tout le monde se retourne alors que Tru s'excuse puis rejoint Davis. La nouvelle est terrible : Harrison s'est fait tiré dessus.

Quelques minutes plus tard, Harrison, plutôt mal en point, arrive sur un brancard à l'hôpital. Il s'est pris une balle près du coeur. Tru arrive en courant et le soutient. L'infirmière lui explique que les secouristes l'ont trouvés dans une maison sur Bank St. Harrison lui promet qu'il l'appellera si il meurt mais Tru refuse, elle veut qu'il s'accroche jusqu'au bout.

Un peu plus tard, Tru, Davis et Luc attendent dans le couloir. Lindsay arrivent avec Randall, mais il n'y a toujours pas de nouvelles d'Harrison. Une femme arrive à l'accueil et demande à voir Harrison Davies. Tru se présente et la femme lui explique qu'elle a appelé les urgences après que son ex ait tiré sur Harrison par jalousie.

Le père de Tru, Richard, arrive et tente de réconforter sa fille. Alors qu'il lui propose d'attendre des renseignements avec elle, Tru aperçoit Jack dans le fond du couloir. Elle court après lui et lui ordonne de quitter l'hôpital. Jack explique qu'il est venu en ami, mais Tru lui annonce qu'elle le tiendra pour responsable si quelque chose arrive à Harrison.

Plus tard, Richard revient vers Tru pour lui annoncer que Harrison n'a pas survécu à ses blessures. Tru ne veut pas y croire et court rejoindre la salle d'opération où l'infirmière est en train de recouvrir le corps. Tru se jette en sanglots sur Harrison et le supplie de l'appeler à l'aide. Sans réponse, elle lui chuchote qu'elle veillera sur lui à la morgue. Tru rejoint son père quand elle entend soudain une voix qui l'appelle. A peine le temps de se retourner qu'Harrison se tourne vers elle et lui demande que Jack ne doit pas gagner.

Retour en arrière.Tru se réveille en sursaut dans son lit comme si elle venait de vivre le pire cauchemar. Alors que Lindsay est en train de laisser un message sur le répondeur, Tru est plus que soulagée que cette journée recommence.

Aprèsavoir essayé de joindre Harrison sur son portable toute la matinée, Tru arrive au courant dans le parc et se jette dans ses bras. Harrison commence à lui expliquer qu'il veut devenir un mec bien mais Tru lui révèle que ce soir, il sera mort. Après le choc de la nouvelle, Harrison semble tout excité. Ce n'est pas tous les jours que l'on peut revenir à la vie et il veut savoir à quel point les gens pleuraient. Tru lui donne le choix entre lui raconter ou lui sauver la vie. Tru lui raconte les circonstances de sa mort mais Harrison ne connaît personne vivant sur Bank St. Il n'a aucune petite amie. Tru connaît un endroit où il n'a pas pu aller la veille pour qu'il y soit en sécurité.

Quelques minutes plus tard, les voici dans une bibliothèque. Davis arrive et agit bizarrement auprès d'Harrison en lui présentant ses condoléances. Alors qu'Harrison explique qu'il est mort la veille, Tru propose de se rendre dans un coin plus discret. Davis ne voit pas ce qui empêcherait Tru de sauver Harrison mais elle lui apprend que Jack est passé la veille à l'hôpital et qu'il fera tout pour qu'Harrison meurt aujourd'hui.

Harrisonreçoit un appel sur son portable. Il doit se rendre quelque part. Il est devenu un "grand frère" dans un centre éducatif dans son quartier et son protégé, Ethan McCrane, s'est fait prendre en train de voler chez l'épicier. Cette épicerie se trouve à 5kms de Bank St. alors Tru accepte de s'y rendre avec lui.

Un peu plus tard,Jack arrive devant chez Harrison pour l'y attendre comme la veille. Mais il y trouve Davis. Il est venu le prévenir qu'il n'aura pas Harrison aujourd'hui. Il veut savoir à quoi s'en tenir sur Jack. Ce dernier répète ce qu'il a déjà expliqué à Tru quelques jours auparavant : il maintient l'harmonie de l'univers en préservant le cycle de la vie. Davis n'est pas d'accord car le destin a déjà un représentant en la personne de Tru. Jack lui annonce que le meilleur reste à venir et s'en va.

A l'épicerie, Harrison vient de sortir Ethan d'affaire. Il lui propose de le reconduire chez lui mais change de visage quand Ethan lui apprend qu'il habite sur Bank St. Tru propose de l'emmener à la morgue où sa mère passera le chercher.

Quelques moments plus tard, ils arrivent tous les 3 à la morgue. Tru se rend dans la crypte pour y chercher Davis mais elle tombe sur Jack. Le ton monte à nouveau entre les deux opposés alors que chacun énonce ses arguments. Jack se défend d'être la mort. Tru lui rappelle que sa mission est de faire mourir son frère aujourd'hui. Alors qu'elle met fin à la discussion, Jack lui propose de laisser la vie sauve à Harrison mais en échange elle devra arrêter de sauver des vies, ce que ne peut accepter Tru. Comme elle refuse, Jack lui explique que si elle sauve Harrison, quelqu'un d'autre devra mourir à sa place.

La mère d'Ethanarrive enfin à la morgue et fait la connaissance d'Harrison qu'elle remercie. Tru essaye d'obtenir des renseignements sur le mari de Emma. Mais Davis arrive et elle doit le rejoindre. Elle explique que c'est en ramenant Ethan chez lui la veille que Harrison est malencontreusement tombé sur l'ex mari jaloux de Emma, Donnie. Davis propose de surveiller la maison d'Emma et d'appeler Tru si besoin. Harrison revient tout joyeux que Tru lui ait sauvé la vie mais pour celle-ci, ce n'est pas fini. Elle préfère l'emmener quelque part en sécurité.

Les voici doncà l'église pour le mariage de Lindsay. Harrison est un peu dégoûté d'être là. Il ironise en disant à Tru qu'il aurait préféré être mort. De nouveau, Tru se rend au pupitre pour lire une poésie.

Pendant ce temps, Davis arrive devant le maison de Bank St. A l'intérieur, Emma et Donnie sont en train de se disputer. Alors que Emma lui assure qu'elle ne voit personne, Donnie sort soudain un revolver, qu'il range immédiatement dès qu'il aperçoit Ethan. Donnie finit par s'en aller mais menace une dernière fois Emma.

A l'extérieur,il croise Jack qui fait semblant de le reconnaître. Davis observe la scène de loin. Jack compatit pour le divorce de Donnie et lui assure que son remplacement est bien moins séduisant que lui. Donnie, qui n'attendait pas d'infos aussi rapide, veut en savoir plus et Jack lui indique où il pourra trouver Harrison.

Davissort son téléphone alors que Donnie part en voiture. Alors que Tru tarde à décrocher, Jack surgit soudain par derrière et attrape le téléphone auquel il retire la batterie. Tous les moyens sont permis ! Jack veut que cette histoire reste entre Tru et lui.

Au mariage, Tru termine son poème. Dans le fond de l'église, Luc fait son apparition et Tru est donc plus qu'heureuse. Plus tard, on les retrouve au banquet du mariage. Alors qu'Harrison est désespéré, Luc et Tru sont en train de danser. Ils semblent enfin ensemble. Mais Luc veut maintenant des réponses et Tru se décide donc à lui dire toute la vérité.

Elle lui annonce tout d'un bloc: Elle doit sauver la vie d'Harrison. Il est mort hier, l'a appelé à l'aide et elle revit donc la journée pour le sauver, et c'est ce qu'elle faisait à chaque fois qu'elle partait précipitamment ou agissait bizarrement. Luc est sous le choc. Il a du mal à croire ce qu'il vient d'entendre. Alors que Randall souhaite porter un toast, Luc décide de partir. Tru, déçue par sa réaction, se rend soudain compte qu'Harrison n'est plus dans la salle.

En fait, celui-ci est dehors avec un arme pointée sur la gorge par Donnie. Il clame son innocence sans succès. Tru arrive et conseille à Donnie d'interroger son fils au sujet d'Harrison. Elle lui explique que Harrison connaît seulement Emma depuis quelques heures. Finalement Donnie relâche Harrison et s'en va, alors que Davis arrive. Tru se jette dans les bras d'Harrison, alors que Jack observe la scène depuis un immeuble voisin. Tru part retrouver Luc.

A la morgue, ce dernier arrive d'ailleurs dans son labo photo et chiffonne la photo de Tru. Jack arrive et, sans insister, il obtient les confessions de Luc au sujet de Tru. Jack lui explique qu'il est courant et que c'est en allant voir une femme, une certaine Emma vivant sur Bank St., qu'il a eu la preuve du don de Tru. Luc est plutôt sceptique, mais comme il n'a rien à perdre, il décide de suivre le conseil de Jack et de rendre visite à cette femme.

Tru arrive à la morgueet tombe sur Jack. Alors qu'elle cherche après Luc, elle comprend avec stupeur que Jack l'a envoyé chez Emma, sur les lieux du crime. Elle sort en courrant. Au même moment, Donnie entre chez son ex femme. La maison est vide et Emma a laissé un mot indiquant qu'elle et Ethan sont en sécurité. C'est à ce moment que Luc arrive...

Alors que Lucessaye d'expliquer ce qu'il fait ici, Donnie se met dans une rage folle, sort son revolver et le pointe sur lui. Dehors, Tru arrive en voiture. Elle pénètre dans la maison alors que Luc fait son possible pour expliquer à Donnie qu'il ne connaît pas Emma. Tru s'interpose entre les deux et supplie Donnie de poser son arme. Luc crie à Tru de ne pas rester là. Donnie ne sait plus que croire et ouvre le feu.

Alors qu'il réalise son geste, Tru sent une douleur sur son bras que la balle a éraflé. Elle se retourne et trouve Luc à terre, une balle dans la poitrine. Elle vient à son secours mais le sang coule déjà à flots. Luc s'excuse de ne pas l'avoir cru et lui avoue son amour. Tru éclate en sanglots et lui demande de se battre. Mais c'est déjà trop tard, Luc vient de quitter ce monde.

La scène suivantese déroule déjà à l'enterrement de Luc. Tru n'a pas pu le sauver et celui-ci est allongé dans un cercueil. Tru et Harrison sont présents, tout comme Lindsay, Randall et Davis. Tru ne peut retenir ses larmes. Harrison se penche vers le cercueil et remercie Luc car il lui doit la vie. Il aimerait qu'il y ait encore une chance que Tru puisse le sauver mais celle-ci, en larmes, lui répond que ça n'arrivera probablement pas.

Alors qu'elle se retourne, elle aperçoit Jack qui observe la scène de loin. Malgré l'objection d'Harrison, Tru décide d'aller confronter Jack. Leur discussion se transforme en déclaration de guerre. Tru lui explique que sa mère avait ce don et qu'elle continuera à s'en servir. Jack lui répond que l'enjeu est beaucoup plus important qu'elle ne le croie.

Tru retourne près du cercueilde Luc pour lui dire définitivement adieu. Au même moment, Jack monte dans une limousine et se retrouve à côté... du père de Tru, qui veut savoir ce que sa fille sait. On apprend que Richard est en quelque sorte le mentor de Tru, et qu'il jouait le même rôle par le passé, ce qui l'a amené à tuer sa femme qui avait le pouvoir opposé. Richard avertit Jack que l'affrontement contre Tru ne sera pas une partie de plaisir avant que ce dernier ne quitte la limousine.

Alors que Tru quitte le lieu de l'enterrement, Jack marche sur le bord de la route. Chacun semble plus que jamais déterminé à mener à bien sa mission....

 Shot of Jack’s apartment block
 Tru runs down the corridor, and into Jack’s apartment
1. INT. Jack’s apartment. DAY.
 (It’s empty: Jack’s possessions have gone. His I.D. card for the morgue is on a chair, Tru picks it up and looks at it. There are footsteps outside, and Davis runs in, panting)
He’s gone. He must’ve taken off as soon as he realized we were on to him
Yeah, gone, almost
What’s on your mind?
Well, here’s the thing: We know who you are. You are life. You give a second chance to those that have died before their time, and we know who Jack is
My opposite. Choice adjective excluded
Right. He relives days too, to ensure that those victims once again die
Okay, so we know that
Here’s my best guess. The next time that your day restarts, our friend Jack Harper will make his return. Because it’s clear why he came to the morgue two months ago. His work is undone. He came to find his opposite
And stop me
Cut to: Shot of Tru’s apartment block – DAY
CAPTION: “Three Days Later”
2. INT. Tru’s bedroom. DAY.
 (She wakes up to her phone ringing. She sits up in bed. The answer machine kicks in)
TRU (on answer machine)
Hey, it’s Tru. Leave a message
 (The machine beeps, then Lindsay’s voice speaks. Tru buries back under her duvet)
LINDSAY (on machine)
Hey, it’s Lindsay, I, um, I know it’s like six in the morning, but I just…I had to call and say one thing…
 (Tru glances at the clock)
Cut to: Lindsay in her apartment
I’m getting freaking married today, Tru, can you believe that?
Cut to: TRU
It still doesn’t mean I’m gonna pick up the phone
Oh, God! Ooh, and I also noticed you RSVP’d plus one, so who you bringing? All right, never mind! I’ll just call you later, bye!
Cut back to Tru, she sighs and goes back to sleep
3. EXT. Coffee vender. DAY.
 (Harrison and Tru are picking up two coffees from the seller in the park, then they walk away, down towards the river)
I’ve driven women to drink, I’ve driven women to other women, but I have never driven a woman to the altar within a month of dumping me!
Look, here’s the thing. I love Lindsay, but she’s never been very good at being alone
I blew it, you know? I was undependable, unreliable. But, ever since this Randall guy, I have decided that I’m gonna be a better man. You know, someone I can be proud of. Someone you can be proud of. A new leaf, so to speak
A new leaf?
Well yeah, I’m a young guy. Never too late to change your spots
Speaking of sudden character transformations, any luck finding Jack?
No, nothing. And I scoured the town, just like you asked. I went to bars, strip joints…
Uh, about that new leaf…?
Pacing myself. But I’ll tell you who I have run into lately. Luc. So, you’ve been avoiding him
Here’s the thing: the last time I spoke to Luc, I promised him I’d tell him about me
But as long as I don’t tell him, I can still have hope for us. Because I know that as soon as I do, I won’t even have that
Maybe. But maybe not. But see, the point is you will never know unless you try. And if I can turn a new leaf, anyone can
 (Tru stares at him, thoughtfully)
I gotta go, Wonder Woman
 (Harrison holds out his fist, Tru makes her own fist and touches Harrison’s)
Cut to: Shot of the City Morgue building
4. INT. Dark room. DAY.
 (Tru enters Luc’s dark room)
Hey, I hope I’m not interrupting
No, come here. Watch this
 (Tru walks over to him)
It’s still cooking. The photo sits in the developer, and the chemicals draw out the image. Just give it a couple more seconds, and…
 (The photo begins to develop into a picture of Tru)
It’s an old roll. I never developed it
Oh. She looks familiar
Yeah. Ex-girlfriend
Sounds complicated
It is. Just like her
Hey, I’m sorry if you feel like I’ve been avoiding you
Well, I’m sorry too, mainly because you’re so damn good at it
 (He walks over and switches on the lights)
Look, maybe heart-to-hearts aren’t your thing, and that’s fine. There’s no law that says you have to explain…
How about tonight?
Yes, come to Lindsay’s wedding with me and I will explain everything
Semi-formal, right?
I’ll see you at six
 (He nods and smiles)
Okay. Oh, but hey Luc? Just remember, she is complicated
5. EXT. Harrison’s apartment. DAY.
 (Harrison walks across the grass, and in front of him, sitting in a garden chair is Jack)
Jack. What the hell are you doing here
Came to see a friend
Great. You let me know when he shows up
 (Jack laughs)
Look, I know Tru wants you to think I’m the enemy. I’m not. Your sister and I, we just…we see things differently, that’s all
Right. She saves people, and you…kill them
I’m not a killer. Straight up. When a bullet gets shot into a man’s chest, I don’t pull the trigger. When a drunk driver takes out a family of four, I’m not behind the wheel
But when those people ask for my sister’s help, you’re not exactly lending a hand now, are you?
Harrison. Death can be tragic, death can be unfair, but as much as we all hate to admit it, death is inevitable. I’m merely helping fate get what it wants
And you’re telling me this because…?
Because she listens to you. And you love her. And I know that you will find a way to make her stop. Stop saving the lives of people who are supposed to die. Stop messing with fate, and stop screwing with the order of the universe
 (Harrison’s cellphone rings. He answers it)
HARRISON (on cellphone)
Yeah…okay. No, no, no, it’s okay. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it. I’ll be right there
 (he hangs up and turns to Jack)
HARRISON (cont’d)
But she’ll never stop. And I’ll never ask her to. So do yourself a favour, friend. You stay the hell away from me and my sister
6. INT. Church. DAY.
 (Lindsay and Randall are at the altar)
We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two people. Lindsay and Randall. Two people who have found each other in a world where we rarely slow down to let ourselves be found. And to celebrate that love, the bride has asked for a very good friend, Tru Davies, to read a passage today. Tru?
 (Tru gets up from her place next to Luc, carrying a book. She walks up to the pulpit, and begins to read)
“I carry your heart with me. I carry it in my heart. I fear no fate, for you are my fate, my sweet. I want no world for beautiful, you are my world, my true, and it’s you, or whatever a moon has always meant, and whatever a sun will always sing, it’s you
 (Tru looks up. Davis has just walked into the church.)
“Here is the deepest secret nobody knows”
 (Davis points to the side of the church, meaning he wants a word. People begin to look over to Davis, wondering what’s going on)
Um, excuse me, just one minute
 (Tru moves across to where Davis is standing)
Your cell was off; there was no other way to…
Look, Davis, what’s wrong?
 (Davis sighs, hesitates)
Your brother. He’s been shot
7. INT. E.R. DAY.
  (Harrison is being rushed in on a trolley)
We got bullet trauma, single entry
Doesn’t look good. Let’s set up the rapid infusers and get me a whole truckload of O-Neg
Yes Doctor
 (Harrison groans and gasps in agony)
Could be a hole through the anterior L.V. Get the thoracic surgeon on call. Let’s get him into trauma before he starts draining into the pleural cavity. Not a lot of time, folks!
 (They burst through a set of double doors, just as Tru is running down the corridor)
God, Harrison! I’m his sister, what happened to him?
EMT radioed in ahead, they found him in a house in Bank Street
I’ll ask. If anything happens, I promise I’ll ask
No, you are not gonna die! Do you hear me? You’re gonna be fine!
Let us do our job, that’s all you can do
 (They rush him into theatre, leaving Tru standing alone in the corridor)
8. INT. E.R. Waiting Room. DAY.
 (Davis sits on a chair, Tru and Luc are opposite him. Lindsay comes rushing in with Randall)
Any word?
 (Lindsay hugs her)
It’s okay. It’s Harrison, he’s…he’s a fighter, you know? He’s gonna be okay
I’m so sorry about the wedding
Oh, the wedding can wait. Lindsay belongs with you
 (Behind them, a woman walks to the reception desk)
Hello, I’m looking for a patient. Harrison Davies?
TRU (to Lindsay)
Excuse me
I’m sorry, ma’am. He’s still in surgery
I’m Harrison’s sister. Do you know him?
Not really. I was the one who called 911. He was shot…I…
You were with him?
No, I…I mean, it’s my ex. He just gets so jealous. I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have come here; I just wanted to make sure he was okay
 (she hurries away)
Your ex? Who’s…? Wait!
 (Richard Davies walks down the corridor)
 (they hug)
I was in town for a meeting. They found my card in Harrison’s wallet
He’s hurt, Dad. It’s not good
We don’t know anything yet. I’m gonna find a doctor
He’s still in surgery. They just told me to wait here
Okay, we’ll wait
 (Tru looks down towards the desk, and sees Jack talking to the receptionist)
Excuse me…
 (she follows Jack, as he walks round into another corridor. Luc watches her go)
9. INT. Hospital corridor. DAY.
Hey! I want you out of here right now. You are not welcome here
I came to see my friend
You had something to do with this, I know you did
This morning, I went to your brother’s place. Our conversation ended badly, so I called him to clarify. A paramedic answered the phone, I got worried
If anything happens to him, I’m holding you responsible. Do you understand that? It is on you!
 (Richard walks into the corridor behind her. Tru turns around)
 (Tru shakes her head, disbelievingly)
Tru, sweetheart…
They did everything that they could
No, no, he can’t be!
 (she runs down the corridor)
10. INT. Theatre. DAY.
 (Harrison is lying on the table, the machine beside him is flatlining. A doctor pulls the sheet up to his neck. Tru runs into the room, and over to Harrison. She shakes him gently)
TRU (crying)
Talk to me! Talk to me, Harry!
Miss, you’re not supposed to be in here
He needs me!
 (she turns back to Harrison)
You said! Harry, you always said you’d ask, so ask me, please, I’m right here! Harry? Just ask me!
 (she breaks down in tears, stroking his hair)
 (Richard comes into the room)
Tru…sweetheart, come on
TRU (to Harrison)
I’ll be waiting at the morgue. I won’t leave you. I’ll always be at your side
 (She begins to follow her father out)
 (Tru turns back to him, quickly)
You can’t let him win
 [Flashes of the day’s images as it rewinds]
11. INT. Tru’s bedroom. DAY.
 (Tru sits up in bed, panting in shock. Her answer machine is just kicking in)
TRU (on answer machine)
Hey it’s Tru, leave a message
LINDSAY (on answer machine)
Hey, it’s Lindsay, I know it’s like 6 in the morning or whatever…
Oh, thank God!
LINDSAY (on answer machine)
…but I’m getting freaking married today Tru, can you believe that?!
Yeah, let’s hope so
 [Fade to Black]
 [Flashes of the day’s images in sequence]
12. EXT. Park. DAY.
 (Tru runs across to Harrison)
Hey, I’m only a few minutes…whoa
 (Tru throws herself at him and hugs him tightly)
Oh, hey, it’s good to see you too
I tried to reach you all morning, I called your house, I called your cell…
I’m a heavy sleeper, what?
I went by your place, you weren’t there!
Why? What’s going on?
Today isn’t gonna be your day, Harrison
Nah, today’s the day that I’m gonna be a better man. Today’s the day that I’m gonna…
13. EXT. Riverside. DAY.
So let me get this straight: I’m dead, in the hospital, and I ask for your help
Fortunately, yeah
Wow! Oh, so was, uh…was Lindsay there?
Lindsay. Was she there at the hospital?
Yeah, she postponed the wedding as soon as she heard you were shot
No kidding…that is great! Yes! So were people sad? And like, tears flowing, and…
What? Well, come on! How many times does a guy get to die and come back? Set the scene for me
Okay, I can set the scene for you, or I can keep you alive. Which do you prefer?
Okay. First of all, who are you dating?
Dating? No-one
Wrong time to be coy, Harry. There was a woman there at the hospital, said you were shot by her jealous ex. On Bank Street. Do you know anyone who lives on Bank Street?
 (Tru looks disbelieving)
Look, there’s no girlfriend. There’s no jealous exes. There’s no Bank Street. Are you sure it was me who asked for help yesterday?
Okay, we may not know why you were killed, but we know one thing. Your death is entirely preventable
So let me ask you this: one a scale of one to ten, how much weeping are we talking about here?
Harrison, everything that you did yesterday we have to do differently today
Okay. So where to?
The place you were least likely to be yesterday
14. INT. Library. DAY.
 (Harrison and Tru are sitting to a table, a large book open in front of them)
How can you be so sure I wasn’t here yesterday?
Because the last book you read had pictures in it
That’s a good point, yeah
DAVIS (hurrying over)
I got here as fast as I could
 (Davis stares at Harrison)
I’m so sorry. Please accept my condolences. You were so young
Dude, I’m still alive! I died yesterday
 (A boy standing by the bookshelf behind them looks up)
Why don’t we talk in private?
15. INT. Library. DAY.
 (Tru and Davis  have moved over to a corner of the library)
I know this one is personal, but you’re doing everything right. I can’t think of any reason why you can’t win this one
I can
 (She looks over to check on Harrison: he’s looking at a book from the shelf)
Jack came by the hospital last night, and you don’t remember me telling you this but, yesterday morning he also showed up at Harrison’s apartment
You don’t think that Jack has anything to do with…?
No, not yesterday. But if Jack really is my opposite, then today…
He’ll do whatever he can to ensure that fate plays out the same way
Meaning it’s his job to make sure Harrison dies
(Harrison’s cellphone rings)
Oops! Sorry
(to the library) Sorry!
(he answers it)
Well, he seems to be handling it okay
He wanted an estimate of the number of tears people shed last night, in gallons
HARRISON (on cellphone)
Okay, don’t worry. I’ll take care of it. No, I’ll be right there
 (he hangs up and turns to Tru and Davis)
Look, this is probably something you don’t wanna hear, but there is someplace I need to be
No way. Not a chance
Someone’s in a jam, and they need my help, okay? It’s important
Probably called yesterday, too
Who is it? And what do they want? I mean, need I remind you, you died yesterday?
All right, look. This may sound stupid, but ever since Lindsay met this Randall guy, I took stock. And I’m…look, I’m tired of being the screw-up.  Look, there’s this rec center around the corner from my place, they have all these sorts of programs for these kids. Well, the other day I just walk in to get change for the meter, and I walk out someone’s big brother
Who’s the kid?
Ethan. Ethan McCrane. His folks got divorced last year. Look, I may not know how it is to be a great dad, but I know how to survive without one. That’s Ethan on the phone, and he got busted shoplifting. He’s too afraid to call his mom, so unless an adult goes down there to claim him, the owner’s gonna call the cops
And where’s the store?
It’s on Carver and Fifth
It’s a good three miles from Bank Street
Okay, you can go, but I’m coming with you
Okay, let’s go. See you, morgue man
Are you coming?
No. Go ahead and go. There’s something I need to take care of
Cut to: Shot of Harrison’s apartment
16. EXT. Harrison’s garden. DAY.
 (Jack walks up the garden chairs, where Davis is sitting)
You took my seat. I was sitting there yesterday
DAVIS (standing up)
Yeah, I just wanted to let you know that Harrison won’t be showing up today
Ah, good old Tru. At least she’s gonna make this sporting
 (Davis stands there with his hands on his hips. Jack laughs)
So why don’t you tell me what you really want?
I just wanted to hear it for myself
What’s that?
Who you are. What you can do. How you can live with yourself
I respect you, Davis. You’re a man of science. You want answers, conclusions. So how’s this? I preserve the order of the universe by ensuring the cycle of life
Well, fate already has a representative Jack, and it is not you
Tru? Now this is where we’re gonna have to agree to disagree. Because if Tru was serving fate, why does fate need me?
She helps people live
Who were supposed to die! Don’t you see? She can’t win
You’re wrong! I’ve seen her save people, she can win
Yes, you’ve seen her outfox killers, talk people off ledges, and quite capably I might add. But if you think that’s the end of the story, you’re missing the best part
What’s that?
I think we’ll save that for another time. Wouldn’t wanna blow all my best material at once. But it’s good to see you, Boss. Tell Harrison I’ll catch him later
17. INT. Food Market. DAY.
 (Harrison and Tru are talking to the shopkeeper in the backroom. Ethan McCrane is standing with him)
If I see him in my place again, I’m gonna call the cops
Yes, sir. Not a problem. Come on, buddy
 (Ethan walks over to Harrison)
I mean, if you’re hungry, you call me. I’m like VIP at all the restaurants in town. Forget candy bars, I’m talking steak and tiramisu. Oh, this is my sister. She’s cool. She’s…well, she looks out for me. Kinda how I look out for you
Hi Ethan
Hi. You’re not gonna tell my mother, are you?
Not a chance! You are
Yeah, we’ll take you home. Where do you live?
It’s just a few blocks. I can go on my own
Come on, buddy. Just tell me where
Fine. I live on Bank Street. But she’s probably not even home from work yet
What did you…you say Bank Street?
Yeah, 95 Bank Street
Ethan, do you think your mom would mind picking you up at my office?
Cut to: Shot of the City Morgue building
18. INT. Morgue. DAY.
 (Harrison, Tru and Ethan get out of the elevator and walk into the morgue)
Why don’t you guys wait in Sign-In until Ethan’s mom gets here
Where are you going?
I think I hear Davis in the Crypt. I’ll be right back. And just do me a favour? Don’t play with anything
HARRISON (to Ethan)
I won’t
TRU (pointing at Harrison)
I was talking to him
 (Ethan laughs, as he and Harrison walk into Sign-In)
19. INT. Crypt. DAY.
 (Tru walks through the double doors into the room)
Sorry if I got your hopes up. I just came by to give my two week notice
Don’t bother. Davis took you off payroll once we realised you were Death
I’m not Death, Tru. I don’t determine who lives or dies. It’s my job to bring a little order to the universe
Which means today your job is to make sure my brother dies
I take no pleasure in that
Oh, I’m sure. Later, Jack
 (Tru starts to walk away)
What if I let him live?
For a guy who claims he isn’t Death, you sure talk a good game
I like your brother. I’d hate to see him die. I’d hate to see you see him die. Again
Death’s Top Ten Come-Ons. Number 10:  promise to spare the life of a relative
I also hate reliving days. I mean, the first time was kinda cool, but after that, dull as dishwater
Number 9: bitch about your job, and then invite her back to your place to see your new black robe
You know what I hate more than anything? The way you’re looking at me right now
 (she doesn’t respond, just keeps staring)
So. I won’t stand in the way of you saving Harrison
If you stop. The next time someone asks for your help, ignore it. If your day should rewind, have fun. But don’t save the life of someone whose time is up. Think about it
 I don’t have to think about it, Jack. I can save my brother and anyone else who needs me
Is that how you think this works? When you save someone who’s supposed to die, there are consequences. The universe keeps very strict accounts, Tru. And what you’re doing is messing with the books. So, if you save Harrison, the one certainty is someone else is gonna die today, in his place
It doesn’t work like that, Jack
I guess we’ll see. Twelve hours till Midnight. And I’m sitting on the edge of my seat, because I know someone’s gonna die today. Could be anyone. Could be you
Or you
I guess we’ll see
I guess we will
Say goodbye to Harrison for me. Read into that any way you’d like
 [Fade to Black]
 [Flashes of the day’s images so far in sequence]
Shot of the City MorgueDAY
20. INT. Morgue. DAY.
 (Harrison and Ethan are playing with paper aeroplanes)
Ah, yes! That’s good
 (Ethan’s mother enters the room)
There you are! Ethan… (she hugs him) You can always call me, no matter what. You understand?
Hi, I’m Harrison. I know we only spoke…
…on the phone, right. It’s nice to meet you. Well, what can I say? Thank you so much
Oh, no problem
 (Tru walks into the room)
Hi, have we met?
No, I’m Tru, Harrison’s sister. Hey Harry, you wanna just give us a sec?
Oh, yeah
(to Ethan) Girl talk. Dude, come on
He worships your brother. All I’ve heard for the past week is Harrison this, Harrison that
It must be really tough raising him on your own
Yeah. His father and I split up six months ago. Harrison may be the first stable role model he’s ever had. Not exactly Donnie’s strong suit
Being a role model?
Being stable
 (The door opens again, and Davis walks in. He beckons her over)
Uh, could you just excuse me one sec?
 (Tru walks over to Davis, and they go into the next room)
TRU (cont’d)
Emma’s got a jealous ex. But she and Harrison never even met until today. He must have taken Ethan home and…
Wrong place, wrong time, right. Well, you’re doing everything you need to do, keeping Harrison away from Bank Street
 (Tru looks across to where Harrison is showing Emma and Ethan the way out)
What about them?
Oh, they’re safe. The only person in danger is the guy he thinks is sleeping with his ex wife. It still couldn’t hurt to keep an eye on the house
But, wait, Davis…you?
From across the street. If there’s any real work to be done, I’ll call you. I’m not doing that stuff. I’ll see you later
 (he walks out, Harrison comes over)
Oh, Tru, you were awesome! You did, it, you did it! You saved me. I always knew you could do it
Hey, we’re not out of the wood yet, Harr
Come on, you said it yourself. Stay away from Bank Street and I am bullet free. So, what’s next? Because I am starving! This whole dying and coming back thing really works on my appetite
Whoa, stop, listen to me. Look, you don’t remember yesterday. You don’t have to, but I do. I stood over your body, your dead body, and I will not lose you again, do you understand me?
Yeah. Yeah, sure, whatever
So let’s go. I’m taking you somewhere safe
Safe? What could be safer than a morgue?
21. INT. Church. DAY.
We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two people
Cut to: Harrison and Tru, sitting together
HARRISON (whispering)
FYI: given the choice between death and attending my ex’s wedding, I might have chosen death
…and in celebration of that love, the bride has asked for her friend, Tru Davies, to read for us a passage today. Tru?
TRU (to Harrison)
I’ll be right back
HARRISON (sarcastic)
I’ll be right here
22. EXT. Bank Street. DAY.
 (Davis pulls up opposite Ethan’s house, already he can hear an argument going on)
DONNIE (off-screen)
What’s his name?
EMMA (off-screen)
Stop it, Donnie! We’ve been through this a hundred times
23. INT. Ethan’s House. DAY.
We’ve been divorced what, six months, and you already found a replacement?
Do you know how crazy this is? How crazy you sound?
DONNIE (grabbing her arm)
Who is he?!
There’s no one! I haven’t been out on a date since high school, and that was with you
DONNIE (pulling a gun out and pointing it at her)
Don’t lie to me Emma!
Oh, my God. Would you just stop that, and put that away
 (Ethan walks down the stairs behind them)
My buddy saw him
 (Donnie puts the gun down quickly)
Hey, Eth. I didn’t know you were, uh…Mommy and Daddy, we were just talking
You should leave, Donnie. Now
Yeah. Hey, look, Daddy’s gonna come see you real soon, okay?
 (He turns back to Emma)
I’m gonna find this guy. Don’t think I won’t
Goodbye, Donnie
 (Donnie leaves the house. Ethan looks at her, confused)
Hey, honey
24. EXT. Ethan’s House. DAY.
 (Donnie walks out the gate, and as he turns to walk away, Jack bumps into him)
Watch where you’re going
Oh, I know where I’m going. The question is, do you?
What the hell’s that supposed to mean?
Donnie? Donnie McCrane?
Jack. Jack Harper, Sacred Heart Basketball League. Come on, I was the Point Guard. We lit up St. Andrews for 30 points back in ’91, don’t tell me you don’t remember
 Cut to: Davis, watching them from his car
Sorry…Jack? No
Hey, I was sorry to hear about your divorce, man. Some of the guys were talking about it; hey I’ve been through it myself. It sucks, doesn’t it? They leave you for some young stud, and we get left paying the bills. Anyway, I was sorry to hear it man, but keep your chin up. You’re a much better-looking guy than he is
 (He turns around to leave)
Hey. You know him? You know the guy Emma’s seeing?
Know him? Oh, yeah. Not only that: I know where he is right now
Cut to: Davis, watching in his car. He sees Donnie get into his car and drive away. Davis dials on his cellphone
Come, on Tru. Come on, Tru. Pick up the phone. Pick it up. Come on
 (The phone is snatched out of his hand by Jack)
Sorry, Davis.
Give me that!
 (Jack takes the battery out of the phone)
Sorry. This is between me and Tru
 (He throws the phone back into the car. Davis yells in frustration)
 [Fade to Black]
 [Flashes of the day’s images as it rewinds]
25. INT. Church. DAY.
 (Tru is reading the poem from the book)
“Here is the deepest secret nobody knows. And this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart. I carry your heart. I carry it in my heart”
 (Luc walks into the church, dressed in a suit. He smiles at Tru, and she smiles back)
26. INT. Wedding Reception. DAY.
 (Harrison is sitting, leaning over a table, tearing a napkins into shreds and looking very bored. He glances over at Tru and Luc who are dancing a slow dance)
I can’t tell you how surprised I was to see you
Well, Lindsay called. And she said she hadn’t heard from you all day and had a nagging suspicion her best friend was gonna go stag to her wedding, so…
Well that’s why she’s my best friend, she knows what I want
 (They both glance over at Harrison, who is now banging a rose on the table until it’s petals fall off)
It can’t be easy for him, seeing Lindsay marry somebody else
It beats the alternative
What’s that?
It’s a long story
I’m not going anywhere
You haven’t heard the story yet. Okay, I promised you answers. Explanations that are long overdue, so…here goes. Harrison’s here today because I’m saving his life
You’re saving his life?
Yesterday, he was shot…and he died. And he asked for my help, and my day restarted, and so I’m helping him. Because that’s what I do. I help people live who aren’t ready to die. And when we were together, if I ever showed up late, or ran off early, or acted in some inexplicable way, it was because someone needed me, because someone needed my…
Your help
Right. And I never told you this before, because I know how it sounds, but I can do all of those things. Every one of them
 (Randall clinks a glass behind them. While he speaks, Tru and Luc stare at each other)
Excuse me everyone…before we move inside for dinner, I would like to make a toast to my beautiful bride, Lindsay, who has…
 (Luc suddenly turns and walks from the room)
Luc? Luc!
…accepted me for who I am. And has made my life richer because of it. To Lindsay
Hear, hear!
 (Everyone claps and clinks glasses. Tru looks over towards Harrison: he’s gone)
 (she grabs her jacket and runs out)
27. EXT. Wedding Reception. DAY.
 (Harrison is being held against the fence by Donnie, who is holding a gun to his neck)
Look, I told you buddy, I didn’t sleep with your wife
Yeah? That’s not what I heard
Look, I’m telling you the truth! Honest! Ask anybody, ask…
 (Tru appears beside him)
Your son!
Who are you?
Someone who knows the same thing that Ethan does. My brother met your ex wife for the first time today. You may not believe me, but you have to believe your son
Look, you’re mixed up, you’re mixed up, I get it. I get it. I just had to watch the woman I love marry another man. Okay, I know how you feel but I’m not the guy you’re looking for. Honest!
 (Davis comes running up, stopping beside Tru)
You’d better both be telling me the truth
 (He pulls the gun away and takes off down the street. Tru rushes to hug Harrison)
It’s okay…
 (The camera pans upwards to show Jack, standing on a balcony somewhere above them, watching)
TRU (to Davis)
Just do me a favour and keep an eye on him. There’s just one more thing I gotta do
Cut to: Shot of the City Morgue building
28. INT. Dark room. DAY.
 (Luc walks into his dark room. He looks at the photograph of Tru he developed earlier, hanging on a line. He picks it off and screws it up)
That’s a little harsh, don’t you think?
Actually, I’m not so sure it is
Let me guess. She’s in love with someone else
I wish it were that simple
Well, I can see you need some alone-time, so…
You know, she seemed so normal at first. I mean, she’s pretty, and smart, and…you know what? Forget it
Hey. Sorry for prying
Okay, no, how about this? And I can’t believe I’m even repeating it. She thinks dead people talk to her
Yeah, yeah, she thinks that she…
Relives days. Yeah
LUC (stunned)
How did you know that?
She told me too. This morning. It was a practise run for you, I think. And, yeah, it did sound crazy at first
Until I got some proof. And suddenly it didn’t seem so crazy, it sounded miraculous
You got proof?
Oh, yeah. Tru sent me to talk to this woman, Emma. She lives over on Bank Street. 95 Bank Street
And what did she tell you…Emma?
Well, I’m not really sure I can do it justice, but somehow she made everything clear. But don’t take my word for it, you should go talk to her yourself
I don’t know, man…Bank Street?
Yeah. Why not? The things we do for love, huh?
Oh and, um, this Emma…is a bit of an odd bird. She tends to be more talkative if you go over there without being empty-handed, you know what I’m saying? Learn from my mistake. Flowers, not candy. Women!
 (they both laugh)
Great. Hey, thanks. Thanks Jack
 [Fade to Black]
 [Flashes of the day’s images in sequence]
29. INT. Morgue. DAY.
 (Tru steps out of the elevator to see Jack standing there)
So, your brother’s gonna live
Yes he is, no thanks to you
 (She walks past him, towards the dark room)
Would it ring hollow to say I’m glad?
Would it ring hollow to say I don’t care?
Unfortunately, someone still has to die today
Try not to sound so broken up about it, Jack
I’m really sorry, Tru. Like I said, there are parts of my job that sometimes don’t make me feel so good about myself
 (Tru suddenly realises he is leading somewhere with this. She bursts into the dark room. It’s empty)
What did you do to him?
I didn’t do anything. You did. You told him who you are. I just told him where he could get proof
 (Tru pushes past him and runs out of the morgue)
30. EXT. Bank Street. NIGHT.
 (Donnie knocks at the door.)
Emma? Come on, open up. Look, I’m sorry
 (He tries the door, it opens. He goes inside)
Ethan? You guys home? Hello?
 (He notices a note on the mirror. It reads: “Donnie, we’ll be back when you calm down. Until then we went somewhere we’d be safe. Emma”)
 (Donnie picks up the note and walks further into the living area)
Safe? What…?
 (There is a knocking at the door. Luc walks halfway into the hall)
Can I help you?
Yeah, um, I’m looking for Emma
She’s not here right now. And you are?
I’m Luc, er…
 (He walks further into the room, holding a small bunch of flowers)
Nice flowers. You a friend of Emma’s, Luc?
No, actually, we’ve…we’ve never even met before
 (Donnie pulls out his gun)
Okay, why don’t we try this again, and how about the truth this time? Are you a friend of my wife’s, Luc?
Cut to: Tru’s car, screeching to a halt outside 95 Bank Street
31. INT. Ethan’s House. NIGHT.
I think there’s been some kind of mistake…
Oh yeah, and you made it. Was it worth it? Because I know she’s good, but was it really worth your life, Luc?
I understand that you’re upset sir, but I promise you I have never met your wife before
Then why do I see you, the two of you, in my bed, and it makes me sick! It makes me wanna…
 (Tru runs in and steps between them)
No! Donnie, please, put the gun down, just listen to me
He’s sleeping with her!
No, he’s not, it’s all a misunderstanding
Tru, get out of here!
Donnie, please listen to me, we’ll all talk this out
I’m sorry, I can’t lose her
Now, I can handle this
Donnie, don’t do this!
Tru, get out of here! Tru, go!
I’m so sorry…
Please, no! Donnie, don’t do this!
Please, no! Donnie! NO!
 (Donnie fires the gun. Tru looks down at her arm: the bullet has grazed it, blood seeps through her jacket. She turns around slowly, and sees Luc lying on the ground. A single bullet hole in his chest, blood stretches slowly over his white shirt. He’s still conscious, gasping. Tru kneels beside him)
Oh, Luc…look at me. You’re okay…
 (she puts her hand on the wound but its bleeding too fast, his clothes and Tru’s hands are soaked in blood already)
LUC (gasping)
I’m sorry…I’m sorry I didn’t believe you
No, come on, it’s gonna be fine, I’m gonna get help, okay? Just stay with me, stay with me. Look at me, okay?
LUC (gasping)
I love you, Tru
TRU (crying)
No, please, please, no, Luc. Please, just stay with me, you’re gonna be fine
 (His eyes begin to glaze over)
Look at me! Look at me, please…Luc! Luc? Luc, come on, just please don’t…don’t…
 (slowly he stops gasping, and lies still. Tru dissolves into tears)
Cut to: Shot of some white lilies
Cut to: Luc, lying in an open coffin
32. EXT. Luc’s Funeral Service. DAY.
 (Throughout the Minister’s speech, the camera pans across the mourners: Tru, and Harrison, Luc’s crying parents, Lindsay and Randall, Davis and others)
MINISTER (off-screen)
…in sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life through our Lord. We commend to Almighty God, our brother. Luc Johnston. And we commit his body to the ground. Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. The Lord bless him and keep him. The Lord make his face to shine upon him, and be gracious unto him and give him peace. Amen
 (The mourners form a line, and walk past Luc’s coffin one last time. Tru and Harrison reach the coffin)
I owe you my life. Thank you
(to Tru) Is there…is there any chance that he’ll ask?
TRU (crying)
Don’t know. Don’t think so
 (They both turn around. Jack is standing across the cemetery, leaning on a tree)
Wait here
Don’t, Tru…
 (Tru walks purposefully over to Jack)
I take no pleasure from being right
It’s my turn to talk, so listen up. My mother had the calling, and she passed it on to me. If you think for one minute that I am ever gonna stop, you’re wrong. So you’d better watch your back buddy, because it’s on
You should know one thing. This is bigger than you think
And you should know one thing. You have no idea what you’ve begun
 (She walks back over to the funeral party. Jack turns and walks the other way)
Cut to: Tru, kneeling beside Luc’s coffin. She places a red rose across his chest. Then she kisses her fingers, and puts them against Luc’s cheek
I love you too
Cut to: Jack, walking to the road. A car drives up. The window winds down, to reveal Richard Davies sitting in the back
Get in
33. INT. Car. DAY.
So tell me, what does my daughter know?
Nice to see you too, Richard. Why don’t I start with what she doesn’t know? That you once did what I do
She’s tough. You’ll have your work cut out for you, Just like I had with her mother
You won that one, didn’t you? Besides, I love a challenge
Well, Jack…I believe you’ve got one
Cut to: Tru, standing up beside Luc’s coffin. She wipes her eyes, and walks away from the cemetery
Cut to: Jack, by the roadside, having gotten back out of the car
“In The Air Tonight” plays in the background
Alternate camera shots of Jack and Tru, walking alone, in their separate directions

 [Fade to Black]

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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Avant-hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Avant-hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Hier à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

Viens chatter !