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#201 : La mort en héritage

Alors que Tru entre enfin en école de médecine, Jack fait sa première apparition depuis la mort de Luc... Cette fois, c'est le corps d'une femme officier de la patrouille du port qui appelle Tru à l'aide. A présent, elle doit non seulement la sauver mais aussi déjouer les pièges que Jack met sur son chemin. La confrontation commence... 


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La mort en héritage

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Réalisé par: Michael Katleman

Scénario: Jon Harmon Feldman


Deux mois après la mort de Luc, c'est le premier jour de Tru à l'école de médecine. Davis est au téléphone avec elle pour la guider au sein de l'université. Grâce à ses relations, il a pu la faire accepter dans plusieurs cours. Peu avant que le cours ne commencer, Tru reçoit un appel d'Harrison. Celui-ci a une info à lui donner. Tru pense immédiatement à Jack, qui a disparu depuis l'enterrement de Luc, mais non il s'agit d'autre chose : leur père Richard est en ville.

Un peu plus tard, au restaurant, Richard annonce à son fils Harrison qu'il emménage en ville et ouvre son propre bureau. Il veut qu'Harrison travaille pour lui. Harrison n'en croit pas ses oreilles.

Harry explique ensuite à Tru qu'il a décliné l'offre. Il est trop tard pour que leur père commence à agir comme un vrai père. Ils découvrent alors que le fourgon d'Harrison a été volé. Celui-ci craint maintenant d'être viré de son boulot. Il reçoit alors un coup de fil de son book-maker. Quelqu'un correspondant à la description de Jack a été vu au 111 Grand Street. Tru s'y rend sur le champ.

Tru attend en dehors de l'immeuble où Jack a été vu et aperçoit une jeune fille à la poursuite de son skateboard. Un gros camion se dirige vers elle. Soudain, la fille disparaît derrière le camion et Jack lui sauve in-extremis la vie. Tru s'approche vers lui et le confronte. Jack lui explique qu'il ne prend pas de vies, il préserve le destin. Il lui explique qu'il a voyagé tout l'été pendant qu'elle sauvait des vies et lui propose de tout arrêter. Mais la mort de Luc n'a fait qu'accroitre le désir de Tru à sauver des vies. Les revoilà donc à la case départ.

Plus tard, à la morgue, Tru relate à Davis sa rencontre avec Jack. Celui-ci essaye de la rassurer mais il doit se rendre à son évaluation psychologique annuelle. Au même moment, Jack prend un ascenseur avec Richard et lui explique comment Tru a réagit lors de leur rencontre. Elle n'a pas accepté sa proposition de se retirer alors il n'a pas d'autre choix que l'arrêter lui-même. 

Davis entre dans un bureau, prêt à passer rapidement son évaluation. Il est alors surpris de ne pas être reçu par l'un de ses amis mais par sa remplaçante, une séduisante femme : le docteur Carrie Allen.     

Pendant ce temps, Tru examine le corps de Kate Wilson, un officier de la patrouille du port qui est morte après avoir répondu à un SOS lors d'une tempête qui est apparue de nulle part.

Davis revient de son test psychologique et lui apprend que ça ne s'est pas bien passé et que la nouvelle doctoresse demande des tests plus poussés. S'il est diagnostiqué comme fou, ils pourraient le renvoyer.     

Tru n'en croit pas ses oreilles et se demande ce qui pourrait arriver de pire. C'est à cet instant que le corps de l'officier tourne sa tête et l'appelle à l'aide.

Kate : "Save Me" (Sauve moi)

La journée redémarre...

Tru se rend immédiatement au port. Après avoir prévenu Davis des changements concernant son examen psychologique, elle cherche après Kate Wilson. Elle finit par la localiser sur le ponton et lui explique qu'elle veut devenir étudiante pour entrer dans la patrouille du port. Elle sollicite donc son aide pour l'examen d'entrée. Kate doit partir en patrouille mais elle accepte de la rencontrer autour d'un café vers 13h.

Tru appelle ensuite Harrison pour le prévenir que leur père va lui offrir un job. Elle lui dit aussi que son fourgon va être volé.     

Pendant ce temps, Kate et son partenaire aperçoivent un kayak se renverser. Kate plonge et ramène la personne en difficulté à bord. On se rend alors compte qu'elle vient de sauver Jack. Après s'être remis de ses émotions, celui-ci veut la remercier en l'invitant à déjeuner. Kate accepte.

Quand Tru arrive pour aller prendre un café avec elle, Kate lui demande de replanifier le rendez-vous. Tru insiste et avec l'intervention de Jack, Kate lui demande de trouver une autre personne pour l'aider. Jack affiche un grand plaisir d'avoir gagné ce premier round contre Tru. 

Davis conseille à Tru d'empêcher l'appel de détresse afin que Kate ne puisse pas y répondre. En retour, elle lui demande de trouver un moyen de forcer le bateau de la police de rester à quai et de chercher de quel bateau venait l'appel de détresse. Il s'agit du Green Hornet.

Tru s'approche du bateau, et en se faisant passer pour une volontaire de la patrouille du port, elle explique aux jeunes présents que tous les bateaux doivent rester à quai à cause d'une alerte de tempête. Le fils du propriétaire de bateau l'informe qu'un homme est déjà venu et leur a dit qu'elle viendrait avec une histoire à dormir debout pour ruiner leurs projets de voyage en mer. Il a même laissé un mot pour elle ! Jack 2 - Tru 0

De retour à la morgue, Davis appelle la patrouille du port en se faisant passer pour un amiral. Soudain, la psychologue apparait à la porte et le surprend en pleine conversation. Après avoir assisté à cette scène, elle dispose de toutes les informations dont elle a besoin.     

Tru prévient de nouveau Kate que les choses ne sont pas toujours telles qu'elles apparaissent -- comme le temps ou Jack Harper. C'est alors qu'un appel de détresse du Green Hornet est reçu. Kate et son partenaire se mettent en route mais font demi-tour un peu plus tard après qu'un autre bateau de secours se soit rendu sur les lieux en premier, affreté par l'amiral Davis.

Tru retourne à l'endroit où elle a aperçu la petite fille et son skateboard. Le camion passe sans incident. Mais cette fois-ci, la jeune fille n'a pas son skateboard. Jack le lui a acheté pour 50 dollars.

En pleine tempête, Jack revient au port afin d'emmener Kate pour la soirée. Alors que sa garde est sur le point d'être terminée, Kate reçoit un appel de détresse d'un bateau de plaisance duquel une fille est tombée à l'eau. Il s'agit du bateau de la soeur de Jack. Kate se décide à aller sur les lieux pour aller la sauver.
Pendant ce temps, Harrison apprend à Tru que son fourgon a tout de même été volé par sa propre boîte. Ils volent leurs propres fourgons afin de collecter l'argent de l'assurance. Bien qu'il essaie de rester clean, il se retrouve toujours dans des coups tordus.     

Après avoir appris que Jack avait trouvé un moyen d'envoyer Kate dans la tempête, Tru monte à bord du Green Hornet, retrouve la clé qu'elle avait aperçue un peu plus tôt dans la journée et conduit le bateau dans la tempête.

Au même moment, au milieu de la tempête, Kate tombe par dessus bord en essayant de récupérer sa lampe de poche. Tru arrive avec son bateau et se dirige vers elle. Malgré la tempête déchainée, elle arrive à l'attraper et à la tirer à l'intérieur du bateau. Kate est sauvée.

Retour à la morgue. La psychologue croise Davis devant l'ascenseur et lui explique qu'elle a parcouru son dossier. Malgré la scène qu'elle a pu observer plus tôt dans la journée, celui-ci ne contient que des bonnes appréciations.     

Au restaurant, Harrison finit par accepter le job offert par son père. Ce dernier pense qu'en fin de compte, Harrison et lui sont bien plus semblables qu'il ne le pensait.

Un peu plus tard, Tru explique à Davis qu'elle a battu Jack et sauvé Kate. Au même moment, Jack trouve un mot de Tru sur sa voiture en réponse à son mot de la journée. Tru l'a battu. Pourtant, alors qu'elle quitte la morgue, elle n'a pas le sentiment que c'était assez. Parce que ce n'était pas Luc...

TRU (v.o) Last season on Tru Calling…
INT. Bar. Night.

In laymen’s terms, I relive days

INT. Morgue. DAY.

Jack, what you thought was happening to you…it happens to me
INT. Bar. DAY.

I just wonder sometimes


Consequences. Ripples in fate
INT. Morgue. NIGHT.

He is not like you. He is the opposite of you. You save lives and he…

Takes them
EXT. Street. NIGHT.

You have no idea what you’re doing. If you save someone who shouldn’t be here, there are consequences

Do you think I’m messing up some grand plan? Maybe I am the plan!
INT. Morgue. DAY.

What’s gonna keep us from going in the same circles?

This weekend, let’s talk. About everything
INT. House. NIGHT.

(A gun is fired, a bullet hitting Luc in the chest)
TRU (screaming)
No! No, Luc…look at me, come on
(Screen fades to white, and opens up again at Luc’s funeral. Shot of Luc in his open coffin, and Tru and Harrison crying. Tru turns round, to see Jack Harper standing a few yards away beside a tree)
EXT. Cemetery. DAY.
My mother had the calling and she passed it on to me. If you think for one minute that I am ever gonna stop, you’re wrong
You should know one thing. This is bigger than you think
You have no idea what you’ve begun
Cut to: A car pulls up beside Jack, who is standing alone. The window winds down. It’s Richard Davies
Get in
INT. Car. DAY.
Tell me, what does my daughter know?
Why don’t I start with what she doesn’t know? That you once did what I do
She’s tough. You’ll have your work cut out for you
I love a challenge
Well Jack – I believe you’ve got one
  Fade to Black
1. EXT. Campus. DAY
(Students walk around the campus grounds, one boy rides by on a bicycle, past Tru, who is running towards the building, looking worried. She has her cellphone to her ear, it’s ringing)
DAVIS (v.o.)
All right, I’m here
Cut to: Davis at the Morgue
We’ve been through this Tru. You know exactly what to do
Cut to: Tru runs into the college building and up a few steps
Okay, I’m in
DAVIS (v.o.)
Okay, good. Now remember where you need to go
(Tru looks around)
Cut to: DAVIS
Johnson 201
Cut to: TRU
I don’t see it
Cut to: DAVIS
Turn left, third door on the right. And relax! You’re good at this. This is what you were meant to do
Cut to: TRU (stopping in a doorway)
I’m here, Davis. I made it
DAVIS (v.o.)
I can’t believe it…
(Tru walks into the room: it’s a lecture hall and its filling with students, taking their places and getting out their notes)
Cut to: DAVIS
First day of Med School
Cut to: TRU
Yeah, almost
DAVIS (v.o.)
Almost? What do you mean, almost?
TRU (making her way to her seat)
Well, I’m only auditing. If it wasn’t for all those strings you pulled
DAVIS (v.o.)
Tru, Tru, Tru…listen
Cut to: DAVIS
It’s okay to be proud of yourself
Cut to: TRU
Thanks, Davis. Bye
Cut to: Davishe hangs up his cellphone, and smiles
2. INT. Lecture Hall. DAY.
(Tru is just getting her notepad out, when her cellphone rings again. She looks at it and answers)
It’s me
Cut to: Harrison, walking along a street
I’ve got some interesting news
Cut to: TRU
You found Jack?
No, one-track-mind, I haven’t found Jack
Cut to: TRU
Forgive me. When someone kills my boyfriend and disappears for two months, I tend to get a little obsessed
It’s a good point, it’s a good point – but no. Dad’s in town
Cut to: TRU
(Professor Seidel enters the room)
Okay everyone, take your seats
Yeah, he wants to have lunch. He wouldn’t say why
Cut to: Harrison, getting into a yellow delivery truck
Hey, listen, I really gotta run, I’m gonna be late for another delivery. Oh, you might wanna congratulate me. Its six weeks on a job. It’s a personal best
Cut to: TRU
Congrats, Harry
Miss Davies?
TRU (to Harrison)
I gotta go… (she hangs up quickly)… Yes, Professor?
Miss Davies, just because your coroner friend used his pull on the board to get you into my class, doesn’t mean you won’t be held with the same standards as the real students
Real students? I am a real student
Okay. Perhaps you’d like to tell me which artery terminates as a nasopalatine artery?
It’s the maxillary artery. You’re in medical school now, Miss Davies. You only have decision to make. Are you committed to saving lives or not?
Yes, I’m committed
How reassuring for all of us. Now, moving on to things that actually matter
Cut to: Shot of the City buildings
Cut to: Shot of a Restaurant and Coffee Bar
3. EXT. Coffee Bar. DAY.
Are you moving here?
Crime’s up. For a defence attorney, that means business is good. So, an office in the city was a natural
What about Jordan and the kids?
Weekends. It’s not ideal, but they understand. So, tell me. How’s Tru doing? I know how upset she was after what happened to that boy, Luc
Ah, she’s tough. She’ll feel better once she finds out who killed him
Promise me something. You won’t let her get too obsessed
It’s too late
All right, enough small talk. I wanna tell you why I asked you here. Since I’m opening up an office, I’m gonna need some help. Investigators, researchers, resourceful young people. Like yourself
Wait, are you offering me a job?
What do you say? Wanna come work for the old man?
4. EXT. Street. DAY.
(Tru and Harrison are walking together)
You turned it down?
Yeah, I told you, I got a job. And I know it might not be glamorous, but it’s legit, and it’s mine. I did it on my own. You know what’s funny is, my whole life I just wished Dad would start acting like a real father, you know? And now that he is…I don’t need him
(They turn the corner)
Oh, no…no, no, no, no wait…
What’s wrong?
What…the van! The van, I parked it right here, the company van!
(he walks out into the space by the kerb)
Was it towed?
No, no, not towed, I fed the meter and everything! What… (he steps on broken glass that crunches under his feet) Oh, glass….broken glass. Somebody stole it! They stole it, Tru! They stole the…Ohhh, personal business. Personal business! Of course they’re gonna can me, Tru!
Okay, just relax, okay? Just..
Relax? Look, I love that job. I’m good at it. Damn it! You see that? You see what happens? I try to live an honest life and look
Okay, listen, we’ll think of something, I promise, okay, just call in sick and I promise you, we’ll…
(Harrison’s cellphone rings, he answers it)
BOOKIE (v.o.)
I think your guy’s here. He just took ten grand off me
What, right now?
BOOKIE (v.o.)
I’ll stall him if you want
Okay, cool. Yeah, all right, thanks (he hangs up and turns to Tru) Hey, that was my bookie
Er – about the honest life?
Let me finish…someone matching Jack’s description just showed up to collect ten big ones
111 Grand Street. But he’s stalling him till you get there
(Tru turns and starts to walk away)
But hey, what’re you gonna do when you get there? Tru? Tru?
Cut to: Shot of City buildings
Cut to: Shot of a busy street
5. EXT. Street. DAY.
(Tru stands on the corner, watching the door marked “111 Grand Street”, across the road. She looks across the street the other way: a young girl on a skateboard is skating towards some steps. There’s no sign of Jack)
(Tru hears the skateboard bumping down the steps, she looks over. It rolls into the road, and the young girl runs after it. Tru looks up the street: there’s a truck coming, and the driver is looking at his cellphone)
(Tru looks back at the young girl. She’s kneeled to pick up her skateboard in the middle of the road. She looks up, noticing the truck. The truck horn honks loudly. Tru stares in horror as the truck ploughs onwards)
(The truck rolls past, and Tru stares across the road to see Jack holding the little girl, the skateboard is in pieces on the road. Jack puts the girl down and she runs off)
You’re welcome!
(He chuckles to himself as Tru hurries over the road towards him)
What the hell was that, Jack?
Tru. What a nice surprise
(she doesn’t reply)
Kids today, not even a thank you
So, what, now you save lives?
One: who’s to say that truck would have actually killed her? And two: why do you look so surprised?
Because you take lives. You don’t save them
I guess you don’t listen so well, Tru. I preserve fate. Until a day restarts, I’m no different then (pointing at random people on the street) him, or her…or you
Oh, you are different. Because I don’t kill someone’s boyfriend and then disappear for two months
Living in the past can be so debilitating, don’t you think?
You thought killing Luc would make me stop? Well, guess what, it only made me stronger
Preaching to the choir. I saw you myself all summer. All those people fated to die, that you saved
That’s right, I didn’t lose once. While you did what, exactly?
Travelled. Relaxed
Death took a holiday?
JACK (chuckling sarcastically)
But you know what I did more than anything, Tru? I hoped. I hoped that you would come to your senses, I hoped that you would find a way to stop saving people who are supposed to die
Correction: who are supposed to live
Don’t you see? I gave you a gift. I gave you the perfect excuse to walk away
Actually, you have me every reason to stay
So here we are. Right back where we started. Later, Tru. Catch you on the rewind
I’ll be waiting
Unless I get there first
(Fade to Black)
Cut to: Shot of the City Morgue
6. INT. Morgue. DAY.
He’s back, Davis. He’s come back to stop me
You’re ready for this. There’s nothing to worry about. You’ve prepared for this
Okay. So why do you look so worried?
Cut to: Richard and Jack, standing in his office
I’m not worried, I’m curious. Was she surprised to see you?
Oh, I think there are some bigger surprises in store for her, Richard, wouldn’t you say? Look, I told you, I can handle her. You don’t need to move here
And I told you, Jack: I know my daughter. And you’re gonna need all the help you can get
Cut to: Tru and Davis, at the morgue
I have plenty of help. You, Harrison if need be. But this is my calling. A job I was chosen to do. I can beat him
Cut to: Richard and Jack
Are you ready? Because I’m certain she is
Oh, you’re proud of her. That’s cute. But I have her a chance to stop, and she didn’t take it. So I’ll stop her myself
Confidence. You remind me of myself when I had your job. Except I won
Cut to: Davis and Tru
Well until the day restarts, you’ve done everything you can. I’ve got to get upstairs, I’m running late for my psych evaluation
Oh right, with the staff shrink. Good luck, Davis
Well, it’s just a formality. Tom Jordan and I are old friends. He’s been rubber-stamping me for years
7. INT. Tom Jordan’s Office. DAY.
(Davis enters, and closes the door behind him, without actually looking into the room)
Okay Tom, let’s get this over with
Get this over with?
Oh, I’m looking for Tom Jordan?
He’s gone on indefinite medical leave
Oh…I didn’t know he was sick
Yeah. Oh, I’m sorry, how rude. I’m Doctor Carrie Allen. I’m his replacement. And you must be…
I’m Davis
Davis. Here
(she shows him a seat, he sits)
You are two hours late, Doctor Davis
It’s actually just Davis.
Oh. I actually assumed you weren’t going to show up at all
No, I like psychological tests. Inkblots and such. Call me crazy
Look, I know you’re probably nervous about this. But the wonderful thing about my test? There are no wrong answers
DAVIS (biting his nails)
All I need you to do…is look at this picture
(she picks up a piece of card with a large ink blot on it)
…and tell me the first thing that pops into your head
No wrong answers?
No wrong answers
That is the lost continent of Atlantis, and the puppy that I never got as a child
(Shot of Carrie looking slightly stunned)
8. INT. Morgue. DAY.
(Tru is talking on the telephone)
Yeah, I think he should take the job, Dad. But you know Harry, he likes to do things on his own
VICTOR (bringing a body on a trolley)
Uh, right Dad, but look, I gotta go, I’ll call you later, okay?
(she hangs up, and walks out of the office)
My father, Ward Cleaver all of a sudden
9. INT. Morgue. DAY.
(Victor unzips the bodybag, Tru stands by with a clipboard. The body is a young woman, in a uniform)
Oh no, a cop
Harbor Patrol Officer. She died answering a distress call in the Bay
“Kate Wilson, responded to an SOS call at 3:07 pm”
Some college kids lost control of a boat called The Green Hornet
Sounds routine
Would’ve been. Except for the White Squall
“White Squall”?
A storm that comes unexpectedly. No real warning until, bang, you’re in the middle of it. She drowned when a swell knocked her overboard
What about her partner?
Couldn’t get to her, the waves were too rough. It’s a miracle he didn’t drown too (His pager bleeps) Oh, that’d be me. Duty calls. She’s all yours Tru. See you
(she sighs, and looks down at the body)
Lost consciousness when hypothermia set in…fluid in her lungs, no surprise there
(The camera pans around to show Davis has entered, and is watching her)
Keep that up you won’t need me here anymore
Yeah, that’ll be the day
No, I’m serious. It’s nice to know if anything happens to me that you could take over, on your own
Look, is this about Jack?
It’s not about Jack. It’s about Carrie
Dr. Allen, Tom Jordan’s replacement. My psychological test didn’t go over too well, and she’s requested more testing
What does that mean?
It could mean, well, nothing
Or, it could mean that I’m crazy, clinically speaking. And if the test results show that, then I won’t be here anymore. They won’t let me
No, that’s not possible
Actually it is
(Tru scoffs in disbelief)
First I get humiliated at Med School, then Jack shows up, and now this. You know, what next?
(She turns back to the body of Kate Wilson. Her head turns towards Tru)
Save me!

[Flashes of images as the day rewinds]
10. INT. Tru’s bedroom. DAY.
(Tru sits up in bed, panting)
Here we go again
11. EXT. Harbor. DAY.
(Tru is on her cellphone)

, it’s me
Cut to: DAVIS at the morgue
Why are you calling me now? You’re not due in class for another three hours
Cut to: TRU
I know, it’s one of those days
Cut to: DAVIS
Ah, okay. Who’s the lucky victim?
Cut to: TRU
Kate Wilson, she’s with the Harbor Patrol. She died in a White Squall
Cut to: DAVIS
Whoa. You don’t hear about that everyday. What do you need, an address or something?
Cut to: TRU
No, I’ve already got one. I did my homework, Davis. She’s supposed to start work any minute
DAVIS (v.o.)
Okay, what can I do for you?
You can listen very carefully, because you missed quite a day yesterday. Jack came back, my father moved to town, and you flunked your psych exam
Cut to: DAVIS
What? Tom Jordan would never flunk me
Cut to: TRU
No, but his replacement would. Dr. Carrie Allen, the new staff shrink
Cut to: DAVIS
What, a woman? Well, did I find her attractive? Because if I did, then that would explain a lot
Cut to: Tru – she stares over at the water. Kate Wilson is standing on her boat at the end of the pier
[Flashback: Kate’s body lying in the morgue]
Hey Davis, I gotta go
Cut to: DAVIS
Stupid question, of course I found her attractive
12. EXT. Harbor. DAY.
Officer Wilson?
Hey, I’m Tru Davies. I’m interested in joining the Harbor Patrol, and I’m told you are the woman to talk to
And who told you that?
The question is, who didn’t? I’ve asked around, and you’ve got a lot of fans
Well it’s nice to see the checks have been clearing
Anyway, I would love to pick your brain, get some pointers on the exam maybe?
MATT (on the boat)
Kate, let’s get a move on!
I’m late for my patrol, but tell you what, I have a lunch break at one. Meet me here, and we’ll grab a cup of coffee and I’ll tell you what you need to know?
Oh, great, thank you, I’ll see you at one
Cut to: Shot of the “Hudson University, School of Medicine” sign
13. EXT. Campus grounds. DAY.
(Tru walks towards the building, on her cellphone)
Hey Harry, it’s me
That’s so weird. I was just about to call you
Cut to: TRU
I know. That’s why I called you first
Oh, got it. One of those days. All right. What do I need to know?
Just try to act surprised when Dad offers you a job
A job? Really? Well, did I take it?
Cut to: TRU
No, you turned it down. But let the old man down easy, because he took it pretty hard
Well see that’s great Tru, ‘cause they love me at this job
Cut to: TRU
Yeah well, maybe not for long
Cut to: HARRISON (gloomily)
What did I do?
Cut to: TRU
Look, your van got stolen while you were at lunch. The day rewound before I had a chance to talk to you again, my advice is, just move the van
All right, consider it moved
(Tru hangs up and enters her classroom. Everyone is already in their seats)
Miss Davies, good of you to join us
Yeah, I’m really sorry
Miss Davies, just because your coroner friend used his pull at the board to get you into my class doesn’t mean you won’t be held to the same standards as the real students
Real students? I am real student
Okay. Then tell me which artery terminates as a nasopalatine artery?
That would be the maxillary artery. Of course, the nasopalatine itself, ends as the posterior septal branches after it crosses under the surface of the sphenoid. Ballpark?
(Students around her murmur and smile)
Yes. That’s right. That’s absolutely right
Cut to: Shot of the Harbor Patrol boat out on the waters
14. EXT. Harbor. DAY.
(Kate and Matt are still on the boat)
There’s nothing doing out here today. What do you say we head back?
(Kate looks around, and notices a kayaker in his boat. He spins to the left and capsizes)
What’s that?
Hold on, give him a second
(They wait. The boat doesn’t move, neither does the man underneath it)
(Matt roars the Patrol boat’s engine towards the kayak)
Come on…
I’m going in
(Kate dives over the side and swims underneath the kayak)
Come on
(Kate resurfaces, holding a man in her arms)
Come on, Kate
(Kate swims back to the boat with the man, and Matt pulls them both up. He lays the man down on the floor of the boat: it’s Jack Harper)
You saved my life
[Fade to Black]
[Flashes of the days images in sequence]
15. EXT. Harbor. DAY.
(Jack has a blanket wrapped around him, back on dry land)
I have no idea what happened, I was just paddling along, the next thing I knew…
Well you’re fine now, everything’s okay
You’re a very lucky man
Don’t I know it
(Kate opens the door at the Harbor Patrol office, and holds it open for Jack)
JACK (cont’d)
16. INT. Harbor Patrol Office. DAY.
The things we take for granted, huh? Never a dull moment
(he groans, clutching his head. When he looks at his fingers, there’s blood there)
Oh, come here, let me see. You must’ve smacked your head when you tipped. Sit down
Oh, thank God you were out there. The last thing I remember is getting in my kayak. Next thing, lights out
You don’t get out on the water much, do you?
What gave it away? (he laughs) Well, the truth is, my sister’s sailing into town tonight, and when the two of us get together, a boat race is inevitable. So I figured I’d polish up on my skills before she got into town. Guess I’m getting a little old to let the competitive spirit get the best of me, huh? Oh, where are my manners? I’m…I’m Jack Harper
Hey, Kate Wilson
Maybe next time you should just let your sister win by forfeit
Well thanks to you there will be a next time
17. EXT. Street. DAY.
(Harrison drives the van up the road and into an empty space at the side of the road. He’s about to cut the engine, when he realises this is probably where he parked yesterday when the van got stolen. He grunts in frustration, and pulls off into the road again.)
18. EXT. Harbor. DAY.
(Kate is on her moored boat. Jack walks down the pier towards her)
Officer Wilson?
Yes, Mr Harper?
Um, here’s the deal. Believe it or not, you’re not the first person who’s saved my life


KATE (walking off the boat onto the pier)
I didn’t save your life
The first person was a trauma surgeon in Irvine, California. He pulled a bullet out of my neck and sutured a couple of arteries so I wouldn’t bleed to death
I’m sorry
The point is, by the time I came out of the coma, Dr. Trakk had been transferred back east and I never got the chance to say thank you. Not the right way, anyway. So I swore to myself that if I was ever unlucky enough to need someone to save my life again, I would find a way to express my gratitude properly
KATE (smiling)
Your kayak flipped. Chances are you would’ve pulled yourself out if I hadn’t come along
Well at least let me buy you lunch
KATE (laughs)
(she hesitates, he smiles at her)
Let me get my things together and…you can wait a moment?
I got nothing but time
(Kate walks back onto the boat. Tru comes walking down the pier)
(she notices Jack and glares at him)
Oh, hi, Tru
You ready for that cup of coffee?
Oh, damn. I’m sorry, it completely slipped my mind. I just made lunch plans with Mr. Harper
JACK (holding his hand out to Tru)
Hi. Jack Harper. Office Wilson just fished me out of the Bay
TRU (shaking his hand)
What a shame
Tru’s interested in joining the Harbor Patrol
Ah, bored with your day job?
No, just looking for some new challenges
Oh, I see. Competition at work’s not to your liking
Its fine, it’s just not as good as it thinks it is
KATE (climbing off the boat with her bag and jacket)
Look, Tru, um, why don’t we just reschedule? I can meet you any morning next week if you like
No, we can’t
We can’t?
I don’t mean to be pushy, but this entrance exam is next week, and we really need to talk
And we will, just not right now
Kate, really, this is so much more complicated than you think
Officer Wilson, if this lady’s bothering you, I could call someone and…
Thanks, I’m fine. Listen, I don’t know what your deal is. But why don’t you do us both a favour and just find someone else to help you.
(Jack smiles at Tru triumphantly)
KATE (cont’d, to Jack)
I’m just gonna put my things away. I’ll meet you in the office?
(Kate walks away. Jack turns to Tru)
JACK (cont’d)
Ah. The eager recruit. A classic. Too bad it’s not gonna work
Too bad she didn’t let you drown
JACK (laughing)
You know, I missed this Tru. I really did. You can be so entertaining when you’re losing
You haven’t won anything yet
No, I haven’t. But the beauty of my job is I don’t have to change anything. I merely have to prevent you from changing anything. And from where I sit, Kate’s day is right on course
Hmm. Feeling pretty good about yourself right about now?
Yeah, I’m getting there. Anyway, it’s been lovely to see you, Tru. But I’m late for a lunch date, and don’t worry: I’ll make sure Kate’s last meal is a memorable one. No-one should die on an empty stomach
Cut to: Shot of City Morgue
19. INT. Morgue. DAY.
(Davis walks down the corridor, on his cellphone)
The day is very young. There’s no reason you can’t win this one
Cut to: TRU (at the Harbor)
Two hours to go, Davis. Kate died after answering an SOS call at 3:07pm yesterday. So far, I’ve done nothing to change that
Cut to: DAVIS
What’s Jack up to?
Cut to: TRU
Probably his shrimp appetizer. He took Kate to lunch
Cut to: DAVIS
Winning the war of hearts and minds, I see
Cut to: TRU
It’s hard enough to get people to believe they’re in danger. It’s even harder when you have Jack working against you
Cut to: DAVIS
Okay, well if you can’t stop Kate from answering the distress call, then maybe you can stop the distress call itself
Cut to: TRU
Right, there’s no danger if there’s no-one to save
(She looks across at the boats moored by the pier. One is called The Green Hornet)
[Flashback: VICTOR: Some college kids lost control of a boat called The Green Hornet]
Thanks, D, I’m on it. There’s just one thing I need you to do for me
Cut to: DAVIS
Yeah what’s that?
Cut to: TRU
Find a way to ground Kate’s boat
Cut to: DAVIS
What do you mean, ground a police boat?
Cut to: TRU
Yeah we have to cover our bases and stay one step ahead of Jack
Cut to: DAVIS
Well unfortunately, you’re one step ahead of me. You can’t ground a police boat, Tru!
Cut to: TRU
You’ll think of something, I know you will. Okay, bye
(She hangs up the cellphone)
Cut to: DAVIS (to himself)
And people think I’m crazy around here, jeez…
20. EXT. Harbor. DAY.
(Loud rock music is playing onboard The Green Hornet as Tru walks up)
Wow, she’s a beauty. Fibreglass hull, Evinrude engine
Yeah, it’s my father’s. He thinks of it as the son he never had. So, uh, can I help you with something?
Actually, I think I can help you. I’m a volunteer with the Harbor Patrol, and there’s a storm advisory for the Bay, so we’re grounding all recreational crafts
You’re kidding me
I wish I was. Hasn’t exactly made me Miss Popularity today
No, I mean…man, I thought he was nuts
What’s that?
Ah, I’m guessing you’re Tru, right?
Yeah well, some guy paid me a visit this morning, said you might stop by today. And he told me to give you this
(he reaches into his pocket, pulls out a slip of paper and gives it to Tru)
A guy?
(she unfolds the note. It reads: “Been there, done that. Jack”)
Said you might try to ruin my trip. Something about a storm. I thought he was crazy
No, you have to trust me. It’s not safe out there today
If you ask me, with people like you around, the Bay seems like the safest place I could be
(The boat roars away, leaving Tru standing there alone)
[Fade to Black]
[Flashes of the day’s images in sequence]
21. EXT. Street. DAY.
(Harrison’s cellphone rings as he walks along the street)
Hey, this is Harrison
(he listens to the person on the other end and his face falls)
Stolen? What?! You’re kidding!
Cut to: Shot of the City Morgue
22. INT. Morgue. DAY.
(Davis paces the room, alone)
Ground a police boat…ground a police boat…okay…
(he picks up the telephone, dials, and clears his throat)
Hi, this is Admiral McNulty at the Fifth Fleet. I was pulling into port today, I couldn’t help but notice a vessel, starboard side…
(he looks up and notices Dr. Carrie Allen standing in the doorway. He covers the telephone, fumbles with it, almost dropping it)
Can I help you?
Yeah. I’m Dr. Allen, Tom Jordan’s replacement?
Oh God…my psych evaluation
(to the phone) Can you…can you hold on a second?
Yeah, you’re about a half an hour late…so I decided to come down and see what was keeping you, and now I know. You were making phony phone calls
Oh it’s not…it’s uh…it’s not what you think it is
Really? Why don’t you go ahead and explain it to me then…Admiral?
It’s a funny story actually….the…well, maybe it’s not that funny, it’s…
The good news, Doctor? I don’t think you’ll be needing that psych evaluation after all. ‘Cause I’m thinking that I have all the answers that I need
(She turns and walks away. Davis puts his head in his hands and puts the receiver back to his ear)
Hello? Yeah, I’m still here…
Cut to: Shot of the Harbor, camera moves around until it settles on Kate and Jack
23. EXT. Harbor. DAY.
Thanks again for lunch
Thanks again for saving my life
Hey I know this might sound a little forward but, I’m free tonight, and there’s this street festival downtown that’s supposed to be a ton of fun
(Jack hesitates, Kate laughs)
KATE (cont’d)
I know that look. You’re flattered, but you already have a girl who wouldn’t appreciate me asking you out
You’re right, I do have a girl. My sister – she’s sailing into town tonight, and we have a lot of catching up to do
Sure, right, anyway it’s none of my business, so…
But…I am free all day tomorrow
Great, me too
(they smile at each other, and are interrupted by Matt, who’s already on the patrol boat down the pier)
Kate! Come on, let’s go
Uh, but you should probably leave, because if they see me loafing anymore, they’ll dry-dock me and I won’t be able to make any rescues
Right. Well, we wouldn’t want that
See you tomorrow
Tomorrow, right
(Kate walks towards the pier, and Jack turns and walks the other way)
Cut to Tru, waiting at the pier
24. EXT. Harbor. DAY.
Kate, hi
Tru, we are way past amusing here
You have to listen to me. It’s not safe for you out there today
Look, maybe this job isn’t for you, but it’s what I do. I save people in need
Like Jack Harper?
Yeah, exactly
Well, things aren’t always as they seem, Kate
What? Are you saying I didn’t save Jack?
I’m saying things can be deceiving. Like right now the water’s calm but that can change so quickly, you know that
So a storm can come on without warning. A white squall, or…
A white squall? Tru, you’ve been watching too many movies. And in case you haven’t noticed, the weather’s beautiful. We haven’t had a distress call since this morning
(Tru glances at the clock on the board behind Kate. It is 3:07pm)
[Flashback: TRU: “Responded to an SOS call at 3:07pm”]
HANK (on Kate’s radio)
Mayday, mayday! This is the Green Hornet, our location…we’re just past the drilling platform, we’re taking on water, we’re in trouble out here
This is Harbor Patrol, we’re on our way
Kate…Kate, wait!
Nothing is gonna happen to me, and don’t tell me again that today is different
But it is! Let me come with you
Should I answer that, or is laughter enough?
Come on, let’s go
Kate, I know what it’s like to wanna save people, but we can’t save everyone
Well maybe you can’t, but I can
(she zips up her jacket and the boat roars off, sirens wailing)
25. EXT. Harbor. DAY.
(The patrol boat is zooming across the water looking for the Green Hornet)
MATT (on the radio)
Green Hornet, this is Harbor Patrol, please restate your position
HANK (over the radio, very crackly)
We’re just past the drilling platform, please hurry, the engine’s dead!
Green Hornet, can you hear me?
(no answer)
Green Hornet?
(still nothing)
Damn it!
KATE (staring out into the Bay)
Oh my God…
What the hell is that?
She was right
(Kate and Matt stare out into the storm that’s rapidly approaching)
We can’t go into that. We won’t come out
We have to, they need us. We have to
COAST GUARD (over radio)
Harbor Patrol, this is the Coast Guard. We’ve spotted the vessel, we’ve got a towline in her. We’re bringing her in, over
Coast Guard, this is Harbor Patrol, do you need additional assistance? Over
COAST GUARD (over radio)
It’s under control. Got a tip from Admiral McNulty, Fifth Fleet. Didn’t even know there was a Fifth Fleet. Over
Let’s get the hell out of here
(he turns the boat around)
26. EXT. Harbor. DAY.
(Kate and Matt bring the boat back to shore, Tru meets them)
You’re okay
Coast Guard took the call. Someone called in a tip
Good one, Davis
You know, I’m not quite sure what you’re all about, but I trust you’re gonna leave me alone now?
(she walks away, smiling)
Who says I can’t save everyone?
27. EXT. Street. DAY.
(Tru waits outside 111 Grand, on her cellphone)
DAVIS (v.o.)
Nice call on the coast guard. I didn’t think they had jurisdiction that far inland
Cut to: DAVIS at the morgue
They don’t, I was very convincing
Cut to: TRU
What time do you have?
Cut to: DAVIS
4:15. Tru?
Cut to: TRU
Cut to: DAVIS
Kate is safe. You averted her death, you did all you were supposed to do
Cut to: TRU
Davis, the rules have changed. Jack is back. Until I have him in my sights, I can’t trust that I’ve won. He has to be here. Jack saved this little girl yesterday at exactly 4:16. If his job really is to preserve fate, then he has to save her again today
Cut to: DAVIS
Oh that’s right, because in Jack’s worldview, letting someone die who was meant to live, is just as bad as letting someone live who was meant to die
Cut to: TRU
Well let’s hope he’s as good at his job as he thinks he is
(she notices the little girl walking across the street in front of her)
Okay Davis, it’s show time
(The truck is coming round the corner. Tru watches the little girl approach the steps. The truck driver is looking at his cellphone as he approaches the steps, and then moves past them. Tru looks at the steps, confused: the little girl is only just walking down them)
Hey! Your skateboard…you don’t have it
Some guy just bought it from me for $50!
(she proudly holds up the notes before walking away)
28. EXT. Harbor Patrol Office. NIGHT.
(Jack knocks on the door. It’s raining hard and he’s soaked. Kate answers)
Sorry for being so pushy, but…just couldn’t stay away
[Fade to Black]
[Flashes of the day’s images in sequence]
29. INT. Harbor Patrol Office. NIGHT.
It’s really starting to come down out there
I thought you had plans tonight?
I did, but my sister called, she’s running late, so looks like I’m free
That’s funny, so am I. I asked some guy out this afternoon but he said no
Now, what kind of fool would do that?
KATE (laughing)
Okay, listen, I get off shift in about ten minutes, if you think you can wait?
You bet
MALE VOICE (through the radio)
Mayday, mayday, this is a fishing vessel Cloud One
(to Jack) Excuse me
(to the radio) This is Harbor Patrol, Cloud One. Please state the position and nature of your emergency, over
MAN (on radio)
There’s a boat, it’s out in the storm, it’s flipping

 Camera shot of Jack, looking very satisfied

Cloud One, please state your position, over
MAN (on radio)
Just past the sea buoy at the mouth of the Bay
And the boat, can you identify it?
MAN (on radio)
No…wait, it’s The Jezebel, that’s what it’s called
Did he say The Jezebel? No, that’s the boat my sister’s sailing in on tonight. I just talked to her, she said they were running late but everything was fine
MAN (on radio)
Harbor Patrol, there’s a girl, she’s overboard, she’s in the water
Harbor Patrol’s responding
It’s my job, Jack
(she runs out of the office. The telephone rings. Jack answers it)
Harbor Patrol
Cut to: TRU in her car
How did I know you were gonna answer the phone?
Cut to: JACK
How did I know you’d be calling?
Cut to: TRU
What did you say? What did you say to get her back out there?
Cut to: JACK
She’s saving my sister, Tru
Cut to: TRU
Your sister’s dead
Cut to: JACK
Cut to: TRU
Kate Wilson was fated to die this afternoon Jack, and I saved her
Cut to: JACK
Yes. Yes, you did, but the day is not over yet, and therefore my window of window of opportunity is still open
(he peers through the blind at the window. Kate is getting into her boat)
And luckily for me, this storm just keeps getting worse
TRU (v.o.)
Kate helps people, Jack. She saves lives
Good people have to die too, Tru. You know that as well as I
Cut to: TRU
You say you’re not a killer. Well, what the hell do you call what you’re doing?
Cut to: JACK
My job.
(he snaps the blind shut)
Later, Tru
30. INT. Tru’s car. NIGHT.
(Tru hangs up Jack’s call, and her cell rings again)
Really not a good time, Harry
Cut to: HARRISON (walking along a street in the pouring rain)
But you will not believe what happened
Cut to: TRU
They stole the van again?
Oh, no. Not that. That’s not the problem. You see apparently, the Gerber Brothers, they run some sort of scam. Yeah, they boost their own van and they collect the insurance money. Yeah, I parked it in a secured lot and it almost screwed up the whole thing. You know, here I thought I was living a clean life, but no. No, I’ve been working for crooks the entire time!
Cut to: TRU
I’m sorry Harry, but I’ll call you later
Yeah, yeah
(Tru hangs up, and puts her foot down on the gas pedal)
31. EXT. Harbor. NIGHT.
(Jack walks up to Kate, who’s about to set off)
Don’t worry, she’s gonna be fine. This is what I do
(she kisses him)
I’m sorry, that…I’ve been wanting to do that all day
We’ll have dinner another time
(Kate gets onto the boat and starts the engine. Jack’s cellphone rings. He answers it as the boat roars off)
Is everything back on track?
I almost thought you really saw a boat out there, Richard. I’m impressed
Cut to: RICHARD, sitting in the back of a car
I’m glad to be of help Jack, but next time? Do it yourself
Cut to: Jack. He hangs up the phone, and walks back up towards the Harbor Patrol Office. The camera moves across to show Tru, hiding behind a sign post. She waits until he is out of sight, then she walks down to the pier. There is a moored boat there
[Flashback: Tru seeing the Eagle One next to the Green Hornet earlier that day. The driver of the Eagle One puts the key in the pocket behind the seat]
32. EXT. Harbor. NIGHT.
(Tru looks in the seat pocket, and pulls the key out. Looking around, she starts the engine and drives the boat out onto the water)
33. EXT. Bay. NIGHT.
(The storm is really bad now, the boat rocks as Kate shines a light onto the water)
KATE (into radio)
Pan-Pan, Pan-Pan this is Harbor Patrol. Pan-Pan, this is Harbor Patrol.
(there is no answer)
Damn it!
(the boat jolts and she drops the flash light. She leans down to retrieve it, just as the wind jolts the boat again, knocking Kate overboard. She inflates her life jacket; the boat drifts away from her)
(the boat drifts further away on the waves. Kate is left floating, helplessly)
34. EXT. Bay. NIGHT.
(Tru shines a light onto the water, trying to find Kate. She spots the Harbor Patrol boat: it’s empty. She shines the light onto the water, and the beam falls upon Kate in a yellow life jacket)
(she manoeuvres the boat closer)
Kate, hang on, I’m coming! Hang on, Kate…
(the boat moves level with Kate: Tru leans over and grabs her)
I’ve got you. Just hold on Kate, I’ve got you
(She starts pulling her into the boat)
Come on. Come on, Kate, it’s okay
(Kate opens her eyes as Tru pulls her into the boat, she is shivering uncontrollably)
You’re okay. You’re gonna be okay
Thank you
Here…you’re all right
35. INT. Morgue. NIGHT.
(Davis steps into the elevator, just as Carrie steps out)
Uh, Doctor?


DAVIS (stepping out of the elevator again)
Hi. I was just getting ready to go upstairs to apologise. I’m sorry about what happened in there
Really? I was just on my way down to tell you not to bother. I spent the evening going through your file, Doctor
Oh boy, my file…
And you know what I found? Glowing personnel reviews, meritorious raises, and commendations from everybody from the Mayor to the Chief of Police
My file?
So what I’m saying is, Doctor, if you feel the need to do crazy things every now and again, to blow off steam, well…maybe somebody has to be a little bit crazy to work here in the first place. I’m saying I think the evaluation can wait
And I don’t think that we’ve been properly introduced. Hi. I’m Doctor Carrie Allen
(she smiles and holds out her hand. Davis shakes it)
I’m Davis. Pleased to make your acquaintance
Cut to: Shot of “Josephina’s Restaurant”
36. INT. Restaurant. NIGHT.
I am so glad you changed your mind. It’s gonna be great working together
Yes. It’ll be great to make an honest living
(they clink glasses and drink)
Listen, maybe this job is gonna give us…I don’t know…a chance to make up for lost time, for my mistakes. There is still a lot we can learn from each other
About each other (he chuckles)
Wouldn’t it be ironic if you and I were a lot more alike than people thought?
(Harrison finishes his drink)
RICHARD (cont’d)
No, I’m gonna get out of here. I wanna be fresh, and impress that new boss
(they stand and embrace each other)
HARRISON (cont’d)
See you tomorrow
(Harrison leaves. Richard walks over to the bar area)
You got sloppy today
JACK (nursing a whisky)
Thanks, Coach
Oh don’t take it so hard, I told you she was good
Well at least one of us won today. Harrison?
Signed and sealed, starts tomorrow
You gonna tell him?
In time. I just told him I’m proud of him, so one bombshell at a time
He’s a good kid. He’ll be an asset, but…he does love his sister, and that bond is stronger than you think
So is the bond between father and son. Night, Jack. Get some rest. Apparently you’ll be needing it
37. INT. Morgue. NIGHT.
I thought I heard you come in
I beat him, Davis. I beat Jack. Saved Kate, gave fate what it wanted. So why doesn’t it feel like enough?
Because it wasn’t Luc
Is that how it goes? I save strangers, but I lose the people I love?
But Tru…
I’m sorry, I’m fine, really. Just a momentary lapse of…
Anyway, it’s late. I’d better go. Goodnight Davis
Goodnight. Oh, by the way: what did Jack say when he realized that you beat him?
Don’t know. But I wish I could have been there
38. EXT. Street. NIGHT.
(Jack walks to his parked car. There’s a note on the windscreen. He unfolds it. It reads: “Been there, saved that. Tru)
39. EXT. Street. NIGHT.
(Tru walks home, smiling)

 [Fade to Black]

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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Avant-hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Avant-hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Hier à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

Viens chatter !